Exemple #1
 private SpannableStringBuilder doAutoLinks(
     SpannableStringBuilder ssb, ArrayList<MarkdownURL> urls) {
   // Colorize URLs
   AutomatonMatcher am = autoLinkUrlAutomaton.newMatcher(ssb);
   while (am.find()) {
     ForegroundColorSpan fcs = new ForegroundColorSpan(Constants.MARKDOWN_LINK_COLOR);
     ssb.setSpan(fcs, am.start(), am.end(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
     urls.add(new MarkdownURL(am.start(), am.group(), null));
   // Don't autolink emails for now. Neither does reddit.com
   //        m = autoLinkEmail.matcher(ssb);
   //        int start = 0;
   //        while (m.find(start)) {
   //        	String address = m.group(1);
   //            TextEditor ed = new TextEditor(address);
   //            unEscapeSpecialChars(ed);
   //            String addr = encodeEmail(ed.toString());
   //            String url = encodeEmail("mailto:" + ed.toString());
   //        	urls.add(url);
   //        	ssb.replace(m.start(), m.end(), addr);
   //        	ForegroundColorSpan fcs = new ForegroundColorSpan(Constants.MARKDOWN_LINK_COLOR);
   //        	ssb.setSpan(fcs, m.start(), m.end(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
   //        	// Skip what we just replaced
   //        	m = autoLinkEmail.matcher(ssb);
   //        	start = m.start() + addr.length();
   //        }
   return ssb;
Exemple #2
  /** Adapted from MarkdownJ. Convert links, return URL */
  private SpannableStringBuilder doAnchors(
      SpannableStringBuilder ssb, ArrayList<MarkdownURL> urls) {
    // Inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title")
    AutomatonMatcher am = inlineLinkAutomaton.newMatcher(ssb);
    // The offset into the entire original string
    int start = 0;
    while (am.find()) {
      // The offsets from start (offset into orig. string = start + anchorStart)
      int anchorStart = am.start();
      int anchorEnd = am.end();
      Matcher m = inlineLink.matcher(am.group());
      if (!m.find()) continue;
      String linkText = m.group(2);
      String url = m.group(3);
      String title = m.group(6);
      int linkTextLength = linkText.length();

      if (Constants.LOGGING)
            TAG, "pos=" + am.start() + " linkText=" + linkText + " url=" + url + " title=" + title);

      // protect emphasis (* and _) within urls
      //	        url = url.replaceAll("\\*", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("*"));
      //	        url = url.replaceAll("_", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("_"));
      urls.add(new MarkdownURL(start + anchorStart, url, linkText));
      //	        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
      // TODO: Show title (if any) alongside url in popup menu
      //	        if (title != null) {
      //	            // protect emphasis (* and _) within urls
      //	            title = title.replaceAll("\\*", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("*"));
      //	            title = title.replaceAll("_", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("_"));
      //	            title.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;");
      //	            result.append(" title=\"");
      //	            result.append(title);
      //	            result.append("\"");
      //	        }

      // Replace whole anchor thing with just linkText, colored different color
      SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(linkText);
      ForegroundColorSpan fcs = new ForegroundColorSpan(Constants.MARKDOWN_LINK_COLOR);
      ss.setSpan(fcs, 0, linkTextLength, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
      ssb = ssb.replace(start + anchorStart, start + anchorEnd, ss);
      // Skip past what we just replaced
      am = inlineLinkAutomaton.newMatcher(ssb, start + anchorStart + linkTextLength, ssb.length());
      start += anchorStart + linkTextLength;
    return ssb;
Exemple #3
   * @param txt input text
   * @param urls Out URLs from anchors
   * @return updated text with anchors replaced
  private String doAnchorURLs(
      String txt, ArrayList<MarkdownURL> urls, TreeMap<Integer, Integer> startToEndOffsetMap) {
    // Inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title")
    AutomatonMatcher am = inlineLinkAutomaton.newMatcher(txt);
    // The offset into the entire original string
    int start = 0;
    while (am.find()) {
      // The offsets from start (offset into orig. string = start + anchorStart)
      int anchorStart = am.start();
      int anchorEnd = am.end();
      Matcher m = inlineLink.matcher(am.group());
      if (!m.find()) continue;
      String linkText = m.group(2);
      String url = m.group(3);
      String title = m.group(6);
      int linkTextLength = linkText.length();

      if (Constants.LOGGING)
                + (start + anchorStart)
                + " linkText="
                + linkText
                + " url="
                + url
                + " title="
                + title);

      // protect emphasis (* and _) within urls
      //	        url = url.replaceAll("\\*", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("*"));
      //	        url = url.replaceAll("_", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("_"));

      if (!isOverlapping(
          start + anchorStart, start + anchorStart + linkTextLength, startToEndOffsetMap)) {
            start + anchorStart, start + anchorStart + linkTextLength, startToEndOffsetMap);
        urls.add(new MarkdownURL(start + anchorStart, Util.absolutePathToURL(url), linkText));

      //	        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
      // TODO: Show title (if any) alongside url in popup menu
      //	        if (title != null) {
      //	            // protect emphasis (* and _) within urls
      //	            title = title.replaceAll("\\*", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("*"));
      //	            title = title.replaceAll("_", CHAR_PROTECTOR.encode("_"));
      //	            title.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;");
      //	            result.append(" title=\"");
      //	            result.append(title);
      //	            result.append("\"");
      //	        }

      txt =
          new StringBuilder(txt.substring(0, start + anchorStart))
              .append(txt.substring(start + anchorEnd, txt.length()))
      // Skip past what we just replaced
      am = inlineLinkAutomaton.newMatcher(txt, start + anchorStart + linkTextLength, txt.length());
      start += anchorStart + linkTextLength;
    return txt;