/** * Herado de la clase abstracta Boton si se presiono el objecto con el cursor cambia el mundo * donde se encuentra * * @param m musica actual * @param w mundo actual */ public void cambiaMundo(GreenfootSound m, World w) { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { Greenfoot.playSound("Click.mp3"); w = new AyudaFondo(m); Greenfoot.setWorld(w); } }
public void eat() { Actor crab; crab = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, Crab.class); if (crab != null) { World world; world = getWorld(); world.removeObject(crab); Greenfoot.playSound("eating.wav"); } }
/** * entfernt die Mine und erzeugt 8 Splitter die in alle Richtungen fliegen soll später zusätzlich * sound abspielen und explosion darstellen */ public void detonate() { int shrapnelnumber = 0; // erstellt 8 Splitter die nach der Detonation in alle Richtungen fliegen; while (shrapnelnumber != 8) { int shrapnelarc = shrapnelnumber * 45; Shrapnel name = new Shrapnel(shrapnelarc, shrapnelspeed); getWorld().addObject(name, this.getX(), this.getY()); shrapnelnumber++; } this.setImage("explosion.gif"); Greenfoot.playSound("explosion.wav"); Greenfoot.delay(3); getWorld().removeObject(this); }
private void Special() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("r") && specialShotInt > 120 && Spammo > 0) { addObjectAtOffset(new ChargeBeam(this), getX(), getY(), 80, getRotation()); w.addObject(new CoolDown(ACT2SEC(120)), 845, 640); Greenfoot.playSound("Laser_Cannon.mp3"); // !--------------!\\ specialShotInt = 0; shotInterval = -78; Spammo--; SpammoUI.addPoints(-1); } specialShotInt++; }
public void animalEffect(String soundEffect) { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { Greenfoot.playSound(soundEffect); } }
/** Play the note of the key. */ public void play() { Greenfoot.playSound(sound); }
/** Constructor for objects of class GameOver. */ public GameOver() { Greenfoot.playSound("levelEnd.wav"); prepare(); }