  * Zooms out by making the source rectangle (srcRect) larger and centering it on (x,y). If we
  * can't make it larger, then make the window smaller.
 public void zoomOut(int x, int y) {
   if (magnification <= 0.03125) return;
   double oldMag = magnification;
   double newMag = getLowerZoomLevel(magnification);
   double srcRatio = (double) srcRect.width / srcRect.height;
   double imageRatio = (double) imageWidth / imageHeight;
   double initialMag = imp.getWindow().getInitialMagnification();
   if (Math.abs(srcRatio - imageRatio) > 0.05) {
     double scale = oldMag / newMag;
     int newSrcWidth = (int) Math.round(srcRect.width * scale);
     int newSrcHeight = (int) Math.round(srcRect.height * scale);
     if (newSrcWidth > imageWidth) newSrcWidth = imageWidth;
     if (newSrcHeight > imageHeight) newSrcHeight = imageHeight;
     int newSrcX = srcRect.x - (newSrcWidth - srcRect.width) / 2;
     int newSrcY = srcRect.y - (newSrcHeight - srcRect.height) / 2;
     if (newSrcX < 0) newSrcX = 0;
     if (newSrcY < 0) newSrcY = 0;
     srcRect = new Rectangle(newSrcX, newSrcY, newSrcWidth, newSrcHeight);
     // IJ.log(newMag+" "+srcRect+" "+dstWidth+" "+dstHeight);
     int newDstWidth = (int) (srcRect.width * newMag);
     int newDstHeight = (int) (srcRect.height * newMag);
     // IJ.log(newDstWidth+" "+dstWidth+" "+newDstHeight+" "+dstHeight);
     if (newDstWidth < dstWidth || newDstHeight < dstHeight) {
       // IJ.log("pack");
       setDrawingSize(newDstWidth, newDstHeight);
     } else repaint();
   if (imageWidth * newMag > dstWidth) {
     int w = (int) Math.round(dstWidth / newMag);
     if (w * newMag < dstWidth) w++;
     int h = (int) Math.round(dstHeight / newMag);
     if (h * newMag < dstHeight) h++;
     x = offScreenX(x);
     y = offScreenY(y);
     Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h);
     if (r.x < 0) r.x = 0;
     if (r.y < 0) r.y = 0;
     if (r.x + w > imageWidth) r.x = imageWidth - w;
     if (r.y + h > imageHeight) r.y = imageHeight - h;
     srcRect = r;
   } else {
     srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
     setDrawingSize((int) (imageWidth * newMag), (int) (imageHeight * newMag));
     // setDrawingSize(dstWidth/2, dstHeight/2);
   // IJ.write(newMag + " " + srcRect.x+" "+srcRect.y+" "+srcRect.width+" "+srcRect.height+"
   // "+dstWidth + " " + dstHeight);
   // IJ.write(srcRect.x + " " + srcRect.width + " " + dstWidth);
 /** Implements the Image/Zoom/Original Scale command. */
 public void unzoom() {
   double imag = imp.getWindow().getInitialMagnification();
   if (magnification == imag) return;
   srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   setDrawingSize((int) (imageWidth * imag), (int) (imageHeight * imag));
 /** Enlarge the canvas if the user enlarges the window. */
 void resizeCanvas(int width, int height) {
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   // IJ.log("resizeCanvas: "+srcRect+" "+imageWidth+"  "+imageHeight+" "+width+"  "+height+"
   // "+dstWidth+"  "+dstHeight+" "+win.maxBounds);
   if (!maxBoundsReset
       && (width > dstWidth || height > dstHeight)
       && win != null
       && win.maxBounds != null
       && width != win.maxBounds.width - 10) {
     if (resetMaxBoundsCount != 0)
       resetMaxBounds(); // Works around problem that prevented window from being larger than
                         // maximized size
   if (IJ.altKeyDown()) {
   if (srcRect.width < imageWidth || srcRect.height < imageHeight) {
     if (width > imageWidth * magnification) width = (int) (imageWidth * magnification);
     if (height > imageHeight * magnification) height = (int) (imageHeight * magnification);
     setDrawingSize(width, height);
     srcRect.width = (int) (dstWidth / magnification);
     srcRect.height = (int) (dstHeight / magnification);
     if ((srcRect.x + srcRect.width) > imageWidth) srcRect.x = imageWidth - srcRect.width;
     if ((srcRect.y + srcRect.height) > imageHeight) srcRect.y = imageHeight - srcRect.height;
   // IJ.log("resizeCanvas2: "+srcRect+" "+dstWidth+"  "+dstHeight+" "+width+"  "+height);
 void resetMaxBounds() {
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - win.setMaxBoundsTime) > 500L) {
     maxBoundsReset = true;
 /** Sets the cursor based on the current tool and cursor location. */
 public void setCursor(int sx, int sy, int ox, int oy) {
   xMouse = ox;
   yMouse = oy;
   mouseExited = false;
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win == null) return;
   if (IJ.spaceBarDown()) {
   int id = Toolbar.getToolId();
   switch (Toolbar.getToolId()) {
     case Toolbar.MAGNIFIER:
