public boolean[] getAction() { // Take random action with some probability if (numGenerator.nextFloat() < getEpsilonGreedy()) { int randIndex = numGenerator.nextInt(possibleActions.size()); action = possibleActions.get(randIndex); } // Otherwise return best action (calculated in integrateObservation) return action; }
private boolean[] findBestAction(Environment env, int[] state) { ArrayList<boolean[]> allActions = getPossibleActions(env); // Calculate score for all possible next actions double[] qscores = new double[allActions.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < allActions.size(); i++) { boolean[] action = allActions.get(i); StateActionPair sap = new StateActionPair(state, action); qscores[i] = evalScore(sap); } // Find ArgMax over all actions using calculated scores int ind = numGenerator.nextInt(allActions.size()); boolean[] bestAction = allActions.get(ind); bestScore = qscores[ind]; for (int i = 1; i < allActions.size(); i++) { if (qscores[i] > bestScore) { bestScore = qscores[i]; bestAction = allActions.get(i); } } // System.out.println(bestScore); return (bestAction); }
private double[][] extractFeatures(StateActionPair sap) { // Feature extractor int[] state = sap.getState(); double[][] features = new double[1][numFeatures]; int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) { features[0][ind] = (state[i] == 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0; ind++; } for (int i = 0; i < possibleActions.size(); i++) { if (Arrays.equals(possibleActions.get(i), sap.getAction())) { features[0][ind] = 1.0; break; } ind++; } // Bias term features[0][numFeatures - 1] = 1.0; return (features); }
public void integrateObservation(int[] succState, float currFitScore) { // If this is the first observation of the round if (state == null) { state = succState; action = new boolean[Environment.numberOfKeys]; prevFitScore = 0; bestScore = 0; possibleActions = getPossibleActions(environment); // Unpack Values if (learnedParams.containsKey("weights")) { iter = (Iteration) learnedParams.get("iter"); rm = (ReplayMemory) learnedParams.get("rm"); weights = (HashMap<String, double[][]>) learnedParams.get("weights"); System.out.println("Starting Simulation at iteration : " + Integer.toString(iter.value)); } else { // If this is the first observation of the simulation/trials rm = new ReplayMemory(GlobalOptions.replaySize); weights = new HashMap<String, double[][]>(); iter = new Iteration(1); learnedParams.put("weights", weights); learnedParams.put("rm", rm); learnedParams.put("iter", iter); } if (net == null) { numFeatures = state.length + possibleActions.size() + 1; int numActions = possibleActions.size(); // Network Architecture List<LayerSpec> layerSpecs = new ArrayList<LayerSpec>(); // Layer 1: layerSpecs.add( new LayerSpec(LayerFactory.TYPE_FULLY_CONNECTED, numFeatures, GlobalOptions.h1Size)); layerSpecs.add( new LayerSpec(LayerFactory.TYPE_RELU, GlobalOptions.batchSize, GlobalOptions.h1Size)); // Layer 2: layerSpecs.add( new LayerSpec( LayerFactory.TYPE_FULLY_CONNECTED, GlobalOptions.h1Size, GlobalOptions.h2Size)); layerSpecs.add( new LayerSpec(LayerFactory.TYPE_RELU, GlobalOptions.batchSize, GlobalOptions.h2Size)); // Layer 3: layerSpecs.add(new LayerSpec(LayerFactory.TYPE_FULLY_CONNECTED, GlobalOptions.h2Size, 1)); net = new NeuralNet(layerSpecs, weights); } } // state and action denote (s,a) while succState and succAction denote (s'a') // Reward denotes r StateActionPair SAP = new StateActionPair(state, action); boolean[] succAction = findBestAction(environment, succState); StateActionPair succSAP = new StateActionPair(succState, succAction); double succBestScore = evalScore(succSAP); float reward = currFitScore - prevFitScore; if (GlobalOptions.useIndicatorRewards) { if (reward != 0) reward = reward > 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f; } double trueScore = reward + GlobalOptions.dicount * succBestScore; rm.addMemory(extractFeatures(SAP)[0], trueScore); // Annealed learning rate and epsilon greedy if (iter.value % GlobalOptions.DECAY_STEP == 0 && !GlobalOptions.testTime && GlobalOptions.LR > GlobalOptions.MIN_LR) { GlobalOptions.LR = GlobalOptions.LR * GlobalOptions.decayFactor; // RANDOM_ACTION_EPSILON = RANDOM_ACTION_EPSILON * DECAY_FACTOR; System.out.println( "Decay Step - LR : " + Double.toString(GlobalOptions.LR) + " Epsilon : " + Double.toString(randomJump)); } // only do this update on every n-th iteration if (iter.value % GlobalOptions.UPDATE_INTERVAL == 0 && !GlobalOptions.testTime) { List<double[][]> batch = rm.sample(GlobalOptions.batchSize); double[][] trainX = batch.get(0); double[][] trainy = batch.get(1); double[][] pred = net.forward(trainX); double[][] trainError = Matrix.subtract(pred, trainy); double regError = 0.5 * GlobalOptions.regularizationLamda * net.getWeightSq(); trainError = Matrix.scalarAdd(trainError, regError); net.backprop(trainError, GlobalOptions.LR, GlobalOptions.regularizationLamda); } if (iter.value % GlobalOptions.STAT_INTERVAL == 0 && !GlobalOptions.testTime) { // Print learning statistics - on every nth iteration double error = (evalScore(SAP) - trueScore); stats.addError(error); stats.addWeights(net); stats.addLearningRate(GlobalOptions.LR); stats.addEpsilonGreedy(randomJump); stats.flush(); } // Update Persistent Parameters iter.value++; state = succState; action = succAction; prevFitScore = currFitScore; }