  * Fill method for the SiteName field select box
  * @return the {@link ListBoxModel} with all possible {@link JIRASite} names
 public ListBoxModel doFillSiteNameItems() {
   ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();
   for (JIRASite site : JIRABuildResultReportNotifier.DESCRIPTOR.getSites()) {
   return model;
  * Fill method for the IssueType field list box
  * @param siteName the name of the selected {@link JIRASite}
  * @param projectKey the key of the JIRA Project
  * @return the possible values for the list box in a {@link ListBoxModel}
  * @throws FormException in case of communication issues with JIRA
 public ListBoxModel doFillIssueTypeItems(
     @QueryParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + "siteName") String siteName,
     @QueryParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey") String projectKey)
     throws FormException {
   ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(siteName) || StringUtils.isBlank(projectKey)) {
     return model;
   JIRAClient client = null;
   try {
     client = JIRASite.getSite(siteName).createClient();
     for (RemoteIssueType issueType : client.getIssueTypesForProject(projectKey)) {
       model.add(issueType.getName(), issueType.getId());
   } catch (RemoteException e) {
     LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get the JIRA Projects", e);
     throw new FormException(
         "Failed to get JIRA Project IssueTypes", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
     throw new FormException("Invalid JIRA URL provided", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } catch (ServiceException e) {
     LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get the JIRA Projects", e);
     throw new FormException(
         "Failed to get JIRA Project IssueTypes", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } finally {
     if (client != null) {
   return model;
  * Fill method for the Issue Priorities select box
  * @param siteName the {@link JIRASite} name to get the priorities from
  * @return the possible priorities
  * @throws FormException in case of errors
 public ListBoxModel doFillIssuePriorityItems(
     @QueryParameter(PARAMETER_PREFIX + "siteName") String siteName) throws FormException {
   ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(siteName)) {
     return model;
   JIRAClient client = null;
   try {
     client = JIRASite.getSite(siteName).createClient();
     for (Map.Entry<String, String> priority : client.getPriorities().entrySet()) {
       model.add(priority.getValue(), priority.getKey());
   } catch (RemoteException e) {
     LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get the JIRA Projects", e);
     throw new FormException(
         "Failed to get JIRA Project Keys", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
     throw new FormException("Invalid JIRA URL provided", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } catch (ServiceException e) {
     LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to get the JIRA Projects", e);
     throw new FormException(
         "Failed to get JIRA Project Keys", e, PARAMETER_PREFIX + "projectKey");
   } finally {
     if (client != null) {
   return model;
 public ListBoxModel doFillGpgKeyNameItems() {
   ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
   for (GpgKey gpgKey : gpgKeys) {
     items.add(gpgKey.getName(), gpgKey.getName());
   return items;
 public ListBoxModel doFillCharsetItems() {
   ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
   for (Map.Entry<String, Charset> entry : Charset.availableCharsets().entrySet()) {
     items.add(entry.getValue().displayName(), entry.getKey());
   return items;
        public ListBoxModel doFillNetworkIdItems(@QueryParameter String networkId,
                                                 @RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String endPointUrl,
                                                 @RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String identity,
                                                 @RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String credential,
                                                 @RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String zone
        ) {

            ListBoxModel m = new ListBoxModel();
            m.add("None specified", "");

            try {
                Openstack openstack = JCloudsCloud.getOpenstack(endPointUrl, identity, credential, zone);
                for (org.openstack4j.model.network.Network network: openstack.getSortedNetworks()) {
                    m.add(String.format("%s (%s)", network.getName(), network.getId()), network.getId());
                return m;
            } catch (AuthenticationException _) {
                // Incorrect credentials - noop
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);

            if (Util.fixEmpty(networkId) != null) {

            return m;
        public ListBoxModel doFillSlaveTypeItems() {
            ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
            items.add("SSH", "SSH");
            items.add("JNLP", "JNLP");

            return items;
 // NOTE: The following Getters are used to return saved values in the global.jelly. Intellij
 // marks them unused, but they actually are used.
 // These getters are also named in the following format: doFill<JellyField>Items.
 public ListBoxModel doFillApplicationIdItems() {
   ListBoxModel listBox = new ListBoxModel();
   for (ApplicationDTO app : applications) {
     final String value = String.valueOf(app.getApplicationId());
     listBox.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(app.getApplicationName(), value, false));
   return listBox;
    public ListBoxModel doFillNexusNameItems() {

      ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
      if (nexusMap != null) {
        for (String name : nexusMap.keySet()) {
          items.add(name + " [" + nexusMap.get(name).getUrl() + "]", name);
      return items;
 public ListBoxModel doFillSolrCollectionItems(@QueryParameter String solrUrl) {
   ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
   try {
     for (String collection : getCollections(solrUrl)) {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     items.add("URL invalid");
   return items;
 public ListBoxModel doFillReleaseIdItems(@QueryParameter(APPLICATION_ID) int applicationId) {
   ListBoxModel listBox = new ListBoxModel();
   releases = api.getReleaseController().getReleases(applicationId);
   for (ReleaseDTO release : releases) {
     final String value = String.valueOf(release.getReleaseId());
     listBox.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(release.getReleaseName(), value, false));
   return listBox;
    public ListBoxModel doFillSizeIdItems(@RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String authToken)
        throws Exception {

