Exemple #1
  protected Point getRegionDimension(BoardState origState, int cellregion) {
    Vector<CellLocation> cells;
    CellLocation tempcell;
    int rheight = 0;
    int rwidth = 0;
    int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    xmin = ymin = 1000000;
    xmax = ymax = -1000000;
    Region region = ((Region[]) origState.getExtraData().get(0))[cellregion];
    cells = region.getCells();

    for (int c = 0; c < cells.size(); ++c) {
      if (origState.getCellContents(cells.get(c).getX(), cells.get(c).getY())
          == Heyawake.CELL_WHITE) {
      if (cells.get(c).getX() < xmin) xmin = cells.get(c).getX();
      if (cells.get(c).getY() < ymin) ymin = cells.get(c).getY();

      if (cells.get(c).getX() > xmax) xmax = cells.get(c).getX();
      if (cells.get(c).getY() > ymax) ymax = cells.get(c).getY();
    rwidth = xmax - xmin;
    rheight = ymax - ymin;
    return new Point(rwidth, rheight);
   * Checks if the contradiction was applied correctly to this board state
   * @param state The board state
   * @return null if the contradiction was applied correctly, the error String otherwise
  public String checkContradictionRaw(BoardState state) {
    int height = state.getHeight();
    int width = state.getWidth();
    int[][] cells = new int[height][width];

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        cells[y][x] = state.getCellContents(x, y);
    List<Set<Point>> regions =
        ConnectedRegions.getConnectedRegions(Nurikabe.CELL_BLACK, cells, width, height);
    for (Set<Point> region : regions) {
      if (!ConnectedRegions.regionContains(Nurikabe.CELL_WHITE, cells, region)) continue;
      boolean haveNumber = false;
      for (Point p : region) {
        if (state.getCellContents(p.x, p.y) > 10) {
          haveNumber = true;
      if (!haveNumber) return null;

    return "No white regions (contains >1 white cell) without a number.";
Exemple #3
  protected String checkRuleRaw(BoardState destBoardState) {
    String error = null;
    boolean changed = false;
    int regionNum;
    BoardState origBoardState = destBoardState.getSingleParentState();
    ArrayList<Object> extraData = origBoardState.getExtraData();
    Region curRegion;
    Point tempPoint;
    // Check for only one branch
    if (destBoardState.getParents().size() != 1) {
      error = "This rule only involves having a single branch!";
    } else {

      for (int y = 0; y < origBoardState.getHeight() && error == null; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < origBoardState.getWidth(); ++x) {
          int origState = origBoardState.getCellContents(x, y);
          int newState = destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y);

          if (origState != newState) {
            changed = true;

            if (newState != 2 || origState != 0) {
              error = "This rule only involves adding black cells!";

            if (!checkRegionHasClue(
                origBoardState, ((int[][]) origBoardState.getExtraData().get(2))[y][x])) {
              error = "Rule cannot be applied to regions without a designated number.";
            regionNum = ((int[][]) (extraData.get(2)))[y][x];
            curRegion = ((Region[]) extraData.get(0))[regionNum];
            if (curRegion.getValue() != 5) {
              error = "Rule cannot be applied to regions without a value of 5.";
            tempPoint = getRegionDimension(origBoardState, regionNum);
            if (tempPoint.x != 2 || tempPoint.y != 2) {
              error = "Rule can only be applied to regions with dimension 3x3.";
      if (error == null && !changed) {
        error = "You must add a black cell to use this rule!";

    return error;
Exemple #4
 protected Point getRegionLocation(BoardState origState, int cellregion) {
   Vector<CellLocation> cells;
   CellLocation tempcell;
   int xmin, ymin;
   xmin = ymin = 1000000;
   Region region = ((Region[]) origState.getExtraData().get(0))[cellregion];
   cells = region.getCells();
   for (int c = 0; c < cells.size(); ++c) {
     if (origState.getCellContents(cells.get(c).getX(), cells.get(c).getY())
         == Heyawake.CELL_WHITE) {
     if (cells.get(c).getX() < xmin) xmin = cells.get(c).getX();
     if (cells.get(c).getY() < ymin) ymin = cells.get(c).getY();
   return new Point(xmin, ymin);
    public Dimension getProperSize() {
      Dimension rv = new Dimension();
      BoardState state = curState;

