/** Use example for BijectiveComponent class with a context as initial closure system * */ public static void ExampleBijectiveComponentsForContext(String name) throws IOException { Context Init = new Context(inputDir + name + ".txt"); BijectiveComponents BC = new BijectiveComponents(Init); double time = BC.compute(); BC.save(outputDir, name); Init.reverse(); ConceptLattice CL = Init.closedSetLattice(true); ImplicationalSystem BCD = CL.getCanonicalDirectBasis(); System.out.println(BCD); System.out.println("time: " + time); }
/** * Write a graph to a output stream. * * @param lattice a concept lattice to write * @param file a file * @throws IOException When an IOException occurs */ public void write(ConceptLattice lattice, BufferedWriter file) throws IOException { file.write("digraph G {\n"); file.write("Graph [rankdir=BT]\n"); StringBuffer nodes = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer edges = new StringBuffer(); for (Node node : lattice.getNodes()) { Concept concept = (Concept) node; String dot = concept.getIdentifier() + " [label=\" "; String tmp = ""; if (concept.hasSetA()) { tmp += concept.getSetA(); } if (concept.hasSetA() && concept.hasSetB()) { tmp += "\\n"; } if (concept.hasSetB()) { tmp += concept.getSetB(); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tmp, "\""); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { dot += st.nextToken(); } dot += "\"]"; nodes.append(dot).append("\n"); } for (Edge edge : lattice.getEdges()) { String dot = edge.getFrom().getIdentifier() + "->" + edge.getTo().getIdentifier(); if (edge.hasContent()) { dot = dot + " [" + "label=\""; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(edge.getContent().toString(), "\""); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { dot += tokenizer.nextToken(); } dot = dot + "\"]"; } edges.append(dot).append("\n"); } file.write(nodes.toString()); file.write(edges.toString()); file.write("}"); }
/** Use example for Context and ConceptLattice classes * */ public static void ExampleContext(String name) { try { // load an IS from the "ISrules.txt" file String nameContext = name + ".txt"; Context base = new Context(inputDir + nameContext); // create the directory to save files File f = new File(outputDir + name); f.mkdir(); // create the Readme file name = name + File.separator + name; BufferedWriter file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputDir + name + "Readme.txt")); String log = "EXAMPLE FOR CONTEXT AND CONCEPTLATTICE CLASSES\n"; log += "-----------------------------------------\n"; log += "-> Initial context:\n " + base + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // compute the immediate successors of a concept from the context using Limited Object Access // algorihtm TreeSet<Comparable> setA = new TreeSet(); setA.add(base.getAttributes().first()); setA.addAll(base.closure(setA)); TreeSet<Comparable> setB = new TreeSet(); setB.addAll(base.getExtent(base.closure(setA))); Concept concept = new Concept(setA, setB); log = "Chosen concept " + concept.toString(); System.out.println(log); file.write(log); ArrayList<TreeSet<Comparable>> immsucc = concept.immediateSuccessorsLOA(base); log = "First immediate successor concept " + new Concept(immsucc.get(0), base.getExtent(immsucc.get(0))) + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the precedence graph of the context DGraph prec = base.precedenceGraph(); String namePrecGraph = name + "PrecedenceGraph.dot"; prec.save(outputDir + namePrecGraph); log = "Precedence graph of Context saved in " + namePrecGraph + "\n"; System.out.println(log + prec.toString()); file.write(log); // computes and prints the concept lattice of the context with NextClosure ConceptLattice CLNC = base.closedSetLattice(false); String nameCLNC = name + "ClosedSetLatticeNextClosure.dot"; CLNC.save(outputDir + nameCLNC); log = "-> Closed set lattice of Context (generated by Next Closure algorithm) saved in " + nameCLNC + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLNC.toString()); file.write(log); // computes and prints the closed set lattice of the context with Bordat ConceptLattice CLBordat = base.closedSetLattice(true); String nameCLBordat = name + "ClosedSetLatticeBordat.dot"; CLBordat.save(outputDir + nameCLBordat); log = "-> Closed set lattice of Context (generated by Bordat's algorithm) saved in " + nameCLBordat + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLBordat.toString()); file.write(log); // computes and prints the concept lattice of the context with Bordat ConceptLattice CBordat = base.conceptLattice(true); String nameCBordat = name + "ConceptLatticeBordat.dot"; CBordat.save(outputDir + nameCBordat); log = "-> Concept lattice of Context (generated by Bordat's algorithm) saved in " + nameCBordat + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CBordat.toString()); file.write(log); // computes dependance graph, minimal generators and canonical direct basis log = "-> Components generated while Bordat's algorithm computes the lattice:\n"; DGraph ODG = CLBordat.getDependencyGraph(); String nameODG = name + "DependanceGraphOfClosedSetLattice.dot"; ODG.save(outputDir + nameODG); log += "Dependance graph of closed set lattice saved in " + nameODG + "\n"; System.out.println(log + ODG.toString()); file.write(log); TreeSet MinGen = CLBordat.getMinimalGenerators(); log = "Minimal generators of closed set lattice : " + MinGen + "\n"; ImplicationalSystem BCD = CLBordat.getCanonicalDirectBasis(); String nameBCD = name + "CanonicalDirectBasisOfClosedSetLattice.txt"; BCD.save(outputDir + nameBCD); log += "Canonical direct basis of closed set lattice saved in " + nameBCD + ": \n" + BCD.toString(); System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the reduction and the closed set lattice of the context Context reduit = new Context(base); reduit.reduction(); String nameReduit = name + "Reduction.txt"; base.save(outputDir + nameReduit); log = "Reduced context saved in " + nameReduit + ": \n" + reduit; ConceptLattice CLReduit = base.closedSetLattice(true); String nameCLReduit = name + "ClosedSetLatticeOfReducedContext.dot"; CLReduit.save(outputDir + nameCLReduit); log += "Closed set lattice of the reduced context saved in " + nameCLReduit + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLReduit.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Concept lattice of initial context (" + nameCLBordat + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Concept lattice of the reduced context (" + nameCLReduit + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; // computes the table of the concept lattice od the context Context table = CBordat.getTable(); String nameTable = name + "TableOfConceptLattice.txt"; base.save(outputDir + nameTable); log = "-> Table of the concept lattice saved in " + nameTable + ": \n" + table; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Reduction of the initial context " + reduit + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Table of the its concept lattice (" + nameTable + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; // computes the closed set lattice of the CDB ConceptLattice CLBCD = BCD.closedSetLattice(true); String nameCLBCD = name + "ConceptLatticeOfBCD.dot"; CLBCD.save(outputDir + nameCLBCD); log = "Concept lattice of the CDB saved in " + nameCLBCD + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLBCD.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Concept lattice of the initial context (" + nameCLBordat + ") is isomorphic to \n"; log += "is isomorphic to concept lattice of its canonical directe basis (" + nameCLBCD + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** Use example for Context and ConceptLattice classes * */ public static void ExampleIS(String name) { try { // load an IS from the "ISrules.txt" file String nameIS = name + ".txt"; ImplicationalSystem base = new ImplicationalSystem(inputDir + nameIS); // create the directory to save files File f = new File(outputDir + name); f.mkdir(); // create the Readme file name = name + File.separator + name; BufferedWriter file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputDir + name + "Readme.txt")); String log = "EXAMPLE FOR IS AND CONCEPTLATTICE CLASSES\n"; log += "-----------------------------------------\n"; log += "-> Initial set of rules (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules):\n" + base + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the precedence graph of the IS DGraph prec = base.precedenceGraph(); String namePrecGraph = name + "PrecedenceGraph.dot"; prec.save(outputDir + namePrecGraph); log = "Precedence graph of IS saved in " + namePrecGraph + "\n"; System.out.println(log + prec.toString()); file.write(log); // some IS transformation log = "-> Some IS transformations: \n"; base.makeUnary(); log += "-> Unary equivalent rules (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules):\n" + base + "\n"; base.makeLeftMinimal(); log += "Left minimal equivalent rules (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules):\n" + base + "\n"; base.makeRightMaximal(); log += "Right maximal equivalent rules (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules):\n" + base + "\n"; base.makeCompact(); log += "Compact