/** * Overriden to contruct a valid SQL92 JOIN clause as opposed to the Oracle-like SQL the * superclass produces. * * <p>kieran copied from PostgresqlExpression */ @Override public String joinClauseString() { NSMutableDictionary<String, Boolean> seenIt = new NSMutableDictionary<String, Boolean>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JoinClauseDefinition jc; EOSortOrdering.sortArrayUsingKeyOrderArray( _alreadyJoined, new NSArray<EOSortOrdering>( EOSortOrdering.sortOrderingWithKey("sortKey", EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending))); if (_alreadyJoined.count() > 0) { jc = _alreadyJoined.objectAtIndex(0); sb.append(jc); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc._table1); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc._table2); } for (int i = 1; i < _alreadyJoined.count(); i++) { jc = _alreadyJoined.objectAtIndex(i); sb.append(jc._op); if (seenIt.objectForKey(jc._table1) == null) { sb.append(jc._table1); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc._table1); } else if (seenIt.objectForKey(jc._table2) == null) { sb.append(jc._table2); seenIt.setObjectForKey(Boolean.TRUE, jc._table2); } sb.append(jc._joinCondition); } return sb.toString(); }
public static void sendCommandInstancesToWotaskds( String command, NSArray instanceArray, NSArray wotaskdArray, WOTaskdHandler collector) { if (instanceArray.count() > 0 && wotaskdArray.count() > 0) { int instanceCount = instanceArray.count(); NSMutableDictionary monitorRequest = new NSMutableDictionary(1); NSMutableArray commandWotaskd = new NSMutableArray(instanceArray.count() + 1); commandWotaskd.addObject(command); for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) { MInstance anInst = (MInstance) instanceArray.objectAtIndex(i); commandWotaskd.addObject( new NSDictionary( new Object[] { anInst.applicationName(), anInst.id(), anInst.hostName(), anInst.port() }, commandInstanceKeys)); } monitorRequest.takeValueForKey(commandWotaskd, "commandWotaskd"); WOResponse[] responses = collector.sendRequest(monitorRequest, wotaskdArray, false); NSDictionary[] responseDicts = collector.generateResponseDictionaries(responses); if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups( NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) { NSLog.debug.appendln( "OUT: " + NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(monitorRequest) + "\n\nIN: " + NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(new NSArray(responseDicts))); } collector.getCommandErrors(responseDicts); } }
protected NSMutableArray getQueryErrors(NSDictionary[] responseDicts) { NSMutableArray errorArray = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < responseDicts.length; i++) { if (responseDicts[i] != null) { NSDictionary responseDict = responseDicts[i]; getGlobalErrorFromResponse(responseDict, errorArray); NSArray commandWotaskdResponse = (NSArray) responseDict.valueForKey("commandWotaskdResponse"); if ((commandWotaskdResponse != null) && (commandWotaskdResponse.count() > 0)) { int count = commandWotaskdResponse.count(); for (int j = 1; j < count; j++) { NSDictionary aDict = (NSDictionary) commandWotaskdResponse.objectAtIndex(j); String errorMessage = (String) aDict.valueForKey("errorMessage"); if (errorMessage != null) { errorArray.addObject(errorMessage); if (j == 0) break; // the command produced an error, // parsing didn't finish } } } } } if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups( NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("##### getQueryErrors: " + errorArray); mySession().addObjectsFromArrayIfAbsentToErrorMessageArray(errorArray); return errorArray; }
public NSArray salless(EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, boolean fetch) { NSArray results; if (fetch) { EOQualifier fullQualifier; EOQualifier inverseQualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier( org.cocktail.superplan.server.metier.Salles.LOCAL_KEY, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, this); if (qualifier == null) { fullQualifier = inverseQualifier; } else { NSMutableArray qualifiers = new NSMutableArray(); qualifiers.addObject(qualifier); qualifiers.addObject(inverseQualifier); fullQualifier = new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers); } results = org.cocktail.superplan.server.metier.Salles.fetchSalleses( editingContext(), fullQualifier, sortOrderings); } else { results = salless(); if (qualifier != null) { results = (NSArray) EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(results, qualifier); } if (sortOrderings != null) { results = (NSArray) EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(results, sortOrderings); } } return results; }
