private String getCompanyID(String companycode) throws Exception { String companyid = ""; Object[] cys = StringUtil.split(, ";").toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < cys.length; i++) { String cy = (String) cys[i]; Object[] cs = StringUtil.split(cy, ":").toArray(); String ccode = (String) cs[0]; String cid = (String) cs[1]; if (ccode.equals(companycode)) { companyid = cid; break; } } return companyid; }
private void delivery(Connection conn) throws Exception { String sql = "select a.sheetid,b.tid, upper(ltrim(rtrim(b.companycode))) companycode," + "upper(ltrim(rtrim(b.outsid))) outsid from it_upnote a with(nolock), ns_delivery b with(nolock)" + "where a.sheettype=3 and a.sheetid=b.sheetid and a.receiver='" + Params.tradecontactid + "' and b.iswait=0"; Vector vdeliveryorder = SQLHelper.multiRowSelect(conn, sql);, " 本次要处理的淘宝发货条数为: " + vdeliveryorder.size(), null); for (int i = 0; i < vdeliveryorder.size(); i++) { Hashtable hto = (Hashtable) vdeliveryorder.get(i); String sheetid = hto.get("sheetid") != null ? hto.get("sheetid").toString() : ""; String orderid = hto.get("tid") != null ? hto.get("tid").toString() : ""; String post_company = hto.get("companycode") != null ? hto.get("companycode").toString() : ""; String post_no = hto.get("outsid") != null ? hto.get("outsid").toString() : ""; // 如果物流公司为空则忽略处理 if (post_company.trim().equals("")) { Log.warn(username, jobName + " 快递公司为空!订单号:" + orderid, null); continue; } // 如果物流公司为空则忽略处理 if (post_no.trim().equals("")) { Log.warn(username, "快递单号为空!订单号:" + orderid, null); continue; } if (!StringUtil.isNumeric(orderid)) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 3"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=3"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); Log.warn(username, jobName + ",订单号【" + orderid + "】不全是数字!", null); continue; } if ("1".equals(Params.isJZ)) { sql = "select top 1 lbpdc from ns_customerorder where tid='" + orderid + "'"; String isJz = SQLHelper.strSelect(conn, sql); if ("zj".equals(isJz)) { // 家装订单 // jzSend(post_no,orderid,post_company,conn,sheetid);, "家装订单暂时不发货: 订单号: " + orderid, null); } else normalSend(post_no, orderid, post_company, conn, sheetid); } else normalSend(post_no, orderid, post_company, conn, sheetid); } }
public void run() { Properties prop = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); url = prop.getProperty("url"); tradecontactid = prop.getProperty("tradecontactid"); username = prop.getProperty("username"); app_id = prop.getProperty("app_id"); secret = prop.getProperty("secret"); session = prop.getProperty("session"); System.out.println(url); System.out.println(tradecontactid); System.out.println(username); System.out.println(app_id); System.out.println(secret); System.out.println(session); try { updateJobFlag(1); synStock(); UpdateTimerJob(); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); } try { if (this.getConnection() != null) this.getConnection().close(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null) this.getExtconnection().close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
@Override public void run() { Properties prop = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); pageSize = prop.getProperty("pageSize"); url = prop.getProperty("url"); tradecontactid = prop.getProperty("tradecontactid"); username = prop.getProperty("username"); try { // 检查未入订单 updateJobFlag(1); checkWaitStockOutOrders(); // 检查取消订单 checkCancleOrders(); UpdateTimerJob(); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); updateJobFlag(0); if (this.getConnection() != null && !this.getConnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getConnection().rollback(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null && !this.getExtconnection().getAutoCommit()) this.getExtconnection().rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); } try { if (this.getConnection() != null) this.getConnection().close(); if (this.getExtconnection() != null) this.getExtconnection().close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
public void run() { Properties proper = StringUtil.getStringProperties(this.getExecuteobj().getParams()); tid = proper.getProperty("tid"); tradecontactid = proper.getProperty("tradecontactid"); url = proper.getProperty("url"); appkey = proper.getProperty("appkey"); appsecret = proper.getProperty("appsecret"); authcode = proper.getProperty("authcode"); sellernick = proper.getProperty("sellernick"); try { updateJobFlag(1); String sql = "select isnull(value,0) from config where name='等待付款订单是否进系统'"; if ("1".equals(this.getDao().strSelect(sql))) ; waitbuyerpayisin = true; TaobaoClient client = new DefaultTaobaoClient(url, appkey, appsecret, "xml"); TradeGetRequest req = new TradeGetRequest(); req.setFields("tid,modified,status,orders.outer_sku_id,orders.num"); req.setTid(Long.parseLong(tid)); TradeGetResponse response = client.execute(req, authcode); if (response.getTrade() == null) { return; } Trade td = response.getTrade(); if (td.getStatus().equals("WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS")) { if (!OrderManager.isCheck( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()))) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, true); for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, -o.getNum(), false); } } } // 