  * Return plugin + server commands [Subject to change].
  * @return Returns null if not CraftBukkit or CommandMap not available.
 public static CommandMap getCommandMap() {
   try {
     return NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getGenericInstance(MCAccess.class).getCommandMap();
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     return null;
 public ReflectBlock(ReflectBase base, ReflectBlockPosition blockPosition)
     throws ClassNotFoundException {
   final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(base.nmsPackageName + ".Block");
   // byID (static)
   nmsGetById = ReflectionUtil.getMethod(clazz, "getById", int.class);
   // getMaterial
   nmsGetMaterial = ReflectionUtil.getMethodNoArgs(clazz, "getMaterial");
   // updateShape
   Method method = null;
   Class<?> clazzIBlockAccess = Class.forName(base.nmsPackageName + ".IBlockAccess");
   if (blockPosition != null) {
     method =
         ReflectionUtil.getMethod(clazz, "updateShape", clazzIBlockAccess, blockPosition.nmsClass);
   if (method == null) {
     method =
             clazz, "updateShape", clazzIBlockAccess, int.class, int.class, int.class);
     useBlockPosition = false;
   } else {
     useBlockPosition = true;
   nmsUpdateShape = method;
   // Block bounds fetching. The array uses the order the methods (used to) appear in the nms
   // class.
   String[] names =
       new String[] {
         "getMinX", "getMaxX", "getMinY", "getMaxY", "getMinZ", "getMaxZ"
       }; // FUTURE GUESS.
   Method[] methods = tryBoundsMethods(clazz, names);
   if (methods == null) {
     names = guessBoundsMethodNames(clazz);
     if (names != null) {
       methods = tryBoundsMethods(clazz, names);
     if (methods == null) {
       methods = new Method[] {null, null, null, null, null, null};
   // TODO: Test which is which [ALLOW to configure and also save used ones to config, by mc
   // version].
   // TODO: Dynamically test these ? [needs an extra world/space to place blocks inside of...]
   if (ConfigManager.getConfigFile().getBoolean(ConfPaths.LOGGING_EXTENDED_STATUS)) {
             "[NoCheatPlus] ReflectBlock: Use methods for shape: "
                 + StringUtil.join(Arrays.asList(names), ", "));
   this.nmsGetMinX = methods[0];
   this.nmsGetMaxX = methods[1];
   this.nmsGetMinY = methods[2];
   this.nmsGetMaxY = methods[3];
   this.nmsGetMinZ = methods[4];
   this.nmsGetMaxZ = methods[5];
  * Intended for vehicle-move events.
  * @param player
  * @param vehicle
  * @param from
  * @param to
  * @param fake true if the event was not fired by an external source (just gets noted).
 public static void outputDebugVehicleMove(
     final Player player,
     final Entity vehicle,
     final Location from,
     final Location to,
     final boolean fake) {
   final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(250);
   final Location vLoc = vehicle.getLocation();
   final Location loc = player.getLocation();
   // TODO: Differentiate debug levels (needs setting up some policy + document in
   // BuildParamteres)?
   final Entity actualVehicle = player.getVehicle();
   final boolean wrongVehicle =
       actualVehicle == null || actualVehicle.getEntityId() != vehicle.getEntityId();
   if (BuildParameters.debugLevel > 0) {
         "\n-------------- VEHICLE MOVE " + (fake ? "(fake)" : "") + "--------------\n");
     builder.append(player.getName() + " " + from.getWorld().getName() + ":\n");
     addMove(from, to, null, builder);
     builder.append("\n Vehicle: ");
     addLocation(vLoc, builder);
     builder.append("\n Player: ");
     addLocation(loc, builder);
   } else {
             + " "
             + from.getWorld().getName()
             + "veh."
             + (fake ? "(fake)" : "")
             + " ");
     addFormattedMove(from, to, null, builder);
     builder.append("\n Vehicle: ");
     addFormattedLocation(vLoc, builder);
     builder.append(" Player: ");
     addFormattedLocation(loc, builder);
       "\n Vehicle type: "
           + vehicle.getType()
           + (wrongVehicle
               ? (actualVehicle == null ? " (exited?)" : " actual: " + actualVehicle.getType())
               : ""));
       .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, builder.toString());
   * Handle the '/nocheatplus reload' command.
   * @param sender the sender
   * @return true, if successful
  private void handleReloadCommand(final CommandSender sender) {
    final LogManager logManager = NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager();
    if (!sender.equals(Bukkit.getConsoleSender())) {
      sender.sendMessage(TAG + "Reloading configuration...");
    logManager.info(Streams.INIT, TAG + "Reloading configuration...");

    // Do the actual reload.
    if (logManager instanceof INotifyReload) { // TODO: This is a band-aid.
      ((INotifyReload) logManager).onReload();

    // Remove all cached configs.
    DataManager.clearConfigs(); // There you have to add XConfig.clear() form now on.

