/** Constucts a wrapper for the given EdgeListGraph. */ public TsFciRunner2( GraphSource graphWrapper, Parameters params, KnowledgeBoxModel knowledgeBoxModel) { super(graphWrapper.getGraph(), params, knowledgeBoxModel); }
/** Constucts a wrapper for the given EdgeListGraph. */ public VcpcAltRunner( GraphSource graphWrapper, PcSearchParams params, KnowledgeBoxModel knowledgeBoxModel) { super(graphWrapper.getGraph(), params, knowledgeBoxModel); }
/** Constucts a wrapper for the given EdgeListGraph. */ public VcpcAltRunner(GraphSource graphWrapper, PcSearchParams params) { super(graphWrapper.getGraph(), params); }
/** Constucts a wrapper for the given EdgeListGraph. */ public FciRunner( GraphSource graphWrapper, FciSearchParams params, KnowledgeBoxModel knowledgeBoxModel) { super(graphWrapper.getGraph(), params, knowledgeBoxModel); }