public void testBasic() throws Exception {
    if (!Dpkg.available()) {

    DebPackagingFormat packagingFormat = (DebPackagingFormat) lookup(PackagingFormat.ROLE, "deb");

    FileObject dpkgTest = VFS.getManager().resolveFile(getTestPath("target/deb-test"));
    FileObject packageRoot = dpkgTest.resolveFile("root");
    File packageFile = VfsUtil.asFile(dpkgTest.resolveFile("file.deb"));

    PackageVersion version = packageVersion("1.0", "123", false, some("1"));
    PackageParameters parameters =
            .contact("Kurt Cobain")

    List<String> nil = List.nil();
        .debParameters(Option.<String>none(), some("devel"), false, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
        .packageToFile(packageFile, ScriptUtil.Strategy.SINGLE);

/** @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a> */
public class FileAttributes {
  public final Option<String> user;

  public final Option<String> group;

  public final Option<UnixFileMode> mode;

  public final List<String> tags;

  public static final Show<FileAttributes> singleLineShow = Show.anyShow();

  /** A file object with all none fields. Use this when creating template objects. */
  public static final FileAttributes EMPTY =
      new FileAttributes(

  public FileAttributes(Option<String> user, Option<String> group, Option<UnixFileMode> mode) {
    this(user, group, mode, List.<String>nil());

  public FileAttributes(
      Option<String> user, Option<String> group, Option<UnixFileMode> mode, List<String> tags) {
    validateNotNull(user, group, mode, tags);
    this.user = user; = group;
    this.mode = mode;
    this.tags = tags;

  public FileAttributes user(String user) {
    return new FileAttributes(fromNull(user), group, mode, tags);

  public FileAttributes user(Option<String> user) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, mode, tags);

  public FileAttributes group(String group) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, fromNull(group), mode, tags);

  public FileAttributes group(Option<String> group) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, mode, tags);

  public FileAttributes mode(UnixFileMode mode) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, fromNull(mode), tags);

  public FileAttributes mode(Option<UnixFileMode> mode) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, mode, tags);

  public FileAttributes addTag(String tag) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, mode, tags.append(single(tag)));

  public FileAttributes tags(List<String> tags) {
    return new FileAttributes(user, group, mode, this.tags.append(tags));

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  public FileAttributes useAsDefaultsFor(FileAttributes other) {
    return new FileAttributes(
        other.user.orElse(user),, other.mode.orElse(mode), other.tags);

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  public static final F2<FileAttributes, FileAttributes, FileAttributes> useAsDefaultsFor =
      new F2<FileAttributes, FileAttributes, FileAttributes>() {
        public FileAttributes f(FileAttributes defaults, FileAttributes other) {
          return defaults.useAsDefaultsFor(other);

  public static final F<FileAttributes, Option<String>> userF =
      new F<FileAttributes, Option<String>>() {
        public Option<String> f(FileAttributes attributes) {
          return attributes.user;

  public static final F<FileAttributes, Option<String>> groupF =
      new F<FileAttributes, Option<String>>() {
        public Option<String> f(FileAttributes attributes) {

  public static final F<FileAttributes, Option<UnixFileMode>> modeF =
      new F<FileAttributes, Option<UnixFileMode>>() {
        public Option<UnixFileMode> f(FileAttributes attributes) {
          return attributes.mode;

  public static final F<FileAttributes, List<String>> tagsF =
      new F<FileAttributes, List<String>>() {
        public List<String> f(FileAttributes attributes) {
          return attributes.tags;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Object Overrides
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;

    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
      return false;

    FileAttributes that = (FileAttributes) o;

    return optionEquals(user, that.user)
        && optionEquals(group,
        && optionEquals(mode, that.mode);

  public String toString() {
    return "user="******"<not set>")
        + ", "
        + "group="
        + group.orSome("<not set>")
        + ", "
        + "mode="
        +"<not set>");
 public FileAttributes(Option<String> user, Option<String> group, Option<UnixFileMode> mode) {
   this(user, group, mode, List.<String>nil());
Exemple #4
  /** Default constructor. Creates a new instance of {@code ABC}. */
  public ABC() {
    this.initialisationStrategy = new ClonedPopulationInitialisationStrategy();
    initialisationStrategy.setEntityType(new WorkerBee());

    workerBees =;
    onlookerBees =;

    explorerBee = new ExplorerBee();
    dancingSelectionStrategy = new RouletteWheelSelector();

    forageLimit = ConstantControlParameter.of(500);
    workerBeePercentage = ConstantControlParameter.of(0.5);
    explorerBeeUpdateLimit = ConstantControlParameter.of(1.0);
Exemple #5
   * Binds the given function across each element of this array with a final join.
   * @param f The function to apply to each element of this array.
   * @return A new array after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B> Array<B> bind(final F<A, Array<B>> f) {
    List<Array<B>> x = List.nil();
    int len = 0;

    for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      final Array<B> bs = f.f((A) a[i]);
      len = len + bs.length();
      x = x.cons(bs);

    final Object[] bs = new Object[len];

        new F<Array<B>, Unit>() {
          private int i;

          public Unit f(final Array<B> x) {
            arraycopy(x.a, 0, bs, i, x.a.length);
            i = i + x.a.length;
            return unit();

    return new Array<B>(bs);
  public void testCreation() {
    Particle p1 =
        NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(3.0), Vector.of(0.0, 1.0));
    Particle p2 =
        NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(2.0), Vector.of(1.0, 1.0));
    Particle p3 =
        NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(1.0), Vector.of(2.0, 2.0));

    PSO pso = new PSO();
    pso.getTopology().addAll(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3));

    ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy creator = new ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy();
    creator.setSwarmBehavior(new ParticleBehavior());
    NichingSwarms swarms =
        creator.f(NichingSwarms.of(pso, List.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>nil()), p1);

