  * Attaches vertex representing type specification to vertex representing it's type definition.
  * Creates structure: Type --- [IsTypeDefinitionOf] ---> QualifiedType and sets edge's attributes.
  * @param typeVertex A vertex representing a type definition.
  * @param qualifiedTypeVertex A vertex representing a type specification.
 private void attach(QualifiedType qualifiedTypeVertex, Type typeVertex) {
   /* IsTypeDefinitionOf isTypeDefinitionOfEdge = */ symbolTable
       .createIsTypeDefinitionOf(typeVertex, qualifiedTypeVertex);
   /* IsExternalDeclarationIn isExternalDeclarationInEdge = */ typeVertex
  * Attaches vertex representing type specification to vertex representing it's type definition.
  * Determines if type specification was resolved before.
  * @param qualifiedTypeVertex A vertex representing a type specification.
  * @param typeVertex A vertex representing a type definition.
 protected void attachToType(QualifiedType qualifiedTypeVertex, Type typeVertex) {
   String fullyQualifiedName = typeVertex.get_fullyQualifiedName();
   if (symbolTable.hasResolvedTypeSpecification(fullyQualifiedName)) {
     replaceByResolvedOne(fullyQualifiedName, qualifiedTypeVertex);
   } else {
     attach(qualifiedTypeVertex, typeVertex);