public void ___testGetAllFontsNames() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts.html"); String[] fontNames = doc.getAllFontsNames(); doc.close(); Arrays.sort(fontNames); String[] namesExpected = new String[] { "nunacom", "Verdana", "Arial", "Helvetica", "sans-serif", "Naamajut", "Times New Roman", "georgia", "PROSYL" }; Arrays.sort(namesExpected); assertTrue( "Les noms des polices retournés pour testfonts.html ne sont pas corrects", Arrays.hashCode(fontNames) == Arrays.hashCode(namesExpected)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void testTraiterDocPourTranslit_2() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testFontTelling.html"); doc.transHash = new Hashtable(); doc.traiterDocPourTranslit(); Hashtable transHash = (Hashtable) doc.transHash.clone(); doc.close(); assertTrue( "Le nombre d'entrées dans transHash (" + transHash.size() + ") est incorrect", transHash.size() == 3); Hashtable target = new Hashtable(); target.put("et3us5 sx1Nzi3us5 ra9o3+X3u1i4", "nunacom"); target.put("w4OAh1iv9M1u4 s/C4ncF[Jx3gu4 et3us5", "nunacom"); target.put("(, @))@u vtmt5tt9lQ5", "nunacom"); for (Enumeration e = transHash.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); assertTrue("La clé \"" + key + "\" n'est pas correcte", target.containsKey(key)); String val = (String) transHash.get(key); assertTrue( "La valeur de \"" + key + "\" n'est pas égale à" + (String) target.get(key), val.equals((String) target.get(key))); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testTraiterDocPourTranslit_3() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit3.html"); doc.transHash = new Hashtable(); doc.traiterDocPourTranslit(); doc.close(); Hashtable transHash = (Hashtable) doc.transHash.clone(); assertTrue( "Le nombre d'entrées dans transHash (" + transHash.size() + ") est incorrect", transHash.size() == 1); Hashtable target = new Hashtable(); target.put("wkw5 eiChAmJ5 w6vNw]/4nu4", "nunacom"); for (Enumeration e = transHash.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); assertTrue("La clé \"" + key + "\" n'est pas correcte", target.containsKey(key)); String val = (String) transHash.get(key); assertTrue( "La valeur de \"" + key + "\" n'est pas égale à" + (String) target.get(key), val.equals((String) target.get(key))); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testContainsInuktitut_unicode_entitesHtml() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts2.html"); boolean containsInuktitut = doc.containsInuktitut(); doc.close(); assertTrue("Le contenu retourné ne contient pas d'inuktitut", containsInuktitut); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetFonts() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts.html"); HTMLDocumentImpl document = doc.getDocument(); doc.close(); NodeImpl el = (NodeImpl) document.getElementById("tnunacom"); el = (NodeImpl) el.getFirstChild(); String fs[] = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.getFonts(el); String fsS = Arrays.toString(fs); assertEquals( "Les polices retournées ne correspondent pas aux polices escomptées", "[nunacom, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]", fsS); el = (NodeImpl) document.getElementById("tnaamajut"); el = (NodeImpl) el.getFirstChild(); fs = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.getFonts(el); fsS = Arrays.toString(fs); assertEquals( "Les polices retournées ne correspondent pas aux polices escomptées", "[Naamajut, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]", fsS); el = (NodeImpl) document.getElementById("ttimes"); el = (NodeImpl) el.getFirstChild(); fs = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.getFonts(el); fsS = Arrays.toString(fs); assertEquals( "Les polices retournées ne correspondent pas aux polices escomptées", "[Times New Roman, Helvetica]", fsS); el = (NodeImpl) document.getElementById("tgeorgia"); el = (NodeImpl) el.getFirstChild(); fs = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.getFonts(el); fsS = Arrays.toString(fs); assertEquals( "Les polices retournées ne correspondent pas aux polices escomptées", "[georgia]", fsS); el = (NodeImpl) document.getElementById("tprosyl"); el = (NodeImpl) el.getFirstChild(); fs = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.getFonts(el); fsS = Arrays.toString(fs); assertEquals( "Les polices retournées ne correspondent pas aux polices escomptées", "[PROSYL, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]", fsS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetBase() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testTranslit.html"); String base = doc.getBaseURI(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "Le nom de la base retourné ne correspond pas au nom escompté", "http://localhost/tests/testTranslit.html", base); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetDate() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/test1.html"); Date date = doc.getDate(); doc.close(); String dateS = date.toString(); assertEquals( "La date retournée ne correspond pas à la date escomptée", "Thu Jul 05 13:55:16 EDT 2007", dateS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetInuktitutFonts() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts.html"); String[] fontNames = doc.getInuktitutFonts(); doc.close(); Arrays.sort(fontNames); String[] namesExpected = new String[] {"nunacom", "Naamajut", "PROSYL"}; Arrays.sort(namesExpected); assertTrue( "Les noms des polices inuktitut retournés pour testfonts.html ne sont pas corrects", Arrays.hashCode(fontNames) == Arrays.hashCode(namesExpected)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void testCheckForBadComments() { String s = "abc <!-- comment <!-- def --> <!-- ghi --> jkl"; String t = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --> <!-- ghi --> jkl"; String ns = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.checkForBadComments(s); assertTrue("Wrong: " + StringUtils.difference(t, ns), ns.equals(t)); s = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --> <!-- ghi --> jkl"; t = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --> <!-- ghi --> jkl"; ns = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.checkForBadComments(s); s = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --> <!-- ghi jkl"; t = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --> <!-- ghi jkl-->"; ns = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.checkForBadComments(s); s = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def <!-- ghi --> jkl"; t = "abc <!-- comment --><!-- def --><!-- ghi --> jkl"; ns = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.checkForBadComments(s); }
public void testClose() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit.html"); String copyOfFile_name = doc.copyOfFile.getAbsolutePath(); doc.close(); boolean copyFileExists = new File(copyOfFile_name).exists(); assertTrue( "Le fichier copie '" + copyOfFile_name + "' n'a pas été supprimé", !copyFileExists); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetAllFonts() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts2.html"); Object[] fonts = doc.getAllFonts(); doc.close(); assertTrue( "Le nombre de polices retourné pour testfonts2.html n'est pas correct", fonts.length == 0); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testfonts.html"); fonts = doc.getAllFonts(); doc.close(); assertTrue( "Le nombre de polices retourné pour testfonts.html (" + fonts.length + ") n'est pas correct", fonts.length == 9); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void testNRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { File dir = NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra.tmpDir; File[] files = dir.listFiles(new MyFilenameFilter()); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) files[i].delete(); files = dir.listFiles(new MyFilenameFilter()); assertTrue("Il y a des fichiers \"...cobracopy...