public void checkPacing(SceneManager sm, Timeline tl) { ArrayList<Tick> tArr = tl.getTickArr(); int[] delTimeArr = new int[tArr.size() - 1]; int total = 0; // int count = 0; if (tArr.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < tArr.size(); i++) { delTimeArr[i - 1] = tArr.get(i).getTimeStamp() - tArr.get(i - 1).getTimeStamp(); total = total + delTimeArr[i - 1]; } println("current sscrubber is at time " + tl.getScrollbarTimeInSecs()); println("totalTime is " + total); int average = total / (tArr.size() - 1); println("totalAverage is " + average); // compare the average to the actual distribution of tick events for (int i = 0; i < delTimeArr.length; i++) { if (!(delTimeArr[i] < (average + 20) && delTimeArr[i] > (average - 20)) || delTimeArr[i] < 3) { tArr.get(i + 1).setPacingViolation(true); } else { if (tArr.get(i + 1).getPacingViolation()) { tArr.get(i + 1).setPacingViolation(false); } } } } }
public void draw() { background(0); fill(255); if (!paused) timeline.moveForward(); if (dragging) drawOrbits(timeline.getFutureObjectStates()); else drawOrbits(timeline.getPastObjectStates()); ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); obj.display(); } }
public void mouseClicked() { ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); if (obj.isMouseOver()) { println(obj.getName() + " clicked!"); break; } } }
public void mouseDragged() { if (paused) { ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); if (obj.isMouseOver()) { dragging = true; PVector pos = obj.getPosition(); pos.x = mouseX; pos.y = mouseY; timeline.reset(); timeline.setCurrentState(objects); sliderTimeline.setValue(0); break; } } } }
public void setup() { size(1024, 768); background(0); frameRate(30); smooth(); drawVectors = false; paused = true; timeline = new Timeline(); sim = new GravitySimulation(); sun = new Star(5000, 25, new PVector(300, 500), new PVector(0, 0), 0, "sun"); planet = new Planet(10, 10, new PVector(500, 500), new PVector(0, 40), "planet"); planet2 = new Planet(50, 10, new PVector(150, 500), new PVector(0, -40), "planet2"); timeline.registerStatefulObject(sun); timeline.registerStatefulObject(planet); timeline.registerStatefulObject(planet2); controlP5 = new ControlP5(this); btnRewind = controlP5.addButton("btnRewind_OnClick", 0, 800, 20, 50, 20); btnRewind.setLabel("Rewind"); btnPlayPause = controlP5.addButton("btnPlayPause_OnClick", 0, 860, 20, 50, 20); btnPlayPause.setLabel("Play"); btnFastForward = controlP5.addButton("btnFastForward_OnClick", 0, 920, 20, 80, 20); btnFastForward.setLabel("Fast Forward"); sliderTimeline = controlP5.addSlider("sliderTimeline_OnClick", 0, 10000, 0, 20, 720, 900, 10); sliderTimeline.setLabel("Timeline"); }
public void checkCuttingOnAction(SceneManager sm, Timeline tl) { LinkedList<Event> eList = sm.getEventList(); ArrayList<Tick> tArr = tl.getTickArr(); ListIterator<Event> listIt; for (int i = 0; i < tArr.size(); i++) { // println("here"); listIt = eList.listIterator(); while (listIt.hasNext()) { Event tempEvent =; // check for time colisions. // println("event " + tempEvent.getTimeStamp() + " tick time " + // tArr.get(i).getTimeStamp() + " " + tempEvent.type); if ((tempEvent.getType() == DIA_TIME) && (tempEvent.getTimeStamp() == tArr.get(i).getTimeStamp())) { println("CUTTING ON ACTION ERROR!"); tArr.get(i).setCutViolation(true); } else { tArr.get(i).setCutViolation(false); } } } }
public void sliderTimeline_OnClick(int theValue) { if (!dragging) timeline.move(theValue - timeline.getTimeIdx()); }
public void btnRewind_OnClick(int theValue) { timeline.moveBackward(); }
public void btnFastForward_OnClick(int theValue) { timeline.moveForward(); }
public void setup() { minim = new Minim(this); size(winWidth, winHeight, OPENGL); background(bGround); sm = new SceneManager(minim); rulesChecker = new RulesChecker(); controlP5 = new ControlP5(this); // ruleChoiceList = controlP5.addDropdownList("ruleChoiceList",850,100,100,100); // customize(ruleChoiceList); selectedRule = 0; selectedCamera = 0; gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g).gl; picker = new Picker(this); oscP5 = new OscP5(this, port); // TODO(sanjeet): Change the address interfaceAddr = new NetAddress("", port); noStroke(); lines = loadStrings("fileFriedrich.txt"); // Hardcoded input file name String[] tokens = split(lines[0], " "); if (tokens.length != 1) { println("Incorrect file format for number of cameras"); return; } int numOfCams = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]); for (int i = 1; i < numOfCams + 1; i++) { tokens = split(lines[i], " "); float[] matrix = new float[16]; for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]); } cameras.add(new Cam(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the cameras } tokens = split(lines[1 + numOfCams], " "); if (tokens.length != 1) { println("Incorrect file format for number of characters"); return; } int numOfChars = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]); for (int i = 2 + numOfCams; i < lines.length; i++) { tokens = split(lines[i], " "); float[] matrix = new float[16]; for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]); } characters.add(new Character(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the characters } characters.get(0).col = color(255, 255, 0); characters.get(1).col = color(255, 0, 255); timeline = new Timeline(sm); // add initial tick to the begining of the timeline timeline.addTick(cameras.get(0)); debug = new Debug(controlP5); // title, start, end, initVal, xpos, ypos, width, height // controlP5.addSlider("Timeline", 0,120,0,100,winHeight-50,winWidth-200,30); }