      if (state != null) {
        PuzzleModule pz = pm;

        if (pz != null) {
          Dimension d = pz.getImageSize();
          int w = state.getWidth();
          int h = state.getHeight();

          rv.width = d.width * (w + 2);
          rv.height = d.height * (h + 2);

      return rv;
Exemple #6
   * Checks if the contradiction was applied correctly to this board state
   * @param state The board state
   * @return null if the contradiction was applied correctly, the error String otherwise
   *     <p>protected String checkRuleRaw(BoardState destBoardState) { String error = null; boolean
   *     changed = false; BoardState origBoardState = destBoardState.getSingleParentState(); int
   *     width = destBoardState.getWidth(); int height = destBoardState.getHeight(); boolean
   *     foundvalidblock; boolean[][] litup = new
   *     boolean[origBoardState.getHeight()][origBoardState.getWidth()];
   *     LightUp.determineLight(origBoardState, litup);
   *     <p>// Check for only one branch if (destBoardState.getTransitionsTo().size() != 1) { error
   *     = "This rule only involves having a single branch!"; } else { for (int y = 0; y <
   *     origBoardState.getHeight() && error == null; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x <
   *     origBoardState.getWidth(); ++x) { int origState = origBoardState.getCellContents(x,y); int
   *     newState = destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y);
   *     <p>if (origState != newState) { changed = true;
   *     <p>if (newState != LightUp.CELL_LIGHT || origState != LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN) { error = "This
   *     rule only involves adding light bulbs!"; break; } foundvalidblock = false; if(x > 0)
   *     if(destBoardState.getCellContents(x-1,y)>= 10 && destBoardState.getCellContents(x-1,y)< 15)
   *     foundvalidblock = foundvalidblock |
   *     checkBlockCompleted(destBoardState,x-1,y,width,height,litup); if(x < width - 1)
   *     if(destBoardState.getCellContents(x+1,y)>= 10 && destBoardState.getCellContents(x+1,y)< 15)
   *     foundvalidblock = foundvalidblock |
   *     checkBlockCompleted(destBoardState,x+1,y,width,height,litup); if(y > 0)
   *     if(destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y-1)>= 10 && destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y-1)< 15)
   *     foundvalidblock = foundvalidblock |
   *     checkBlockCompleted(destBoardState,x,y-1,width,height,litup); if(y < height - 1)
   *     if(destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y+1)>= 10 && destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y+1)< 15)
   *     foundvalidblock = foundvalidblock |
   *     checkBlockCompleted(destBoardState,x,y+1,width,height,litup);
   *     <p>if(!foundvalidblock) { error = "A bulb cell must be placed to complete a block's
   *     number."; break; }
   *     <p>} } }
   *     <p>if (error == null && !changed) { error = "You must add a bulb to use this rule!"; } }
   *     <p>return error; }
   *     <p>protected boolean doDefaultApplicationRaw(BoardState destBoardState, PuzzleModule pm) {
   *     BoardState origBoardState = destBoardState.getSingleParentState(); boolean changed = false;
   *     int width = destBoardState.getWidth(); int height = destBoardState.getHeight(); int
   *     cellvalue = 0; boolean[][] litup = new
   *     boolean[origBoardState.getHeight()][origBoardState.getWidth()];
   *     LightUp.determineLight(origBoardState, litup);
   *     <p>if (origBoardState != null && destBoardState.getTransitionsTo().size() == 1) { for (int
   *     y = 0; y < origBoardState.getHeight(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x <
   *     origBoardState.getWidth(); ++x) { cellvalue = destBoardState.getCellContents(x,y);
   *     if(cellvalue >= 10 && cellvalue < 15) {
   *     if(checkBlockCompletable(destBoardState,x,y,width,height,litup)) {
   *     completeBlock(destBoardState,x,y,width,height, litup); } } } }
   *     <p>String error = checkRuleRaw(destBoardState);
   *     <p>if (error == null) { changed = true; // valid change } }
   *     <p>if(!changed) { destBoardState = origBoardState.copy(); }
   *     <p>LightUp.fillLight(destBoardState);
   *     <p>return changed; }
  protected RuleApplication canApplyAt(BoardState state, Point at) {
    boolean[][] litup = new boolean[state.getHeight()][state.getWidth()];
    LightUp.determineLight(state, litup);

    if (state.getCellContents(at.x, at.y) != PuzzleModule.CELL_UNKNOWN || litup[at.y][at.x])
      return new RuleApplication(at);

