private static void main2(String[] args) { Config.cmdline(args); try { javabughack(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } setupres(); MainFrame f = new MainFrame(null); if (Utils.getprefb("fullscreen", false)) f.setfs();; try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { f.g.interrupt(); return; } dumplist(Resource.remote().loadwaited(), Config.loadwaited); dumplist(Resource.remote().cached(), Config.allused); if ( != null) { try { Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter("tmp/allused"), "UTF-8"); try { Resource.dumplist(Resource.remote().used(), w); } finally { w.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } System.exit(0); }
public MainFrame(Coord isz) { super("Haven and Hearth"); version = "1.6 (12.22.2015)"; Coord sz; if (isz == null) { sz = Utils.getprefc("wndsz", new Coord(800, 600)); if (sz.x < 640) sz.x = 640; if (sz.y < 480) sz.y = 480; } else { sz = isz; } this.g = new ThreadGroup(, "Haven client"); = new HackThread(this.g, this, "Haven main thread"); p = new HavenPanel(sz.x, sz.y); if (fsmode == null) { Coord pfm = Utils.getprefc("fsmode", null); if (pfm != null) fsmode = findmode(pfm.x, pfm.y); } if (fsmode == null) { DisplayMode cm = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice().getDisplayMode(); fsmode = findmode(cm.getWidth(), cm.getHeight()); } if (fsmode == null) fsmode = findmode(800, 600); add(p); pack(); setResizable(!Utils.getprefb("wndlock", false)); p.requestFocusInWindow(); seticon(); setVisible(true); p.init(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { g.interrupt(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = false; } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = true; } }); if ((isz == null) && Utils.getprefb("wndmax", false)) setExtendedState(getExtendedState() | MAXIMIZED_BOTH); }
public class Config { public static String authuser = getprop("haven.authuser", null); public static String authserv = getprop("haven.authserv", null); public static String defserv = getprop("haven.defserv", ""); public static URL resurl = geturl("haven.resurl", ""); public static URL mapurl = geturl("haven.mapurl", ""); public static URL screenurl = geturl("haven.screenurl", ""); public static URL storeurl = geturl("haven.storeurl", ""); public static URL regurl = geturl("haven.regurl", ""); public static boolean dbtext = getprop("haven.dbtext", "off").equals("on"); public static boolean bounddb = getprop("haven.bounddb", "off").equals("on"); public static boolean profile = getprop("haven.profile", "off").equals("on"); public static boolean nolocalres = getprop("haven.nolocalres", "").equals("yesimsure"); public static boolean fscache = getprop("haven.fscache", "on").equals("on"); public static String resdir = getprop("haven.resdir", null); public static boolean nopreload = getprop("haven.nopreload", "no").equals("yes"); public static String loadwaited = getprop("haven.loadwaited", null); public static String allused = getprop("haven.allused", null); public static int mainport = getint("haven.mainport", 1870); public static int authport = getint("haven.authport", 1871); public static String authmech = getprop("haven.authmech", "native"); public static boolean softres = getprop("haven.softres", "on").equals("on"); public static byte[] authck = null; public static String prefspec = "salem"; public static final String confid = ""; public static String userhome = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Salem"; public static String version; public static boolean show_tempers = Utils.getprefb("show_tempers", false); public static boolean store_map = Utils.getprefb("store_map", true); public static boolean radar_icons = Utils.getprefb("radar_icons", true); public static String currentCharName = ""; static Properties window_props; public static Properties options; private static Map<String, Object> buildinfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public static boolean isUpdate; public static boolean isShowNames = true; public static boolean timestamp = true; public static boolean flower_study = Utils.getprefb("flower_study", false); public static boolean pure_mult = Utils.getprefb("pure_mult", false); public static boolean blink = Utils.getprefb("blink", false); public static GLSettings glcfg; public static String server; protected static boolean shadows = false; public static boolean flight = false; public static boolean cellshade = false; protected static boolean fsaa = false; protected static boolean water = false; public static boolean center = false; public static float brighten = Utils.getpreff("brighten", 0.0f), maxbright = 2.0f; protected static boolean ss_silent = Utils.getprefb("ss_slent", false); protected static boolean ss_ui = Utils.getprefb("ss_ui", false); public static boolean hptr = Utils.getprefb("hptr", false); static { String p; if ((p = getprop("haven.authck", null)) != null) authck = Utils.hex2byte(p); File f = new File(userhome); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } InputStream