/* * Method used to receive messages from Kinnect or MSB in the future */ public void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { // Friedrich added this select camera event if (theOscMessage != null && theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/selectActorByName")) { println("select Actor!"); String myNewCamera = theOscMessage.get(0).stringValue(); println(myNewCamera); // RAFACTOR THIS PART; MAYBE MAKE A DYNAMIC ENUM IN THE CAM DATA STRUCTURE? if (myNewCamera.compareTo("Camera1") == 0) selectedCamera = 0; if (myNewCamera.compareTo("Camera2") == 0) selectedCamera = 1; if (myNewCamera.compareTo("Camera3") == 0) selectedCamera = 2; if (myNewCamera.compareTo("Camera4") == 0) selectedCamera = 3; // Friedrich changed the coloring code here for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) { cameras.get(i).changeToDefaultColor(); cameras.get(i).isSelected = false; } cameras.get(selectedCamera).isSelected = true; cameras.get(selectedCamera).changeToSelectedColor(); // println("" + timeline.getTickArr()); timeline.getActiveTick().setCam(cameras.get(selectedCamera)); } // Friedrich changed the AddressPattern for the submitted package - we can ignore the first // string part of the message if (theOscMessage != null && theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/setPropertyForSelected/string/matrix4f")) { float[] matrix = new float[16]; // we do not need to use this in Processing, but let's pop it off the stack anyway String propertyName = theOscMessage.get(0).stringValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { if (i > 12 && i <= 15) { matrix[i - 1] = theOscMessage.get(i).floatValue() * 10; } else { matrix[i - 1] = theOscMessage.get(i).floatValue(); } } matrix[2] = -matrix[2]; matrix[8] = -matrix[8]; // Friedrich - manual scaling adjustments matrix[12] = (700 - matrix[12]) * 2.0f; matrix[14] = matrix[14] * 1.5f; // println (matrix[12]); FloatBuffer fb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16); fb = FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix); // TODO(sanjeet): Currently using only camera 5 // Change this variable based on the data received from OSC // int selectedCamera = 5; cameras.get(selectedCamera).modelViewMatrix = fb; } // receive the currentFrame from kinect // this is where the playhead is on the timeline // currentFrame is global if (theOscMessage != null && theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/setPlayheadFrame/int")) { currentFrame = theOscMessage.get(0).intValue(); println("Current Frame: " + currentFrame); } }
/* * Q - Up, E - Down, A - Left, D - Right, W - Forward, S - Backward */ public void keyPressed() { if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q') { globalCameraY--; } if (key == 'e' || key == 'E') { globalCameraY++; } if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') { globalCameraZ--; } if (key == 'a' || key == 'A') { globalCameraX++; } if (key == 's' || key == 'S') { globalCameraZ++; } if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') { globalCameraX--; } if (key == ' ') { if (selectedRule == 0) selectedRule = 1; else selectedRule = 0; } if (key == 't' || key == 'T') { // if a camera is active, add tick for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) { if (cameras.get(i).camIsSelected()) { // need to find which tick is before/after the one that would be placed here // TODO above timeline.addTick(cameras.get(i)); } } } if (key == 'l' || key == 'L') {; } if (key == 'p' || key == 'P') { timeline.pause(); } }
public void draw() { // display things // execute sceneManager stuff resetMatrix(); // beginCamera(); camera(); rotateX(HALF_PI); translate(globalCameraX, globalCameraY, globalCameraZ); /* rotation using a and d PMatrix3D foRealCameraMatrix=new PMatrix3D(); getMatrix(foRealCameraMatrix); */ // translate(0,-100, -400 ); // translate(0,0, 0 ); // rotate(sin(millis() * 0.001), 1,0,0); background(bGround); for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) { // camPicker.start(i); //add picker to each cam picker.start(i); cameras.get(i).display(); } // camPicker.stop(); for (int i = cameras.size(); i < cameras.size() + characters.size(); i++) { // charPicker.start(i); picker.start(i); characters.get(i - cameras.size()).display(); } // charPicker.stop(); picker.stop(); // endCamera(); // int id = camPicker.get(mouseX, mouseY); // if (id > -1) { // for (int i=0; i<cameras.size(); i++) { // if (i == id) { // cameras.get(id).changeToSelectedColor(); // cameras.get(id).isSelected = true; // } else { // cameras.get(i).setDefaultColor(); // cameras.get(i).isSelected = false; // } // } // } // checks for rule violations int id = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) { if (cameras.get(i).isSelected) { if (selectedRule == 0) rulesChecker.checkLineOfAction(cameras, characters, i); else if (selectedRule == 1) rulesChecker.checkThirtyDegreeRule(cameras, characters, i); else resetAllCams(); } } rulesChecker.checkCuttingOnAction(sm, timeline); rulesChecker.checkPacing(sm, timeline); /* This is for camera rotation using a and d resetMatrix(); pushMatrix(); setMatrix(myCamera); rotate(angle); getMatrix(); popMatrix; */ // have to rotate back to original orientation in order to properly display the drop-down menu rotateX(PI); rotateX(HALF_PI); controlP5.draw(); timeline.draw(); }