Exemple #1
  // add the new user to the encrypted users file which has the detailed stats for all users
  // synchronize to make sure that only one thread can be inside this block at a time.
  public static synchronized String addUserAndIssueCode(UserStats stats)
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, NoMoreCodesException {

    // ok, now we have a list of stats objects, representing all users.
    // add this user to the list.
    // the code assigned to this user will simply be codes.get(users.size())
    // but do an error check first to be sure we're not out of codes
    List<UserStats> users = readUsersFile();

    if (users.size() >= MemoryStudy.codes.size()) {
      log.warn("NOC WARNING: codes file exhausted!!!!");
      throw new NoMoreCodesException();

    // ok, we have enough codes, just give out one
    String passkey = MemoryStudy.codes.get(users.size());
    int USERID_BASE =
        100; // userid numbering starts from USERID_BASE, new id is base + # existing codes
    stats.userid = Integer.toString(USERID_BASE + users.size());
    stats.code = passkey;

    // encrypt and write the users file back
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    CryptoUtils.writeEncryptedBytes(baos.toByteArray(), USERS_FILE);

    return passkey;
Exemple #2
  /* Drops terms that contain other terms (prefixes, suffixes, etc.) and trims the questionlist to the target size.*/
  private ArrayList<MemoryQuestion> dropPrefixSuffixfromSortedList(
      List<MemoryQuestion> questionlist, int targetSize) {
    ArrayList<MemoryQuestion> resultList = new ArrayList<MemoryQuestion>();
    Set<Integer> badIndexSet = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
    int terms = questionlist.size();
    for (int first = 0; first < terms; first++) {
      MemoryQuestion mq1 = questionlist.get(first);
      String name1 = mq1.correctAnswer;

      if (badIndexSet.contains(first)) continue;

      if (resultList.size() >= targetSize) return resultList;

      for (int second = first + 1; second < terms; second++) {
        MemoryQuestion mq2 = questionlist.get(second);
        String name2 = mq2.correctAnswer;

        if (name1.contains(name2) || name2.contains(name1)) {
    return resultList;
Exemple #3
 public static synchronized boolean anyCodesAvailable()
     throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
   try {
     List<UserStats> users = readUsersFile();
     return (users.size() < codes.size());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     Util.print_exception(e, log);
   return false;
Exemple #4
   * lookup doesn't have to be synchronized
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException
   * @throws GeneralSecurityException
   * @throws IOException
  public static synchronized UserStats lookup(String userCode)
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
    List<UserStats> users = readUsersFile();

    if (codes == null) return null;
    for (int i = 0; i < codes.size(); i++) {
      if (codes.get(i).equals(userCode))
        return users.get(
            i); // simple logic: user is providing code #1. therefore s/he must be user #i. what's
                // not to like?.
    return null;
Exemple #5
  /** Generates person names tests from the given archive. @throws IOException */
  public void generatePersonNameQuestions(
      Archive archive,
      NERModel nerModel,
      Collection<EmailDocument> allDocs,
      Lexicon lex,
      int numClues)
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, ReadContentsException,
          ParseException {
    this.archive = archive;
    questions = new ArrayList<>();
    ArchiveCluer cluer = new ArchiveCluer(null, archive, nerModel, null, lex);

    tabooCluesSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    List<ClueEvaluator> evaluators = getDefaultEvals();

    List<Document> docs = archive.getAllDocs();
    Multimap<Contact, EmailDocument> contactToMessages = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    Multimap<Contact, Long> contactToThreadIds = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

    // sort by date

    Date earliestDate = null, latestDate = null;
    Map<Contact, Date> contactToLatestDate = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    // compute earliest and latest date across all messages in corpus
    for (Document doc : docs) {
      EmailDocument ed = (EmailDocument) doc;

      if (earliestDate == null || ed.date.before(earliestDate)) earliestDate = ed.date;
      if (latestDate == null || ed.date.after(latestDate)) latestDate = ed.date;
        "===================\nStarting to generate person names memory questions from "
            + docs.size()
            + " messages with "
            + numClues
            + " questions"
            + ", earliest date = "
            + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(earliestDate)
            + " latest date = "
            + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(latestDate));

