protected void setStrokeProperties(List<Object> name, Dict properties) { Vector4 color = (Vector4) name.get(1); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.fillColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color == null) color = black; float thick = widthFor(context, properties); thick = remapProperties(color = new Vector4(color), null, thick); PdfContentByte o = context.getOutput(); o.setColorFill(new Color(clamp(color.x), clamp(color.y), clamp(color.z))); if (opName.equals("Opaque")) { PdfGState gs1 = new PdfGState(); gs1.setFillOpacity(1); gs1.setStrokeOpacity(1); gs1.setBlendMode(new PdfName("Normal")); o.setGState(gs1); } { PdfGState gs1 = new PdfGState(); gs1.setFillOpacity(color.w); gs1.setStrokeOpacity(color.w); gs1.setBlendMode(new PdfName(opName)); o.setGState(gs1); } }
public DrawingResult accept( List<iUpdateable> soFar, final CachedLine line, final Dict properties) { if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.stroked, true)) return null; if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.containsDepth, false)) return null; Vector4 color = null; if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.strokeColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color != null) { if (color.w < 0.001) return null; } return new DrawingResult( DrawingResultCode.cont, new iUpdateable() { public void update() { if (!context.isLayer(line)) return; opName = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.outputOpacityType); if (opName == null) opName = defaultOpType; // todo, transp path = context.getOutput(); path.saveState(); lineEmitter.setCanEmitCubic(false); lineEmitter.globalGeometricScale = 0; lineEmitter.globalFlatnessScale = context.getGlobalProperties().getFloat(iLinearGraphicsContext.flatnessScale, 1); beginTransform(line, properties); drawInto(line, properties, null, context, lineEmitter); firstOut = true; Number dd = properties.get(PDFDash); if (dd != null) { context.getOutput().setLineDash(dd.floatValue(), dd.floatValue() * 1.4f, 0); } context.getOutput().stroke(); context.getOutput().newPath(); System.err.println(" submitting path "); path.restoreState(); } }); }
@Override public void emitLinearFrame( Vector3 a, Vector3 b, java.util.List<Object> name, java.util.List<Object> name2, Dict properties, iLinearGraphicsContext contex) { Vector4 outputTransform = SimplePDFLineDrawing_3d.this.outputTransform; if (properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.noTransform, false)) outputTransform = new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0); setStrokeProperties(name, properties); if (firstOut || lastOut.distanceFrom(a) > 1e-5) { Vector2 at = transform(a); path.moveTo(at.x, at.y); firstOut = false; lastOut = new Vector3(b); } Vector2 at = transform(b); ; // System.out.println(" line to <"+b+" -> "+at); if (!shouldClip) path.lineTo(at.x, at.y); lastOut.x = b.x; lastOut.y = b.y; }
protected void beginTransform(CachedLine line, Dict properties) { iLinearGraphicsContext context = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.context); ; // System.out.println(" line context is <" + context + ">"); if (context instanceof iTransformingContext) { transformContext = (iTransformingContext) context; } else { transformContext = null; } }
public DrawingResult accept( List<iUpdateable> soFar, final CachedLine line, final Dict properties) { if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointed, false)) return null; if (properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.containsDepth, false)) return null; line.finish(); unitSquare = null; DrawingResult res = new DrawingResult( DrawingResultCode.cont, new iUpdateable() { public void update() { if (!context.isLayer(line)) return; boolean notEnds = properties.isTrue(pointNotAtEnds, false); for (CachedLine.Event e : { if (notEnds && e.attributes != null && e.attributes.isTrue(isClippedEnd_v, false)) { System.err.println(" skipped clipped end"); continue; } if (!e.method.equals(iLine_m.close_m)) { float size = 1f / outputTransform.x; Number ps = e.getAttributes().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointSize_v); if (ps == null) ps = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointSize); if (ps != null) size = ps.floatValue() / outputTransform.x; // size *= 0.25f; Vector4 color = e.getAttributes().