public NSArray scolMaquetteRepartitionAps( EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, boolean fetch) { NSArray results; if (fetch) { EOQualifier fullQualifier; EOQualifier inverseQualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier( org.cocktail.groupescol.client.eof.ScolMaquetteRepartitionAp.SCOL_MAQUETTE_AP_KEY, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, this); if (qualifier == null) { fullQualifier = inverseQualifier; } else { NSMutableArray qualifiers = new NSMutableArray(); qualifiers.addObject(qualifier); qualifiers.addObject(inverseQualifier); fullQualifier = new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers); } results = org.cocktail.groupescol.client.eof.ScolMaquetteRepartitionAp .fetchScolMaquetteRepartitionAps(editingContext(), fullQualifier, sortOrderings); } else { results = scolMaquetteRepartitionAps(); if (qualifier != null) { results = (NSArray) EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(results, qualifier); } if (sortOrderings != null) { results = (NSArray) EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(results, sortOrderings); } } return results; }
public NSArray<ERIAttribute> allAttributes() { NSMutableArray<ERIAttribute> result = new NSMutableArray<ERIAttribute>(); for (ERIAttributeGroup group : groups()) { result.addObjectsFromArray(attributes()); } return result; }
public NSArray repartValidations(EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, boolean fetch) { NSArray results; if (fetch) { EOQualifier fullQualifier; EOQualifier inverseQualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier( fr.univlr.cri.conges.eos.modele.conges.EORepartValidation.OCCUPATION_KEY, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, this); if (qualifier == null) { fullQualifier = inverseQualifier; } else { NSMutableArray qualifiers = new NSMutableArray(); qualifiers.addObject(qualifier); qualifiers.addObject(inverseQualifier); fullQualifier = new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers); } results = fr.univlr.cri.conges.eos.modele.conges.EORepartValidation.fetchRepartValidations( editingContext(), fullQualifier, sortOrderings); } else { results = repartValidations(); if (qualifier != null) { results = (NSArray) EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(results, qualifier); } if (sortOrderings != null) { results = (NSArray) EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(results, sortOrderings); } } return results; }
public NSArray tosIntervention(EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, boolean fetch) { NSArray results; if (fetch) { EOQualifier fullQualifier; EOQualifier inverseQualifier = new EOKeyValueQualifier( org.cocktail.dt.server.metier.EOIntervention.TO_ACTIVITES_KEY, EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, this); if (qualifier == null) { fullQualifier = inverseQualifier; } else { NSMutableArray qualifiers = new NSMutableArray(); qualifiers.addObject(qualifier); qualifiers.addObject(inverseQualifier); fullQualifier = new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers); } results = org.cocktail.dt.server.metier.EOIntervention.fetchAll( editingContext(), fullQualifier, sortOrderings); } else { results = tosIntervention(); if (qualifier != null) { results = (NSArray) EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(results, qualifier); } if (sortOrderings != null) { results = (NSArray) EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray(results, sortOrderings); } } return results; }
/** * Parses an array of Git commits and returns an array of commits that affected the specified * object. * * @param repository the Git repository * @param commitIds the Git commit IDs to parse * @param path the object affected * @return an array of {@link GitCommit} objects representing the commits */ public NSArray<GitCommit> commitsWithIds(NSArray<ObjectId> commitIds, String path) { try { RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository); try { rw.sort(RevSort.COMMIT_TIME_DESC); if (path != null) { rw.setTreeFilter( AndTreeFilter.create(PathSuffixFilter.create(path), TreeFilter.ANY_DIFF)); } else { rw.setTreeFilter(TreeFilter.ALL); } for (ObjectId commitId : commitIds) { rw.markStart(rw.parseCommit(commitId)); } NSMutableArray<GitCommit> commits = new NSMutableArray<GitCommit>(); for (RevCommit commit : rw) { commits.add(new GitCommit(commit)); } return commits; } finally { rw.release(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An exception occurred while parsing the commit: ", e); return null; } }