\" dans tmpDir", files.length == 0); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "http://localinuktitut/unitTests/files_for_tests/main_fr.html"); boolean copyFileCreated = false; files = dir.listFiles(new MyFilenameFilter()); if (doc != null) { copyFileCreated = doc.copyOfFile.equals(files[0]); doc.close(); assertTrue("Pas de fichier de copie créé", copyFileCreated); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetEncodingAndManner() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { String encoding; String manner; doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra(""); encoding = doc.getEncoding(); manner = doc.getEncodingManner(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "L'encodage retourné ne correspond pas à l'encodage escompté", "utf-8", encoding); assertEquals( "La manière retournée de spécifier l'encodage ne correspond pas à la manière escomptée", "httpheader", manner); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra(""); encoding = doc.getEncoding(); manner = doc.getEncodingManner(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "L'encodage retourné ne correspond pas à l'encodage escompté", "iso-8859-1", encoding); assertEquals( "La manière retournée de spécifier l'encodage ne correspond pas à la manière escomptée", "meta", manner); // doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra(""); // encoding = doc.getEncoding(); // manner = doc.getEncodingManner(); // doc.close(); // assertEquals("L'encodage retourné ne correspond pas à l'encodage // escompté","utf-8",encoding); // assertEquals("La manière retournée de spécifier l'encodage ne correspond pas à // la manière escomptée","bom",manner); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetTitle() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/fr/main.html"); String title = doc.getTitle(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "Le titre retourné ne correspond pas au titre escompté", "Inuktitut Computing point C A", title); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/test1.html"); title = doc.getTitle(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "Le titre retourné ne correspond pas au titre escompté", "\u1403\u14c4\u1483\u144e\u1450\u1466", title); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testGetPageContent() { NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testcontent.html"); String text = doc.getPageContent(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "Le contenu retourné ne correspond pas au contenu escompté", "Texte en nunacom: w~kF4 Texte en naamajut: w˚F4 Texte en Times New Roman: inuuvik Texte en georgia:inuuvik Texte en prosyl: w~k=4", text); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra("http://localhost/tests/testcontent2.html"); text = doc.getPageContent(); doc.close(); assertEquals( "Le contenu retourné ne correspond pas au contenu escompté", "Les joies philosophiques sont les plus grandes en considérant que l'amoureuse qu'elle est voit la philosophie comme une menace à son autonomie.", text); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testToUnicode_2() { String t1 = null; String t2 = null; String t3 = null; try { t1 = new String( "\u1403\u14c5\u1555\u1483\u0020\u1403\u14c4\u1483\u144e\u1450\u1466\u0020\u1405\u1583\u1405\u14f0\u1466\u0020\u1403\u14a1\u14d7\u154b\u14aa" .getBytes("utf-8")); t2 = new String( "\u1403\u14c5\u1555\u1483\u0020\u1403\u14c4\u1483\u144e\u1450\u1466\u0020\u1405\u1583\u1405\u14f0\u1466\u0020\u1403\u14a1\u14d7\u154b\u14aa" .getBytes("utf-8")); t3 = new String( "\u1403\u14c5\u1555\u1483\u0020\u1403\u14c4\u1483\u144e\u1450\u1466" .getBytes("utf-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { } String targetContent = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n<!--END OF HTTP HEADERS-->" .concat( "<html><head><base href=\"file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit.html\"><title>Lecture des polices</title>\n") .concat("<link href=\"styles.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n") .concat("<style type=\"text/css\">\n") .concat(".nunac { font-family:nunacom, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }\n") .concat("</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n") .concat( "Texte en nunacom: <div id=\"tnunacom\" class=nunac><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t1) .concat("</span></div>\n") .concat( "Texte en naamajut: <div id=\"tnaamajut\" class=\"texte naamajut\"><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t2) .concat("</span></div>\n") .concat( "Texte en Times New Roman: <div id=\"ttimes\" style=\"font-family:Times New Roman, Helvetica;\">inuuvik inuktitut</div>\n") .concat( "Texte en georgia:<br><font id=\"tgeorgia\" face=\"georgia\">inuuvik