public OI() { runShooterButton = new JoystickButton(primaryJoystick, JoyConfig.joy0.buttonShooterForward); buttonThatTotallyDoesStuff = new JoystickButton(secondaryJoystick, JoyConfig.joy1.buttonThatTotallyDoesStuff); runShooterButton.whenPressed(new RunShooter()); // myTestTrigger.whileActive(new SetDrivePower()); }
private void mapButtons() { // Drive Commands (Analog Sticks are reserved for the drivetrain) b_sStar.whenPressed(new CycleDriveCommand()); // Shoot Commands b_btnX.whenPressed(new CycleShootCommand()); b_trigR.whenPressed(new ShootMain()); b_dpadR.whenPressed(new PWMSetpointIncrement(0.05)); b_dpadL.whenPressed(new PWMSetpointIncrement(-0.05)); // Compressor Commands b_btnB.whenPressed(new CompressorToggle()); // Collector Commands b_dpadU.whenPressed(new ArmUp()); b_dpadD.whenPressed(new ArmDown()); b_btnY.whenPressed(new ArmToggle()); }
public OI() { // Joysticks driver = new Joystick(RobotMap.DRIVER); codriver = new Joystick(RobotMap.CODRIVER); // Buttons sweepIn = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.SWEEP_IN); prime = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.PRIME); fire = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.FIRE); up = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.UP); down = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.DOWN); blind = new JoystickButton(driver, RobotMap.BLIND); // Buttons and Commands sweepIn.toggleWhenPressed(new Spin(false)); // While held the launch wheels will spin inwards prime.toggleWhenPressed(new Spin(true)); // While held the launch wheels will spin outwards fire.whenPressed(new Fire()); // If pressed while prime is also pressed, will fire the ball up.whenPressed(new Lift(true)); up.whenReleased(new HoldArm()); down.whenPressed(new Lift(false)); down.whenReleased(new HoldArm()); blind.toggleWhenPressed(new BlindThemAll()); }
private void initDriver() { buttonA = new JoystickButton(driver, 1); buttonStart = new JoystickButton(driver, 8); buttonLB = new JoystickButton(driver, 5); buttonY = new JoystickButton(driver, 4); buttonRB = new JoystickButton(driver, 6); buttonB = new JoystickButton(driver, 2); buttonX = new JoystickButton(driver, 3); buttonRST = new JoystickButton(driver, 9); buttonLST = new JoystickButton(driver, 10); buttonBack = new JoystickButton(driver, 7); buttonA.whenPressed(new ElevatorArmsSolenoidCommand()); buttonStart.whenPressed(new ElevatorBrakeSolenoidCommand()); buttonLB.whenPressed(new TopArmsSolenoidCommand()); buttonY.whenPressed(new CollectorArmsSolenoidCommand()); buttonRB.whenPressed(new CollectorMotorsCommand(0.5)); buttonRB.whenReleased(new CollectorMotorsCommand(0)); // hello }
public OI() { // drive left axis = left drivetrain in DriveWithJoystick // drive right axis = right drivetrain in DriveWithJoystick driveButtonRightBumper.whenPressed(new ShiftGearsLowToHigh()); driveButtonLeftBumper.whenPressed(new ShiftGearsHighToLow()); driveButtonStart.whenPressed(new LowerBridge()); driveButtonStart.whenReleased(new RaiseBridge()); driveButtonReset.whenPressed(new PegLegDown()); driveButtonReset.whenReleased(new PegLegUp()); // aux left axis = left DriveElevatorJoystick // aux right axis = right ShooterWheelJoystick auxButtonA.whenPressed(new key2_3()); auxButtonB.whenPressed(new side2_3()); auxButtonY.whenPressed(new fender2_3()); auxButtonX.whenPressed(new PID_ShooterPause()); auxButtonStart.whenPressed(new shootSingleBall()); auxButtonRightBumper.whenPressed(new BackFlapClose()); auxButtonLeftBumper.whenPressed(new BackFlapOpen()); /* * Note, All buttons on button box are pulled