/** * Generate tab descriptors from an dictionary of property values. * * @param dict the properties to use * @return An array of the new tab descriptors */ public static NSArray<TabDescriptor> tabsFromDictionary( NSDictionary<String, NSDictionary<String, Object>> dict) { NSMutableArray<TabDescriptor> tabs = new NSMutableArray<TabDescriptor>(); for (String label : dict.keySet()) { NSDictionary<String, Object> settings = dict.get(label); String pageName = (String) settings.objectForKey("pageName"); int accessLevel = ERXValueUtilities.intValueWithDefault(settings.objectForKey("accessLevel"), 0); int priority = ERXValueUtilities.intValueWithDefault(settings.objectForKey("priority"), 0); boolean wantsStart = ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(settings.objectForKey("wantsStart"), false); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NSDictionary<String, NSDictionary<String, Object>> children = (NSDictionary<String, NSDictionary<String, Object>>) settings.objectForKey("children"); String overridingLabel = (String) settings.objectForKey("label"); if (overridingLabel != null) { label = overridingLabel; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NSDictionary<String, Object> tabConfig = (NSDictionary<String, Object>) settings.objectForKey("config"); tabs.addObject( new TabDescriptor( pageName, label, accessLevel, priority, wantsStart, (children == null) ? null : tabsFromDictionary(children), (String) settings.objectForKey("id"), tabConfig)); } return tabs; }
public NSArray statementsToDropPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups( NSArray entityGroups, EOSchemaSynchronizationModelChanges changes, EOSchemaGenerationOptions options) { if (entityGroups == null) return NSArray.EmptyArray; if (changes == null) changes = newChanges(); NSMutableArray expressions = new NSMutableArray(); for (Enumeration enumerator = entityGroups.objectEnumerator(); enumerator.hasMoreElements(); ) { NSArray entities = (NSArray) enumerator.nextElement(); EOEntity _last = (EOEntity) entities.lastObject(); // only need entity to get the table name for the group String nameInObjectStore = _nameInObjectStoreForEntityGroupWithChangeDictionary( entities, changes.changesForTableNamed(_last.externalName())); if ((nameInObjectStore != null) && (!"".equals(nameInObjectStore))) { expressions.addObject( this._expressionForString( "delete from _SYS_RELATIONSHIP where source_table = '" + nameInObjectStore + "' or dest_table = '" + nameInObjectStore + "'")); } } return expressions.immutableClone(); }
@Override public NSArray getRequestHandlerPathForRequest(WORequest request) { NSMutableArray<Object> requestHandlerPath = new NSMutableArray<Object>(); try { String path = request._uriDecomposed().requestHandlerPath(); ERXRoute matchingRoute = setupRequestWithRouteForMethodAndPath(request, request.method(), path); if (matchingRoute != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, String> keys = (NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, String>) request.userInfo().objectForKey(ERXRouteRequestHandler.KeysKey); String controller = keys.objectForKey(ERXRoute.ControllerKey); String actionName = keys.objectForKey(ERXRoute.ActionKey); requestHandlerPath.addObject(controller); requestHandlerPath.addObject(actionName); } else { requestHandlerPath.addObject( ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault( "ERXRest.missingControllerName", "ERXMissingRouteController")); requestHandlerPath.addObject("missing"); // throw new FileNotFoundException("There is no controller for the route '" + path + "'."); } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to process the requested route.", t); } return requestHandlerPath; }
/** retourne les globalIDs des objets */ public static NSArray globalIDsForObjects(EOEditingContext eContext, NSArray objects) { NSMutableArray gids = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++) { gids.addObject(eContext.globalIDForObject((EOEnterpriseObject) objects.objectAtIndex(i))); } return gids; }
/** * Called when firing this assignment with the key-path: <b>tabSectionsContents</b>. Constructs an * array of {@link ERD2WContainer}s representing each tab and optionally another array of * containers representing each section. See {@link ERD2WTabInspectPage} for the exact format of * the tabs and sections. * * @return array of containers for each tab */ public Object tabSectionsContents(D2WContext context) { NSMutableArray tabSectionsContents = new NSMutableArray(); for (Enumeration e = ((NSArray) value()).objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { NSArray tab = (NSArray) e.nextElement(); ERD2WContainer c = new ERD2WContainer(); c.name = (String) tab.objectAtIndex(0); c.keys = new NSMutableArray(); Object testObject = tab.objectAtIndex(1); if (testObject instanceof NSArray) { // format #2 for (int i = 1; i < tab.count(); i++) { NSArray sectionArray = (NSArray) tab.objectAtIndex(i); ERD2WContainer section = new ERD2WContainer(); section.name = (String) sectionArray.objectAtIndex(0); section.keys = new NSMutableArray(sectionArray); section.keys.removeObjectAtIndex(0); c.keys.addObject(section); } } else { // format #1 ERD2WContainer fakeTab = new ERD2WContainer(); fakeTab.name = ""; fakeTab.keys = new NSMutableArray(tab); fakeTab.keys.removeObjectAtIndex(0); c.keys.addObject(fakeTab); } tabSectionsContents.addObject(c); } return tabSectionsContents; }
