public static boolean pathbetween(MapLocation a, MapLocation b) {
   while (!a.equals(b)) {
     a = a.add(a.directionTo(b));
     if (RC.senseTerrainTile(a) == TerrainTile.VOID) return false;
   return true;
  public NoiseTowerBehavior() {
    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
      int lastdir = (i + 4) % 8;
      int at = 1;
      paths[i][0] = currentLocation;
      int lastcow = 0;
      for (int j = 1; j < 30; j++) {
        if (i < 7 && RC.isActive()) {
          try {
          } catch (GameActionException e1) {

        int k = lastdir + 2;
        k %= 8;
        int bestscore = -1;
        MapLocation bestplace = currentLocation;
        while (k != (lastdir + 6) % 8) {

          int score = Math.abs(i - k);
          if (score < 4) score = 8 - score;
          score *= score * score;
          MapLocation here = paths[i][j - 1].add(directions[k]);
          double cows;
          try {
            cows = Utils.COW_GROWTH[here.x][here.y];
            if (cows > 0) lastcow = j;
            score =
                (here.add(directions[k])).distanceSquaredTo(currentLocation) > 300
                        || RC.senseTerrainTile(here) == TerrainTile.VOID
                    ? -10
                    : cows == 0.0 ? 30 : score + (int) (cows) * 0 + 30;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            score = -2;

          if (score > bestscore) {
            bestscore = score;
            bestplace = here;

          if (k == 8) k = 0;
        if (!bestplace.equals(currentLocation)) {
          paths[i][j] = bestplace;
        } else {
      pathat[i] = lastcow;
      while (paths[i][pathat[i]] == null && pathat[i] > 0) pathat[i]--;
      if (lastcow < 29) lastcow++;

    skip[0] = false;

    double[] d = new double[8];
    int[] dist = new int[8];
    MapLocation[] toconsider = new MapLocation[8];

    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (pathat[i] == 0) {
        d[i] = 0;
        dist[i] = 0;
      } else {
        toconsider[i] = paths[i][pathat[i] - 1];
        d[i] = Math.atan2(toconsider[i].y - curY, toconsider[i].x - curX);
        dist[i] = currentLocation.distanceSquaredTo(toconsider[i]);
    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (dist[i] == 0) skip[i] = true;
      else {
        for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          if (i == j || dist[j] == 0) continue;
          if (Math.abs(d[i] - d[j]) < 0.4 && pathbetween(toconsider[i], toconsider[j])) {
            if (dist[i] < dist[j]) skip[i] = true;
            else skip[j] = true;
Exemple #3
  public BFSNoiseTower() throws GameActionException {
    System.out.println("start " + Clock.getBytecodeNum());

    queue[0] = currentLocation;
    dir[17][17] = Direction.OMNI;

    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
      Direction d = directions[i];
      MapLocation loc = currentLocation.add(d);
      TerrainTile there = RC.senseTerrainTile(loc);
      if (!there.isTraversableAtHeight(RobotLevel.ON_GROUND)) continue;
      int x = loc.x - currentLocation.x;
      int y = loc.y - currentLocation.y;
      dir[x + 17][y + 17] = d.opposite();
      queue[at] = loc;

    for (int s = 1; s < at; s++) {
      if (s % 30 == 0 && RC.isActive()) {
        if (target == null
            || target.distanceSquaredTo(ALLY_PASTR_COUNT > 0 ? ALLY_PASTR_LOCS[0] : currentLocation)
                <= 5) {
        MapLocation realTarget = target.add(currentLocation.directionTo(target), 3);

        if (RC.canAttackSquare(realTarget)) RC.attackSquare(realTarget);

        target = target.add(target.directionTo(currentLocation));

      Direction initD =
          dir[queue[s].x - currentLocation.x + 17][queue[s].y - currentLocation.y + 17];
      Direction aD;
      Direction bD;
      if (initD.isDiagonal()) {
        aD = initD.rotateLeft().rotateLeft();
        bD = initD.rotateRight();
      } else {
        aD = initD.rotateLeft().rotateLeft().rotateLeft();
        bD = initD.rotateRight().rotateRight();
      for (Direction d = aD; d != bD; d = d.rotateLeft()) {
        MapLocation loc = queue[s].add(d);
        TerrainTile there = RC.senseTerrainTile(loc);
        if (!there.isTraversableAtHeight(RobotLevel.ON_GROUND)) continue;
        int x = loc.x - currentLocation.x;
        int y = loc.y - currentLocation.y;
        if (x * x + y * y > 200) continue;

        if (dir[x + 17][y + 17] == null) {
          dir[x + 17][y + 17] = d.opposite();
          queue[at] = loc;

    System.out.println("end " + Clock.getBytecodeNum());
    System.out.println("at " + at);
Exemple #4
  public boolean compute(int bytecodes) {
    // cache variables
    int d, w, e, x, y;
    int[] weight;
    MapLocation next, nbr;
    Direction dir;
    final BucketQueue<MapLocation> queue = this.queue;
    final int[][] distance = this.distance;
    final Direction[][] from = this.from;

    // int iters = 0;
    // int bc = Clock.getBytecodeNum();

    while (queue.size > 0) {
      // iters++;
      if (Clock.getBytecodeNum() >= bytecodes - 600) {

      // RC.setIndicatorString(0, Integer.toString(min));
      // ALERT: queue.min is valid only after a call to deleteMin()!
      next = queue.deleteMin();

      x = next.x;
      y = next.y;
      d = distance[x][y];

      // check if we have already visited this node
      if (!visited[x][y]) {
        visited[x][y] = true;
         * if (broadcast) {
         * try {
         * messagingSystem.writePathingDirection(next, from[x][y]);
         * } catch (GameActionException ex) {
         * ex.printStackTrace();
         * }
         * }

        weight = WEIGHT[RC.senseTerrainTile(next).ordinal()];

        dir = from[x][y];
        int i;
        if (dir == Direction.NONE) {
          dir = Direction.NORTH;
          i = 8;
        } else if (dir.isDiagonal()) {
          dir = dir.rotateLeft().rotateLeft();
          i = 5;
        } else {
          dir = dir.rotateLeft();
          i = 3;

        for (; --i >= 0; dir = dir.rotateRight()) {
          nbr = next.add(dir);
          if (RC.senseTerrainTile(nbr).isTraversableAtHeight(RobotLevel.ON_GROUND)) {
            w = d + weight[dir.ordinal()];
            e = w + heuristic(next, dest);

            x = nbr.x;
            y = nbr.y;

            if (from[x][y] == null) {
              queue.insert(e, nbr);
              // if (RC.getRobot().getID() == 118)
              // System.out.println("inserted " + nbr + ": " + w + " " + e);
              distance[x][y] = w;
              // estimate[x][y] = e;
              from[x][y] = dir;
            } else {
              if (w < distance[x][y]) {
                queue.insert(e, nbr);
                distance[x][y] = w;
                // estimate[x][y] = e;
                from[x][y] = dir;
                visited[x][y] = false;

    // bc = Clock.getBytecodeNum() - bc;
    // RC.setIndicatorString(2, "average DStar bytecodes: " + (iters > 0 ? bc / iters : bc));

    return arrived(dest);