public static byte[] Bld_fmtr_viewed( Bry_fmtr fmtr, Xoae_app app, Xowe_wiki wiki, Bry_bfr wrdx_bfr, Xoa_ttl ttl) { byte[] view_time_item = Bry_.Empty; gplx.xowa.users.history.Xou_history_itm history_itm = app.Usere().History_mgr().Get_or_null(wiki.Domain_bry(), ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case()); if (history_itm != null) view_time_item = fmtr.Bld_bry_many(wrdx_bfr, history_itm.View_end().XtoStr_fmt_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss()); return view_time_item; }
private static void Add_cur_pages_also_in_old( int i, Int_obj_ref tmp_id, Ordered_hash old_regy, Ordered_hash cur_regy, Ordered_hash new_regy, Ordered_hash exclude_pages, int ns_filter) { int found_len = cur_regy.Count(); for (int j = 0; j < found_len; j++) { // if new_page is in cur, add it Xoctg_catpage_itm cur_itm = (Xoctg_catpage_itm) cur_regy.Get_at(j); Xoa_ttl cur_ttl = cur_itm.Page_ttl(); if (cur_ttl == null) continue; if (ns_filter != Dpl_itm.Ns_filter_null && ns_filter != cur_ttl.Ns().Id()) continue; tmp_id.Val_(cur_itm.Page_id()); // set tmp_id, since it will be used at least once if (exclude_pages.Has(tmp_id)) continue; // ignore excluded pages if (i != 0) { // skip logic for first ctg (which doesn't have a predecessor) if (!old_regy.Has(tmp_id)) continue; // cur_itm not in old_regy; ignore } new_regy.Add_as_key_and_val(Int_obj_ref.New(cur_itm.Page_id())); } }
public void Get_by_url1(Xow_wiki wiki, Xoa_page page, Xoa_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) { int slash_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), Xoa_ttl.Subpage_spr); // check for slash byte[] special_name = slash_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found ? ttl.Base_txt_wo_qarg() // no slash found; use base_txt; ignore qry args and just get // page_names; EX: Search/Earth?fulltext=y; // Allpages?from=Earth... : Bry_.Mid( ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), 0, slash_pos); // slash found; use root page; EX: Special:ItemByTitle/enwiki/Earth Object o = hash.Get_by_bry(special_name); if (o == null) { Xol_specials_itm special_itm = wiki.Lang().Specials_mgr().Get_by_alias(special_name); if (special_itm != null) o = hash.Get_by_bry(special_itm.Special()); } if (o != null) { // Xow_special_page special = (Xow_special_page)o; // page.Revision_data().Modified_on_(Datetime_now.Get()); // special.Special__gen(wiki, page, url, ttl); } }
private void Parse_href(Xoh_hdoc_ctx hctx, Gfh_tag anch_head) { href_itm.Parse(rdr.Err_wkr(), hctx, src, anch_head); this.href_bgn = href_itm.Ttl_bgn(); this.href_end = href_itm.Ttl_end(); switch (href_itm.Tid()) { case Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__wiki: case Xoh_anch_href_data.Tid__site: this.href_ns_id = href_itm.Ttl_ns_id(); this.href_src = href_itm.Ttl_full_txt(); this.href_bgn = 0; this.href_end = href_src.length; if (href_ns_id != Xow_ns_.Tid__main) { // not main; try to remove template name; int colon_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(href_src, Byte_ascii.Colon, href_bgn, href_end); this.href_ns_name = Xoa_ttl.Replace_unders( Bry_.Mid(href_src, href_bgn, colon_pos + 1)); // EX: 11="Template talk:" this.href_ns_name_len = href_ns_name.length; } break; } }
public void Xtn_write( Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xoae_page wpg, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) { Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki(); Dpl_html_data html_mode = Dpl_html_data.new_(Dpl_itm_keys.Key_unordered); int itms_len = pages.Count(); if (itms_len == 0) { if (!itm.Suppress_errors()) bfr.Add_str_a7("No pages meet these criteria."); return; } int itms_bgn = 0; if (itm.Offset() != Int_.Min_value) { itms_bgn = itm.Offset(); } if (itm.Count() != Int_.Min_value && itms_bgn + itm.Count() < itms_len) { itms_len = itms_bgn + itm.Count(); } boolean show_ns = itm.Show_ns(); Bry_bfr tmp_bfr = Bry_bfr_.Get(); Xop_amp_mgr amp_mgr = wiki.Appe().Parser_amp_mgr(); try { bfr.Add(html_mode.Grp_bgn()).Add_byte_nl(); for (int i = itms_bgn; i < itms_len; i++) { Xowd_page_itm page = (Xowd_page_itm) pages.Get_at(i); Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, page.Ns_id(), page.Ttl_page_db()); byte[] ttl_page_txt = show_ns ? ttl.Full_txt_w_ttl_case() : ttl.Page_txt(); if (ttl_page_txt == null) continue; // NOTE: apparently DynamicPageList allows null pages; DATE:2013-07-22 switch (html_mode.Tid()) { case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ul: case Dpl_html_data.Tid_list_ol: bfr.Add(Xoh_consts.Space_2).Add(html_mode.Itm_bgn()).Add(Gfh_bldr_.Bry__a_lhs_w_href); bfr.Add_str_a7("/wiki/") .Add(Gfo_url_encoder_.Href.Encode(ttl.Full_db())) .Add_byte_quote(); // NOTE: Full_db to encode spaces as underscores; // PAGE:en.q:Wikiquote:Speedy_deletions DATE:2016-01-19 Gfh_atr_.Add( bfr, Gfh_atr_.Bry__title, Xoh_html_wtr_escaper.Escape( amp_mgr, tmp_bfr, ttl .Full_txt_w_ttl_case())); // NOTE: Full_txt b/c title always includes ns, // even if show_ns is off; // PAGE:en.b:Wikibooks:WikiProject DATE:2016-01-20 if (itm.No_follow()) bfr.Add(Bry_nofollow); bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Gt); Xoh_html_wtr_escaper.Escape( amp_mgr, bfr, ttl_page_txt, 0, ttl_page_txt.length, false, false); bfr.Add(Gfh_bldr_.Bry__a_rhs).Add(html_mode.Itm_end()).Add_byte_nl(); // TODO_OLD: // lnki_wtr.Clear().Href_wiki_(ttl).Title_(ttl).Nofollow_().Write_head(bfr).Write_text(bfr).Write_tail(bfr) break; default: break; } } bfr.Add(html_mode.Grp_end()).Add_byte_nl(); } finally { tmp_bfr.Mkr_rls(); } }
public Xoa_ttl Ttl_parse(int ns_id, byte[] ttl) { return Xoa_ttl.Parse(this, ns_id, ttl); }
public Xoa_ttl Ttl_parse(byte[] src, int src_bgn, int src_end) { return Xoa_ttl.Parse( app.Utl_amp_mgr(), app.Utl_case_mgr(), xwiki_mgr, ns_mgr, src, src_bgn, src_end); }
public void Pages_get(Xoh_page rv, Gfo_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) { if (init_needed) Init_by_wiki(); if (ttl.Ns().Id_is_special()) special_mgr.Get_by_ttl(rv, url, ttl); else html__hdump_mgr.Load_mgr().Load(rv, ttl); }