等待买家付款时记录锁定库存 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("WAIT_BUYER_PAY") || td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_NO_CREATE_PAY")) { if (waitbuyerpayisin) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, false); } } for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.addWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, o.getNum()); StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, -o.getNum(), false); } // 付款以后用户退款成功,交易自动关闭 // 释放库存,数量为负数 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_CLOSED")) { OrderManager.CancelOrderByCID( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid())); for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); // StockManager.addSynReduceStore(jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), // Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(),String.valueOf(td.getTid()),sku, // o.getNum(),false); } // 付款以前,卖家或买家主动关闭交易 // 释放等待买家付款时锁定的库存 } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_CLOSED_BY_TAOBAO")) { if (waitbuyerpayisin) { if (!OrderManager.TidLastModifyIntfExists( "检查淘宝订单", this.getDao().getConnection(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), td.getModified())) { OrderUtils.createInterOrder( this.getDao().getConnection(), td, Params.tradecontactid, Params.username, false); } } for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); if (StockManager.WaitPayStockExists( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku)) // 有获取到等待买家付款状态时才加库存 { StockManager.addSynReduceStore( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getStatus(), String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku, o.getNum(), false); } } } else if (td.getStatus().equals("TRADE_FINISHED")) { for (Iterator ito = td.getOrders().iterator(); ito.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); String sku = o.getOuterSkuId(); StockManager.deleteWaitPayStock( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), sku); // 更新结束时间 OrderUtils.updateFinishedStatus( this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.tradecontactid, td.getTid(), td.getEndTime()); } } // if(Params.isc) // { // 处理退货 for (Iterator oit = td.getOrders().iterator(); oit.hasNext(); ) { Order o = (Order); //"订单号:"+String.valueOf(td.getTid())+" 退货ID:"+String.valueOf(o.getRefundId())); if (o.getRefundId() > 0) { OrderUtils.getRefund( jobName, this.getDao().getConnection(), Params.url, Params.appkey, Params.appsecret, Params.authcode, Params.tradecontactid, td, o, String.valueOf(td.getTid()), o.getRefundId()); } } updateJobFlag(0); jobName, "执行作业成功 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] 下次处理时间: " + this.datetimeformat.format(this.getExecuteobj().getNextactive())); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (this.getDao().getConnection() != null && !this.getDao().getConnection().getAutoCommit()) { this.getDao().getConnection().rollback(); this.getDao().getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); } } catch (Exception e1) { Log.error(jobName, "回滚事务失败"); Log.error(jobName, e1.getMessage()); } try { if (this.getExecuteobj().getSkip() == 1) { UpdateTimerJob(); } else UpdateTimerJob(Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error(jobName, "更新任务信息失败"); Log.error(jobName, ex.getMessage()); } Log.error(jobName, "错误信息:" + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); Log.error( jobName, "执行作业失败 [" + this.getExecuteobj().getActivetimes() + "] [" + this.getExecuteobj().getNotes() + "] \r\n " + Log.getErrorMessage(e)); } finally { try { updateJobFlag(0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, e.getMessage()); Log.error(jobName, "更新处理标志失败"); TimerRunner.modifiedErrVect(this.getExecuteobj().getId()); } try { if (this.getDao().getConnection() != null) { this.getDao().getConnection().setAutoCommit(true); this.getDao().getConnection().close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(jobName, "关闭数据库连接失败"); } } }
/** 修改物流公司和运单号 已经发过货的订单才能进行此操作 api : taobao.logistics.consign.resend 免费 */ private void resend(Connection conn) throws Exception { String sql = "select a.sheetid,b.tid, upper(ltrim(rtrim(b.companycode))) companycode," + " upper(ltrim(rtrim(b.outsid))) outsid from it_upnote a with(nolock), ns_delivery b with(nolock)" + "where a.sheettype=4 and a.sheetid=b.sheetid and a.receiver='" + Params.tradecontactid + "' and b.iswait=0"; Vector vdeliveryorder = SQLHelper.multiRowSelect(conn, sql); for (int i = 0; i < vdeliveryorder.size(); i++) { String orderid = ""; try { Hashtable hto = (Hashtable) vdeliveryorder.get(i); String sheetid = hto.get("sheetid") != null ? hto.get("sheetid").toString() : ""; orderid = hto.get("tid") != null ? hto.get("tid").toString() : ""; String post_company = hto.get("companycode") != null ? hto.get("companycode").toString().trim() : ""; String post_no = hto.get("outsid").toString() != null ? hto.get("outsid").toString().trim() : ""; // 如果物流公司为空则忽略处理 if (post_company.trim().equals("")) { Log.warn(username, jobName + " 快递公司为空!订单号:" + orderid + ""); continue; } // 如果物流公司为空则忽略处理 if (post_no.trim().equals("")) { Log.warn(username, jobName + "快递单号为空!