public void goToPosition(String sPosition) { m_sPosition = sPosition; pidLeft.setSetpoint(m_preferences.getFloat(sPosition, 0)); pidRight.setSetpoint(m_preferences.getFloat(sPosition + "R", 0)); System.out.println(sPosition + " Setpoint = " + m_preferences.getFloat(sPosition, 0)); }
static { // stealerEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(.0245); stealerEncoder.setMaxPeriod(1 /* seconds */); stealerEncoder.reset(); lassoCounter.reset(); controller.setOutputRange(-0.2, 0.2); controller.setAbsoluteTolerance(50); }
private boolean onTarget() { if (leftPID.getError() < 5.0 / 12 && rightPID.getError() < 5.0 / 12) { doneCount++; return true; } else { doneCount = 0; return false; } }
public boolean elevatePIDTuning(double height, double speed) { elevatorPID.setOutputRange(-0.5, speed); elevatorPID.setSetpoint(height); elevatorPID.enable(); if (elevatorPID.onTarget()) { elevatorPID.disable(); robot.elevator.elevatorVics.set(0); return true; } else { return false; } }
public boolean elevatePID(double height) { elevatorPID.setOutputRange(-1, 1); elevatorPID.setSetpoint(-height); elevatorPID.enable(); if (elevatorPID.onTarget()) { elevatorPID.disable(); robot.elevator.elevatorSingle.set(0); return true; } else { return false; } }
protected void execute() { double delta = timer.get(); distance += (drivetrain.getAverageForwardVelocity() * delta); timer.reset(); // PID tuning code pidControllerDistance.setPID( pidConfigDistance.getP(P), pidConfigDistance.getI(I), pidConfigDistance.getD(D), pidConfigDistance.getF(F)); pidConfigDistance.setSetpoint(pidControllerDistance.getSetpoint()); pidConfigDistance.setValue(drivetrainRotation.pidGet()); }
public Balancer(Drivetrain robot) { this.robot = robot; sensor = robot.getGyro(); // set up the pid controller - input to pid is the gyro degrees, output is motor PWM signal controller = new PIDController(P, I, D, sensor, robot); controller.setTolerance( tolerance); // must set these values so that the pid has a frame of reference. controller.setInputRange(-maxDeg, maxDeg); controller.setOutputRange(-1, 1); // register with config file Configuration.getInstance().register("Balancer", this); }
public void teleopPeriodic() { armpid.setPID( SmartDashboard.getNumber("kP"), SmartDashboard.getNumber("kI"), SmartDashboard.getNumber("kD")); if (joy1.getRawButton(1)) { armpid.enable(); } else { armpid.disable(); arm.set(0); } SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Checkbox 2", limit.get()); System.out.println("limit " + limit.get()); }
public ElevatorPID(Robot robot) { this.robot = robot; elevatorPot = new AnalogPotentiometer(Constants.elevatorPot); elevatorPID = new PIDController(p, i, d, this, robot.elevator.elevatorSingle); elevatorPID.setAbsoluteTolerance(Constants.elevatorPIDTolerance); }
public void autonomousInit() { try { robot.arm.moveTo(PegPosition.RESET); } catch (CANTimeoutException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } robot.compressor.start(); Timer.delay(3.5); robot.grabber.tiltDown(); Timer.delay(2); robot.grabber.grab(); robot.lineSensor.setLinePreference(LinePreference.LEFT); controller.enable(); Timer.delay(2.5); robot.grabber.tiltUp(); Timer.delay(2.5); try { robot.arm.moveTo(PegPosition.MIDDLE_OFFSET); } catch (CANTimeoutException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void update(String param, String[] values) { if (param.equalsIgnoreCase("PID=")) { if (values.length >= 3) { P = Double.parseDouble(values[0]); I = Double.parseDouble(values[1]); D = Double.parseDouble(values[2]); } controller.setPID(P, I, D); } else if (param.equalsIgnoreCase("tolerance=")) { if (values.length >= 1) { tolerance = Double.parseDouble(values[0]); } controller.setTolerance(tolerance); } }
protected boolean isFinished() { if (drivebase.onTarget() || isTimedOut()) { // Disable PID controller m_pc.disable(); return true; } else return false; }
public void robotInit() { j1 = new Joystick(1); j2 = new Joystick(0); shooter = new Victor(2); shooter2 = new Victor(4); intake = new Victor(3); right = new Victor(0); left = new Victor(1); rd = new RobotDrive(left, right); light = new DigitalInput(3); count = 0; comp = new Compressor(); inup = new DoubleSolenoid(0, 1); inup2 = new DoubleSolenoid(2, 3); gyro = new AnalogGyro(0); gyro.setSensitivity(.007); gyro.calibrate(); gyro.reset(); enc = new Encoder(1, 2, true, Encoder.EncodingType.k4X); enc.setDistancePerPulse(.11977); // circumference of wheel/200 (PPR) enc.setPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType.kDisplacement); enc.reset(); out = new PIDOutput() { @Override public void pidWrite(double out) { rd.setLeftRightMotorOutputs(out, out); } }; controller = new PIDController(.007, 0, 0, enc, out); controller.setAbsoluteTolerance(.25); controller.disable(); gcontroller = new PIDController(kp, ki, kd, gyro, out); gcontroller.setAbsoluteTolerance(ktol); gcontroller.disable(); timerStart = -1; timeToCancel = -1; }
public DriveStraight(double distance) { requires(Robot.drivetrain); pid = new PIDController( 4, 0, 0, new PIDSource() { public double pidGet() { return Robot.drivetrain.getDistance(); } }, new PIDOutput() { public void pidWrite(double d) {, d); } }); pid.setAbsoluteTolerance(0.01); pid.setSetpoint(distance); }
