Exemple #1
  public Location check(
      final Player player,
      Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // TODO: if (!from.isSameCoords(loc)) {...check passable for loc -> from !?... + sf etc too?}
    // TODO: Future: Account for the players bounding box? [test very-strict setting for at least
    // the end points...]
    String tags = "";
    // Block distances (sum, max) for from-to (not for loc!).
    final int manhattan = from.manhattan(to);
    // Skip moves inside of ignored blocks right away [works as long as we only check between
    // foot-locations].
    if (manhattan <= 1 && BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getTypeId())) {
      // TODO: Monitor: BlockProperties.isPassable checks slightly different than before.
      if (manhattan == 0) {
        return null;
      } else {
        // manhattan == 1
        if (BlockProperties.isPassable(to.getTypeId())) {
          return null;
    boolean toPassable = to.isPassable();
    // General condition check for using ray-tracing.
    if (toPassable
        && cc.passableRayTracingCheck
        && (!cc.passableRayTracingBlockChangeOnly || manhattan > 0)) {
      rayTracing.set(from, to);
      if (rayTracing.collides() || rayTracing.getStepsDone() >= rayTracing.getMaxSteps()) {
        final int maxBlockDist = manhattan <= 1 ? manhattan : from.maxBlockDist(to);
        if (maxBlockDist <= 1 && rayTracing.getStepsDone() == 1 && !from.isPassable()) {
          // Redo ray-tracing for moving out of blocks.
          if (collidesIgnoreFirst(from, to)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_2x_";
          } else if (data.debug) {
                    player.getName() + " passable: allow moving out of a block.");
        } else {
          if (!allowsSplitMove(from, to, manhattan)) {
            toPassable = false;
            tags = "raytracing_";
      // TODO: Future: If accuracy is demanded, also check the head position (or bounding box right
      // away).

    // TODO: Checking order: If loc is not the same as from, a quick return here might not be
    // wanted.
    if (toPassable) {
      // Quick return.
      // (Might consider if vl>=1: only decrease if from and loc are passable too, though micro...)
      data.passableVL *= 0.99;
      return null;
    } else {
      return potentialViolation(player, loc, from, to, manhattan, tags, data, cc);
Exemple #2
  private Location potentialViolation(
      final Player player,
      final Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final int manhattan,
      String tags,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // Moving into a block, possibly a violation.

    // Check the players location if different from others.
    // (It provides a better set-back for some exploits.)
    final int lbX = loc.getBlockX();
    final int lbY = loc.getBlockY();
    final int lbZ = loc.getBlockZ();
    Location setBackLoc = null; // Alternative to from.getLocation().
    // First check if the player is moving from a passable location.
    // If not, the move might still be allowed, if moving inside of the same block, or from and to
    // have head position passable.
    if (from.isPassable()) {
      // Put one workaround for 1.5 high blocks here:
      if (from.isBlockAbove(to)
          && (BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(to.getTypeId()) & BlockProperties.F_HEIGHT150) != 0) {
        // Check if the move went from inside of the block.
        if (BlockProperties.collidesBlock(
            to.getTypeId())) {
          // Allow moving inside of 1.5 high blocks.
          return null;
      // From should be the set-back.
      tags += "into";
    } else if (BlockProperties.isPassable(
        from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
      // Keep loc, because it it is passable.
      tags += "into_shift";
      setBackLoc = loc;
    //				} else if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(),
    // loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
    // (Mind that this can be the case on the same block theoretically.)
    // Keep loc as set-back.
    //				}
    else if (!from.isSameBlock(lbX, lbY, lbZ)) {
      // Both loc and from are not passable. Use from as set.back (earliest).
      tags += "cross_shift";
    } else if (manhattan == 1
        && to.isBlockAbove(from)
        && BlockProperties.isPassable(
            from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(),
                Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
                from.getBlockZ()))) {
      //				else if (to.isBlockAbove(from) && BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(),
      // from.getX(), from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(), from.getZ(),
      // from.getTypeId(from.getBlockX(), Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
      // from.getBlockZ()))) {
      // Allow the move up if the head is free.
      // TODO: Better distinguish ray-tracing (through something thin) or check to-head-passable
      // too?
      return null;
    } else if (manhattan > 0) {
      // Otherwise keep from as set-back.
      tags += "cross";
    } else {
      // All blocks are the same, allow the move.
      return null;

    // Discard inconsistent locations.
    // TODO: Might get rid of using the in-between loc - needs use-case checking.
    if (setBackLoc != null
        && (TrigUtil.distance(from, to) > 0.75 || TrigUtil.distance(from, setBackLoc) > 0.125)) {
      setBackLoc = null;

    // Prefer the set-back location from the data.
    if (data.hasSetBack()) {
      // TODO: Review or make configurable.
      final Location ref = data.getSetBack(to);
      if (BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getBlockCache(), ref)
          || setBackLoc == null
          || TrigUtil.distance(from, setBackLoc) > 0.13) {
        //					if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), ref)) {
        setBackLoc = ref;
        if (data.debug) {
                  Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Using set-back location for passable.");
      } else if (data.debug) {
            .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Ignoring set-back for passable.");

    // TODO: set data.set-back ? or something: still some aji here.