in = ErrorHandler.class.getResourceAsStream("/buildinfo"); try { try { if (in != null) { Properties info = new Properties(); info.load(in); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : info.entrySet()) buildinfo.put((String) e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw (new Error(e)); } version = (String) buildinfo.get("git-rev"); loadOptions(); window_props = loadProps("windows.conf"); Wiki.init(getFile("cache"), 3); } public static void setCharName(String name) { currentCharName = name; MainFrame.instance.setTitle(name); } private static void loadOptions() { options = loadProps("salem.cfg"); String ver = options.getProperty("version", ""); isUpdate = !version.equals(ver); shadows = options.getProperty("shadows", "false").equals("true"); flight = options.getProperty("flight", "false").equals("true"); cellshade = options.getProperty("cellshade", "false").equals("true"); fsaa = options.getProperty("fsaa", "false").equals("true"); water = options.getProperty("water", "false").equals("true"); if (isUpdate) { saveOptions(); } } public static void saveOptions() { synchronized (options) { // refresh from vars options.setProperty("version", version); options.setProperty("shadows", shadows ? "true" : "false"); options.setProperty("flight", flight ? "true" : "false"); options.setProperty("cellshade", cellshade ? "true" : "false"); options.setProperty("fsaa", fsaa ? "true" : "false"); options.setProperty("water", water ? "true" : "false"); // store it saveProps(options, "salem.cfg", "Salem config file"); } } public static File getFile(String name) { return new File(userhome, name); } public static File getFile() { return new File(userhome); } private static int getint(String name, int def) { String val = getprop(name, null); if (val == null) return (def); return (Integer.parseInt(val)); } private static URL geturl(String name, String def) { String val = getprop(name, def); if (val.equals("")) return (null); try { return (new URL(val)); } catch ( e) { throw (new RuntimeException(e)); } } public static synchronized void setWindowOpt(String key, String value) { synchronized (window_props) { String prev_val = window_props.getProperty(key); if ((prev_val != null) && prev_val.equals(value)) return; window_props.setProperty(key, value); } saveWindowOpt(); } private static Properties loadProps(String name) { File f = getFile(name); Properties props = new Properties(); if (!f.exists()) { try { f.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } try { props.load(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } return props; } private static void saveProps(Properties props, String name, String comments) { try { FileOutputStream(getFile(name)), comments); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } public static synchronized void setWindowOpt(String key, Boolean value) { setWindowOpt(key, value ? "true" : "false"); } public static void saveWindowOpt() { synchronized (window_props) { saveProps(window_props, "windows.conf", "Window config options"); } } private static void usage(PrintStream out) { out.println("usage: haven.jar [OPTIONS] [SERVER[:PORT]]"); out.println("Options include:"); out.println(" -h Display this help"); out.println(" -d Display debug text"); out.println(" -P Enable profiling"); out.println(" -U URL Use specified external resource URL"); out.println(" -r DIR Use specified resource directory (or $SALEM_RESDIR)"); out.println(" -A AUTHSERV[:PORT] Use specified authentication server"); out.println(" -u USER Authenticate as USER (together with -C)"); out.println(" -C HEXCOOKIE Authenticate with specified hex-encoded cookie"); out.println( " -m AUTHMECH Use specified authentication mechanism (`native' or `paradox')"); } public static void cmdline(String[] args) { PosixArgs opt = PosixArgs.getopt(args, "hdPU:r:A:u:C:m:"); if (opt == null) { usage(System.err); System.exit(1); } for (char c : opt.parsed()) { switch (c) { case 'h': usage(System.out); System.exit(0); break; case 'd': dbtext = true; break; case 'P': profile = true; break; case 'r': resdir = opt.arg; break; case 'A': int p =[0].indexOf(':'); if (p >= 0) { authserv = opt.arg.substring(0, p); authport = Integer.parseInt(opt.arg.substring(p + 1)); } else { authserv = opt.arg; } break; case 'U': try { resurl = new URL(opt.arg); } catch ( e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(1); } break; case 'u': authuser = opt.arg; break; case 'C': authck = Utils.hex2byte(opt.arg); break; case 'm': authmech = opt.arg; } } if ( > 0) { int p =[0].indexOf(':'); if (p >= 0) { defserv =[0].substring(0, p); mainport = Integer.parseInt([0].substring(p + 1)); } else { defserv =[0]; } } } public static void setglpref(GLSettings pref) { glcfg = pref; try { glcfg.fsaa.set(fsaa); glcfg.lshadow.set(shadows); glcfg.flight.set(flight); glcfg.cel.set(cellshade); glcfg.wsurf.set(water); } catch (SettingException e) { } } public static void setBrighten(float val) { brighten = val; Utils.setpreff("brighten", val); } }