Exemple #1
 /** Returns an InputStream for the image described by this FileInfo. */
 public InputStream createInputStream(FileInfo fi) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
   InputStream is = null;
   boolean gzip =
       fi.fileName != null && (fi.fileName.endsWith(".gz") || fi.fileName.endsWith(".GZ"));
   if (fi.inputStream != null) is = fi.inputStream;
   else if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) is = new URL(fi.url + fi.fileName).openStream();
   else {
     if (fi.directory.length() > 0 && !fi.directory.endsWith(Prefs.separator))
       fi.directory += Prefs.separator;
     File f = new File(fi.directory + fi.fileName);
     if (gzip) fi.compression = FileInfo.COMPRESSION_UNKNOWN;
     if (f == null || f.isDirectory() || !validateFileInfo(f, fi)) is = null;
     else is = new FileInputStream(f);
   if (is != null) {
     if (fi.compression >= FileInfo.LZW) is = new RandomAccessStream(is);
     else if (gzip) is = new GZIPInputStream(is, 50000);
   return is;
Exemple #2
  * Open a file. If it's a directory, ask to open all images as a sequence in a stack or
  * individually.
 public void openFile(File f) {
   if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("DragAndDrop.openFile: " + f);
   try {
     if (null == f) return;
     String path = f.getCanonicalPath();
     if (f.exists()) {
       if (f.isDirectory()) openDirectory(f, path);
       else {
         if (openAsVirtualStack && (path.endsWith(".tif") || path.endsWith(".TIF")))
           (new FileInfoVirtualStack()).run(path);
         else (new Opener()).openAndAddToRecent(path);
         OpenDialog.setLastDirectory(f.getParent() + File.separator);
     } else {
       IJ.log("File not found: " + path);
   } catch (Throwable e) {
     if (!Macro.MACRO_CANCELED.equals(e.getMessage())) IJ.handleException(e);