    // Return the reset position.
    data.passableVL += 1d;
    final ViolationData vd =
        new ViolationData(this, player, data.passableVL, 1, cc.passableActions);
    if (data.debug || vd.needsParameters()) {
          String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", from.getX(), from.getY(), from.getZ()));
          String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", to.getX(), to.getY(), to.getZ()));
          ParameterName.DISTANCE, String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", TrigUtil.distance(from, to)));
      // TODO: Consider adding from.getTypeId() too, if blocks differ and non-air.
      vd.setParameter(ParameterName.BLOCK_ID, "" + to.getTypeId());
      if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
        vd.setParameter(ParameterName.TAGS, tags);
    if (executeActions(vd)) {
      // TODO: Consider another set back position for this, also keeping track of players moving
      // around in blocks.
      final Location newTo;
      if (setBackLoc != null) {
        // Ensure the given location is cloned.
        newTo = LocUtil.clone(setBackLoc);
      } else {
        newTo = from.getLocation();
        if (data.debug) {
              .debug(Streams.TRACE_FILE, player.getName() + " Using from location for passable.");
      return newTo;
    } else {
      // No cancel action set.
      return null;
Exemple #3
  private Location potentialViolation(
      final Player player,
      Location loc,
      final PlayerLocation from,
      final PlayerLocation to,
      final int manhattan,
      String tags,
      final MovingData data,
      final MovingConfig cc) {
    // Moving into a block, possibly a violation.

    // Check the players location if different from others.
    // (It provides a better set-back for some exploits.)
    final int lbX = loc.getBlockX();
    final int lbY = loc.getBlockY();
    final int lbZ = loc.getBlockZ();
    // First check if the player is moving from a passable location.
    // If not, the move might still be allowed, if moving inside of the same block, or from and to
    // have head position passable.
    if (from.isPassable()) {
      // Put one workaround for 1.5 high blocks here:
      if (from.isBlockAbove(to)
          && (BlockProperties.getBlockFlags(to.getTypeId()) & BlockProperties.F_HEIGHT150) != 0) {
        // Check if the move went from inside of the block.
        if (BlockProperties.collidesBlock(
            to.getTypeId())) {
          // Allow moving inside of 1.5 high blocks.
          return null;
      // From should be the set-back.
      loc = null;
      tags += "into";
    } else if (BlockProperties.isPassable(
        from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
      tags += "into_shift";
    //				} else if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), loc.getX(), loc.getY(),
    // loc.getZ(), from.getTypeId(lbX, lbY, lbZ))) {
    // (Mind that this can be the case on the same block theoretically.)
    // Keep loc as set-back.
    //				}
    else if (!from.isSameBlock(lbX, lbY, lbZ)) {
      // Otherwise keep loc as set-back.
      tags += "cross_shift";
    } else if (manhattan == 1
        && to.isBlockAbove(from)
        && BlockProperties.isPassable(
            from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(),
                Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
                from.getBlockZ()))) {
      //				else if (to.isBlockAbove(from) && BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(),
      // from.getX(), from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight(), from.getZ(),
      // from.getTypeId(from.getBlockX(), Location.locToBlock(from.getY() + player.getEyeHeight()),
      // from.getBlockZ()))) {
      // Allow the move up if the head is free.
      return null;
    } else if (manhattan > 0) {
      // Otherwise keep from as set-back.
      loc = null;
      tags += "cross";
    } else {
      // All blocks are the same, allow the move.
      return null;

    // Discard inconsistent locations.
    // TODO: Might get rid of using the in-between loc - needs use-case checking.
    if (loc != null
        && (TrigUtil.distance(from, to) > 0.75 || TrigUtil.distance(from, loc) > 0.125)) {
      loc = null;

    // Prefer the set-back location from the data.
    if (data.hasSetBack()) {
      final Location ref = data.getSetBack(to);
      if (BlockProperties.isPassable(from.getBlockCache(), ref)
          || loc == null
          || TrigUtil.distance(from, loc) > 0.13) {
        //					if (BlockProperties.isPassableExact(from.getBlockCache(), ref)) {
        loc = ref;
        if (cc.debug) {
          System.out.println(player.getName() + " Using set-back location for passable.");
      } else if (cc.debug) {
        System.out.println(player.getName() + " Ignoring set-back for passable.");

    // TODO: set data.set-back ? or something: still some aji here.

    // Return the reset position.
    data.passableVL += 1d;
    final ViolationData vd =
        new ViolationData(this, player, data.passableVL, 1, cc.passableActions);
    if (cc.debug || vd.needsParameters()) {
      vd.setParameter(ParameterName.BLOCK_ID, "" + to.getTypeId());
      if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
        vd.setParameter(ParameterName.TAGS, tags);
    if (executeActions(vd)) {
      // TODO: Consider another set back position for this, also keeping track of players moving
      // around in blocks.
      final Location newTo;
      if (loc != null) {
        // Ensure the given location is cloned.
        newTo = LocUtil.clone(loc);
      } else {
        newTo = from.getLocation();
        if (cc.debug) {
          System.out.println(player.getName() + " Using from location for passable.");
      return newTo;
    } else {
      // No cancel action set.
      return null;