equivalent rules (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules):\n" + base + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes and prints the closed set lattice of the initial rules with NextClosure ConceptLattice CLNC = base.closedSetLattice(false); String nameCLNC = name + "ClosedSetLatticeNextClosure.dot"; CLNC.save(outputDir + nameCLNC); log = "-> Closed set lattice of IS (generated by Next Closure algorithm) saved in " + nameCLNC + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLNC.toString()); file.write(log); // computes and prints the closed set lattice of the initial rules with Bordat ConceptLattice CLBordat = base.closedSetLattice(true); String nameCLBordat = name + "ClosedSetLatticeBordat.dot"; CLBordat.save(outputDir + nameCLBordat); log = "-> Closed set lattice of IS (generated by Bordat's algorithm) saved in " + nameCLBordat + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLBordat.toString()); file.write(log); // computes dependance graph, minimal generators and canonical direct basis log = "-> Components generated while Bordat's algorithm computes the lattice:\n"; DGraph ODG = CLBordat.getDependencyGraph(); String nameODG = name + "DependanceGraphOfClosedSetLattice.dot"; ODG.save(outputDir + nameODG); log += "Dependance graph of closed set lattice saved in " + nameODG + "\n"; System.out.println(log + ODG.toString()); file.write(log); TreeSet MinGen = CLBordat.getMinimalGenerators(); log = "Minimal generators of closed set lattice : " + MinGen + "\n"; ImplicationalSystem CLBCD = CLBordat.getCanonicalDirectBasis(); String nameCLBCD = name + "CanonicalDirectBasisOfClosedSetLattice.txt"; CLBCD.save(outputDir + nameCLBCD); log += "Canonical direct basis of closed set lattice saved in " + nameCLBCD + ": \n" + CLBCD.toString(); System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the canonical basis and the closed set lattice of the basis base.makeCanonicalBasis(); String nameBC = name + "CanonicalBasis.txt"; base.save(outputDir + nameBC); log = "Canonical basis (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules) saved in " + nameBC + ": \n" + base; ConceptLattice CLBC = base.closedSetLattice(true); String nameCLBC = name + "ClosedSetLatticeOfCanonicalBasis.dot"; CLBC.save(outputDir + nameCLBC); log += "Closed set lattice of the canonical basis saved in " + nameCLBC + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLBC.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Concept lattice of initial IS (" + nameCLBordat + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Concept lattice of the canonical basis of initial IC (" + nameCLBC + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; // computes the canonical directe basis base.makeCanonicalDirectBasis(); String nameBCD = name + "CanonicalDirectBasis.txt"; base.save(outputDir + nameBC); log = "-> Canonical direct basis (" + base.sizeRules() + " rules) saved in " + nameBCD + ": \n" + base; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Canonical direct basis of initial IS (" + nameBCD + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Canonical direct basis of the concept lattice of initial IC (" + nameCLBCD + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; // computes the closed set lattice of the canonical direct basis ConceptLattice BCDCL = base.closedSetLattice(true); String nameBCDCL = name + "ClosedSetLatticeOfCanonicalDirectBasis.dot"; BCDCL.save(outputDir + nameCLBCD); log += "-> Closed set lattice of the canonical direct basis saved in " + nameBCDCL + "\n"; System.out.println(log + BCDCL.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Closed set lattice of initial IS (" + nameCLBordat + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Closed set lattice of the canonical direct basis of initial IC (" + nameBCDCL + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes and prints the join reduction of the closed set lattice Lattice L = CLBordat.getJoinReduction(); String nameCLJoinReduced = name + "LatticeJoinReduction.dot"; L.save(outputDir + nameCLJoinReduced); log = "-> Join reduction of the concept lattice saved in " + nameCLJoinReduced + "\n"; System.out.println(log + L.toString()); file.write(log); // computes the table of irreducible nodes of the reduced lattice Context T = L.getTable(); String nameTable = name + "TableOfReducedLattice.txt"; T.save(outputDir + nameTable); log = "-> Irreducibles table saved in " + nameTable + ":\n " + T; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the concept lattice of the table ConceptLattice CLTable = T.conceptLattice(false); String nameCLTable = name + "ConceptLatticeOfTable.dot"; CLTable.save(outputDir + nameCLTable); log = "Concept lattice of the table saved in " + nameCLTable + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CLTable.