private void initCrfs(File referenceCrfFile, File headerCrfFile) { try { if (referenceCrfFile != null) { if (referenceCrfFile.getName().endsWith(".partial")) { _referencesExtractor = loadPartiallyTrainedModel(referenceCrfFile);"loaded partial reference crf '" + referenceCrfFile.getPath() + "'"); } else { _referencesExtractor = loadCrfExtor(referenceCrfFile); Pipe pipe = _referencesExtractor.getFeaturePipe(); pipe.setTargetProcessing(false);"loaded reference crf '" + referenceCrfFile.getPath() + "'"); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("couldn't init crf '" + referenceCrfFile.getPath() + "', continuing..." + e); _referencesExtractor = null; } try { if (headerCrfFile != null) { if (headerCrfFile.getName().endsWith(".partial")) { _headersExtractor = loadPartiallyTrainedModel(headerCrfFile);"loaded partial header crf '" + headerCrfFile.getPath() + "'"); } else { _headersExtractor = loadCrfExtor(headerCrfFile); Pipe pipe = _headersExtractor.getFeaturePipe(); pipe.setTargetProcessing(false);"loaded header crf '" + headerCrfFile.getPath() + "'"); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("couldn't init crf '" + headerCrfFile.getPath() + "', continuing..."); _headersExtractor = null; } }
private CRFExtractor loadPartiallyTrainedModel(File crfFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { CRF4 crf = (CRF4) new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(crfFile))) .readObject(); // Create the trivial tokenization pipe Pipe tokPipe = new SerialPipes( new Pipe[] { new Noop(), }); tokPipe.setTargetProcessing(false); return new CRFExtractor(crf, tokPipe); }
public static CRF4 createCRF(File trainingFile, CRFInfo crfInfo) throws FileNotFoundException { Reader trainingFileReader = new FileReader(trainingFile); // Create a pipe that we can use to convert the training // file to a feature vector sequence. Pipe p = new SimpleTagger.SimpleTaggerSentence2FeatureVectorSequence(); // The training file does contain tags (aka targets) p.setTargetProcessing(true); // Register the default tag with the pipe, by looking it up // in the targetAlphabet before we look up any other tag. p.getTargetAlphabet().lookupIndex(crfInfo.defaultLabel); // Create a new instancelist to hold the training data. InstanceList trainingData = new InstanceList(p); // Read in the training data. trainingData.add(new LineGroupIterator(trainingFileReader, Pattern.compile("^\\s*$"), true)); // Create the CRF model. CRF4 crf = new CRF4(p, null); // Set various config options crf.setGaussianPriorVariance(crfInfo.gaussianVariance); crf.setTransductionType(crfInfo.transductionType); // Set up the model's states. if (crfInfo.stateInfoList != null) { Iterator stateIter = crfInfo.stateInfoList.iterator(); while (stateIter.hasNext()) { CRFInfo.StateInfo state = (CRFInfo.StateInfo); crf.addState(, state.initialCost, state.finalCost, state.destinationNames, state.labelNames, state.weightNames); } } else if (crfInfo.stateStructure == CRFInfo.FULLY_CONNECTED_STRUCTURE) crf.addStatesForLabelsConnectedAsIn(trainingData); else if (crfInfo.stateStructure == CRFInfo.HALF_CONNECTED_STRUCTURE) crf.addStatesForHalfLabelsConnectedAsIn(trainingData); else if (crfInfo.stateStructure == CRFInfo.THREE_QUARTERS_CONNECTED_STRUCTURE) crf.addStatesForThreeQuarterLabelsConnectedAsIn(trainingData); else if (crfInfo.stateStructure == CRFInfo.BILABELS_STRUCTURE) crf.addStatesForBiLabelsConnectedAsIn(trainingData); else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected state structure " + crfInfo.stateStructure); // Set up the weight groups. if (crfInfo.weightGroupInfoList != null) { Iterator wgIter = crfInfo.weightGroupInfoList.iterator(); while (wgIter.hasNext()) { CRFInfo.WeightGroupInfo wg = (CRFInfo.WeightGroupInfo); FeatureSelection fs = FeatureSelection.createFromRegex( crf.getInputAlphabet(), Pattern.compile(wg.featureSelectionRegex)); crf.setFeatureSelection(crf.getWeightsIndex(, fs); } } // Train the CRF. crf.train(trainingData, null, null, null, crfInfo.maxIterations); return crf; }