    Set<Integer> tabooSentenceHashes = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    // create hashes of all sentences seen at least twice (case insensitive, lower cased)
      Set<Integer> hashesSeen = new LinkedHashSet<>();
      for (Document d : docs) {
        String contents = archive.getContents(d, true);
        String cleanedContents = EmailUtils.cleanupEmailMessage(contents);
        SentenceTokenizer st = new SentenceTokenizer(cleanedContents);
        while (st.hasMoreSentences()) {
          String sentence = st.nextSentence();
          sentence = canonicalizeSentence(sentence);
          int hashCode = sentence.hashCode();
          if (hashesSeen.contains(hashCode)) {
            log.info("Marking sentence as taboo: " + sentence);
          } else hashesSeen.add(hashCode);

    // compute contactToLatestDate that contact has been seen on
    for (Document doc : docs) {
      EmailDocument ed = (EmailDocument) doc;
      // discard doc if it is not a sent mail
      if ((ed.sentOrReceived(archive.addressBook) & EmailDocument.SENT_MASK) == 0) continue;

      for (Contact c : ed.getParticipatingContactsExceptOwn(archive.addressBook)) {
        Date currentLatestDate = contactToLatestDate.get(c);
        if (currentLatestDate == null || currentLatestDate.before(ed.date))
          contactToLatestDate.put(c, ed.date);
        contactToMessages.put(c, ed);
        contactToThreadIds.put(c, ed.threadID);

    log.info("We are considering " + contactToLatestDate.size() + " contacts");

    Date currentDate = new Date();
    List<Pair<Date, Date>> intervals =
        computeDateIntervals(earliestDate, currentDate); // go back from current date
    // intervals[0] is the most recent.
    JSPHelper.log.info("done computing " + intervals.size() + " intervals");
    for (Pair<Date, Date> p : intervals)
          "Interval: "
              + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(p.getFirst())
              + " - "
              + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(p.getSecond()));

    int cluesPerInterval =
        (numClues > 0 && intervals.size() > 0)
            ? (numClues + intervals.size() - 1) / intervals.size()
            : 0;
        "Will try to generate " + Util.pluralize(cluesPerInterval, "questions") + " per interval");

    Multimap<Integer, Contact> intervalToContacts = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

    // nSent is the number of sentences allowed in a clue text
    int nSent = 2;
    for (Contact c : contactToLatestDate.keySet()) {
      Date lastSeenDate = contactToLatestDate.get(c);

      // which interval does this date belong to? we'll assign this contact in that interval in the
      // intervalToContacts map
      int interval = -1;
      Date intervalStart = null, intervalEnd = null;
        int i = 0;
        for (Pair<Date, Date> p : intervals) {
          intervalStart = p.getFirst();
          intervalEnd = p.getSecond();

          if ((intervalStart.before(lastSeenDate) && intervalEnd.after(lastSeenDate))
              || intervalStart.equals(lastSeenDate)
              || intervalEnd.equals(lastSeenDate)) {
            interval = i;

      if (interval < 0 || interval == intervals.size()) {
            "What, no interval!? for "
                + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(lastSeenDate));

      intervalToContacts.put(interval, c);

    log.info("Interval information (interval 0 is the most recent):");
    for (int interval = 0; interval < intervals.size(); interval++) {
      Collection<Contact> contacts = intervalToContacts.get(interval);
      int nContactsForThisInterval = (contacts == null) ? 0 : contacts.size();
          "In interval "
              + interval
              + " there are "
              + Util.pluralize(nContactsForThisInterval, "candidate contact")
              + " who were last seen in this interval");

    for (int interval = 0; interval < intervals.size(); interval++) {
      Date intervalStart = intervals.get(interval).getFirst();
      Date intervalEnd = intervals.get(interval).getSecond();
      Collection<Contact> candidateContactsForThisInterval = intervalToContacts.get(interval);
      if (candidateContactsForThisInterval == null) {
        log.info("Skipping interval " + interval + " because there are no contacts");

      Map<Clue, Contact> clueToContact = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      log.info("=======\nGenerating questions for interval " + interval);

      for (Contact c : candidateContactsForThisInterval) {
        String name = c.pickBestName();
        if (name.length() < 2) // could also check if alphanumberic only
        continue outer;

