private List<Word> ranking(SWCDocument document, CommandLineArguments cmd) { RankingAlgo algo = RankingAlgorithmRegistry.getById(cmd.getRankAlgorithm()); document.weightFilter(cmd.getMaxWords(), algo); List<Word> words = document.getWords(); if (words.size() < 10) throw new RuntimeException("The input text is too short (" + words.size() + " words)"); return words; }
public static void main(String[] args) { CommandLineArguments cmd = new CommandLineArguments(args); if (!cmd.parse() || cmd.isPrintUsage()) { cmd.usage(); System.exit(1); } try { new Main().constructWordCloud(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
private SWCDocument readDocument(CommandLineArguments cmd) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner scanner = cmd.getInputFile() != null ? new Scanner(new File(cmd.getInputFile())) : new Scanner(; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { sb.append(scanner.nextLine() + "\n"); } scanner.close(); SWCDocument doc = new SWCDocument(sb.toString()); doc.parse(cmd.getParseOptions()); return doc; }
private void constructWordCloud(CommandLineArguments cmd) throws Exception { // read the document SWCDocument document = readDocument(cmd); // init fonts FontUtils.initialize(new AWTFontProvider(cmd.getFont())); // rank the words List<Word> words = ranking(document, cmd); // calculate pairwise similarities Map<WordPair, Double> similarity = computeSimilarity(document, cmd); // create graph WordGraph wordGraph = new WordGraph(words, similarity); // layout the words in the plane LayoutResult layout = layout(wordGraph, cmd); // coloring ColorScheme colorScheme = coloring(wordGraph, cmd); // draw the result visualize(wordGraph, layout, colorScheme, cmd); }
private void visualize( WordGraph wordGraph, LayoutResult layout, ColorScheme colorScheme, CommandLineArguments cmd) throws FileNotFoundException { List<UIWord> uiWords = UIWord.prepareUIWords(wordGraph.getWords(), layout, colorScheme); WordCloudRenderer renderer = new WordCloudRenderer(uiWords, cmd.getMaxWidth(), cmd.getMaxHeight()); byte[] content = RenderUtils.createCloud(renderer, cmd.getOutputFormat()); OutputStream out = createOutputStream(cmd); try { out.write(content); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private OutputStream createOutputStream(CommandLineArguments cmd) throws FileNotFoundException { if (cmd.isAutogenOutputFile() && cmd.getInputFile() != null) { String inputFile = cmd.getInputFile(); int index = inputFile.lastIndexOf('.'); String filename = (index != -1 ? inputFile.substring(0, index) : inputFile); filename += "." + cmd.getOutputFormat(); return new FileOutputStream(filename); } else { return cmd.getOutputFile() != null ? new FileOutputStream(cmd.getOutputFile()) : System.out; } }
private ColorScheme coloring(WordGraph wordGraph, CommandLineArguments cmd) { ColorScheme colorScheme = ColorSchemeRegistry.getByCmdIndex(cmd.getColor()); colorScheme.initialize(wordGraph); return colorScheme; }
private LayoutResult layout(WordGraph wordGraph, CommandLineArguments cmd) { LayoutAlgo algo = LayoutAlgorithmRegistry.getById(cmd.getLayoutAlgorithm()); algo.setAspectRatio(cmd.getAspectRatio()); return algo.layout(wordGraph); }
private Map<WordPair, Double> computeSimilarity(SWCDocument document, CommandLineArguments cmd) { SimilarityAlgo algo = SimilarityAlgorithmRegistry.getById(cmd.getSimilarityAlgorithm()); return algo.computeSimilarity(document); }