inuktitut</font>\n") .concat("<p>\n") .concat( "Texte en prosyl: <div class=\"texte prosyl\"><div id=\"tprosyl\"><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t3) .concat("</span></div></div></p>\n") .concat("</body></html>"); NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit.html"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); doc.toUnicode(out); doc.close(); String content = out.toString(); out.close(); content = content.replaceAll(lineSeparator, "\n"); if (!content.equals(targetContent)) for (int i = 0; i < targetContent.length(); i++) if (content.charAt(i) == targetContent.charAt(i)) System.out.print(content.charAt(i)); else { System.out.println( "'" + content.charAt(i) + "' [" + (int) content.charAt(i) + "] (should have been '" + targetContent.charAt(i) + "' [" + (int) targetContent.charAt(i) + "])"); break; } assertTrue( "Wrong length: '" + content.length() + "' should have been '" + targetContent.length() + "'\n" + StringUtils.difference(targetContent, content), content.length() == targetContent.length()); assertTrue( "Wrong content: " + StringUtils.difference(targetContent, content), content.equals(targetContent)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void ___testToUnicode_1() { String t1 = null; String t2 = null; String t3 = null; t1 = new String( "\u157f\u144e\u1550\u14a5\u1405\u1466\u0020\u1405\u140a\u1595\u14c7\u1593\u14c2\u1550\u14a5\u1405\u1466\u0020\n\u146d\u1591\u14ea\u14d5\u1550\u1439\u1550\u14a5\u1595\u14c2\u1483\u0020\u1438\u1550\u14c7\u1405\u144e\u14a7\u1466\u0020\u144e\u146d\u14d5\u1585\u1433\u1466"); t2 = new String( "\u1403\u1483\u15a0\u148d\u14f1\u1595\u14c2\u1472\u14ea\u14da\u1595\u14a5\u1483\u0020\u1405\u152d\u154b\u1483\u14f4\u1583\u1555\u14a1\u152a\u140a\u1550\u1450\u14a5\u1483\u0020\u157f\u144e\u1550\u14a5\u1405\u1466\u0020\n\u1405\u140a\u1595\u14c7\u1593\u14c2\u1550\u14a5\u1405\u158f\u14d0\u14c2\u0020\u14f4\u1585\u146d\u14da\u1405\u1585\u1433\u1585\u0020\u0031\u0030\u0030\u1472\u14f4\u1595\u14c2\u1483\u0020\u14aa\u1483\u1431\u1490\u1583\u1585\u1450\u14a5\u1483\u0020\u1405\u1583\u1405\u14ef\u1405\u14c2\u1470\u152a\u14c2\u1483\u0020\n\u14aa\u1403\u0020\u0037"); t3 = new String( "\u0039\u002c\u0020\u0032\u0030\u0030\u0032\u14a5\u0020\n\u1472\u144e\u14aa\u144e\u1466\u144e\u144e\u14ea\u14d7\u148b\u1466\u0020\u1403\u14c4\u14d5\u14ab\u14c2\u1483\u0020\u1456\u1483\u146f\u140a\u0020\u14c4\u14c7\u158f\u1466\u1455\u0020\u140a\u1450\u1585\u1455\u1405\u152a\u1483\u14f4\u158f\u14d0\u14c4\u1466\u0020\u1438\u1550\u14c7\u1405\u144e\u1483\u14f4\u158f\u14d0\u14c2\u1483\u002e"); String targetContent = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n<!--END OF HTTP HEADERS-->" .concat( "<html><head><base href=\"file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testFontTelling.html\"><title>Test pour la détermination des polices</title></head>\n") .concat("<body>\n") .concat( "<p><font face=\"nunacom\" size=\"3\"><a href=\"story3.html\"><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t1) .concat("</span></a></font> <br>\n") .concat("<font face=\"nunacom\" size=\"2\"><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t2) .concat( "</span><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">-</font><span style=\"font-family:pigiarniq\">") .concat(t3) .concat("</span></font><br>\n</p>\n") .concat("</body></html>"); NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testFontTelling.html"); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); doc.toUnicode(out); doc.close(); String content = out.toString("utf-8"); out.close(); content = content.replaceAll(lineSeparator, "\n"); if (!content.equals(targetContent)) for (int i = 0; i < targetContent.length(); i++) if (content.charAt(i) == targetContent.charAt(i)) System.out.println( i + " '" + content.charAt(i) + "' [" + (int) content.charAt(i) + "]"); else { System.out.println( "'" + content.charAt(i) + "' [" + (int) content.charAt(i) + "] (should have been '" + targetContent.charAt(i) + "' [" + (int) targetContent.charAt(i) + "])"); break; } assertTrue( "Wrong length: '" + content.length() + "' should have been '" + targetContent.length() + "'\n" + StringUtils.difference(targetContent, content), content.length() == targetContent.length()); assertTrue( "Wrong