Exemple #1
  public static Tree createStanfordTree(Annotation root, TreeFactory tFact) {
    JCas aJCas;
    try {
      aJCas = root.getCAS().getJCas();
    } catch (CASException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get JCas from JCas wrapper");

    // define the new (root) node
    Tree rootNode;

    // before we can create a node, we must check if we have any children (we have to know
    // whether to create a node or a leaf - not very dynamic)
    if (root instanceof Constituent && !isLeaf((Constituent) root)) {
      Constituent node = (Constituent) root;
      List<Tree> childNodes = new ArrayList<Tree>();

      // get childNodes from child annotations
      FSArray children = node.getChildren();
      for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
        childNodes.add(createStanfordTree(node.getChildren(i), tFact));

      // now create the node with its children
      rootNode = tFact.newTreeNode(node.getConstituentType(), childNodes);

    } else {
      // Handle leaf annotations
      // Leafs are always Token-annotations
      // We also have to insert a Preterminal node with the value of the
      // POS-Annotation on the token
      // because the POS is not directly stored within the treee
      Token wordAnnotation = (Token) root;

      // create leaf-node for the tree
      Tree wordNode = tFact.newLeaf(wordAnnotation.getCoveredText());

      // create information about preceding and trailing whitespaces in the leaf node
      StringBuilder preWhitespaces = new StringBuilder();
      StringBuilder trailWhitespaces = new StringBuilder();

      List<Token> precedingTokenList = selectPreceding(aJCas, Token.class, wordAnnotation, 1);
      List<Token> followingTokenList = selectFollowing(aJCas, Token.class, wordAnnotation, 1);

      if (precedingTokenList.size() > 0) {
        Token precedingToken = precedingTokenList.get(0);
        int precedingWhitespaces = wordAnnotation.getBegin() - precedingToken.getEnd();
        for (int i = 0; i < precedingWhitespaces; i++) {
          preWhitespaces.append(" ");
      if (followingTokenList.size() > 0) {
        Token followingToken = followingTokenList.get(0);
        int trailingWhitespaces = followingToken.getBegin() - wordAnnotation.getEnd();
        for (int i = 0; i < trailingWhitespaces; i++) {
          trailWhitespaces.append(" ");

      // write whitespace information as CoreAnnotation.BeforeAnnotation and
      // CoreAnnotation.AfterAnnotation to the node add annotation to list and write back to
      // node label
      ((CoreLabel) wordNode.label())
          .set(CoreAnnotations.BeforeAnnotation.class, preWhitespaces.toString());
      ((CoreLabel) wordNode.label())
          .set(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class, trailWhitespaces.toString());

      // get POS-annotation
      // get the token that is covered by the POS
      List<POS> coveredPos = JCasUtil.selectCovered(aJCas, POS.class, wordAnnotation);
      // the POS should only cover one token
      assert coveredPos.size() == 1;
      POS pos = coveredPos.get(0);

      // create POS-Node in the tree and attach word-node to it
      rootNode = tFact.newTreeNode(pos.getPosValue(), Arrays.asList((new Tree[] {wordNode})));

    return rootNode;