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointColor_v); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.strokeColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color == null) color = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); color.w *= properties.getFloat(iLinearGraphicsContext.totalOpacity, 1f); size *= context.getGlobalProperties().getFloat(pointSizeMul, 1); remapProperties(null, color = new Vector4(color), 0); if (unitSquare == null || unitSquareLastColor.distanceFrom(color) > 0 || Math.abs(unitSquareLastSize - size) > 0.25f) { constructUnitSquare(color, size); unitSquareLastColor = color; unitSquareLastSize = size; PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(color.w); String opName = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.outputOpacityType); if (opName == null) opName = defaultOpType; gs.setBlendMode(new PdfName(opName)); context.getOutput().setGState(gs); } Vector2 at = transform(e.getDestination()); context .getOutput() .addTemplate(unitSquare, -size / 2 + at.x, -size / 2 + at.y); // CachedLine markerLine // = new CachedLine(); // iLine in = // markerLine.getInput(); // // Vector2 dest = // e.getDestination(); // in.moveTo(dest.x - // size / 2f, dest.y - // size / 2); // in.lineTo(dest.x + // size / 2f, dest.y - // size / 2); // in.lineTo(dest.x + // size / 2f, dest.y + // size / 2); // in.lineTo(dest.x - // size / 2f, dest.y + // size / 2); // in.lineTo(dest.x - // size / 2f, dest.y - // size / 2); // markerLine.getProperties().put(iLinearGraphicsContext.line_isStroked, // false); // markerLine.getProperties().put(iLinearGraphicsContext.line_isFilled, // true); // markerLine.getProperties().put(iLinearGraphicsContext.line_globalColor, // color); // // System.err.println(" // point si8ze // <"+size+">"); // // System.err.println(" // making fill proxy ,,, // "); // // new // SimplePDFFill(context).accept(new // ArrayList<iUpdateable>(), // markerLine, // markerLine.getProperties()).compute.update(); // System.err.println(" // making finished ,,, // "); } } } }); return res; }
public float widthFor(BasePDFGraphicsContext context, Dict properties) { Number f = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.thickness); Number m = context.getGlobalProperties().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.strokeThicknessMul); return (f == null ? 1 : f.floatValue()) * (m == null ? 1 : m.floatValue()); }
public DrawingResult accept( List<iUpdateable> soFar, final CachedLine line, final Dict properties) { if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.filled, false)) return null; if (properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.needVertexShading, false)) return null; System.err.println(" -- non special fill -- "); Vector4 color = null; if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.fillColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color != null) { if (color.w < 0.001) { System.err.println(" rejected: too transparent <" + color + ">"); return null; } else { System.err.println(" color is <" + color + ">"); } } float w = widthFor(context, properties); if (w < 1e-5) { System.err.println(" rejected: too thin"); } final DynamicMesh outputLine = DynamicMesh.unshadedMesh(); final TessLine3dEmitter_long fillEmitter = new TessLine3dEmitter_long() { @Override protected void decorateVertex(int v1, List<Object> name) { Object color = name == null ? null : name.get(0); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.fillColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color == null) color = black; if (color instanceof float[]) color = new Vector4( ((float[]) color)[0], ((float[]) color)[1], ((float[]) color)[2], ((float[]) color)[3]); remapProperties(null, (Vector4) (color = new Vector4((Vector4) color)), 0); mesh.setAux( v1, Base.color0_id, ((Vector4) color).x, ((Vector4) color).y, ((Vector4) color).z, ((Vector4) color).w); } }; fillEmitter.addTrackedProperty( iLinearGraphicsContext.fillColor_v, new iMetric<Vector4, Vector4>() { public float distance(Vector4 from, Vector4 to) { if (from == null || to == null) return 0; float d = (from).distanceFrom((to)) * 100; return d; } }); return new DrawingResult( DrawingResultCode.cont, new iUpdateable() { public void update() { ; // System.out.println(" will update fill "); if (!context.isLayer(line)) return; opName = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.outputOpacityType); if (opName == null) opName = defaultOpType; path = context.getOutput(); path.saveState(); path.setMiterLimit(2); lineEmitter.setCanEmitCubic(false); // lineEmitter.globalGeometricScale = 0; lineEmitter.globalFlatnessScale = context.getGlobalProperties().getFloat(iLinearGraphicsContext.flatnessScale, 1); ; // System.out.println(" begin transform "); beginTransform(line, properties); ; // System.out.println(" drawing now "); drawInto(line, properties, null, context, lineEmitter); firstOut = true; // context.getOutput().clip(); context.getOutput().fill(); ; // System.out.println(" call that a path "); context.getOutput().newPath(); fillEmitter.globalFlatnessScale = 1; fillEmitter.globalGeometricScale = 1; // drawInto(line, properties, null, // context, fillEmitter); // // MeshToPdfType4.dilateMesh(fillEmitter.mesh.getUnderlyingGeometry(), // line); // // PdfShading_type4 shading = new // MeshToPdfType4.PdfShading_type4(context.getWriter(), // (TriangleMesh) // fillEmitter.mesh.getUnderlyingGeometry()); // context.getOutput().saveState(); // context.getOutput().paintShading(shading); // context.getOutput().restoreState(); // // System.err.println(" submitting path "); path.restoreState(); } }); }
