Exemple #1
  private void check(final Image real, final Image imag, final Axes axes) {

    messenger.log("Real input image of type " + real.type());
    messenger.log("Imaginary input image of type " + imag.type());

    final Dimensions rdims = real.dimensions();
    final Dimensions idims = imag.dimensions();

    if (!rdims.equals(idims))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary images have different dimensions");
    if (axes.x && !FMath.power2(rdims.x))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary x-size not a power of 2");
    if (axes.y && !FMath.power2(rdims.y))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary y-size not a power of 2");
    if (axes.z && !FMath.power2(rdims.z))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary z-size not a power of 2");
    if (axes.t && !FMath.power2(rdims.t))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary t-size not a power of 2");
    if (axes.c && !FMath.power2(rdims.c))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Real and imaginary c-size not a power of 2");
Exemple #2
  public Image bitmap(final boolean binary) {

    // Initialize bitmap:
    final Bounds bounds = bounds();
    final int minx = FMath.floor(bounds.lower.x);
    final int miny = FMath.floor(bounds.lower.y);
    final int xdim = 1 + FMath.floor(bounds.upper.x) - minx;
    final int ydim = 1 + FMath.floor(bounds.upper.y) - miny;
    final ByteImage bitmap = new ByteImage(new Dimensions(xdim, ydim));

    if (major > 0 && minor > 0) {
      // Fill interior elements:
      final double sina = Math.sin(angle);
      final double cosa = Math.cos(angle);
      final double major2 = major * major;
      final double minor2 = minor * minor;
      final double xc = x - minx - 0.5;
      final double yc = y - miny - 0.5;
      final Coordinates c = new Coordinates();
      final double[] row = new double[xdim];
      for (int j = 0; j < ydim; ++j, ++c.y) {
        final double dy = j - yc;
        final double sinady = sina * dy;
        final double cosady = cosa * dy;
        for (int i = 0; i < xdim; ++i) {
          final double dx = i - xc;
          final double dxr = cosa * dx + sinady;
          final double dyr = cosady - sina * dx;
          if (dxr * dxr / major2 + dyr * dyr / minor2 <= 1) row[i] = 255;
          else row[i] = 0;
        bitmap.set(c, row);
      // Fill contour elements:
      if (!binary) {
        final int contoursteps = FMath.ceil(CONTOUR_RESOLUTION * perimeter());
        final double contouranglestep = 2 * Math.PI / contoursteps;
        final double[] samplesites = new double[CONTOUR_RESOLUTION];
        for (int i = 0; i < CONTOUR_RESOLUTION; ++i)
          samplesites[i] = (i + 1.0) / (CONTOUR_RESOLUTION + 1.0);
        final double samplesites2 = CONTOUR_RESOLUTION * CONTOUR_RESOLUTION;
        final Coordinates pc = new Coordinates(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        final Coordinates cc = new Coordinates();
        final Coordinates bc = new Coordinates();
        for (int i = 0; i < contoursteps; ++i) {
          final double contourangle = contouranglestep * i;
          final double cx = major * Math.cos(contourangle);
          final double cy = minor * Math.sin(contourangle);
          cc.x = FMath.floor(x + cosa * cx - sina * cy);
          cc.y = FMath.floor(y + sina * cx + cosa * cy);
          if (cc.x != pc.x || cc.y != pc.y) {
            int hits = 0;
            for (int yi = 0; yi < CONTOUR_RESOLUTION; ++yi) {
              final double dy = cc.y + samplesites[yi] - y;
              for (int xi = 0; xi < CONTOUR_RESOLUTION; ++xi) {
                final double dx = cc.x + samplesites[xi] - x;
                final double dxr = cosa * dx + sina * dy;
                final double dyr = cosa * dy - sina * dx;
                if (dxr * dxr / major2 + dyr * dyr / minor2 <= 1) ++hits;
            bc.x = cc.x - minx;
            bc.y = cc.y - miny;
            bitmap.set(bc, 255 * hits / samplesites2);
            pc.x = cc.x;
            pc.y = cc.y;

    return bitmap;