public void destroyContainer(Container container, boolean force) { assertValid(); String containerId = container.getId();"Destroying container {}", containerId); boolean destroyed = false; try { ContainerProvider provider = getProvider(container, true); if (provider != null) { try { provider.stop(container); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore error while stopping and try to destroy. } provider.destroy(container); destroyed = true; } } finally { try { if (destroyed || force) { portService.get().unregisterPort(container); getDataStore().deleteContainer(container.getId()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "Failed to cleanup container {} entries due to: {}. This will be ignored.", containerId, e.getMessage()); } } }
protected String getDockerContainerId(Container container) { CreateDockerContainerMetadata containerMetadata = getContainerMetadata(container); if (containerMetadata != null) { return containerMetadata.getId(); } return container.getId(); }
public T container(final Container container) { this.container = container; if (container != null) { id(container.getId()); } return (T) this; }
@Override public ChildContainerController getControllerForContainer(Container container) { Installation installation = getProcessManager().getInstallation(container.getId()); ChildContainerController answer = null; if (installation != null) { answer = createProcessManagerController(); } return answer; }
private int getCompletedExchangesCount(final Container c) { String response = new AnsiString( executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + c.getId() + " camel:route-info fabric-client | grep \"Exchanges Completed\"")) .getPlain() .toString(); System.out.println(response); return Integer.parseInt(response.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); }
@Override public String profileWebAppURL(String webAppId, String profileId, String versionId) { if (versionId == null || versionId.length() == 0) { Version version = getDefaultVersion(); if (version != null) { versionId = version.getId(); } } List<Container> containers = Containers.containersForProfile(getContainers(), profileId, versionId); for (Container container : containers) { String url = containerWebAppURL(webAppId, container.getId()); if (url != null && url.length() > 0) { return url; } } return null; }
private ContainerProvider getProvider(Container container, boolean returnNull) { CreateContainerMetadata metadata = container.getMetadata(); String type = metadata != null ? metadata.getCreateOptions().getProviderType() : null; if (type == null) { if (returnNull) { return null; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Container " + container.getId() + " has not been created using Fabric"); } ContainerProvider provider = getProvider(type); if (provider == null) { if (returnNull) { return null; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Container provider " + type + " not supported"); } return provider; }
@Test public void testRegistryEntries() throws Exception { int startingPort = 9090; System.err.println(executeCommand("fabric:create -n root")); CuratorFramework curator = getCurator(); // Wait for zookeeper service to become available. System.err.println( executeCommand("fabric:profile-create --parents feature-camel fabric-camel")); System.err.println( executeCommand("fabric:profile-create --parents fabric-camel fabric-camel-server")); System.err.println( executeCommand("fabric:profile-create --parents fabric-camel fabric-camel-client")); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:profile-edit --repositories mvn:org.fusesource.examples.fabric-camel-cluster/features/" + System.getProperty("fabric.version") + "/xml/features fabric-camel")); System.err.println( executeCommand("fabric:profile-edit --features camel-server fabric-camel-server")); executeCommand("fabric:profile-edit --features camel-client fabric-camel-client"); Set<Container> containers = ContainerBuilder.create(3) .withName("fabric-camel") .withProfiles("fabric-camel") .assertProvisioningResult() .build(); // We will use the first container as a client and the rest as servers. Container camelClientContainer = containers.iterator().next(); containers.remove(camelClientContainer); Set<Container> camelServerContainers = new LinkedHashSet<Container>(containers); int index = 1; for (Container c : camelServerContainers) { setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(c.getId()), "changing"); executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + camelClientContainer.getId() + " log:set DEBUG"); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:profile-create --parents fabric-camel-server fabric-camel-server-" + index)); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.examples.camel.loadbalancing.server/portNumber=" + (startingPort++) + " fabric-camel-server-" + index)); System.err.