      description = "Delete multiple messages (3) by select and toolbar delete",
      groups = {"functional"})
  public void DeleteConversation_05() throws HarnessException {

    // Create the message data to be sent
    ConversationItem c1 = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());
    ConversationItem c2 = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());
    ConversationItem c3 = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Click Get Mail button

    // Select all three items
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, c1.getSubject());
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, c2.getSubject());
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_MAIL_CHECKBOX, c3.getSubject());

    // Click toolbar delete button

    // -- Verification

    // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash
    FolderItem trash =
        FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Trash);

    ConversationItem actual1 =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c1.getSubject());
    for (MailItem m : actual1.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");

    ConversationItem actual2 =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c2.getSubject());
    for (MailItem m : actual2.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");

    ConversationItem actual3 =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c3.getSubject());
    for (MailItem m : actual3.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");
      description = "Delete a conversation by selecting and typing 'delete' keyboard",
      groups = {"functional"},
      dataProvider = "DataProviderDeleteKeys")
  public void DeleteConversation_03(String name, int keyEvent) throws HarnessException {

    // Create the message data to be sent
    ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Click Get Mail button

    // Check the item
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, c.getSubject());

    // Click delete
    logger.info("Typing shortcut key " + name + " KeyEvent: " + keyEvent);

    // -- Verification

    // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash
    FolderItem trash =
        FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Trash);
    ConversationItem actual =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c.getSubject());

    for (MailItem m : actual.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");
      description = "Delete a mail using context menu delete button",
      groups = {"functional"})
  public void DeleteConversation_06() throws HarnessException {

    // Create the message data to be sent
    ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Click Get Mail button

    // Right click the item, select delete
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_DELETE, c.getSubject());

    // -- Verification

    // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash
    FolderItem trash =
        FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Trash);
    ConversationItem actual =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c.getSubject());

    for (MailItem m : actual.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");
      description = "Delete a conversation by selecting and typing '.t' shortcut",
      groups = {"functional"})
  public void DeleteConversation_04() throws HarnessException {

    // Create the message data to be sent
    ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Click Get Mail button

    // Check the item
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_LEFTCLICK, c.getSubject());

    // Click delete

    // -- Verification

    // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash
    FolderItem trash =
        FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), FolderItem.SystemFolder.Trash);
    ConversationItem actual =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c.getSubject());

    for (MailItem m : actual.getMessageList()) {
          m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");
      description =
          "Delete a conversation - 1 message in inbox, 1 message in sent, 1 message in subfolder",
      groups = {"functional"})
  public void DeleteConversation_10() throws HarnessException {

    // -- DATA

    // Create a conversation (3 messages)
    ConversationItem c = ConversationItem.createConversationItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Put one message in inbox, one in trash, one in subfolder

    // Get the system folders
    FolderItem inbox = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Inbox);
    FolderItem trash = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash);
    FolderItem sent = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Sent);

    // Move the conversation to the trash
            "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<action op='move' l='"
                + trash.getId()
                + "' id='"
                + c.getMessageList().get(0).getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</ItemActionRequest>");

    // Create a message in a subfolder
    String foldername = "folder" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString();
            "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<folder name='"
                + foldername
                + "' l='"
                + inbox.getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</CreateFolderRequest>");
    FolderItem subfolder = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), foldername);

    // Move the conversation to the subfolder
            "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<action op='move' l='"
                + subfolder.getId()
                + "' id='"
                + c.getMessageList().get(1).getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</ItemActionRequest>");

    // Reply to one message (putting a message in sent)
            "<SendMsgRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<m origid='"
                + c.getMessageList().get(2).getId()
                + "' rt='r'>"
                + "<e t='t' a='"
                + ZimbraAccount.AccountA().EmailAddress
                + "'/>"
                + "<su>RE: "
                + c.getSubject()
                + "</su>"
                + "<mp ct='text/plain'>"
                + "<content>"
                + "body"
                + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString()
                + "</content>"
                + "</mp>"
                + "</m>"
                + "</SendMsgRequest>");
    String idSent = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:m", "id");

    // -- GUI

    // Click Get Mail button

    // Right click the item, select delete
    app.zPageMail.zListItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_DELETE, c.getSubject());

    // -- Verification

    // Expected: all messages should be in trash, except for the sent message
    // Check each message to verify they exist in the trash
    ConversationItem actual =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere subject:" + c.getSubject());

    for (MailItem m : actual.getMessageList()) {
      if (idSent.equals(m.getId())) {
        // Sent message should remain in sent
            m.dFolderId, sent.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the sent folder");
      } else {
        // All other messages should be moved to trash
            m.dFolderId, trash.getId(), "Verify the conversation message is in the trash");