     case Toolbar.HAND:
     default: // selection tool
       if (id == Toolbar.SPARE1 || id >= Toolbar.SPARE2) {
         if (Prefs.usePointerCursor) setCursor(defaultCursor);
         else setCursor(crosshairCursor);
       } else if (roi != null && roi.getState() != roi.CONSTRUCTING && roi.isHandle(sx, sy) >= 0)
       else if (Prefs.usePointerCursor
           || (roi != null && roi.getState() != roi.CONSTRUCTING && roi.contains(ox, oy)))
       else setCursor(crosshairCursor);
 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
   // if (ij==null) return;
   int sx = e.getX();
   int sy = e.getY();
   int ox = offScreenX(sx);
   int oy = offScreenY(sy);
   flags = e.getModifiers();
   setCursor(sx, sy, ox, oy);
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   if (roi != null
       && (roi.getType() == Roi.POLYGON
           || roi.getType() == Roi.POLYLINE
           || roi.getType() == Roi.ANGLE)
       && roi.getState() == roi.CONSTRUCTING) {
     PolygonRoi pRoi = (PolygonRoi) roi;
     pRoi.handleMouseMove(ox, oy);
   } else {
     if (ox < imageWidth && oy < imageHeight) {
       ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
       // Cursor must move at least 12 pixels before text
       // displayed using IJ.showStatus() is overwritten.
       if ((sx - sx2) * (sx - sx2) + (sy - sy2) * (sy - sy2) > 144) showCursorStatus = true;
       if (win != null && showCursorStatus) win.mouseMoved(ox, oy);
     } else IJ.showStatus("");
 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
   // autoScroll(e);
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win != null) setCursor(defaultCursor);
   mouseExited = true;
 void setMaxBounds() {
   if (maxBoundsReset) {
     maxBoundsReset = false;
     ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
     if (win != null && !IJ.isLinux() && win.maxBounds != null) {
       win.setMaxBoundsTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Exemple #9
 void abortPluginOrMacro(ImagePlus imp) {
   if (imp != null) {
     ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
     if (win != null) {
       win.running = false;
       win.running2 = false;
   if (Interpreter.getInstance() != null) IJ.beep();
Exemple #10
 private boolean ignoreArrowKeys(ImagePlus imp) {
   Frame frame = WindowManager.getFrontWindow();
   String title = frame.getTitle();
   if (title != null && title.equals("ROI Manager")) return true;
   // Control Panel?
   if (frame != null && frame instanceof javax.swing.JFrame) return true;
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   // LOCI Data Browser window?
   if (imp.getStackSize() > 1 && win != null && win.getClass().getName().startsWith("loci"))
     return true;
   return false;
  * Zooms in by making the window bigger. If it can't be made bigger, then make the source
  * rectangle (srcRect) smaller and center it at (sx,sy). Note that sx and sy are screen
  * coordinates.
 public void zoomIn(int sx, int sy) {
   if (magnification >= 32) return;
   double newMag = getHigherZoomLevel(magnification);
   int newWidth = (int) (imageWidth * newMag);
   int newHeight = (int) (imageHeight * newMag);
   Dimension newSize = canEnlarge(newWidth, newHeight);
   if (newSize != null) {
     setDrawingSize(newSize.width, newSize.height);
     if (newSize.width != newWidth || newSize.height != newHeight)
       adjustSourceRect(newMag, sx, sy);
     else setMagnification(newMag);
   } else adjustSourceRect(newMag, sx, sy);
   if (srcRect.width < imageWidth || srcRect.height < imageHeight) resetMaxBounds();
 public void fitToWindow() {
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win == null) return;
   Rectangle bounds = win.getBounds();
   Insets insets = win.getInsets();
   int sliderHeight = (win instanceof StackWindow) ? 20 : 0;
   double xmag = (double) (bounds.width - 10) / srcRect.width;
   double ymag = (double) (bounds.height - (10 + insets.top + sliderHeight)) / srcRect.height;
   setMagnification(Math.min(xmag, ymag));
   int width = (int) (imageWidth * magnification);
   int height = (int) (imageHeight * magnification);
   if (width == dstWidth && height == dstHeight) return;
   srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
   setDrawingSize(width, height);
 /** Implements the Image/Zoom/View 100% command. */
 public void zoom100Percent() {
   if (magnification == 1.0) return;
   double imag = imp.getWindow().getInitialMagnification();
   if (magnification != imag) unzoom();
   if (magnification == 1.0) return;
   if (magnification < 1.0) {
     while (magnification < 1.0) zoomIn(imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2);