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-display fabric-camel-server-" + index)); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:container-change-profile " + c.getId() + " fabric-camel-server-" + (index++))); } Provision.provisioningSuccess(camelServerContainers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT); setData( curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(camelClientContainer.getId()), "changing"); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:container-change-profile " + camelClientContainer.getId() + " fabric-camel-client")); Provision.provisioningSuccess( Arrays.asList(new Container[] {camelClientContainer}), PROVISION_TIMEOUT); System.err.println(executeCommand("fabric:container-list")); System.err.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-display --overlay fabric-camel-server")); // Check that the entries have been properly propagated. Assert.assertNotNull(exists(curator, "/fabric/registry/camel/endpoints/")); Assert.assertEquals(1, getChildren(curator, "/fabric/registry/camel/endpoints/").size()); Thread.sleep(5000); System.err.println( executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + camelClientContainer.getId() + " camel:route-list")); String response = new AnsiString( executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + camelClientContainer.getId() + " camel:route-info fabric-client | grep Failed")) .getPlain() .toString(); System.err.println(response); int failed = Integer.parseInt(response.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); Assert.assertEquals("Failed exchanges found on client", 0, failed); // We want to kill all but one server, so we take out the first and keep it to the end. Container lastActiveServerContainer = camelServerContainers.iterator().next(); camelServerContainers.remove(lastActiveServerContainer); for (Container c : camelServerContainers) { c.destroy(); Thread.sleep(25000); response = new AnsiString( executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + camelClientContainer.getId() + " camel:route-info fabric-client | grep Failed")) .getPlain() .toString(); System.err.println(response); failed = Integer.parseInt(response.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); Assert.assertEquals( "Failed exchanges found after container:" + c.getId() + " shut down", 0, failed); } }
@Test public void testRegistryEntries() throws Exception { System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:create -n root")); System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-list")); ServiceProxy<FabricService> fabricProxy = ServiceProxy.createServiceProxy(bundleContext, FabricService.class); try { FabricService fabricService = fabricProxy.getService(); CuratorFramework curator = fabricService.adapt(CuratorFramework.class); Set<ContainerProxy> containers = ContainerBuilder.create(fabricProxy, 3) .withName("fabric-camel") .withProfiles("feature-camel") .assertProvisioningResult() .build(); try { // We will use the first container as a client and the rest as servers. LinkedList<Container> containerList = new LinkedList<Container>(containers); Container client = containerList.removeLast(); LinkedList<Container> servers = new LinkedList<Container>(containerList); for (Container c : servers) { Profile p = c.getVersion().getProfile("example-camel-cluster.server"); c.setProfiles(new Profile[] {p}); } Provision.provisioningSuccess(servers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT); Profile p = client.getVersion().getProfile("example-camel-cluster.client"); client.setProfiles(new Profile[] {p}); Provision.provisioningSuccess(Arrays.asList(new Container[] {client}), PROVISION_TIMEOUT); System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:container-list")); System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-display --overlay fabric-camel-server")); // Check that the entries have been properly propagated. Assert.assertNotNull(exists(curator, "/fabric/registry/camel/endpoints")); Assert.assertEquals(1, getChildren(curator, "/fabric/registry/camel/endpoints").size()); Assert.assertTrue( Provision.waitForCondition( Arrays.asList(client), new ContainerCondition() { @Override public Boolean checkConditionOnContainer(final Container c) { return getCompletedExchangesCount(c) > 0; } }, 60000L)); // We want to kill all but one server, so we take out the first and keep it to the end. Container lastActiveServerContainer = servers.removeLast(); for (Container c : servers) { try { c.destroy(true); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore. } // Get the number of exchanges completed before we kill the server. final int completed = getCompletedExchangesCount(client); // Ensure that we still have messages flowing Assert.assertTrue( Provision.waitForCondition( Arrays.asList(client), new ContainerCondition() { @Override public Boolean checkConditionOnContainer(final Container c) { return getCompletedExchangesCount(c) > completed + 3; } }, 60000L)); } System.out.println( new AnsiString( executeCommand( "fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + client.getId() + " camel:route-info fabric-client")) .getPlain() .toString()); } finally { ContainerBuilder.destroy(containers); } } finally { fabricProxy.close(); } }
public void stopContainer(Container container, boolean force) { assertValid();"Stopping container {}", container.getId()); ContainerProvider provider = getProvider(container); provider.stop(container); }