    // Remove some checks data.
    // TODO: Better concept (INotifyReload).
    for (final CheckType checkType :
        new CheckType[] {
          CheckType.BLOCKBREAK, CheckType.FIGHT,
        }) {

    // Reset debug flags to default (temp, heavy).

    // Tell the registered listeners to adapt to new config, first sort them (!).
    Collections.sort(notifyReload, Order.cmpSetupOrder);
    for (final INotifyReload component : notifyReload) {

    // Say to the other plugins that we've reloaded the configuration.
    Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new NCPReloadEvent());

    // Log reloading done.
    if (!sender.equals(Bukkit.getConsoleSender())) {
      sender.sendMessage(TAG + "Configuration reloaded!");
    logManager.info(Streams.INIT, TAG + "Configuration reloaded.");
        StringUtil.join(VersionCommand.getVersionInfo(), "\n")); // Queued (!).
Exemple #5
  private Location potentialViolation(
      final Player player,
      final Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final int manhattan,
      String tags,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // Moving into a block, possibly a violation.

    // Check the players location if different from others.
    // (It provides a better set-back for some exploits.)
    final int lbX = loc.getBlockX();
    final int lbY = loc.getBlockY();
    final int lbZ = loc.getBlockZ();
    Location setBackLoc = null; // Alternative to from.getLocation().
    // First check if the player is moving from a passable location.
    // If not, the move might still be allowed, if moving inside of the same block, or from and to
    // have head position passable.
    if (from.isPassable()) {
      // Put one workaround for 1.5 high blocks here:
      if (from.isBlockAbove(to)
          && (BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(to.getTypeId()) & BlockProperties.F_HEIGHT150) != 0) {
        // Check if the move went from inside of the block.
        if (BlockProperties.collidesBlock(
            to.getTypeId())) {
          // Allow moving inside of 1.5 high blocks.
          return null;
      // From should be the set-back.
      tags += "into";
    } else if (BlockProperties.isPassable(
        from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
      // Keep loc, because it it is passable.
      tags += "into_shift";
      setBackLoc = loc;
    //				} else if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(),
    // loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
    // (Mind that this can be the case on the same block theoretically.)
    // Keep loc as set-back.
    //				}
    else if (!from.isSameBlock(lbX, lbY, lbZ)) {
      // Both loc and from are not passable. Use from as set.back (earliest).
      tags += "cross_shift";
    } else if (manhattan == 1
        && to.isBlockAbove(from)
        && BlockProperties.isPassable(
            from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(),
                Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
                from.getBlockZ()))) {
      //				else if (to.isBlockAbove(from) && BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(),
      // from.getX(), from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(), from.getZ(),
      // from.getTypeId(from.getBlockX(), Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
      // from.getBlockZ()))) {
      // Allow the move up if the head is free.
      // TODO: Better distinguish ray-tracing (through something thin) or check to-head-passable
      // too?
      return null;
    } else if (manhattan > 0) {
      // Otherwise keep from as set-back.
      tags += "cross";
    } else {
      // All blocks are the same, allow the move.
      return null;

    // Discard inconsistent locations.
    // TODO: Might get rid of using the in-between loc - needs use-case checking.
    if (setBackLoc != null
        && (TrigUtil.distance(from, to) > 0.75 || TrigUtil.distance(from, setBackLoc) > 0.125)) {
      setBackLoc = null;

    // Prefer the set-back location from the data.
    if (data.hasSetBack()) {
      // TODO: Review or make configurable.
      final Location ref = data.getSetBack(to);
      if (BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getBlockCache(), ref)
          || setBackLoc == null
          || TrigUtil.distance(from, setBackLoc) > 0.13) {
        //					if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), ref)) {
        setBackLoc = ref;
        if (data.debug) {
                  Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Using set-back location for passable.");
      } else if (data.debug) {
            .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Ignoring set-back for passable.");

    // TODO: set data.set-back ? or something: still some aji here.