public static void invalidateObjects(EOEditingContext ec, NSArray list) { NSMutableArray listGIDs = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { listGIDs.addObject(ec.globalIDForObject((EOEnterpriseObject) list.objectAtIndex(i))); } ec.invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs(listGIDs); }
/** retourne des faults d'objets à partir des globalIDs */ public static NSArray faultsForGlobalIDs(EOEditingContext eContext, NSArray ids) { NSMutableArray objects = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.count(); i++) { objects.addObject(eContext.faultForGlobalID((EOGlobalID) ids.objectAtIndex(i), eContext)); } return objects; }
public void setNavigationLevel(int level, String state) { if (level > 0) { NSMutableArray navTemp = new NSMutableArray(navigationState()); if (navTemp.count() >= level) navTemp.replaceObjectAtIndex(state, level - 1); else navTemp.addObject(state); setNavigationState(navTemp); } }
public Object fire(D2WContext c) { NSMutableArray<Object> results = new NSMutableArray<Object>(); NSArray<String> keyPaths = (NSArray<String>) value(); for (String path : keyPaths) { results.addObject(c.valueForKeyPath(path)); } return results; }
public NSArray modelPages() { Enumeration e = model.publicDynamicPages().elements(); NSMutableArray arr = new NSMutableArray(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { arr.addObject(fixString(e.nextElement())); } return arr; }
public void cancel() { ec.revert(); // NSDictionary snapshot = ec.committedSnapshotForObject(onEdit); if (ec.insertedObjects().contains(item)) { NSMutableArray fullList = (NSMutableArray) session().valueForKey("personList"); fullList.removeObject(item); } // onEdit = null; }
/** * <span class="en"> Constructs an Or qualifier for filtering an array of strings that might have * the * wildcard character. Will be nice when we have regex in Java 1.4. * * @param emailPatterns array of email patterns * @return or qualifier to match any of the given patterns </span> * <p><span class="ja"> ワイルドカード文字 * を持つ配列をフィルターする Or qualifier を作成します。 * @param emailPatterns - メール・パタンの配列 * @return 指定パタンのマッチに使用する or qualifier </span> */ protected EOOrQualifier qualifierArrayForEmailPatterns(NSArray<String> emailPatterns) { NSMutableArray<EOQualifier> patternQualifiers = new NSMutableArray<EOQualifier>(); for (String pattern : emailPatterns) { patternQualifiers.addObject( EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat( "toString caseInsensitiveLike '" + pattern + "'", null)); } return new EOOrQualifier(patternQualifiers); }
/** * M�thode utilitaire qui convertit un tableau d'objets Map en NSArray d'objets NSDictionary. * * @param objs Tableau de Map * @return */ public NSArray arrayMapsToNSArrayNSDictionarys(Object[] objs) throws Exception { // On transforme le tableau de map en NSArray de NSDictionary NSMutableArray tmpres = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { Map object = (Map) objs[i]; tmpres.addObject(mapToNSDictionary(object)); } return tmpres.immutableClone(); }
public NSArray localList() { if (indexItem == null) return null; NSDictionary local = (NSDictionary) indexItem.valueForKey("local"); if (local == null) return null; NSArray result = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("list"); if (result != null) return result; String entityName = (String) local.valueForKey("entityName"); if (entityName != null) { EOQualifier qual = null; String qualifier = (String) local.valueForKey("qualifier"); if (qualifier != null) { NSArray args = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("args"); if (args != null && args.count() > 0) { Object[] a = new Object[args.count()]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = DisplayAny.ValueReader.evaluateValue(args.objectAtIndex(i), plist, this); } args = new NSArray(a); } qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(qualifier, args); } NSArray sorter = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("sorter"); if (sorter != null && sorter.count() > 0) { Object[] s = new Object[sorter.count()]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { Object sort = sorter.objectAtIndex(i); if (sort instanceof String) { s[i] = new EOSortOrdering((String) sort, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending); } else { NSDictionary so = (NSDictionary) sort; String key = (String) so.valueForKey("key"); String order = (String) so.valueForKey("order"); s[i] = new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering._operatorSelectorForString(order)); } } sorter = new NSArray(s); } EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, qual, sorter); result = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs); } else if (local.valueForKey("methodName") != null) result = (NSArray) DisplayAny.ValueReader.evaluateDict(local, plist, this); if (result != null) { String uniq = (String) local.valueForKey("uniqueAttribute"); if (uniq != null) { NSMutableArray res = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < result.count(); i++) { Object obj = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(result.objectAtIndex(i), uniq); if (obj instanceof String) obj = WOMessage.stringByEscapingHTMLString((String) obj); if (!res.containsObject(obj)) res.addObject(obj); } result = res; } } local.takeValueForKey(result, "list"); return result; }
