private List<PExp> extractConsequentsFromParameter(ProgParameterSymbol p) {
    List<PExp> result = new ArrayList<>();
    PExp incParamExp = new PSymbolBuilder(p.asPSymbol()).incoming(true).build();
    PExp paramExp = new PSymbolBuilder(p.asPSymbol()).incoming(false).build();

    if (p.getDeclaredType() instanceof ProgNamedType) {
      ProgNamedType t = (ProgNamedType) p.getDeclaredType();
      PExp exemplar = new PSymbolBuilder(t.getExemplarName()).mathClssfctn(t.toMath()).build();

      if (t instanceof PTRepresentation) {
        ProgReprTypeSymbol repr = ((PTRepresentation) t).getReprTypeSymbol();

        PExp convention = repr.getConvention();
        PExp corrFnExp = repr.getCorrespondence();
        result.add(convention.substitute(t.getExemplarAsPSymbol(), paramExp));
      if (p.getMode() == ParameterMode.PRESERVES || p.getMode() == ParameterMode.RESTORES) {
        PExp equalsExp =
            g.formEquals(paramExp, incParamExp)
                    "Ensure parameter " + p.getName() + " is restored");
      } else if (p.getMode() == ParameterMode.CLEARS) {
        PExp init =
            ((ProgNamedType) p.getDeclaredType())
                .substitute(exemplar, paramExp);
    return result;
  private List<PExp> extractAssumptionsFromParameter(ProgParameterSymbol p) {
    List<PExp> resultingAssumptions = new ArrayList<>();
    if (p.getDeclaredType() instanceof ProgNamedType) {

      // both PTFamily AND PTRepresentation are a PTNamed
      ProgNamedType declaredType = (ProgNamedType) p.getDeclaredType();
      PExp exemplar = declaredType.getExemplarAsPSymbol();
      if (declaredType instanceof ProgFamilyType) {
        PExp constraint = ((ProgFamilyType) declaredType).getConstraint();

        constraint = constraint.substitute(getSpecializationsForFacility(p.getTypeQualifier()));
                p.asPSymbol())); // ASSUME TC (type constraint -- since we're conceptual)
      } else if (declaredType instanceof PTRepresentation) {
        ProgReprTypeSymbol repr = ((PTRepresentation) declaredType).getReprTypeSymbol();
        PExp convention = repr.getConvention();

            convention.substitute(declaredType.getExemplarAsPSymbol(), p.asPSymbol()));
        // ASSUME RC (repr convention -- since we're a repr)
    } else { // PTGeneric
      //    resultingAssumptions.add(g.formInitializationPredicate(
      //            p.getDeclaredType(), p.getName()));
    return resultingAssumptions;
 // The only way I'm current aware of a local requires clause getting changed
 // is by passing a locally defined type  to an operation (something of type
 // PTRepresentation). This method won't do anything otherwise.
 private PExp perParameterCorrFnExpSubstitute(
     @NotNull List<ProgParameterSymbol> params, @Nullable PExp requiresOrEnsures) {
   List<PExp> result = new ArrayList<>();
   PExp resultingClause = requiresOrEnsures;
   for (ProgParameterSymbol p : params) {
     if (p.getDeclaredType() instanceof PTRepresentation) {
       ProgReprTypeSymbol repr = ((PTRepresentation) p.getDeclaredType()).getReprTypeSymbol();
       PExp corrFnExp = repr.getCorrespondence();
       // distribute conc.X into the clause passed
       Map<PExp, PExp> concReplMapping = new HashMap<>();
       concReplMapping.put(repr.exemplarAsPSymbol(), repr.conceptualExemplarAsPSymbol());
       concReplMapping.put(repr.exemplarAsPSymbol(true), repr.conceptualExemplarAsPSymbol(true));
       resultingClause = resultingClause.substitute(concReplMapping);
   return resultingClause == null ? g.getTrueExp() : resultingClause;
  private void confirmParameterConsequentsForBlock(
      VCAssertiveBlockBuilder block, ProgParameterSymbol p) {
    PExp incParamExp = new PSymbolBuilder(p.asPSymbol()).incoming(true).build();
    PExp paramExp = new PSymbolBuilder(p.asPSymbol()).incoming(false).build();

    if (p.getDeclaredType() instanceof ProgNamedType) {
      ProgNamedType t = (ProgNamedType) p.getDeclaredType();
      PExp exemplar = new PSymbolBuilder(t.getExemplarName()).mathClssfctn(t.toMath()).build();

      if (t instanceof PTRepresentation) {
        ProgReprTypeSymbol repr = ((PTRepresentation) t).getReprTypeSymbol();

        PExp convention = repr.getConvention();
        PExp corrFnExp = repr.getCorrespondence();
        // if we're doing this its going to be on a procedure decl or op-proc decl, so just
        // say block.definingTree
        PExp newConvention =
                .substitute(t.getExemplarAsPSymbol(), paramExp)
                .withVCInfo(block.definingTree.getStart(), "Convention for " + t.getName());
        block.confirm(block.definingTree, newConvention);
      if (p.getMode() == ParameterMode.PRESERVES || p.getMode() == ParameterMode.RESTORES) {
        PExp equalsExp =
            g.formEquals(paramExp, incParamExp)
                    "Ensure parameter " + p.getName() + " is restored");
        block.confirm(block.definingTree, equalsExp);
      } else if (p.getMode() == ParameterMode.CLEARS) {
        PExp init =
            ((ProgNamedType) p.getDeclaredType())
                .substitute(exemplar, paramExp);
        // result.add(init);