/** * Uses the PID controller that is enabled/disabled in the main class to move to an upright * position */ public void moveToUprightPos() { vm.autoUpright = true; stopJawPistons(); neckControl.setSetpoint(vm.JAW_UPRIGHT_POS); // activate autoneck control if not within 5 ticks of upright position if (!(sFunctions.getNeckPot() == vm.JAW_UPRIGHT_POS)) { vm.autoUpright = true; } else { vm.autoUpright = false; } }
protected void initialize() { // Use standard mecanum drive drivebase.initMecanum(false); /* * Enable drivebase rotational PID */ // Set target angle m_pc.setSetpoint(m_target); // Throttle down the max allowed speed m_pc.setOutputRange(-0.5, 0.5); // Set tolerance around the target angle m_pc.setAbsoluteTolerance(5); // Reset and enable PID controller m_pc.reset(); m_pc.enable(); }
public DriveTrain() { // super supplies the PID constants (.05, 0, 0) super("DriveTrain", .0070, .0003, 0); robotDrive = new RobotDrive(_leftMaster, _rightMaster); // Invert the appropriate controllers // robotDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, true); robotDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, true); _leftSlave1.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); _leftSlave1.set(_leftMaster.getDeviceID()); _leftSlave2.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); _leftSlave2.set(_leftMaster.getDeviceID()); _rightSlave1.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); _rightSlave1.set(_rightMaster.getDeviceID()); _rightSlave2.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); _rightSlave2.set(_rightMaster.getDeviceID()); ahrs = Robot.ahrs; // getPIDController() returns the PID Controller that is included with // classes that extend PIDSubsystems. turnController = getPIDController(); turnController.disable(); turnController.setInputRange(-180, 180); turnController.setOutputRange(-.7, .7); // begin vision test // frame = RobotMap.FRAME; // session = RobotMap.CAMERA_SESSION; // NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(session); // colorTable = new NIVision.RawData(); // end vision test }
/** Runs a pickup routine to get the ball from behind */ public void backPickUp() { vm.currentNeckSetPoint = vm.BACK_LOAD_POS; neckControl.setSetpoint(vm.currentNeckSetPoint); // Spin the rollers to swallow the ball moveRollerReverse(); /* keep picking up until the ball is detected by the ultra sound * after which, roll only enough to move the ball to a good position * and finaly close on the ball and stop the pickup routine */ // if (sFunctions.isBallOnUltraSound()) { // if (pickupEndTimer > 30) { // pickupEndTimer = 0; // turnRollerOff(); // vm.pickingUp = false; // } else { // pickupEndTimer++; // } // } }
// Initialize your subsystem here public LoaderClimberOld2PID() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=PID // super("LoaderClimberOld2PID", 1.5, 0.1, 0.0); // setAbsoluteTolerance(0.02); // getPIDController().setContinuous(false); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=PID m_preferences = Preferences.getInstance(); if (leftJag != null) { // for practice robot // Fix for motors going in opposite directios PIDOutput rightOutput = new PIDOutput() { public void pidWrite(double output) { rightJag.pidWrite(-1 * output); } }; pidLeft = new PIDController(P, I, D, leftAngleCh, leftJag); // PID Output Interface pidRight = new PIDController(P, I, D, rightAngleCh, rightOutput); // PID Output Interface*/ LiveWindow.addActuator("LoaderClimber", "PIDLeft Angle Controller", pidLeft); LiveWindow.addActuator("LoaderClimber", "PIDLeft Angle Controller", pidRight); pidLeft.setSetpoint(m_preferences.getFloat("Retract", 2.4f)); pidRight.setSetpoint(m_preferences.getFloat("RetractR", 2.4f)); pidLeft.setInputRange(0, 4); pidRight.setInputRange(0, 4); pidLeft.setPercentTolerance(PID_TOL); pidRight.setPercentTolerance(PID_TOL); pidLeft.enable(); // - Enables the PID controller. pidRight.enable(); // - Enables the PID controller. // disable(); } }
public void autonomousContinuous() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeSinceLastT = currentTime - lastTtime; // If we're not at a T, continue the loop if (!robot.lineSensor.isAtT()) return; System.out.println("At a T"); lastTtime = currentTime; // If we're seeing the same T, continue the loop if (timeSinceLastT < T_WAIT_TIME) return; tCount++; // If this isn't the last T, continue the loop if (tCount != NUM_TS) return; controller.disable(); robot.grabber.release(); // Arm goes down }
public boolean elevatePIDLock(double height) { if (robot.elevator.locked) { robot.elevator.elevatorAutoRelease(); } elevatorPID.setOutputRange(-1, 1); elevatorPID.setSetpoint(height); elevatorPID.enable(); if (elevatorPID.onTarget()) { elevatorPID.disable(); robot.elevator.elevatorVics.set(0); if (height > 0) { robot.elevator.elevatorLock(); } } return elevatorPID.onTarget(); }
public static void setSetpoint(double position) { controller.setSetpoint(position); }
public static void pidDisable() { controller.disable(); }
public static void pidEnable() { controller.enable(); }
public static boolean onTarget() { return controller.onTarget(); }
public static double getPIDLastOutput() { return controller.get(); }
public static double getError() { return controller.getError(); }
public void disabledInit() { controller.disable(); }
// Called once after isFinished returns true protected void end() { // Stop PID and the wheels pid.disable();, 0); }
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { return pid.onTarget(); }