   } else if (magnification > 1.0) {
     while (magnification > 1.0) zoomOut(imageWidth / 2, imageHeight / 2);
   } else return;
   int x = xMouse, y = yMouse;
   if (mouseExited) {
     x = imageWidth / 2;
     y = imageHeight / 2;
   int sx = screenX(x);
   int sy = screenY(y);
   adjustSourceRect(1.0, sx, sy);
 protected Dimension canEnlarge(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
   // if ((flags&Event.CTRL_MASK)!=0 || IJ.controlKeyDown()) return null;
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   if (win == null) return null;
   Rectangle r1 = win.getBounds();
   Insets insets = win.getInsets();
   Point loc = getLocation();
   if (loc.x > insets.left + 5 || loc.y > insets.top + 5) {
     r1.width = newWidth + insets.left + insets.right + 10;
     r1.height = newHeight + insets.top + insets.bottom + 10;
     if (win instanceof StackWindow) r1.height += 20;
   } else {
     r1.width = r1.width - dstWidth + newWidth + 10;
     r1.height = r1.height - dstHeight + newHeight + 10;
   Rectangle max = win.getMaxWindow(r1.x, r1.y);
   boolean fitsHorizontally = r1.x + r1.width < max.x + max.width;
   boolean fitsVertically = r1.y + r1.height < max.y + max.height;
   if (fitsHorizontally && fitsVertically) return new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight);
   else if (fitsVertically && newHeight < dstWidth) return new Dimension(dstWidth, newHeight);
   else if (fitsHorizontally && newWidth < dstHeight) return new Dimension(newWidth, dstHeight);
   else return null;
  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    // if (ij==null) return;
    showCursorStatus = true;
    int toolID = Toolbar.getToolId();
    ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
    if (win != null && win.running2 && toolID != Toolbar.MAGNIFIER) {
      if (win instanceof StackWindow) ((StackWindow) win).setAnimate(false);
      else win.running2 = false;

    int x = e.getX();
    int y = e.getY();
    flags = e.getModifiers();
    // IJ.log("Mouse pressed: " + e.isPopupTrigger() + "  " + ij.modifiers(flags));
    // if (toolID!=Toolbar.MAGNIFIER && e.isPopupTrigger()) {
    if (toolID != Toolbar.MAGNIFIER
        && (e.isPopupTrigger() || (!IJ.isMacintosh() && (flags & Event.META_MASK) != 0))) {

    int ox = offScreenX(x);
    int oy = offScreenY(y);
    xMouse = ox;
    yMouse = oy;
    if (IJ.spaceBarDown()) {
      // temporarily switch to "hand" tool of space bar down
      setupScroll(ox, oy);
    if (showAllROIs) {
      Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
      if (!(roi != null && (roi.contains(ox, oy) || roi.isHandle(x, y) >= 0))
          && roiManagerSelect(x, y)) return;
    if (customRoi && overlay != null) return;

    switch (toolID) {
      case Toolbar.MAGNIFIER:
        if (IJ.shiftKeyDown()) zoomToSelection(ox, oy);
        else if ((flags & (Event.ALT_MASK | Event.META_MASK | Event.CTRL_MASK)) != 0) {
          // IJ.run("Out");
          zoomOut(x, y);
          if (getMagnification() < 1.0) imp.repaintWindow();
        } else {
          // IJ.run("In");
          zoomIn(x, y);
          if (getMagnification() <= 1.0) imp.repaintWindow();
      case Toolbar.HAND:
        setupScroll(ox, oy);
      case Toolbar.DROPPER:
        setDrawingColor(ox, oy, IJ.altKeyDown());
      case Toolbar.WAND:
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        if (roi != null && roi.contains(ox, oy)) {
          Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
          if (r.width == imageWidth && r.height == imageHeight) imp.killRoi();
          else if (!e.isAltDown()) {
        if (roi != null) {
          int handle = roi.isHandle(x, y);
          if (handle >= 0) {
            roi.mouseDownInHandle(handle, x, y);
        setRoiModState(e, roi, -1);
        String mode = WandToolOptions.getMode();
        double tolerance = WandToolOptions.getTolerance();
        int npoints = IJ.doWand(ox, oy, tolerance, mode);
        if (Recorder.record && npoints > 0) {
          if (tolerance == 0.0 && mode.equals("Legacy")) Recorder.record("doWand", ox, oy);
                "doWand(" + ox + ", " + oy + ", " + tolerance + ", \"" + mode + "\");\n");
      case Toolbar.OVAL:
        if (Toolbar.getBrushSize() > 0) new RoiBrush();
        else handleRoiMouseDown(e);
      case Toolbar.SPARE1:
      case Toolbar.SPARE2:
      case Toolbar.SPARE3:
      case Toolbar.SPARE4:
      case Toolbar.SPARE5:
      case Toolbar.SPARE6:
      case Toolbar.SPARE7:
      case Toolbar.SPARE8:
      case Toolbar.SPARE9:
      default: // selection tool