content: " + StringUtils.difference(targetContent, content), content.equals(targetContent)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void testTransliterate_2() { String target = "<html><head><base href=\"file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testCSS_2.html\"><title>test de css</title>\n" .concat("<style type=\"text/css\">\n") .concat(".nuna { font-family:nunacom; }\n") .concat("#contenu #contenu_droite .soustitre .texte { margin:20px 0 20px 20px; }\n") .concat( ".nunacom { font-family:nunacom, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }\n") .concat("</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n") .concat("<div class=\"nuna\"><FONT face=arial>atsitaq</FONT></div>\n") .concat("<div id=\"container\">\n") .concat("<div id=\"contenu\">\n") .concat("<div id=\"contenu_droite\">\n") .concat("<div class=\"soustitre\">\n") .concat( "<div class=\"texte nunacom\"><FONT face=arial>atsitaq</FONT></div></div></div></div></div>\n") .concat("</body></html>"); target = target.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testCSS_2.html"); Object[] ret = doc.transliterate(); doc.close(); String enc = (String) ret[0]; File fout = (File) ret[1]; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fout), enc); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int c; while ((c = != -1) { sb.append((char) c); } isr.close(); fout.delete(); String res = sb.toString(); res = res.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); if (!res.equals(target)) { for (int i = 0; i < res.length(); i++) if (res.charAt(i) != target.charAt(i)) { System.out.println("attendu: " + (int) target.charAt(i)); System.out.println("reçu : " + (int) res.charAt(i)); assertEquals( "Le contenu retourné ne correspond pas au contenu escompté; différence à la position '" + i + "'", target.charAt(i), res.charAt(i)); } else { System.out.print(res.charAt(i)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }
public void testTransliterate() { String target = "<html><head><base href=\"file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit.html\"><title>Lecture des polices</title>\n" .concat("<link href=\"styles.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n") .concat("<style type=\"text/css\">\n") .concat(".nunac { font-family:nunacom, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }\n") .concat("</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n") .concat( "Texte en nunacom: <div id=\"tnunacom\" class=nunac><FONT face=arial>inuuvik inuktitut uqausiit iglurama</FONT></div>\n") .concat( "Texte en naamajut: <div id=\"tnaamajut\" class=\"texte naamajut\"><FONT face=arial>inuuvik inuktitut uqausiit iglurama</FONT></div>\n") .concat( "Texte en Times New Roman: <div id=\"ttimes\" style=\"font-family:Times New Roman, Helvetica;\">inuuvik inuktitut</div>\n") .concat( "Texte en georgia:<br><font id=\"tgeorgia\" face=\"georgia\">inuuvik inuktitut</font>\n") .concat( "<p>\nTexte en prosyl: <div class=\"texte prosyl\"><div id=\"tprosyl\"><FONT face=arial>inuuvik inuktitut</FONT></div></div></p>\n") .concat("</body></html>"); target = target.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra doc = null; try { doc = new NRC_HTMLDocumentByCobra( "file:///" + System.getenv("JAVA_INUKTITUT") + "/unitTests/files_for_tests/testTranslit.html"); Object[] ret = doc.transliterate(); doc.close(); String enc = (String) ret[0]; File fout = (File) ret[1]; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fout), enc); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int c; while ((c = != -1) { sb.append((char) c); } isr.close(); fout.delete(); String res = sb.toString(); res = res.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); if (!res.equals(target)) { for (int i = 0; i < res.length(); i++) if (res.charAt(i) != target.charAt(i)) { System.out.println("attendu: " + (int) target.charAt(i)); System.out.println("reçu : " + (int) res.charAt(i)); assertEquals( "Le contenu retourné ne correspond pas au contenu escompté; différence à la position '" + i + "'", target.charAt(i), res.charAt(i)); } else { System.out.print(res.charAt(i)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (doc != null) doc.close(); fail(); } }