      List<Size> availableSizes = DigitalOcean.getAvailableSizes(authToken);
      ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();

      for (Size size : availableSizes) {
        model.add(DigitalOcean.buildSizeLabel(size), size.getSlug());

      return model;
    public ListBoxModel doFillRegionIdItems(@RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String authToken)
        throws Exception {

      List<Region> availableSizes = DigitalOcean.getAvailableRegions(authToken);
      ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();

      for (Region region : availableSizes) {
        model.add(region.getName(), region.getSlug());

      return model;
        public ListBoxModel doFillUserDataIdItems() {

            ListBoxModel m = new ListBoxModel();
            m.add("None specified", "");

            ConfigProvider provider = getConfigProvider();
            for(Config config : provider.getAllConfigs()) {
                m.add(config.name, config.id);

            return m;
    public static ListBoxModel fillAuthenticationItems() {
      ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
      for (BasicDigestAuthentication basicDigestAuthentication :
          HttpRequestGlobalConfig.get().getBasicDigestAuthentications()) {
      for (FormAuthentication formAuthentication :
          HttpRequestGlobalConfig.get().getFormAuthentications()) {

      return items;
    public ListBoxModel doFillImageIdItems(@RelativePath("..") @QueryParameter String authToken)
        throws Exception {

      SortedMap<String, Image> availableImages = DigitalOcean.getAvailableImages(authToken);
      ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();

      for (Map.Entry<String, Image> entry : availableImages.entrySet()) {
        final Image image = entry.getValue();

        // For non-snapshots, use the image ID instead of the slug (which isn't available anyway)
        // so that we can build images based upon backups.
        final String value = DigitalOcean.getImageIdentifier(image);

        model.add(entry.getKey(), value);

      return model;
  public static ListBoxModel fillZoneItems(
      AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, String region) {
    ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();
    if (AmazonEC2Cloud.testMode) {
      return model;

    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(region)) {
      AmazonEC2 client =
          EC2Cloud.connect(credentialsProvider, AmazonEC2Cloud.getEc2EndpointUrl(region));
      DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult zones = client.describeAvailabilityZones();
      List<AvailabilityZone> zoneList = zones.getAvailabilityZones();
      model.add("<not specified>", "");
      for (AvailabilityZone z : zoneList) {
        model.add(z.getZoneName(), z.getZoneName());
    return model;
 public ListBoxModel doFillAssessmentTypeIdItems(@QueryParameter(RELEASE_ID) int releaseId) {
   ListBoxModel listBox = new ListBoxModel();
   assessments =
   for (ReleaseAssessmentTypeDTO assessmentType : assessments) {
     final String value = String.valueOf(assessmentType.getAssessmentTypeId());
     String infoText;
     if (assessmentType.getFrequencyTypeId()
         == EntitlementFrequencyType.Subscription.getValue()) {
       infoText = "Subscription";
     } else {
       infoText =
           String.format("Single Scan: %s Unit(s) left", assessmentType.getUnitsAvailable());
     final String name = String.format("%s (%s)", assessmentType.getName(), infoText);
     listBox.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(name, value, false));
   return listBox;
    public ListBoxModel doFillEntitlementIdItems(
        @QueryParameter(ASSESSMENT_TYPE_ID) final String assessmentTypeId) {
      // Get entitlements on load
      ListBoxModel listBox = new ListBoxModel();
      Set<ReleaseAssessmentTypeDTO> applicableAssessments = new HashSet<>();

      for (ReleaseAssessmentTypeDTO assessment : assessments) {
        if (assessment.getAssessmentTypeId() == Integer.parseInt(assessmentTypeId)
            && Integer.parseInt(assessmentTypeId) > 0) applicableAssessments.add(assessment);

      for (ReleaseAssessmentTypeDTO entitlement : applicableAssessments) {
        String val = String.valueOf(entitlement.getEntitlementId());
        boolean addIt = true;
        for (ListBoxModel.Option option : listBox) {
          addIt = !option.value.equals(val);
        if (addIt) listBox.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(val, val, false));
      return listBox;
    public ListBoxModel doFillClusterItems(
        @QueryParameter String credentialsId, @QueryParameter String regionName) {
      try {
        final AmazonECSClient client = getAmazonECSClient(credentialsId, regionName);