up. They see +V when they are not pressed. * In the case of the switches. Down corresponds to the off state (switch open), +V seen at input module. * * I'm pretty sure the DigitalIOButton class expects the buttons to be pulled up. So a button "pressed" condition is * true when the IO module sees a short to ground. So "pressed" in the software should correlate to "pressing down on * the button. (for switches, pressing is equivalent to moving it to the "up" position. * */ // ioDigital1.whenPressed(); //Manual/Automatic mode select auto up manual down // //WIRED - JMC ioDigital2.whileHeld( new DriveElevatorConst(RobotMap.liftVoltage)); // raise lift //WIRED - JMC ioDigital3.whileHeld( new DriveElevatorConst(-RobotMap.liftVoltage)); // lower lift //WIRED - JMC ioDigital4.whenPressed(new BackFlapOpen()); // Hopper Down //WIRED - JMC ioDigital5.whenPressed(new BackFlapClose()); // Hopper Up //WIRED - JMC ioDigital6.whenPressed( new fender2_3()); // front goal shot. high/low determined by switch10 //WIRED - JMC ioDigital7.whenPressed(new side2_3()); // side goal shot //WIRED - JMC ioDigital8.whenPressed(new key2_3()); // key shot //WIRED - JMC // ioDigital9.whenPressed(new camera2_3()); //camera shot //WIRED - JMC // ioDigital10.whenPressed(); //Shooting mode switch (2pt/3pt) //WIRED - JMC ioDigital11.whenPressed( new PID_ShooterPause()); // set shooter to zero/turn off shooter //WIRED - JMC ioDigital12.whenPressed(new shootSingleBall()); // fire //WIRED - JMC ioDigital13.whenPressed(new RaiseHood()); // Switch13 position to raise hood ioDigital13.whenReleased(new LowerHood()); // Switch13 position to lower hood // ioDigital14.whenPressed(); //Autonomous Mode - counter "1" //WIRED - JMC // ioDigital15.whenPressed(); //Autonomous Mode - counter "2" //WIRED - JMC // ioDigital16.whenPressed(); //Autonomous Mode - counter "4" //WIRED - JMC // Autonomous Mode - counter "8" is not wired //WIRED - JMC // wheelPots.whileHeld(new ShooterWheelWithPot()); // ioModule Analog1 - Voltage reference, VCC // ioModule Analog2 - Manual Shooter Speed, fine control (top slide pot) // ioModule Analog3 - Manual Shooter Speed, coarse control (bottom slide pot) // ioModule Analog4 // ioModule Analog5 // ioModule Analog6 // ioModule Analog7 - Right Delay Potentiometer // ioModule Analog8 - Left Delay Potentiometer }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { if (!button.get()) command.start(); }
public IO() { // BALLISTA CONTROLS /* * Position */ buttonP2.whenPressed(new EnablePickupPosition(1.0)); buttonP3.whenPressed(new EnableShootingPosition(1.0)); buttonP9.whenPressed(new EnableTrussPosition(1.0)); buttonP8.whenPressed(new DisableInitPosition(1.0)); /* * Shooting */ buttonP11.whenPressed(new PrepareShot()); buttonP10.whenPressed(new EnableInitPosition(1.0)); buttonP1.whenPressed(new BallistaFireBall()); /* * Pickup */ buttonP6.whileHeld(new GrabBall()); buttonP7.whenPressed(new HoldBall(1.0)); // DEBUG ON LEFT JOYSTICK buttonL7.whenPressed(new PinHold(1.0)); buttonL6.whenPressed(new PinRelease(1.0)); buttonL10.whenPressed(new PrepareShotNoPinRelease()); buttonL11.whenPressed(new Release(2.0)); }
public boolean getButtonL3() { return buttonL3.get(); }
public boolean getButtonL2() { return buttonL2.get(); }
public boolean getShootButton() { return shootButton.get(); }
public boolean getMecanumButton() { return mecanumButton.get(); }
public boolean getTracktionButton() { return tractionButton.get(); }
public OI() { ds = DriverStation.getInstance().getEnhancedIO(); shooterFeedbackEnableButton.whileHeld(new ShootingWithFeedback()); }