订单号:" + orderid + ""); continue; } if (!StringUtil.isNumeric(orderid)) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); Log.warn(username, jobName + " 订单号【" + orderid + "】不全是数字!"); continue; } TaobaoClient client = new DefaultTaobaoClient(Params.url, Params.appkey, Params.appsecret); LogisticsConsignResendRequest req = new LogisticsConsignResendRequest(); req.setOutSid(post_no); req.setTid(TranTid(orderid)); req.setCompanyCode(post_company); LogisticsConsignResendResponse rsp = client.execute(req, Params.authcode); if (rsp.isSuccess()) { try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception sqle) { if (!conn.getAutoCommit()) try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { } try { conn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (Exception e1) { } // throw new JSQLException(sql, sqle); } username, "处理订单【" + orderid + "】发货成功,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } else { if (rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("不能重复发货") >= 0 || rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("发货类型不匹配") >= 0) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); username, "订单【" + orderid + "】不能重复发货,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } else if (rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("订单未发货") >= 0) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); username, "订单【" + orderid + "】可能未发货,或已经退货,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } else if ((rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("没有权限进行发货") >= 0) || rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("没有权限发货") >= 0 || rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("当前订单状态不支持修改") >= 0) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); username, "没有权限发货,订单【" + orderid + "】,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } else if (rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("物流订单不存在") >= 0 || rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("订单已经被拆单") >= 0 || rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("当前操作的订单是拆单订单") >= 0) { TaobaoClient subclient = new DefaultTaobaoClient(Params.url, Params.appkey, Params.appsecret); LogisticsOfflineSendRequest subreq = new LogisticsOfflineSendRequest(); subreq.setOutSid(post_no); subreq.setTid(TranTid(orderid)); subreq.setCompanyCode(post_company); subreq.setIsSplit(1L); String subtids = ""; sql = "select oid from customerorderitem a with(nolock),customerorder b with(nolock)," + "customerdelive c with(nolock) where a.sheetid=b.sheetid and a.sheetid=c.refsheetid " + "and c.customersheetid='" + orderid + "' and'" + post_company + "' " + "and c.deliverysheetid='" + post_no + "'"; List sublist = SQLHelper.multiRowListSelect(conn, sql); if (sublist.size() > 0) { for (Iterator it = sublist.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String oid = (String); subtids = oid + "," + subtids; } subtids = subtids.substring(0, subtids.length() - 1); subreq.setSubTid(subtids); LogisticsOfflineSendResponse subrsp = client.execute(subreq, Params.authcode); if (subrsp.isSuccess()) { username, "处理订单【" + orderid + "】,子订单【" + subtids + "】发货成功,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } } sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); jobName, "物流订单不存在或订单已经被拆,订单【" + orderid + "】,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】"); } else if (rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("运单号不符合规则或已经被使用") >= 0) { // 公司内部自提发货处理 if ((post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("1111111") >= 0) || (post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("YJ") >= 0)) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); } else { String cc = ""; if (post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("EH") == 0) { cc = "EMS"; } else if (post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("101") == 0) { cc = "SF"; } else if (post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("368") == 0) { cc = "STO"; } else if (post_no.toUpperCase().indexOf("W") == 0) { cc = "YTO"; } else cc = post_company; sql = "update ns_delivery set companycode='" + cc + "' where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "'"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); } username, "运单号不符合规则或已经被使用,订单【" + orderid + "】,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】", null); } else if (rsp.getSubMsg().indexOf("该订单不支持修改") >= 0) { sql = "insert into IT_UpNoteBak(Owner,SheetID,SheetType,Sender,Receiver,Notetime,HandleTime,Flag) " + " select Owner , SheetID , SheetType , Sender , Receiver , Notetime , getdate() , 1 from IT_UpNote " + " where SheetID = '" + sheetid + "' and SheetType = 4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); sql = "delete from IT_UpNote where SheetID='" + sheetid + "' and sheettype=4"; SQLHelper.executeSQL(conn, sql); jobName, "处理订单【" + orderid + "】发货失败,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】" + "错误信息:" + rsp.getSubMsg() + rsp.getMsg()); } else username, "处理订单【" + orderid + "】发货失败,快递公司【" + post_company + "】,快递单号【" + post_no + "】" + "错误信息:" + rsp.getSubMsg() + rsp.getMsg(), null); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (conn != null && !conn.getAutoCommit()) conn.rollback();, "修改发货信息作业出错,订单号: " + orderid + ",错误信息: " + ex.getMessage(), null); } } }