public Application() { super(); PachySanity.adjustEnvironment(); if (isFirstTime()) { PachySanity.showEnvironment(); } else { if (ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("pachy.CreateEnvironment", false)) { PachySanity.createEnvironment(); } if (ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("pachy.ShowEnvironment", true)) { PachySanity.showEnvironment(); } PachySanity.testEnvironment(); if (ERXProperties.booleanForKey("pachy.exitAfterInitialize")) { LOG.info("[APPLICATION] EXIT AFTER INITIALIZING [pachy.exitAfterInitialize == true]"); System.exit(0); /* ############################################# MIGHT STOP HERE (pachy.exitAfterInitialize) #### */ } } er.extensions.ERXExtensions.setAdaptorLogging( ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("pachy.optionEnableAdaptorLog", false)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * ... add the metadata database to the objectStores (why does EOModel not do this?) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ try { CXObjectStoreCoordinator.getDefaultCoordinator() .addObjectStore( "org.pachyderm.assetdb", ERXProperties.stringForKey("dbConnectURLGLOBAL")); LOG.info("org.pachyderm.assetdb registered."); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.error("org.pachyderm.assetdb not registered.", x); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * add the English and French locales to the locale array ... *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ locales = new NSMutableArray<Locale>(); locales.addObject(Locale.ENGLISH); locales.addObject(Locale.FRENCH); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * loading this class, causes "UTRuntimeProvider" to scan for UTI definitions which can take * a long time (~10 seconds on a good day). Rather than have the first unfortunate user incur * that penalty unpredictably, we get it over with now, before anyone logs in ... *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UTType.loadThisClassNow(); }
// Methods for keeping track of current state public NSArray navigationState() { NSArray navigationState = (_navigationState == null) ? new NSArray() : _navigationState; if (_additionalNavigationState != null) { NSMutableArray combinedNavigationState = new NSMutableArray(_navigationState); combinedNavigationState.addObjectsFromArray(_additionalNavigationState); navigationState = combinedNavigationState; } return navigationState; }
public void setNavigationStateWithString(String navigationStateString) { if (navigationStateString != null) { NSMutableArray navigationState = new NSMutableArray(); StringTokenizer navigationStateTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(navigationStateString, "."); while (navigationStateTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { navigationState.addObject(navigationStateTokenizer.nextToken()); } setNavigationState(navigationState); } }
/** * Returns the routes for the given controller class. * * @param routeController the controller class * @return the routes for the given controller class */ public NSArray<ERXRoute> routesForControllerClass( Class<? extends ERXRouteController> routeController) { NSMutableArray<ERXRoute> routes = new NSMutableArray<ERXRoute>(); for (ERXRoute route : _routes) { if (route.controller() == routeController) { routes.add(route); } } return routes; }
/** enleve tous les autres pointeurs d'un objet */ public static NSMutableArray retirerMultiples(NSArray array) { NSMutableArray resultat = new NSMutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.count(); i++) { Object obj = array.objectAtIndex(i); if (!resultat.containsObject(obj)) { resultat.addObject(obj); } } return resultat; }
/** * Loops over each RecordGroup and group it. Init each new sub RecordGroup with empty record * groups for each record group in the parent */ public void groupSubRecordGroupsWithMasterCriteriaLookupDict(NSDictionary groupLookUpDict) { Enumeration anEnum = recordGroupList().objectEnumerator(); while (anEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DRRecordGroup recGrp = (DRRecordGroup) anEnum.nextElement(); NSMutableArray arr = new NSMutableArray(masterCriteriaDrillDownList()); arr.removeObjectAtIndex(0); recGrp.groupSubRecordGroupGroupLookUpDict(arr, groupLookUpDict); } }
// Dictionnary Null value decoder protected static NSMutableArray reWriteListDico(NSArray dicoList) { NSMutableArray listDico = new NSMutableArray(); for (int j = 0; j < dicoList.count(); j++) { NSMutableDictionary tinyDico = new NSMutableDictionary(); tinyDico = (NSMutableDictionary) dicoList.objectAtIndex(j); reWriteDico(tinyDico); listDico.addObject(tinyDico); } return listDico; }