private void actionValiderCaddy( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext sc) { OracleAccess oracle = (OracleAccess) getVariableSession(request, "oracle"); BeanCaddy beanCaddy = (BeanCaddy) getVariableSession(request, "beanCaddy"); LinkedList<Integer> listInserer = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (BeanMovieCaddy beanMovieCaddy : beanCaddy.getListMovie()) { oracle.initCallProc("PACKAGE_RECHERCHE", "insertCommande", 3); boolean ok = oracle.doInsertCommande( beanMovieCaddy.getId(), beanMovieCaddy.getQuantite(), beanMovieCaddy.getPhysique()); if (ok) { listInserer.add(beanMovieCaddy.getId()); } } int taille = beanCaddy.getListMovie().size(); for (int idInserer : listInserer) { int i = 0; while (i < taille) { if (beanCaddy.getListMovie().get(i).getId() == idInserer) { beanCaddy.getListMovie().remove(i); break; } i++; } } addVariableSession(request, "beanCaddy", beanCaddy); setCaddy(request, sc); }
private void actionDetails( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext sc) { int idMovie = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("idMovie")); OracleAccess oracle = (OracleAccess) getVariableSession(request, "oracle"); oracle.initCallFunc("PACKAGE_RECHERCHE", "getDetails", 1); BeanDetails beanDetails = oracle.doGetDetails(idMovie); addVariableSession(request, "beanDetails", beanDetails); }
private void actionGetPage( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext sc) { int numpage = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("numPage")); BeanResultat beanResultat = (BeanResultat) getVariableSession(request, "beanResultat"); int min = numpage * beanResultat.getNbResultByPage() + 1; int max = min + beanResultat.getNbResultByPage() - 1; String requeteLimite = getRequeteLimite(min, max, beanResultat.getRequete()); System.out.println("RequeteLimite: " + requeteLimite); OracleAccess oracle = (OracleAccess) getVariableSession(request, "oracle"); oracle.initCallFunc("PACKAGE_RECHERCHE", "doSearch", 1); BeanResultat beanResultat2 = oracle.doGetListMovies(requeteLimite); beanResultat.setListMovie(beanResultat2.getListMovie()); addVariableSession(request, "beanResultat", beanResultat); }
private void actionRechercher( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext sc) { OracleAccess oracle = (OracleAccess) getVariableSession(request, "oracle"); int nbByPage = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("nbPage")); String rech_copieNonPresente = request.getParameter("rech_copieNonPresente"); String requete = null; String rech_popularite = request.getParameter("rech_popularite"); String ticketMin = request.getParameter("ticketMin"); String ticketMax = request.getParameter("ticketMax"); String rech_frequence = request.getParameter("rech_frequence"); String seanceMin = request.getParameter("seanceMin"); String seanceMax = request.getParameter("seanceMax"); String rech_dureeProg = request.getParameter("rech_dureeProg"); String semaineMin = request.getParameter("semaineMin"); String semaineMax = request.getParameter("semaineMax"); String rech_copieDispos = request.getParameter("rech_copieDispos"); String copieMin = request.getParameter("copieMin"); String copieMax = request.getParameter("copieMax"); if (rech_popularite != null) { if (requete == null) { requete = "select mo.idMovie from movies mo where(select sum(ct.nbre) from commanderTicket ct, projection p where ct.dateHeureProjection = p.dateHeureProjection AND ct.numeroSalle = p.numeroSalle and p.idCopie in (select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie))between " + ticketMin + " and " + ticketMax; } else { requete += " and idMovie in(select mo.idMovie from movies mo where(select sum(ct.nbre) from commanderTicket ct, projection p where ct.dateHeureProjection = p.dateHeureProjection AND ct.numeroSalle = p.numeroSalle and p.idCopie in (select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie))between " + ticketMin + " and " + ticketMax + ")"; } } if (rech_frequence != null) { if (requete == null) { requete = "select idMovie from movies mo where (select round((decode(max(dateHeureProjection), min(dateHeureProjection), 1, max(dateHeureProjection) - min(dateHeureProjection))) / ((to_number(to_char(max(dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) - to_number(to_char(min(dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) + 52 * (to_number(to_char(max(dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY')) - to_number(to_char(min(dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY'))))+1)) frequenceByWeek from dual, projection p where p.idCopie in(select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie)) between " + seanceMin + " and " + seanceMax; } else { requete += " and idMovie in(select idMovie from Movies mo where(select round((decode(max(dateHeureProjection), min(dateHeureProjection), 1, max(dateHeureProjection) - min(dateHeureProjection))) / ((to_number(to_char(max(dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) - to_number(to_char(min(dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) + 52 * (to_number(to_char(max(dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY')) - to_number(to_char(min(dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY'))))+1)) frequenceByWeek from dual, projection p where p.idCopie in(select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie)) between " + seanceMin + " and " + seanceMax + ")"; } } if (rech_dureeProg != null) { if (requete == null) { requete = "select idMovie from movies mo where (select ((to_number(to_char(max(p.dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) - to_number(to_char(min(p.dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) + 52 * (to_number(to_char(max(p.dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY')) - to_number(to_char(min(p.dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY'))))+1) diff_week from projection p where p.idCopie in (select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie)) between " + semaineMin + " and " + semaineMax; } else { requete += " and idMovie in(select idMovie from movies mo where (select ((to_number(to_char(max(p.dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) - to_number(to_char(min(p.dateHeureProjection), 'WW')) + 52 * (to_number(to_char(max(p.dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY')) - to_number(to_char(min(p.dateHeureProjection), 'YYYY'))))+1) diff_week from projection p where p.idCopie in (select idCopie from copies where idMovie = mo.idMovie)) between " + semaineMin + " and " + semaineMax + ")"; } } if (rech_copieDispos != null) { if (requete == null) { requete = "select idMovie from movies mo where(select count(*) from copies c where idMovie = mo.idMovie and idCopie not in(select idCopie from projection)) between " + copieMin + " and " + copieMax; } else { requete += " and idMovie in(select idMovie from movies mo where(select count(*) from copies c where idMovie = mo.idMovie and idCopie not in(select idCopie from projection)) between " + copieMin + " and " + copieMax + ")"; } } if (rech_copieNonPresente != null) { if (requete == null) { requete = "select distinct idMovie from COPIES_CB where idMovie not in(select distinct idMovie from copies)"; } else { requete += " and idMovie in(select distinct idMovie from COPIES_CB where idMovie not in(select distinct idMovie from copies))"; } } oracle.initCallFunc("PACKAGE_RECHERCHE", "doSearch", 1); String requeteCount = "select count(*) from("; requeteCount += requete + ")"; String requeteLimitee = getRequeteLimite(0, nbByPage, requete); BeanResultat beanResultat = oracle.doGetListMovies(requeteLimitee); if (beanResultat != null) { oracle.initCallFunc("PACKAGE_RECHERCHE", "getCount", 1); int numResultat = oracle.doGetCount(requeteCount); beanResultat.setNumResultat(numResultat); beanResultat.setRequete(requete); beanResultat.setNbResultByPage(nbByPage); } addVariableSession(request, "beanResultat", beanResultat); }