protected void setStrokeProperties(List<Object> name, Dict properties) { Vector4 color = (Vector4) name.get(1); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.strokeColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color == null) color = black; float thick = widthFor(context, properties); thick = remapProperties(color = new Vector4(color), null, thick); Pair<Float, Float> filtered = filteredThickness(thick, color.w); if (filtered != null) { thick = filtered.left; if (filtered.right != color.w) { color = new Vector4(color); color.w = filtered.right; } } if (lastStyle != null && ongoingStyle != null) { if (lastStyle.equals(ongoingStyle) && (lastStyleOp != null && opName.equals(lastStyleOp))) { // System.err.println(" skipping // set stroke prop"); // return; } } PdfContentByte o = context.getOutput(); o.setMiterLimit(2); if (thick > 30) { o.setLineJoin(path.LINE_JOIN_ROUND); o.setLineCap(path.LINE_CAP_ROUND); } System.err.println(" set stoke properties <" + color + "> <" + opName + ">"); o.setColorStroke(new Color(clamp(color.x), clamp(color.y), clamp(color.z))); o.setLineWidth(thick); if (opName.equals("Opaque")) { PdfGState gs1 = new PdfGState(); gs1.setFillOpacity(1); gs1.setStrokeOpacity(1); gs1.setBlendMode(new PdfName("Normal")); o.setGState(gs1); } else { PdfGState gs1 = new PdfGState(); // gs1.put(new PdfName("SA"), new // PdfName(PdfBoolean.FALSE)); gs1.setFillOpacity(color.w); gs1.setStrokeOpacity(color.w); gs1.setBlendMode(new PdfName(opName)); o.setGState(gs1); } ongoingStyle = lastStyle; lastStyleOp = opName; }
public DrawingResult accept( List<iUpdateable> soFar, final CachedLine line, final Dict properties) { if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointed, false)) return null; if (!properties.isTrue(iLinearGraphicsContext.containsDepth, false)) return null; ; // System.out.println(" circular pointer 3d"); line.finish(); unitSquare = null; beginTransform(line, properties); DrawingResult res = new DrawingResult( DrawingResultCode.cont, new iUpdateable() { public void update() { if (!context.isLayer(line)) return; boolean notEnds = properties.isTrue(pointNotAtEnds, false); for (CachedLine.Event e : { if (notEnds && e.attributes != null && e.attributes.isTrue(isClippedEnd_v, false)) { System.err.println(" skipped clipped end"); continue; } if (!e.method.equals(iLine_m.close_m)) { float size = 1f / outputTransform.x; Number ps = e.getAttributes().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointSize_v); if (ps == null) ps = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointSize); if (ps != null) size = ps.floatValue() / outputTransform.x; // size *= 0.25f; Vector4 color = e.getAttributes().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointColor_v); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.pointColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.strokeColor); if (color == null) color = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.color); if (color == null) color = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); color.w *= properties.getFloat(iLinearGraphicsContext.totalOpacity, 1f); size *= context.getGlobalProperties().getFloat(pointSizeMul, 1); remapProperties(null, color = new Vector4(color), 0); if (unitSquare == null || unitSquareLastColor.distanceFrom(color) > 0 || Math.abs(unitSquareLastSize - size) > 0.25f) { constructUnitSquare(color, size); unitSquareLastColor = color; unitSquareLastSize = size; PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(color.w); String opName = properties.get(iLinearGraphicsContext.outputOpacityType); if (opName == null) opName = defaultOpType; gs.setBlendMode(new PdfName(opName)); context.getOutput().setGState(gs); } Vector2 a = e.getDestination(); float z = 0; Object d = e.getAttributes().get(iLinearGraphicsContext.z_v); if (d == null) z = 0; else if (d instanceof Number) z = ((Number) d).floatValue(); else if (d instanceof Vector3) z = ((Vector3) d).z; Vector2 at = transform(new Vector3(a.x, a.y, z)); ; // System.out.println(" transformed <"+a+" "+z+"> to <"+at+"> // <"+shouldClip+">"); if (!shouldClip) context .getOutput() .addTemplate(unitSquare, -size / 2 + at.x, -size / 2 + at.y); } } } }); return res; }