    // Return the reset position.
    data.passableVL += 1d;
    final ViolationData vd =
        new ViolationData(this, player, data.passableVL, 1, cc.passableActions);
    if (data.debug || vd.needsParameters()) {
          String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", from.getX(), from.getY(), from.getZ()));
          String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", to.getX(), to.getY(), to.getZ()));
          ParameterName.DISTANCE, String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", TrigUtil.distance(from, to)));
      // TODO: Consider adding from.getTypeId() too, if blocks differ and non-air.
      vd.setParameter(ParameterName.BLOCK_ID, "" + to.getTypeId());
      if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
        vd.setParameter(ParameterName.TAGS, tags);
    if (executeActions(vd)) {
      // TODO: Consider another set back position for this, also keeping track of players moving
      // around in blocks.
      final Location newTo;
      if (setBackLoc != null) {
        // Ensure the given location is cloned.
        newTo = LocUtil.clone(setBackLoc);
      } else {
        newTo = from.getLocation();
        if (data.debug) {
              .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Using from location for passable.");
      return newTo;
    } else {
      // No cancel action set.
      return null;
Exemple #6
  public Location check(
      final Player player,
      Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // TODO: if (!from.isSameCoords(loc)) {...check passable for loc -> from !?... + sf etc too?}
    // TODO: Future: Account for the players bounding box? [test very-strict setting for at least
    // the end points...]
    String tags = "";
    // Block distances (sum, max) for from-to (not for loc!).
    final int manhattan = from.manhattan(to);
    // Skip moves inside of ignored blocks right away [works as long as we only check between
    // foot-locations].
    if (manhattan <= 1 && BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getTypeId())) {
      // TODO: Monitor: BlockProperties.isPassable checks slightly different than before.
      if (manhattan == 0) {
        return null;
      } else {
        // manhattan == 1
        if (BlockProperties.isPassable(to.getTypeId())) {
          return null;
    boolean toPassable = to.isPassable();
    // General condition check for using ray-tracing.
    if (toPassable
        && cc.passableRayTracingCheck
        && (!cc.passableRayTracingBlockChangeOnly || manhattan > 0)) {
      rayTracing.set(from, to);
      if (rayTracing.collides() || rayTracing.getStepsDone() >= rayTracing.getMaxSteps()) {
        final int maxBlockDist = manhattan <= 1 ? manhattan : from.maxBlockDist(to);
        if (maxBlockDist <= 1 && rayTracing.getStepsDone() == 1 && !from.isPassable()) {
          // Redo ray-tracing for moving out of blocks.
          if (collidesIgnoreFirst(from, to)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_2x_";
          } else if (data.debug) {
                    player.getName() + " passable: allow moving out of a block.");
        } else {
          if (!allowsSplitMove(from, to, manhattan)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_";
      // TODO: Future: If accuracy is demanded, also check the head position (or bounding box right
      // away).