    Vector<Point> numbers = LightUp.findAdjacentNumbers(state, at);

    boolean found = false;
    for (Point p : numbers) {
      if (checkBlockCompletable(state, p.x, p.y, state.getWidth(), state.getHeight(), litup)) {
        RuleApplication ret = new RuleApplication(at);
        ret.parentApplication = p;
        ret.newValue = LightUp.CELL_LIGHT;
        ret.isValid = true;
        return ret;

    return new RuleApplication(at);
    // TODO: Add parent semantics
Exemple #7
  private void completeBlock(
      BoardState destBoardState, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean[][] litup) {

    if (x > 0) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x - 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN && !litup[y][x - 1])
        destBoardState.setCellContents(x - 1, y, LightUp.CELL_LIGHT);
    if (x < width - 1) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x + 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN && !litup[y][x + 1])
        destBoardState.setCellContents(x + 1, y, LightUp.CELL_LIGHT);
    if (y > 0) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y - 1) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN && !litup[y - 1][x])
        destBoardState.setCellContents(x, y - 1, LightUp.CELL_LIGHT);
    if (y < height - 1) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y + 1) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN && !litup[y + 1][x])
        destBoardState.setCellContents(x, y + 1, LightUp.CELL_LIGHT);
Exemple #8
  private boolean checkBlockCompletable(
      BoardState destBoardState, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean[][] litup) {

    int bulbs = 0;
    int blanks = 0;
    if (x > 0) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x - 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_LIGHT) ++bulbs;
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x - 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_EMPTY
          || (litup[y][x - 1] && destBoardState.getCellContents(x - 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN)
          || destBoardState.getCellContents(x - 1, y) >= 10) ++blanks;
    } else ++blanks;
    if (x < width - 1) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x + 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_LIGHT) ++bulbs;
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x + 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_EMPTY
          || (litup[y][x + 1] && destBoardState.getCellContents(x + 1, y) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN)
          || destBoardState.getCellContents(x + 1, y) >= 10) ++blanks;
    } else ++blanks;
    if (y > 0) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y - 1) == LightUp.CELL_LIGHT) ++bulbs;
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y - 1) == LightUp.CELL_EMPTY
          || (litup[y - 1][x] && destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y - 1) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN)
          || destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y - 1) >= 10) ++blanks;
    } else ++blanks;
    if (y < height - 1) {
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y + 1) == LightUp.CELL_LIGHT) ++bulbs;
      if (destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y + 1) == LightUp.CELL_EMPTY
          || (litup[y + 1][x] && destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y + 1) == LightUp.CELL_UNKNOWN)
          || destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y + 1) >= 10) ++blanks;
    } else ++blanks;

    return (4 - blanks - bulbs == destBoardState.getCellContents(x, y) - 10 - bulbs);
Exemple #9
 protected boolean checkRegionHasClue(BoardState state, int cellregion) {
   Region region = ((Region[]) state.getExtraData().get(0))[cellregion];
   if (region.getValue() < 0) return false;
   return true;
Exemple #10
  protected boolean doDefaultApplicationRaw(BoardState destBoardState) {
    BoardState origBoardState = destBoardState.getSingleParentState();
    boolean changed = false;
    Point temprSize;
    Point temprLocation;
    ArrayList<Object> extraData = origBoardState.getExtraData();
    Region curRegion;

    if (origBoardState != null && destBoardState.getParents().size() == 1) {
      int regioncount = ((Integer) origBoardState.getExtraData().get(1)).intValue();
      for (int r = 0; r < regioncount; r++) {
        curRegion = ((Region[]) extraData.get(0))[r];
        if (curRegion.getValue() == 5) {
          Point size = getRegionDimension(destBoardState, r);
          Point location = getRegionLocation(destBoardState, r);
          if (size.x == 2 && size.y == 2) {
            if (origBoardState.getCellContents(location.x, location.y) == Heyawake.CELL_UNKNOWN) {
              changed = true;
              destBoardState.setCellContents(location.x, location.y, Heyawake.CELL_BLACK);
              destBoardState.setCellContents(location.x + 2, location.y, Heyawake.CELL_BLACK);
              destBoardState.setCellContents(location.x + 1, location.y + 1, Heyawake.CELL_BLACK);
              destBoardState.setCellContents(location.x, location.y + 2, Heyawake.CELL_BLACK);
              destBoardState.setCellContents(location.x + 2, location.y + 2, Heyawake.CELL_BLACK);