    Assert.assertEquals(1, swarms._1().getTopology().size());
        Vector.of(2.0, 2.0), swarms._1().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution());
    Assert.assertEquals(2, swarms._2().head().getTopology().size());
        Vector.of(0.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution());
        Vector.of(1.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(1).getCandidateSolution());
Exemple #7
   * Returns a list projection of this array.
   * @return A list projection of this array.
  public List<A> toList() {
    List<A> x = List.nil();

    for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      x = x.cons((A) a[i]);

    return x;
Exemple #8
   * Filters elements from this array by returning only elements which produce <code>true</code>
   * when the given function is applied to them.
   * @param f The predicate function to filter on.
   * @return A new array whose elements all match the given predicate.
  public Array<A> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f) {
    List<A> x = List.nil();

    for (int i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (f.f((A) a[i])) x = x.cons((A) a[i]);

    return x.toArray();
 public List<ApplicationDTO> getList() throws InterruptedException {
   try {
     final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
     return array(mapper.readValue(jsonApplications, ApplicationDTO[].class))
   } catch (IOException e) {
     return List.nil();
Exemple #10
  * Sequence through the option monad.
  * @param a The list of option to sequence.
  * @return The option of list after sequencing.
 public static <A> Option<List<A>> sequence(final List<Option<A>> a) {
   return a.isEmpty()
       ? some(List.<A>nil())
       : a.head()
               new F<A, Option<List<A>>>() {
                 public Option<List<A>> f(final A aa) {
                   return sequence(a.tail()).map(cons_(aa));
Exemple #11
  * Sequences through the right side of the either monad with a list of values.
  * @param a The list of values to sequence with the either monad.
  * @return A sequenced value.
 public static <B, X> Either<X, List<B>> sequenceRight(final List<Either<X, B>> a) {
   return a.isEmpty()
       ? Either.<X, List<B>>right(List.<B>nil())
       : a.head()
               new Func<B, Either<X, List<B>>>() {
                 public Either<X, List<B>> f(final B bb) {
                   return sequenceRight(a.tail()).right().map(cons_(bb));
Exemple #12
  * Sequences through the left side of the either monad with a list of values.
  * @param a The list of values to sequence with the either monad.
  * @return A sequenced value.
 public static <A, X> Either<List<A>, X> sequenceLeft(final List<Either<A, X>> a) {
   return a.isEmpty()
       ? Either.<List<A>, X>left(List.<A>nil())
       : a.head()
               new Func<A, Either<List<A>, X>>() {
                 public Either<List<A>, X> f(final A aa) {
                   return sequenceLeft(a.tail()).left().map(cons_(aa));
Exemple #13
  * Returns all the right values in the given list.
  * @param es The list of possible right values.
  * @return All the right values in the given list.
 public static <A, B> List<B> rights(final List<Either<A, B>> es) {
   return es.foldRight(
       new Func<Either<A, B>, Func<List<B>, List<B>>>() {
         public Func<List<B>, List<B>> f(final Either<A, B> e) {
           return new Func<List<B>, List<B>>() {
             public List<B> f(final List<B> bs) {
               return e.isRight() ? bs.cons(e.right().value()) : bs;
Exemple #14
  * Returns all the left values in the given list.
  * @param es The list of possible left values.
  * @return All the left values in the given list.
 public static <A, B> List<A> lefts(final List<Either<A, B>> es) {
   return es.foldRight(
       new Func<Either<A, B>, Func<List<A>, List<A>>>() {
         public Func<List<A>, List<A>> f(final Either<A, B> e) {
           return new Func<List<A>, List<A>>() {
             public List<A> f(final List<A> as) {
               return e.isLeft() ? as.cons(e.left().value()) : as;
  private List<Integer> getNeighbourhood(final E e) {
    int currentIteration = getIteration();
    if (currentIteration > lastIteration || nHoods == null || perCall) {
      lastIteration = currentIteration;
      nHoods =
          getNeighbourhoods(distanceMeasure, radius, neighbourhoodSize)
                      List.<Entity>iterableList((java.util.List<Entity>) entities).zipIndex(),

    final int index = entities.indexOf(e);
    return nHoods
            new F<List<Integer>, Boolean>() {
              public Boolean f(List<Integer> a) {
                return a.exists(Equal.intEqual.eq(index));
Exemple #16
 public static <T> List<T> listFromArray(T[] ar) {
   List<T> l = List.nil();
   for (T x : ar) l = l.snoc(x);
   return l;
Exemple #17
  * Returns a single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list.
  * @return A single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list.
 public List<B> toList() {
   return isRight() ? single(value()) : List.<B>nil();
Exemple #18
  * Returns a single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list.
  * @return A single element list if this projection has a value, otherwise an empty list.
 public List<A> toList() {
   return isLeft() ? single(value()) : List.<A>nil();
 public FRaceIterationStrategy() {
   this.minProblems = ConstantControlParameter.of(4.0);
   this.results = List.<List<OptimisationSolution>>nil();
Exemple #20
  * Sequence the list of parsers through {@link #bind}.
  * @param ps The parsers to sequence.
  * @return A parser after sequencing.
 public static <I, A, E> Parser<I, List<A>, E> sequence(final List<Parser<I, A, E>> ps) {
   return ps.isEmpty()
       ? Parser.<I, List<A>, E>value(List.<A>nil())
       : ps.head().bind(a -> sequence(ps.tail()).map(cons_(a)));
Exemple #21
  * Returns a list projection of this optional value.
  * @return A list projection of this optional value.
 public List<A> toList() {
   return isSome() ? cons(some(), List.<A>nil()) : List.<A>nil();