public void testDoLayoutSimple() {

    long msPerHour = 1000 * 60 * 60;

    // setup test
    DateTimeFormat dtf = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    Date startCalendarDay = dtf.parse("2009-06-01 00:00:00");
    int numCalendarDays = 3;
    DayView dayView = new DayView();
    CalendarSettings settings = new CalendarSettings();

    // this fixes offset issue with time labels
    // 15-min. boundaries!

    // construct the strategy using the dayView simply as a wrapper
    // for the settings
    DayViewLayoutStrategy s = new DayViewLayoutStrategy(dayView);

    // prepare the appointments to layout
    ArrayList<AppointmentInterface> firstDayAppts = new ArrayList<AppointmentInterface>();
    Date apptEnd = new Date(startCalendarDay.getTime() + msPerHour);
    Appointment appt = new Appointment(0, "0", "0", startCalendarDay, apptEnd);

    // test 1 - just one appointment at the start of the day
    ArrayList<AppointmentAdapter> appointmentAdapters =
        s.doLayout(firstDayAppts, 0, numCalendarDays);

    float oneColWidth = 32.333f;
    float twoColWidth = 15.666f;
    float oneHrHeight = 46.0f;
    float firstColLeft = 0.5f;
    float secColLeft = 17.166f;
    float startTop = 0.0f;

    assertEquals(1, appointmentAdapters.size());
    AppointmentAdapter aa = appointmentAdapters.get(0);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 4, 0, 4, 0, firstColLeft, startTop, oneColWidth, oneHrHeight);

    // now see the affects of an identical appointment overlapping this one.
    appt = new Appointment(1, "1", "1", startCalendarDay, apptEnd);

    // test 2 - 2 identical appointments
    appointmentAdapters = s.doLayout(firstDayAppts, 0, numCalendarDays);

    assertEquals(2, appointmentAdapters.size());
    // first appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(0);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 4, 0, 4, 0, firstColLeft, startTop, twoColWidth, oneHrHeight);

    // second appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(1);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 4, 0, 4, 1, secColLeft, startTop, twoColWidth, oneHrHeight);

    // now see what happens when you push the second appt. ahead by 1/2 hour, and shrink duration
    // get rid of the last one
    AppointmentInterface ai = firstDayAppts.remove(1);
    // modify it: add 1/2 hour and shrink duration by 1/4 hour
    ai.setStart(new Date(startCalendarDay.getTime() + (msPerHour / 2)));
    ai.setEnd(new Date(ai.getStart().getTime() + (3 * msPerHour / 4)));
    // put it back again

    // test 3 - 2 overlapping appointments
    appointmentAdapters = s.doLayout(firstDayAppts, 0, numCalendarDays);

    assertEquals(2, appointmentAdapters.size());
    // first appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(0);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 4, 0, 4, 0, firstColLeft, startTop, twoColWidth, oneHrHeight);

    // second appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(1);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 3, 2, 3, 1, secColLeft, 24.0f, twoColWidth, 34.0f);

    // now add a third appointment that does NOT overlap
    Date thirdStart = new Date(startCalendarDay.getTime() + (2 * msPerHour));
    Date thirdEnd = new Date(thirdStart.getTime() + (3 * msPerHour));
    appt = new Appointment(2, "2", "2", thirdStart, thirdEnd);

    // test 4 - 2 overlapping + one non-overlapping
    appointmentAdapters = s.doLayout(firstDayAppts, 0, numCalendarDays);

    assertEquals(3, appointmentAdapters.size());
    // first appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(0);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 4, 0, 4, 0, firstColLeft, startTop, twoColWidth, oneHrHeight);

    // second appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(1);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 3, 2, 3, 1, secColLeft, 24.0f, twoColWidth, 34.0f);

    // third appt
    aa = appointmentAdapters.get(2);
    assertAdapterEquals(aa, 12, 8, 12, 0, 0.5f, 96.0f, oneColWidth, 142.0f);

    // test 5 - there's nothing the next day
    ArrayList<AppointmentInterface> secondDayAppts = new ArrayList<AppointmentInterface>();
    appointmentAdapters = s.doLayout(secondDayAppts, 1, numCalendarDays);
    assertEquals(0, appointmentAdapters.size());