        final ListBoxModel options = new ListBoxModel();
        for (String arn : client.listClusters().getClusterArns()) {
        return options;
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // missing credentials will throw an "AmazonClientException: Unable to load AWS credentials
        // from any provider in the chain"
            "Exception searching clusters for credentials="
                + credentialsId
                + ", regionName="
                + regionName,
        return new ListBoxModel();
    public ListBoxModel doFillValueItems(
        @AncestorInPath AbstractProject<?, ?> project, @QueryParameter String param)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();

      scm = getProjectSCM(project);
      if (scm == null) {
        items.add("!No Git repository configured in SCM configuration");
        return items;
      ParametersDefinitionProperty prop = project.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class);
      if (prop != null) {
        ParameterDefinition def = prop.getParameterDefinition(param);
        if (def instanceof GitParameterDefinition) {
          GitParameterDefinition paramDef = (GitParameterDefinition) def;
          Map<String, String> paramList = paramDef.generateContents(project, scm);

          for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paramList.entrySet()) {
            items.add(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
      return items;
 public ListBoxModel doFillWorseThanOrEqualToItems() {
   ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
   items.add("Success", Result.SUCCESS.toString());
   items.add("Unstable", Result.UNSTABLE.toString());
   items.add("Failure", Result.FAILURE.toString());
   items.add("Not Built", Result.NOT_BUILT.toString());
   items.add("Aborted", Result.ABORTED.toString());
   return items;
Exemple #23
    public ListBoxModel doFillTestTypeItems(String testType) {
      ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();

      model.add(HygieiaConstants.UNIT_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Unit.toString());
      model.add(HygieiaConstants.INTEGRATION_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Integration.toString());
      model.add(HygieiaConstants.FUNCTIONAL_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Functional.toString());
      model.add(HygieiaConstants.REGRESSION_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Regression.toString());
      model.add(HygieiaConstants.PERFORMANCE_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Performance.toString());
      model.add(HygieiaConstants.SECURITY_TEST_DISPLAY, TestSuiteType.Security.toString());
      return model;
    public ListBoxModel doFillLanguageLevelItems(
        @QueryParameter(TECHNOLOGY_STACK) String technologyStack) {
      ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();

      if (technologyStack == null || technologyStack.isEmpty()) technologyStack = defaultTechStack;
      switch (technologyStack) {
        case TS_JAVA_KEY:
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.2", "1.2", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.3", "1.3", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.4", "1.4", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.5", "1.5", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.6", "1.6", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.7", "1.7", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.8", "1.8", false));
        case TS_DOT_NET_KEY:
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.0", "1.0", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("1.1", "1.1", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("2.0", "2.0", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("3.0", "3.0", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("3.5", "3.5", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("4.0", "4.0", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("4.5", "4.5", false));
        case TS_PYTHON_KEY:
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("Standard Python", "Standard Python", false));
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("Django", "Django", false));
          // support for no language level, must be null for correct API call
          items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option("N/A", null, false));

      return items;
    public ListBoxModel doFillTechnologyStackItems() {
      ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();

      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_DOT_NET_KEY, TS_DOT_NET_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_ABAP_KEY, TS_ABAP_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_ASP_KEY, TS_ASP_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_ANDROID_KEY, TS_ANDROID_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_CFML_KEY, TS_ABAP_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_COBOL_KEY, TS_COBOL_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_JAVA_KEY, TS_JAVA_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_OBJECTIVE_C_KEY, TS_OBJECTIVE_C_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_PHP_KEY, TS_PHP_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_PLSQL_TSQL_KEY, TS_PLSQL_TSQL_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_PYTHON_KEY, TS_PYTHON_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_RUBY_KEY, TS_RUBY_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_VB6_KEY, TS_VB6_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_VB_SCRIPT_KEY, TS_VB_SCRIPT_KEY, false));
      items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(TS_XML_HTML_KEY, TS_XML_HTML_KEY, false));

      defaultTechStack = items.get(0).name;
      return items;
  * Fills the interval list box.
  * @return the interval list box.
 @SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by Jelly
 public ListBoxModel doFillIntervalItems() {
   ListBoxModel model = new ListBoxModel();
   model.add("1 minute", "1m");
   model.add("2 minutes", "2m");
   model.add("5 minutes", "5m");
   model.add("10 minutes", "10m");
   model.add("15 minutes", "15m");
   model.add("20 minutes", "20m");
   model.add("25 minutes", "25m");
   model.add("30 minutes", "30m");
   model.add("1 hour", "1h");
   model.add("2 hours", "2h");
   model.add("4 hours", "4h");
   model.add("8 hours", "8h");
   model.add("12 hours", "12h");
   model.add("1 day", "1d");
   model.add("2 days", "2d");
   model.add("1 week", "7d");
   model.add("2 weeks", "14d");
   model.add("4 weeks", "28d");
   return model;
 public ListBoxModel doFillScopeItems() {
   ListBoxModel m = new ListBoxModel();
   m.add(CredentialsScope.GLOBAL.getDisplayName(), CredentialsScope.GLOBAL.toString());
   return m;