        // ignore contact if name does not contain all alphabets. Even a period is not allowed. only
        // space is allowed.
        for (char ch : name.toCharArray()) {
          if (!Character.isAlphabetic(ch) && !Character.isSpaceChar(ch)) continue outer;

        Clue clue =
        if (clue != null) clueToContact.put(clue, c);

      List<Clue> clueList = new ArrayList(clueToContact.keySet());
      List<Clue> selectedClues = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < cluesPerInterval && i < clueList.size(); i++) {

          "For interval "
              + interval
              + " selected "
              + selectedClues.size()
              + " contacts out of "
              + clueList.size()
              + " possible candidates.");
      //            for (Clue c: clueList)
      //               log.info ("Clue candidate for " + clueToContact.get(c).pickBestName() + "
      // score = " + c.clueStats.finalScore+ " clue is " + c );
      //          for (Clue c: selectedClues)
      //             log.info ("Selected clue: " + clueToContact.get(c).pickBestName() + " score = "
      // + c.clueStats.finalScore+ " clue is " + c);

      for (Clue selectedClue : selectedClues) {
        Contact c = clueToContact.get(selectedClue);
        String name = c.pickBestName();

        List<Integer> lengthList = Crossword.convertToWord(name).getSecond();
        String lengthDescr = "";
        if (lengthList.size() > 1) lengthDescr += Integer.toString(lengthList.size()) + " words: ";

        for (Integer i : lengthList) {
          lengthDescr += Util.pluralize(i, "letter") + ", ";
        lengthDescr =
            lengthDescr.substring(0, lengthDescr.length() - 2); // subtract the extra comma.

        ClueInfo ci = new ClueInfo();
        ci.lastSeenDate = contactToLatestDate.get(c);
        ci.nMessages = contactToThreadIds.get(c).size();
        ci.nThreads = contactToThreadIds.get(c).size();

        questions.add(new MemoryQuestion(this, name, selectedClue, 1, lengthDescr));

    log.info(questions.size() + " questions generated");

    log.info("Top candidates are:");

    // sort q's by clue score

    //		log.info("Based on clue score, top answers:");
    //		for (MemoryQuestion mq: questions)
    //			log.info (mq.correctAnswer + " times= clue=" + mq.clue.clue);

