/** Process a 207 Multi-status response as defined in RFC 4918 "13. Multi-Status Response" */
  protected void processMultiStatus(HttpResponse response)
      throws IOException, HttpException, DavException {
    if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS)
      throw new DavNoMultiStatusException();

    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    if (entity == null) throw new DavNoContentException();
    @Cleanup InputStream content = entity.getContent();

    DavMultistatus multiStatus;
    try {
      Serializer serializer = new Persister();
      multiStatus = serializer.read(DavMultistatus.class, content, false);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new DavException("Couldn't parse Multi-Status response on REPORT multi-get", ex);

    if (multiStatus.response == null) // empty response

    // member list will be built from response
    List<WebDavResource> members = new LinkedList<>();

    // iterate through all resources (either ourselves or member)
    for (DavResponse singleResponse : multiStatus.response) {
      URI href;
      try {
        href = location.resolve(URIUtils.parseURI(singleResponse.href.href, false));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring illegal member URI in multi-status response", ex);
      Log.d(TAG, "Processing multi-status element: " + href);

      // process known properties
      HashMap<Property, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
      List<String> supportedComponents = null;
      byte[] data = null;

      // in <response>, either <status> or <propstat> must be present
      if (singleResponse.status != null) { // method 1 (status of resource as a whole)
        StatusLine status =
            BasicLineParserHC4.parseStatusLine(singleResponse.status, new BasicLineParserHC4());

      } else
        for (DavPropstat singlePropstat : singleResponse.propstat) { // method 2 (propstat)
          StatusLine status =
              BasicLineParserHC4.parseStatusLine(singlePropstat.status, new BasicLineParserHC4());

          // ignore information about missing properties etc.
          if (status.getStatusCode() / 100 != 1 && status.getStatusCode() / 100 != 2) continue;
          DavProp prop = singlePropstat.prop;

          if (prop.currentUserPrincipal != null && prop.currentUserPrincipal.getHref() != null)
                Property.CURRENT_USER_PRINCIPAL, prop.currentUserPrincipal.getHref().href);

          if (prop.currentUserPrivilegeSet != null) {
            // privilege info available
            boolean mayAll = false,
                mayBind = false,
                mayUnbind = false,
                mayWrite = false,
                mayWriteContent = false;
            for (DavProp.Privilege privilege : prop.currentUserPrivilegeSet) {
              if (privilege.getAll() != null) mayAll = true;
              if (privilege.getBind() != null) mayBind = true;
              if (privilege.getUnbind() != null) mayUnbind = true;
              if (privilege.getWrite() != null) mayWrite = true;
              if (privilege.getWriteContent() != null) mayWriteContent = true;
            if (!mayAll && !mayWrite && !(mayWriteContent && mayBind && mayUnbind))
              properties.put(Property.READ_ONLY, "1");

          if (prop.addressbookHomeSet != null && prop.addressbookHomeSet.getHref() != null)

          if (prop.calendarHomeSet != null && prop.calendarHomeSet.getHref() != null)

          if (prop.displayname != null)
            properties.put(Property.DISPLAY_NAME, prop.displayname.getDisplayName());

          if (prop.resourcetype != null) {
            if (prop.resourcetype.getCollection() != null) {
              properties.put(Property.IS_COLLECTION, "1");
              // is a collection, ensure trailing slash
              href = URIUtils.ensureTrailingSlash(href);
            if (prop.resourcetype.getAddressbook() != null) { // CardDAV collection properties
              properties.put(Property.IS_ADDRESSBOOK, "1");

              if (prop.addressbookDescription != null)
                properties.put(Property.DESCRIPTION, prop.addressbookDescription.getDescription());
              if (prop.supportedAddressData != null)
                for (DavProp.AddressDataType dataType : prop.supportedAddressData)
                  if ("text/vcard".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType.getContentType()))
                    // ignore "3.0" as it MUST be supported anyway
                    if ("4.0".equals(dataType.getVersion()))
                      properties.put(Property.VCARD_VERSION, VCardVersion.V4_0.getVersion());
            if (prop.resourcetype.getCalendar() != null) { // CalDAV collection propertioes
              properties.put(Property.IS_CALENDAR, "1");

              if (prop.calendarDescription != null)
                properties.put(Property.DESCRIPTION, prop.calendarDescription.getDescription());

              if (prop.calendarColor != null)
                properties.put(Property.COLOR, prop.calendarColor.getColor());

              if (prop.calendarTimezone != null)
                try {
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

              if (prop.supportedCalendarComponentSet != null) {
                supportedComponents = new LinkedList<>();
                for (Comp component : prop.supportedCalendarComponentSet)

          if (prop.getctag != null) properties.put(Property.CTAG, prop.getctag.getCTag());

          if (prop.getetag != null) properties.put(Property.ETAG, prop.getetag.getETag());

          if (prop.calendarData != null && prop.calendarData.ical != null)
            data = prop.calendarData.ical.getBytes();
          else if (prop.addressData != null && prop.addressData.vcard != null)
            data = prop.addressData.vcard.getBytes();

      // about which resource is this response?
      if (location.equals(href)
          || URIUtils.ensureTrailingSlash(location).equals(href)) { // about ourselves
        if (supportedComponents != null) this.supportedComponents = supportedComponents;
        this.content = data;

      } else { // about a member
        WebDavResource member = new WebDavResource(this, href);
        member.properties = properties;
        member.supportedComponents = supportedComponents;
        member.content = data;


    this.members = members;
 public XCardBuilder() {
   sb.append("<vcards xmlns=\"" + VCardVersion.V4_0.getXmlNamespace() + "\">");