public void CONFIGoff() { myPort.write("j"); // exit config command buttonWRITE.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonREAD.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFon.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(green_); writeEnable = false; readEnable = false; }
public void CONFIGon() { myPort.write("i"); // enter config command buttonWRITE.setColorBackground(green_); buttonREAD.setColorBackground(green_); buttonCONFon.setColorBackground(green_); buttonCONFoff.setColorBackground(gray_); writeEnable = true; readEnable = true; }
public void READ() { if (readEnable == false) return; myPort.write("g"); // sends get values command while (i < 200000000) { i++; } // delay i = 0; // myPort.write("OK"); readStatus = "Can't Read"; if ( == 'x') { PitchP.setValue( / 100.00f); RollP.setValue( / 100.00f); YawP.setValue( / 100.00f); PitchD.setValue( / 100.00f); RollD.setValue( / 100.00f); YawD.setValue( / 100.00f); PitchPWR.setValue(; RollPWR.setValue(; YawPWR.setValue(; RCcontrol = PApplet.parseChar(; YawRCon = PApplet.parseChar(; RollCal.setValue(( - 100.00f) / 10.00f); if (RCcontrol == '0') { buttonRCOff.setColorBackground(green_); buttonRCOn.setColorBackground(gray_); } if (RCcontrol == '1') { buttonRCOff.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonRCOn.setColorBackground(green_); } if (YawRCon == '0') { buttonYawRC.setColorBackground(gray_); buttonYawAut.setColorBackground(green_); } if (YawRCon == '1') { buttonYawRC.setColorBackground(green_); buttonYawAut.setColorBackground(gray_); } readStatus = "Read OK"; } }
public void draw() { background(0); // Strings composition textFont(createFont("Arial bold", 24)); fill(c_red); stroke(255); text("OpenWheels GUI V1.0", 20, 30); textSize(16); // textAlign(CENTER); fill(c_azure); text("Acc_RAW: " + Acc_RAW, 150, 65); AccSlider.setValue(Acc_RAW); text("Gyro_RAW: " + Gyro_RAW, 150, 90); GyroSlider.setValue(Gyro_RAW); text("Acc_Angle: " + Acc_Angle + "\u00b0", 150, 115); text("Gyro_Rate: " + Gyro_Rate + "\u00b0/sec", 150, 140); text("Drive: " + Drive, 150, 165); text("Steer: " + Steer, 150, 190); text("BatLevel: " + nf(BatLevel, 1, 1) + "V", 150, 215); text("Status: " + statusFlag, 150, 240); graphGauge(); graphGrid(); // call the function that plot the angular of acc, with few screen settings graphRoll(PApplet.parseFloat(Acc_Angle), VideoBuffer2, c_red); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call the function that plot the estimate angular, with few screen settings graphRoll(Angle, VideoBuffer1, c_yellow); // xPos, YPos, YSpan // call arduino for data every timePolling [msec] int timePolling = 50; // 50msec=20Hz time1 = millis(); if (init_com == 1) { while (serial.available() > 0) processSerialData(); if ((time1 - time2) > timePolling) { if (requestPID == true) { serial.write('E'); requestPID = false; } else if (writePID == true) { int P = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KP.value()); int I = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KI.value()); int D = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KD.value()); char data[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; data[0] = 'W'; data[1] = PApplet.parseChar(P); data[2] = PApplet.parseChar(I); data[3] = PApplet.parseChar(D); data[4] = ' '; String str = new String(data); serial.write(str); println(str); // println(" P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D); writePID = false; } // else if (RUN==true ) {serial.write('A');} else { serial.write('A'); } time2 = time1; } } }
public void SAVE_PID(int theValue) { // save PID parameter on Arduino EEPROM if (init_com == 0) return; serial.write('S'); // println("Save PID"); }
public void SET_ZERO(int theValue) { // set zero acc e gyro if (init_com == 0) return; serial.write('Z'); println("Zet Zero"); }
public void WRITE() { if (writeEnable == false) return; myPort.write("h"); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawP.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawD.value() * 100)); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchPWR.value())); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollPWR.value())); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawPWR.value())); myPort.write(RCcontrol); myPort.write(YawRCon); myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollCal.value() * 10 + 100)); // println (RollCal.value()); // println (int (RollCal.value()*10+100)); readStatus = "Write OK"; }