    String error = checkRuleRaw(destBoardState);
    if (error != null) {
      System.out.println(error + " " + changed);
      changed = false;
      // valid change
    if (!changed) {
      destBoardState = origBoardState.copy();

    return changed;
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

      BoardState state = curState;

      if (state != null) {
        PuzzleModule pz = pm;

        if (pz != null) {
          Dimension d = pz.getImageSize();
          int imW = d.width;
          int imH = d.height;

          int w = state.getWidth();
          int h = state.getHeight();

          for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
              String imagePath = pz.getImageLocation(x, y, state);

              Image i = new ImageIcon(imagePath).getImage();

              g.drawImage(i, imW + x * imW, imH + y * imH, null);

          // do headers
          for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
            int val = state.getLabel(BoardState.LABEL_TOP, x);
            String imagePath = pz.getImageLocation(val);
            Image i = new ImageIcon(imagePath).getImage();
            g.drawImage(i, imW + x * imW, 0, null);

            val = state.getLabel(BoardState.LABEL_BOTTOM, x);
            imagePath = pz.getImageLocation(val);
            i = new ImageIcon(imagePath).getImage();
            g.drawImage(i, imW + x * imW, imH * (h + 1), null);

          for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
            int val = state.getLabel(BoardState.LABEL_LEFT, y);
            String imagePath = pz.getImageLocation(val);
            Image i = new ImageIcon(imagePath).getImage();
            g.drawImage(i, 0, imH * (y + 1), null);

            val = state.getLabel(BoardState.LABEL_RIGHT, y);
            imagePath = pz.getImageLocation(val);
            i = new ImageIcon(imagePath).getImage();
            g.drawImage(i, imW * (w + 1), imH * (y + 1), null);

          // do grid
          pz.drawGrid(g, new Rectangle(imW, imH, imW * w, imH * h), w, h);
              new Rectangle(imW, imH, imW * w, imH * h),
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
      BoardState state = curState;

      if (state != null) {
        PuzzleModule pz = pm;

        if (pz != null) {
          Dimension d = pz.getImageSize();
          int imW = d.width;
          int imH = d.height;
          int w = state.getWidth();
          int h = state.getHeight();
          Point p = e.getPoint();

          p.x /= imW;
          p.y /= imH;

          // System.out.println("x = " + p.x + ", y = " + p.y);

          if ((p.x > 0 && p.y > 0) && (p.x <= w && p.y <= h)) {

            if (p.x < w && p.y < h) { // p.x and p.y hold the grid point now!
              if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { // left click
                ((Fillapix) pz).directModify(p.x, p.y, state);
              } else { // right click
                BoardImage[] ims = pz.getAllCenterImages();

                int index = ImageChooserDialog.chooseImage(ims);

                if (index != -1) {
                  state.setCellContents(p.x, p.y, ims[index].boardIndex);

          } else {
            boolean[] conditions = {
              (p.x == 0 && p.y > 0 && p.y <= h), // left
              (p.x == w + 1 && p.y > 0 && p.y <= h), // right
              (p.y == 0 && p.x > 0 && p.x <= w), // top
              (p.y == h + 1 && p.x > 0 && p.x <= w) // bottom

            int[] label_direction = {

            int[] label_index = {p.y - 1, p.y - 1, p.x - 1, p.x - 1};

            for (int x = 0; x < conditions.length; ++x) {
              if (conditions[x]) {
                if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { // left click
                  int val = state.getLabel(label_direction[x], label_index[x]);

                  state.setLabel(label_direction[x], label_index[x], pm.getNextLabelValue(val));
                } else {
                  BoardImage[] ims = pz.getAllBorderImages();

                  if (ims.length > 0) {

                    int index = ImageChooserDialog.chooseImage(ims);

                    if (index != -1) {
                      state.setLabel(label_direction[x], label_index[x], ims[index].boardIndex);