    // TODO: Checking order: If loc is not the same as from, a quick return here might not be
    // wanted.
    if (toPassable) {
      // Quick return.
      // (Might consider if vl>=1: only decrease if from and loc are passable too, though micro...)
      data.passableVL *= 0.99;
      return null;
    } else {
      return potentialViolation(player, loc, from, to, manhattan, tags, data, cc);
  * Debug to TRACE_FILE. Meant for temporary use, use CheckUtils.debug for permanent inserts.
  * @param message
  * @return
 public static void debug(String message) {
   NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, message);
  * Debug to TRACE_FILE. Meant for temporary use, use CheckUtils.debug for permanent inserts.
  * @return The given returnValue.
 public static boolean debug(String message, boolean returnValue) {
   NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, message);
   return returnValue;
  * Output information specific to player-move events.
  * @param player
  * @param from
  * @param to
  * @param mcAccess
 public static void outputMoveDebug(
     final Player player,
     final PlayerLocation from,
     final PlayerLocation to,
     final double maxYOnGround,
     final MCAccess mcAccess) {
   final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(250);
   final Location loc = player.getLocation();
   // TODO: Differentiate debug levels (needs setting up some policy + document in
   // BuildParamteres)?
   if (BuildParameters.debugLevel > 0) {
     builder.append("\n-------------- MOVE --------------\n");
     builder.append(player.getName() + " " + from.getWorld().getName() + ":\n");
     addMove(from, to, loc, builder);
   } else {
     builder.append(player.getName() + " " + from.getWorld().getName() + " ");
     addFormattedMove(from, to, loc, builder);
   final double jump = mcAccess.getJumpAmplifier(player);
   final double speed = mcAccess.getFasterMovementAmplifier(player);
   final double strider = BridgeEnchant.getDepthStriderLevel(player);
   if (BuildParameters.debugLevel > 0) {
     try {
       // TODO: Check backwards compatibility (1.4.2). Remove try-catch
           "\n(walkspeed=" + player.getWalkSpeed() + " flyspeed=" + player.getFlySpeed() + ")");
     } catch (Throwable t) {
     if (player.isSprinting()) {
     if (player.isSneaking()) {
     if (player.isBlocking()) {
     final Vector v = player.getVelocity();
     if (v.lengthSquared() > 0.0) {
       builder.append("(svel=" + v.getX() + "," + v.getY() + "," + v.getZ() + ")");
   if (speed != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
     builder.append("(e_speed=" + (speed + 1) + ")");
   final double slow = PotionUtil.getPotionEffectAmplifier(player, PotionEffectType.SLOW);
   if (slow != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
     builder.append("(e_slow=" + (slow + 1) + ")");
   if (jump != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
     builder.append("(e_jump=" + (jump + 1) + ")");
   if (strider != 0) {
     builder.append("(e_depth_strider=" + strider + ")");
   // Print basic info first in order
       .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, builder.toString());
   // Extended info.
   if (BuildParameters.debugLevel > 0) {
     // Note: the block flags are for normal on-ground checking, not with yOnGrond set to 0.5.
     if (from.getBlockFlags() != 0)
           "\nfrom flags: "
               + StringUtil.join(BlockProperties.getFlagNames(from.getBlockFlags()), "+"));
     if (from.getTypeId() != 0) addBlockInfo(builder, from, "\nfrom");
     if (from.getTypeIdBelow() != 0) addBlockBelowInfo(builder, from, "\nfrom");
     if (!from.isOnGround() && from.isOnGround(0.5)) builder.append(" (ground within 0.5)");
     if (to.getBlockFlags() != 0)
           "\nto flags: "
               + StringUtil.join(BlockProperties.getFlagNames(to.getBlockFlags()), "+"));
     if (to.getTypeId() != 0) addBlockInfo(builder, to, "\nto");
     if (to.getTypeIdBelow() != 0) addBlockBelowInfo(builder, to, "\nto");
     if (!to.isOnGround() && to.isOnGround(0.5)) builder.append(" (ground within 0.5)");
         .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, builder.toString());
 /** Instantiates a new creative fly check. */
 public CreativeFly() {
   blockChangeTracker = NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getBlockChangeTracker();
   * This will be called from within the plugin in onEnable, after registration of all core
   * listeners and components. After each components addition processQueuedSubComponentHolders()
   * will be called to allow registries for further optional components.
   * @param plugin
   * @return
  public Collection<Object> getAvailableComponentsOnEnable(NoCheatPlus plugin) {
    final List<Object> available = new LinkedList<Object>();

    // Add components (try-catch).
    // TODO: catch ClassNotFound, incompatibleXY rather !?

    // Check: inventory.fastconsume.
    try {
      // TODO: Static test methods !?
      available.add(new FastConsume());
          .addFeatureTags("checks", Arrays.asList(FastConsume.class.getSimpleName()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      StaticLog.logInfo("Inventory checks: FastConsume is not available.");

    // Check: inventory.gutenberg.
    try {
      available.add(new Gutenberg());
          .addFeatureTags("checks", Arrays.asList(Gutenberg.class.getSimpleName()));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      StaticLog.logInfo("Inventory checks: Gutenberg is not available.");

    // Hot fix: falling block end portal.
    try {
      available.add(new HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter());
              "checks", Arrays.asList(HotFixFallingBlockPortalEnter.class.getSimpleName()));
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {

    // ProtocolLib dependencies.
    if (protocolLibPresent.isAvailable()) {
      // Check conditions.
      boolean protocolLibAvailable = false;
      for (final IActivation condition : protocolLibActivation) {
        if (condition.isAvailable()) {
          protocolLibAvailable = true;
      // Attempt to react.
      if (protocolLibAvailable) {
        try {
          available.add(new ProtocolLibComponent(plugin));
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          StaticLog.logWarning("Failed to set up packet level access with ProtocolLib.");
          if (ConfigManager.getConfigFile().getBoolean(ConfPaths.LOGGING_EXTENDED_STATUS)) {
            NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getLogManager().debug(Streams.INIT, t);
      } else {
        List<String> parts = new LinkedList<String>();
        parts.add("Packet level access via ProtocolLib not available, supported configurations: ");
        for (IDescriptiveActivation cond : protocolLibActivation) {
        StaticLog.logWarning(StringUtil.join(parts, " | "));
    } else {
      StaticLog.logInfo("Packet level access: ProtocolLib is not available.");

    return available;
 public CheckListener(CheckType checkType) {
   this.checkType = checkType;
   this.mcAccess = NCPAPIProvider.getNoCheatPlusAPI().getMCAccess();