    int count = 0;
    for (MemoryQuestion mq : questions) {

    // log the questions as well, just in case we don't get to the final point due to user fatigue
    // or crashes
    logStats("questions.final", false);
Exemple #6
 public static List<ClueEvaluator> getDefaultEvals() {
   List<ClueEvaluator> evals = new ArrayList<>();
   // default tuned params
   evals.add(new ClueEvaluator.LengthEvaluator(new float[] {-100.0f, -20.0f, 0f}));
   evals.add(new ClueEvaluator.EmotionEvaluator(new float[] {20.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f}));
   evals.add(new ClueEvaluator.NamesEvaluator(new float[] {10.0f}));
   float[] params = new float[] {10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 10f, 10f, 5f};
   List<String[]> lists = new ArrayList<>();
       "flight, travel, city, town, visit, arrive, arriving, land, landing, reach, reaching, train, road, bus, college, theatre, restaurant, book, film, movie, play, song, writer, artist, author, singer, actor, school"
       "from, to, in, at, as, by, inside, like, of, towards, toward, via, such as, called, named, name"
       "absorb, accept, admit, affirm, analyze, appreciate, assume, convinced of, believe, consider, decide, dislike, doubt, dream, dream up, expect, fail, fall for, fancy, fathom, feature, feel, find, foresee, forget, forgive, gather, get the idea, get the picture, grasp, hate, have a hunch, have faith in, have no doubt, hypothesize, ignore, image, imagine, infer, invent, judge, keep the faith, lap up, leave, lose, maintain, make rough guess, misunderstand, neglect, notice, overlook, perceive, place, place confidence in, plan, plan for, ponder, predict, presume, put heads together, rack brains, realise, realize, reckon, recognize, regard, reject, rely on, remember, rest assured, sense, share, suppose, suspect, swear by, take at one's word, take for granted, trust, understand, vision, visualize, wonder"
       "husband, wife, partner, spouse, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, fiancé, fiancée, aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, parent, father, dad, grandparent, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather, grandpa, grandma, grandchild, grandson, mother, mom, nephew, niece, sister, children, child, baby, son, stepdaughter, stepmother, stepson, uncle, boyfriend, girlfriend, batchmate, buddy, colleague, mentor, co-worker, family, flatmate, folks, house-mate, junior, senior, neighbour, neighbor, relative, roommate"
       "happy, alive, understanding, playful, calm, confident, gay, courageous, peaceful, reliable, joyous, energetic, at ease, easy, lucky, liberated, comfortable, amazed, fortunate, optimistic, pleased, free, delighted, provocative, sympathetic, overjoyed, impulsive, clever, gleeful, surprised, satisfied, thankful, frisky, receptive, animated, quiet, accepting, festive, spirited, certain, ecstatic, thrilled, enjoy, enjoyed, relaxed,  satisfied, wonderful, serene, cheerful, bright, sunny, blessed, reassured, elated, jubilant, love, loving, loved, concerned, eager, impulsive, considerate, affected, keen, affectionate, fascinated, earnest, sensitive,  intrigued, intent, anxious, rebellious, devoted, inquisitive, inspired, unique, attracted, determined, dynamic, passionate, excited, tenacious, admiration, engrossed, enthusiastic, hardy, curious, bold, brave, sympathy, daring, optimistic, comforted, drawn, confident, hopeful, amazing, fantastic, wow"
       "angry, depressed, sad, sadly, unfortunate, unfortunately, confused, irritated, lousy, upset, incapable, enraged, disappointed, doubtful, alone, hostile, discouraged, uncertain, paralyzed, insulting, ashamed, indecisive, fatigued, sore, powerless, perplexed, useless, annoyed, embarrassed, inferior, guilty, hesitant, vulnerable, hateful, dissatisfied, shy, unpleasant, miserable, stupefied, offensive, detestable, disillusioned, bitter, unbelieving, despair, aggressive, despicable, skeptical, frustrated, resentful, disgusting, distrustful, distressed, inflamed, abominable, misgiving, woeful, provoked, terrible, pathetic, incensed, tragic, infuriated, sulky, uneasy, pessimistic, tense, fuming, indignant, indifferent, afraid, hurt, fearful, tearful, dull, terrified, tormented, sorrowful, nonchalant, suspicious, deprived, pained, neutral, pained,  grief, alarmed, tortured, anguish, weary, panic, dejected, desolate, bored, nervous, rejected, desperate, preoccupied, scared, injured, worried, offended, unhappy, disinterested, frightened, afflicted, lonely, lifeless, timid, aching, grieved, shaky, victimized, mournful, restless, heartbroken, dismayed, doubtful, agonized, threatened, appalled, cowardly, humiliated, wronged, menaced, alienated, wary"
   return evals;
Exemple #7
   * Generates list of questions and stores it in the current instance of MemoryStudy We handle two
   * kinds of questions namely, person names tests and non-person name tests. Non-person name test
   * is a fill in the blank kind where the blank is to be filled with the correct non-person entity
   * to complete the sentence person name test is to guess the person in correspondent list based on
   * some distinctive sentences in the mail
   * @param maxInt - max. number of questions from a interval
   * @throws IOException
  public void generateQuestions(
      Archive archive,
      NERModel nerModel,
      Collection<EmailDocument> allDocs,
      Lexicon lex,
      int maxInt,
      boolean personTest)
      throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, ReadContentsException,
          ParseException {
    this.archive = archive;
    if (allDocs == null) allDocs = (Collection) archive.getAllDocs();
    questions = new ArrayList<>();
    ArchiveCluer cluer = new ArchiveCluer(null, archive, nerModel, null, lex);

    Short[] itypes =
        new Short[] {
    double CUTOFF = 0.001;
    tabooCluesSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    List<Document> docs = archive.getAllDocs();
    Map<String, Date> entityToLastDate = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Multimap<String, EmailDocument> entityToMessages = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    Multimap<String, Long> entityToThreads = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    Multimap<String, String> ceToDisplayEntity = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

    int di = 0;

    // sort by date

    Set<String> ownerNames = archive.ownerNames;
    Date earliestDate = null, latestDate = null;
    Set<String> allEntities = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (Document doc : docs) {
      EmailDocument ed = (EmailDocument) doc;
      if (earliestDate == null || ed.date.before(earliestDate)) earliestDate = ed.date;
      if (latestDate == null || ed.date.after(latestDate)) latestDate = ed.date;

      List<String> entities = new ArrayList<>();
      if (!personTest) {
            Arrays.asList(archive.getAllNamesInDoc(doc, true))
                .filter(n -> n.typeScore > CUTOFF)
                .map(n -> n.text)
      } else {
        // do not consider mailing lists
        if (ed.sentToMailingLists != null && ed.sentToMailingLists.length > 0) continue;
        // discard doc if it is not a sent mail
        if ((ed.sentOrReceived(archive.addressBook) & EmailDocument.SENT_MASK) == 0) continue;

        List<Address> addrs = new ArrayList<>();
        if (ed.to != null) for (Address addr : ed.to) addrs.add(addr);

        List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Address addr : addrs) {
          Contact c = archive.addressBook.lookupByAddress(addr);

        for (String name : names) {
          if (!ownerNames.contains(name) && !DictUtils.hasDictionaryWord(name)) {

      // get entities
      for (String e : entities) {
        if (Util.nullOrEmpty(e)) continue;
        e = e.replaceAll("^\\W+|\\W+$", "");
        if (e.length() > 10 && e.toUpperCase().equals(e))
          continue; // all upper case, more than 10 letters, you're out.

        String ce = DictUtils.canonicalize(e); // canonicalize
        if (ce == null) {
          JSPHelper.log.info("Dropping entity: " + e);

        ceToDisplayEntity.put(ce, e);
        entityToLastDate.put(ce, ed.date);
        entityToMessages.put(ce, ed);
        entityToThreads.put(ce, ed.threadID);

      if ((++di) % 1000 == 0) log.info(di + " of " + docs.size() + " messages processed...<br/>");
        "Considered #"
            + allEntities.size()
            + " unique entities and #"
            + ceToDisplayEntity.size()
            + " good ones in #"
            + docs.size()
            + " docs<br>");
    log.info("Owner Names: " + ownerNames);
        "Considered #"
            + allEntities.size()
            + " unique entities and #"
            + ceToDisplayEntity.size()
            + " good ones in #"
            + docs.size()
            + "docs");

        "earliest date = "
            + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(earliestDate));
        "latest date = " + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(latestDate));

    Multimap<String, String> tokenToCE = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (String ce : ceToDisplayEntity.keySet()) {
      List<String> tokens = Util.tokenize(ce);
      for (String t : tokens) tokenToCE.put(t, ce);

    // Compute date intervals
    int DAYS_PER_INTERVAL = 30;
    List<Pair<Date, Date>> intervals = new ArrayList<Pair<Date, Date>>();
      JSPHelper.log.info("computing time intervals");
      Date closingDate = latestDate;

          "closing = " + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(closingDate));
      while (earliestDate.before(closingDate)) {
        Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.setTime(closingDate); // this is the time of the last sighting of the term
        // scroll to the beginning of this month
        cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
        cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
        cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
        Date endDate = cal.getTime();

                - DAYS_PER_INTERVAL)); // 1- because we want from 0:00 of first date to 23:59 of
                                       // last date
        cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        Date startDate = cal.getTime();

        intervals.add(new Pair<Date, Date>(startDate, endDate));
        // ok we got an interval

        // closing date for the next interval is 1 day before endDate
        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
        closingDate = cal.getTime();
      JSPHelper.log.info("done computing intervals, #time intervals: " + intervals.size());
      for (Pair<Date, Date> p : intervals)
            "Interval: "
                + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(p.getFirst())
                + " - "
                + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(p.getSecond()));

    // initialize clueInfos to empty lists
    List<ClueInfo> clueInfos[] = new ArrayList[intervals.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < intervals.size(); i++) {
      clueInfos[i] = new ArrayList<ClueInfo>();

    Map<Integer, Integer> intervalCount = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    // nSent is the number of sentences allowed in a clue text
    int nvalidclues = 0, nSent = 2;
    // generate clueInfos for each entity
    for (String ce : entityToLastDate.keySet()) {
      Date lastSeenDate = entityToLastDate.get(ce);

      // compute displayEntity (which has red for core words) and fullAnswer, which is a simple
      // string
      String fullAnswer = "";
        List<String> tokens = Util.tokenize(ceToDisplayEntity.get(ce).iterator().next());
        for (String t : tokens) {
          if (EnglishDictionary.stopWords.contains(t.toLowerCase())) continue;
          fullAnswer += t + " ";
        fullAnswer = fullAnswer.trim();
      // dont want the answer to be scored low just because it has extra non-word chars in the begin
      // or end
      fullAnswer = fullAnswer.replaceAll("^\\W+|\\W+$", "");

      // which interval does this date belong to?
      int interval = -1;
      Date intervalStart = null, intervalEnd = null;
        int i = 0;
        for (Pair<Date, Date> p : intervals) {
          intervalStart = p.getFirst();
          intervalEnd = p.getSecond();

          if ((intervalStart.before(lastSeenDate) && intervalEnd.after(lastSeenDate))
              || intervalStart.equals(lastSeenDate)
              || intervalEnd.equals(lastSeenDate)) {
            interval = i;
      if (interval < 0 || interval == intervals.size())
            "What, no interval!? for "
                + edu.stanford.muse.email.CalendarUtil.formatDateForDisplay(lastSeenDate));
      if (!intervalCount.containsKey(interval)) intervalCount.put(interval, 0);
      if (intervalCount.get(interval) > maxInt) continue;
      intervalCount.put(interval, intervalCount.get(interval) + 1);

      List<Integer> lengthList = Crossword.convertToWord(fullAnswer).getSecond();
      String lengthDescr = "";
      if (lengthList.size() > 1) lengthDescr += Integer.toString(lengthList.size()) + " words: ";

      for (Integer i : lengthList) {
        lengthDescr += Util.pluralize(i, "letter") + ", ";
      lengthDescr = lengthDescr.substring(0, lengthDescr.length() - 2); // subtract the extra comma.

      ClueInfo ci = new ClueInfo();
      ci.link = "../browse?term=\"" + fullAnswer + "\"&sort_by=recent&searchType=original";
      ci.lastSeenDate = lastSeenDate;
      ci.nMessages = entityToMessages.get(ce).size();
      ci.nThreads = entityToThreads.get(ce).size();

      // TODO: we are doing default initialisation of evaluators by setting it to null below, it is
      // more appropriate to consider it as an argument for this method
      Clue clue =
                  ? ArchiveCluer.QuestionType.GUESS_CORRESPONDENT
                  : ArchiveCluer.QuestionType.FILL_IN_THE_BLANK),
      if (clue != null) ci.clues = new Clue[] {clue};

      if (ci.clues == null || ci.clues.length == 0 || clue == null) {
        JSPHelper.log.warn("Did not find any clue for: " + fullAnswer);
      } else {
        // is the times value of the clue important?
        questions.add(new MemoryQuestion(this, fullAnswer, clue, 1, lengthDescr));
        // makes sure that the clue with the same statement is not generated again
    log.info("Found valid clues for " + nvalidclues + " answers");
    JSPHelper.log.info("Found valid clues for " + nvalidclues + " answers");

    log.info("Top candidates are:");
    for (MemoryQuestion mq : questions)
      log.info(mq.correctAnswer + " times=" + mq.stats.nMessagesWithAnswer);

    // sort q's by clue score

    //		log.info("Based on clue score, top answers:");
    //		for (MemoryQuestion mq: questions)
    //			log.info (mq.correctAnswer + " times= clue=" + mq.clue.clue);

    // now we have up to 2*N questions, sorted by cluescore.
    // drop ones that are prefix/suffix of another, and cap to N
    int prev_size = questions.size();

    int new_size = questions.size();

    //	log.info ("#questions before prefix-suffix elim: " + prev_size + " after: " + new_size);

    int count = 0;
    for (MemoryQuestion mq : questions) {

    // log the questions as well, just in case we don't get to the final point due to user fatigue
    // or crashes
    logStats("questions.final", false);