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Concept lattice of the canonical direct basis of initial IC (" + nameCLBCD + ") is isomorphic to \n"; log += "is isomorphic to concept lattice of its irreducibles table (" + nameCLTable + ")\n"; log += "-----------------\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** Use example for DAGraph and Lattice classes * */ public static void ExampleDAGraph() { try { String name = "DAGraph"; // create the directory to save files File f = new File(outputDir + name); f.mkdir(); // create the Readme file name = name + File.separator + name; BufferedWriter file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputDir + name + "Readme.txt")); String log = "EXAMPLE FOR DAGRAPH AND LATTICE CLASSES\n"; log += "-----------------------------------------\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // randomly generates a directed graph of 10 nodes DAGraph G = DAGraph.random(10); String nameGraph = name + ".dot"; G.save(outputDir + nameGraph); log = "-> Randomly generated DAGraph saved in " + nameGraph + "\n"; System.out.println(log + G.toString()); file.write(log); // verify if the dagraph is acyclic log = nameGraph + " acyclic? " + G.isAcyclic() + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes and print the transitive reduction of the dagraph G.transitiveReduction(); String nameTR = name + "TransitiveReduction.dot"; G.save(outputDir + nameTR); log = "-> Transitive reduction saved in " + nameTR + "\n"; System.out.println(log + G.toString()); file.write(log); // computes and print the ideal and the filter of the first node Node n = G.getNodes().first(); DAGraph ideal = G.ideal(n); String nameIdeal = name + "Ideal.dot"; ideal.save(outputDir + nameIdeal); log = "-> Minorants of " + n + " : " + G.minorants(n) + "\n saved as a dagraph in " + nameIdeal + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); DAGraph filter = G.filter(n); String nameFilter = name + "Filter.dot"; filter.save(outputDir + nameFilter); log = "-> Majorants of " + n + " : " + G.majorants(n) + "\n saved as a dagraph in " + nameFilter + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes and print the ideals lattice of the dagraph ConceptLattice CSL = ConceptLattice.idealLattice(G); String nameIdealsLattice = name + "IdealsLattice.dot"; CSL.save(outputDir + nameIdealsLattice); log = "-> Ideal lattice saved in " + nameIdealsLattice + "\n"; System.out.println(log + CSL.toString()); file.write(log); // check if the ideals lattice is a lattice log = "-> Check if the ideal lattice is a lattice ? " + CSL.isLattice() + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // print the irreducibles elements of the ideal lattice log = "-> Join irreducibles of ideal lattice: " + CSL.joinIrreducibles() + "\n"; log += "Meet irreducibles of ideal lattice: " + CSL.meetIrreducibles() + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // reduces the ideal lattice by replacing each join irreducible node by one element Lattice L = CSL.getJoinReduction(); String nameReducedLattice = name + "ReducedLattice.dot"; L.save(outputDir + nameReducedLattice); log = "-> Reduced ideal lattice saved in " + nameReducedLattice + "\n"; System.out.println(log + L.toString()); file.write(log); // print the irreducibles elements of the reduces ideal lattice log = "-> Join irreducibles of reduced ideal lattice: " + L.joinIrreducibles() + "\n"; log += "Meet irreducibles of reduced ideal lattice: " + L.meetIrreducibles() + "\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // computes the table of the reduced lattice Context T = L.getTable(); String nameTable = name + "IrrTable.txt"; T.save(outputDir + nameTable); log = "-> Irreducibles table of the reduced ideal lattice saved in " + nameTable + ":\n " + T.toString(); System.out.println(log); file.write(log); // compute the subgraph of join irreducible nodes DAGraph JIrr = L.joinIrreduciblesSubgraph(); String nameIrrSG = name + "IrrSubgraph.dot"; JIrr.save(outputDir + nameIrrSG); log = "-> Join irreducibles subgraph saved in " + nameIrrSG + "\n"; System.out.println(log + JIrr.toString()); file.write(log); // BIJECTION log = "--- BIJECTION --- \n"; log += "Initial random DAGraph (" + nameGraph + ") isomorphic to\n"; log += "Join irreducible subgraph of its ideal lattice (" + nameIrrSG + ")\n"; System.out.println(log); file.write(log); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }