private void processResponse(RubyValue res) { if (res != null && res != RubyConstant.QNIL && res instanceof RubyHash) { RubyHash resHash = (RubyHash) res; RubyValue resBody = null; RubyArray arKeys = resHash.keys(); RubyArray arValues = resHash.values(); for (int i = 0; i < arKeys.size(); i++) { String strKey = arKeys.get(i).toString(); if (strKey.equals("request-body")) resBody = arValues.get(i); else if (strKey.equals("status")) responseCode = arValues.get(i).toInt(); else if (strKey.equals("message")) responseMsg = arValues.get(i).toString(); else resHeaders.addProperty(strKey, arValues.get(i).toString()); } String strBody = ""; if (resBody != null && resBody != RubyConstant.QNIL) strBody = resBody.toRubyString().toString(); if (!RHOCONF().getBool("log_skip_post")) LOG.TRACE(strBody); try { responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(strBody.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch ( exc) { LOG.ERROR("Error getting utf-8 body :", exc); } if (responseData != null) contentLength = Integer.parseInt(resHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase("Content-Length")); } }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="split") public RubyValue split(RubyArray args) { RubyValue r = (null == args) ? GlobalVariables.get("$;") : args.get(0); Collection /*<String>*/ splitResult; boolean bSkipFirstEmptyItem = false; if (r == RubyConstant.QNIL) { splitResult = split(this, " "); } else if (r instanceof RubyRegexp) { RubyRegexp reg = (RubyRegexp) r; splitResult = split(this, reg, args); if (reg.getPattern().getPattern().startsWith("(?=")) bSkipFirstEmptyItem = true; } else if (r instanceof RubyString) { splitResult = split(this, ((RubyString) r).toString()); } else { throw new RubyException( RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "wrong argument type " + r.getRubyClass() + " (expected Regexp)"); } RubyArray a = new RubyArray(splitResult.size()); int i = 0; // for (String str : splitResult) { for (Iterator iter = splitResult.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String str = (String); if (!(bSkipFirstEmptyItem && 0 == i && (str == null || str.equals("")))) { // To conform ruby's behavior, discard the first empty element a.add(ObjectFactory.createString(str)); } ++i; } return a; }
private void processResponse(RubyValue res) { if (res != null && res != RubyConstant.QNIL && res instanceof RubyHash) { RubyHash resHash = (RubyHash) res; RubyValue resBody = null; RubyArray arKeys = resHash.keys(); RubyArray arValues = resHash.values(); for (int i = 0; i < arKeys.size(); i++) { String strKey = arKeys.get(i).toString(); if (strKey.equals("request-body")) resBody = arValues.get(i); else if (strKey.equals("status")) responseCode = arValues.get(i).toInt(); else if (strKey.equals("message")) responseMsg = arValues.get(i).toString(); else resHeaders.addProperty(strKey, arValues.get(i).toString()); } String strBody = ""; if (resBody != null && resBody != RubyConstant.QNIL) strBody = resBody.toRubyString().toString(); log(strBody); responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(strBody.getBytes()); if (responseData != null) contentLength = Integer.parseInt(resHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase("Content-Length")); } }
// RHO_COMMENT public boolean equals(Object o, boolean bConvToAry) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o instanceof RubyArray) { RubyArray that = (RubyArray) o; int size = array_.size(); if (size != that.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!this.get(i).equals(that.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; } else if (o instanceof RubyValue && bConvToAry) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue) o; if (!v.respondTo(RubyID.toAryID)) { return false; } else { return v.equals(this); } } else { return false; } }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="[]", alias="slice") public RubyValue aref(RubyValue arg) { if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { return this.get(arg.toInt()); } if (arg instanceof RubySymbol) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "Symbol as array index"); } if (arg instanceof RubyRange) { RubyRange range = (RubyRange) arg; int begin = range.getLeft().toInt(); int end = range.getRight().toInt(); if (begin < 0) { begin = this.size() + begin; } if (end < 0) { end = this.size() + end; } if (!range.isExcludeEnd()) { ++end; } RubyArray resultValue = this.subarray(begin, end - begin); if (null == resultValue) return RubyConstant.QNIL; return resultValue; // return (null == resultValue ? RubyConstant.QNIL : resultValue); } return this.get(arg.toInt()); }
private static boolean hasMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyID mid, boolean include_private) { if (include_private) { return (null != receiver.findMethod(mid)); } else { return (null != receiver.findPublicMethod(mid)); } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "eval", module = true) public static RubyValue eval(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1) { if (arg1 instanceof RubyBinding) { return eval(arg0.toStr(), (RubyBinding) arg1); } else { return eval(arg0.toStr()); } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "p", module = true) public static RubyValue p(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg) { RubyValue str = RubyAPI.callNoArgMethod(arg, null, RubyID.inspectID); RubyString value = str.toRubyString(); value.appendString("\n"); System.out.print(value.toString()); return RubyConstant.QNIL; }
public int hashCode() { int hash = 0; // for (RubyValue v : array_) { for (Iterator iter = array_.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue); hash += v.hashCode(); } return hash; }
public RubyString appendString(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyString) { return appendString((RubyString) v); } else { RubyValue r = RubyAPI.callPublicNoArgMethod(v, null, RubyID.toSID); if (r instanceof RubyString) return appendString((RubyString) r); return ObjectFactory.createString(r.toString()); } }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="[]", alias="slice") public RubyValue aref(RubyValue begin, RubyValue length) { if (begin instanceof RubySymbol) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "Symbol as array index"); } RubyArray resultValue = this.subarray(begin.toInt(), length.toInt()); if (null == resultValue) return RubyConstant.QNIL; return resultValue; // return (null == resultValue ? RubyConstant.QNIL : resultValue); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="delete_if") public RubyValue delete_if(RubyBlock block) { for (int i = 0; i < array_.size(); ) { RubyValue r = block.invoke(this, (RubyValue) array_.get(i)); if (r.isTrue()) { array_.remove(i); } else { ++i; } } return this; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="concat", alias="<<") public RubyString concat(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { int i = v.toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 0xff) { this.sb_.append((char) i); return this; } } this.sb_.append(v.toRubyString().sb_); return this; }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="force_encoding") public RubyValue force_encoding(RubyValue arg) { if ((m_valEncoding != null && !m_valEncoding.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8")) && arg.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8")) { try { byte bytes[] = sb_.toString().getBytes("ISO8859_1"); String str1 = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); sb_ = new StringBuffer(str1); } catch ( exc) { sb_ = new StringBuffer(""); } } m_valEncoding = arg; return this; }
private static RubyValue objSingletonMethod(RubyValue receiver, boolean all) { RubyArray a = new RubyArray(); if (receiver.getRubyClass().isSingleton()) { RubyClass rubyClass = receiver.getRubyClass(); rubyClass.collectOwnMethodNames(a, RubyMethod.PUBLIC); rubyClass = rubyClass.getSuperClass(); if (all) { while (rubyClass != null && rubyClass.isSingleton()) { rubyClass.collectOwnMethodNames(a, RubyMethod.PUBLIC); rubyClass = rubyClass.getSuperClass(); } } } return a; }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "methods") public static RubyValue objMethods(RubyValue receiver) { RubyArray a = new RubyArray(); RubyClass klass = receiver.getRubyClass(); klass.collectClassMethodNames(a, RubyMethod.ALL); return a; }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "method") public static RubyValue objMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg) { String method_name = arg.toStr(); RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null == m) { throw new RubyException( RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "public method '" + method_name + "' can not be found in '" + receiver.getRubyClass().getName() + "'"); } return ObjectFactory.createMethod(receiver, method_name, m); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "__load_with_reflection__", module = true) public static RubyValue loadWithReflection(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { String required_file = arg.toStr(); String name = NameFactory.createMainClassName(required_file); try { Class c = Class.forName(name); Object o = c.newInstance(); RubyProgram p = (RubyProgram) o; // $".push(file_name) unless $".include?(file_name) RubyArray a = (RubyArray) GlobalVariables.get("$\""); if (a.include(arg) == RubyConstant.QFALSE) { a.push(arg); } p.invoke(); return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } catch (InstantiationException e) { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "&") public RubyValue opAnd(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum) v).op_band(this); } return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ & v.toInt()); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "^") public RubyValue opXor(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum) v).op_bxor(this); } return RubyBignum.bignorm(this.value_ ^ v.toInt()); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "method_missing", module = true) public static RubyValue methodMissing(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args) { RubySymbol method_name = (RubySymbol) args.get(0); RubyClass klass = receiver.getRubyClass(); klass = (klass != null) ? klass.getRealClass() : null; throw new RubyException( RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "undefined method '" + method_name.toString() + "' for " + klass.getName()); }
@RubyLevelMethod( name = "object_id", alias = {"__id__", "hash"}) public static RubyValue objectId(RubyValue receiver) { // Object.hashCode() javadoc: // As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined // by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. return ObjectFactory.createFixnum(receiver.hashCode()); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "throw", module = true) public static RubyValue throwMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args) { RubyExceptionValue e; RubyValue tag = args.get(0); if (tag instanceof RubySymbol || tag instanceof RubyString) { e = new RubyExceptionValueForThrow(tag, args.get(1)); } else if (tag instanceof RubyExceptionValue) { e = (RubyExceptionValue) tag; } else if (tag instanceof RubyClass) { RubyClass c = (RubyClass) tag; e = new RubyExceptionValue(c, c.getName() + " is not a symbol"); } else { e = new RubyExceptionValue( RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, tag.toString() + " is not a symbol"); } throw new RubyException(e); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="last") public RubyValue last(RubyValue v) { int n = v.toInt(); int size = this.array_.size(); if (n > size) { n = size; } return new RubyArray(this.array_.subList(size - n, size)); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "to_s") public RubyString to_s(RubyValue v) { int radix = v.toInt(); if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "illegal radix " + radix); } return ObjectFactory.createString(this.toString(radix)); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="[]") public RubyValue array_access(RubyArray args) { String string = toString(); if (args.size() == 1) { RubyValue arg = args.get(0); if (arg instanceof RubyString) { String str = ((RubyString) arg).toString(); if (string.indexOf(str) >= 0) { return ObjectFactory.createString(str); } else { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } else if (arg instanceof RubyRange) { RubyRange range = (RubyRange) arg; int start = range.getLeft().toInt(); int end = range.getRight().toInt(); return substring(string, start, end, range.isExcludeEnd()); } else if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) { RubyRegexp regexp = (RubyRegexp) arg; RubyMatchData match = regexp.match(string); if (match != null) { return ObjectFactory.createString(match.toString()); } else { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } else { int index = arg.toInt(); if (index < 0) { index = string.length() + index; } if (index < 0 || index >= string.length()) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } else { return ObjectFactory.createFixnum(string.charAt(index)); } } } else { int start = args.get(0).toInt(); int length = args.get(1).toInt() - 1; return substring(string, start, start + length, false); } }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = "quo") public RubyFloat quo(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createFloat(this.value_ / ((RubyFixnum) v).value_); } // FIXME: should be coerced. throw new RubyException( RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, v.getRubyClass().getName() + " can't be coersed into Fixnum"); }
@RubyLevelMethod(name = ">") public RubyValue opGt(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ > ((RubyFixnum) v).value_); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.value_ > v.toFloat()); } return coerceRelop(RubyID.gtID, v); }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="==") public RubyValue opEqual(RubyValue v) { if (this == v) { return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } if (v instanceof RubyString) { RubyString str = ((RubyString) v); if ((this.sb_.length() == str.sb_.length() && this.cmp(str) == 0)) { return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } else { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } } if (v.respondTo(RubyID.toStrID)) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(v.equals(this)); } else { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } }
// @RubyLevelMethod(name="*") public RubyValue operator_star(RubyValue arg) { String string = toString(); int count = arg.toInt(); if (count < 0) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "negative argument"); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { result.append(string); } return ObjectFactory.createString(result); }