public static CardPool fromCardList(final Iterable<String> lines) { CardPool pool = new CardPool(); if (lines == null) { return pool; } final Iterator<String> lineIterator = lines.iterator(); while (lineIterator.hasNext()) { final String line =; if (line.startsWith(";") || line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } // that is a comment or not-yet-supported card final Matcher m = p.matcher(line.trim()); m.matches(); final String sCnt =; final String cardName =; if (StringUtils.isBlank(cardName)) { continue; } final int count = sCnt == null ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(sCnt); pool.add(cardName, count); } return pool; }
/** * getCardpool. * * @param isHuman boolean, get pool for human (possible choices) * @return a {@link forge.CardList} object. */ public CardPool getCardPool(final boolean isHuman) { final CardPool pool = new CardPool(); for (IUnOpenedProduct prod : product) { if (prod instanceof UnOpenedMeta) { List<PaperCard> cards = ((UnOpenedMeta) prod).open(isHuman, true); if (cards == null) { return null; // return null if user canceled } pool.addAllFlat(cards); } else { pool.addAllFlat(prod.get()); } } return pool; }
public static DeckGroup generateSealedDeck(final boolean addBasicLands) { final String prompt = "Choose Sealed Deck Format"; final LimitedPoolType poolType = SGuiChoose.oneOrNone(prompt, LimitedPoolType.values()); if (poolType == null) { return null; } SealedCardPoolGenerator sd = new SealedCardPoolGenerator(poolType); if (sd.isEmpty()) { return null; } final CardPool humanPool = sd.getCardPool(true); if (humanPool == null) { return null; } // System.out.println(humanPool); // This seems to be limited by the MAX_DRAFT_PLAYERS constant // in You could create more AI decks // but only the first seven would load. --BBU Integer rounds = SGuiChoose.getInteger("How many opponents are you willing to face?", 1, 7); if (rounds == null) { return null; } final String sDeckName = SOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Save this card pool as:", "Save Card Pool", FSkinProp.ICO_QUESTION); if (StringUtils.isBlank(sDeckName)) { return null; } final IStorage<DeckGroup> sealedDecks = FModel.getDecks().getSealed(); if (sealedDecks.contains(sDeckName)) { if (!SOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( "'" + sDeckName + "' already exists. Do you want to replace it?", "Sealed Deck Game Exists")) { return null; } sealedDecks.delete(sDeckName); } final Deck deck = new Deck(sDeckName); deck.getOrCreate(DeckSection.Sideboard).addAll(humanPool); if (addBasicLands) { final int landsCount = 10; final boolean isZendikarSet = sd.getLandSetCode() .equals("ZEN"); // we want to generate one kind of Zendikar lands at a time only final boolean zendikarSetMode = MyRandom.getRandom().nextBoolean(); for (final String element : MagicColor.Constant.BASIC_LANDS) { int numArt = FModel.getMagicDb().getCommonCards().getArtCount(element, sd.getLandSetCode()); int minArtIndex = isZendikarSet ? (zendikarSetMode ? 1 : 5) : 1; int maxArtIndex = isZendikarSet ? minArtIndex + 3 : numArt; if (FModel.getPreferences().getPrefBoolean(FPref.UI_RANDOM_ART_IN_POOLS)) { for (int i = minArtIndex; i <= maxArtIndex; i++) { deck.get(DeckSection.Sideboard) .add(element, sd.getLandSetCode(), i, numArt > 1 ? landsCount : 30); } } else { deck.get(DeckSection.Sideboard).add(element, sd.getLandSetCode(), 30); } } } final DeckGroup sealed = new DeckGroup(sDeckName); sealed.setHumanDeck(deck); for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { // Generate other decks for next N opponents final CardPool aiPool = sd.getCardPool(false); if (aiPool == null) { return null; } sealed.addAiDeck(new SealedDeckBuilder(aiPool.toFlatList()).buildDeck()); } // Rank the AI decks sealed.rankAiDecks(new SealedDeckComparer()); FModel.getDecks().getSealed().add(sealed); return sealed; }