   * Get feature from store and split it.
   * @return a list of feature ids that have been updated
   * @throws Exception when there is an error communication with the datastore of when the arguments
   *     are invalid. In case of an exception the transaction will be rolled back
  private List<FeatureId> splitFeature() throws Exception {
    List<FeatureId> ids = new ArrayList();
    Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("split");
    try {
      // get the feature to split from database using the FID
      FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
      Filter filter = ff.id(new FeatureIdImpl(this.splitFeatureFID));
      FeatureCollection fc = store.getFeatures(filter);
      SimpleFeature f = null;
      if (fc.features().hasNext()) {
        f = (SimpleFeature) fc.features().next();
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Feature to split having ID: (%s) not found in datastore.", this.splitFeatureFID));
      String geomAttribute = store.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName();
      Geometry toSplit = (Geometry) f.getProperty(geomAttribute).getValue();

      // get split line
      Geometry splitWith = new WKTReader().read(this.toSplitWithFeature);

      List<? extends Geometry> geoms = null;
      switch (toSplit.getDimension()) {
        case 1:
          geoms = splitLine(toSplit, splitWith);
        case 2:
          geoms = splitPolygon(toSplit, splitWith);
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Unsupported dimension ("
                  + toSplit.getDimension()
                  + ") for splitting, must be 1 or 2");

      ids = handleStrategy(f, geoms, filter, this.store, this.strategy);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw e;
    } finally {
    if (this.strategy.equalsIgnoreCase("replace")) {
      ids.add(0, new FeatureIdImpl(this.splitFeatureFID));
    return ids;
   * Tests whether this PreparedPolygon intersects a given geometry.
   * @param geom the test geometry
   * @return true if the test geometry intersects
  public boolean intersects(Geometry geom) {
     * Do point-in-poly tests first, since they are cheaper and may result in a quick positive
     * result.
     * <p>If a point of any test components lie in target, result is true
    boolean isInPrepGeomArea = isAnyTestComponentInTarget(geom);
    if (isInPrepGeomArea) return true;

    /** If any segments intersect, result is true */
    List lineSegStr = SegmentStringUtil.extractSegmentStrings(geom);
    // only request intersection finder if there are segments (ie NOT for point inputs)
    if (lineSegStr.size() > 0) {
      boolean segsIntersect = prepPoly.getIntersectionFinder().intersects(lineSegStr);
      if (segsIntersect) return true;

     * If the test has dimension = 2 as well, it is necessary to test for proper inclusion of the
     * target. Since no segments intersect, it is sufficient to test representative points.
    if (geom.getDimension() == 2) {
      // TODO: generalize this to handle GeometryCollections
      boolean isPrepGeomInArea =
          isAnyTargetComponentInAreaTest(geom, prepPoly.getRepresentativePoints());
      if (isPrepGeomInArea) return true;

    return false;
   * Extract the coordinate arrays for a geometry into a List.
   * @param g the Geometry to extract from
   * @param coordArrayList the List to add the coordinate arrays to
   * @param orientPolygons whether or not the arrays in the List should be oriented (clockwise for
   *     the shell, counterclockwise for the holes)
  public static void addCoordinateArrays(Geometry g, boolean orientPolygons, List coordArrayList) {
    if (g.getDimension() <= 0) {
    } else if (g instanceof LineString) {
      LineString l = (LineString) g;
    } else if (g instanceof Polygon) {
      Polygon poly = (Polygon) g;
      Coordinate[] shell = poly.getExteriorRing().getCoordinates();

      if (orientPolygons) {
        shell = ensureOrientation(shell, CGAlgorithms.CLOCKWISE);


      for (int i = 0; i < poly.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) {
        Coordinate[] hole = poly.getInteriorRingN(i).getCoordinates();

        if (orientPolygons) {
          hole = ensureOrientation(hole, CGAlgorithms.COUNTERCLOCKWISE);

    } else if (g instanceof GeometryCollection) {
      GeometryCollection gc = (GeometryCollection) g;

      for (int i = 0; i < gc.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
        addCoordinateArrays(gc.getGeometryN(i), orientPolygons, coordArrayList);
    } else {
      Assert.shouldNeverReachHere("Geometry of type " + g.getClass().getName() + " not handled");
   * Tests whether this geometry intersects a given geometry.
   * @param geom the test geometry
   * @return true if the test geometry intersects
  public boolean intersects(Geometry geom) {
    /** If any segments intersect, obviously intersects = true */
    List lineSegStr = SegmentStringUtil.extractSegmentStrings(geom);
    boolean segsIntersect = prepLine.getIntersectionFinder().intersects(lineSegStr);
    // MD - performance testing
    //		boolean segsIntersect = false;
    if (segsIntersect) return true;

    /** For L/L case we are done */
    if (geom.getDimension() == 1) return false;

    /** For L/A case, need to check for proper inclusion of the target in the test */
    if (geom.getDimension() == 2 && prepLine.isAnyTargetComponentInTest(geom)) return true;

    /** For L/P case, need to check if any points lie on line(s) */
    if (geom.getDimension() == 0) return isAnyTestPointInTarget(geom);

    //		return prepLine.getGeometry().intersects(geom);
    return false;
Exemple #5
  * Gets the AWT {@link Shape} we'll use to represent {@code geom} on the map.
  * @param geom The geometry we want to draw.
  * @param generalize If true we'll perform generalization
  * @return An AWT Shape instance.
 public Shape getShape(Geometry geom, boolean generalize) {
   if (generalize) {
     Rectangle2DDouble rectangle2dDouble = toPixel(geom.getEnvelopeInternal());
     if ((rectangle2dDouble.getHeight() <= MAXPIXEL_DISPLAY)
         && (rectangle2dDouble.getWidth() <= MAXPIXEL_DISPLAY)) {
       if (geom.getDimension() == 1) {
         Coordinate[] coords = geom.getCoordinates();
         return getShapeWriter()
                     .createLineString(new Coordinate[] {coords[0], coords[coords.length - 1]}));
       } else {
         return rectangle2dDouble;
   return getShapeWriter().toShape(geom);
   * Evaluate the <tt>contains</tt> or <tt>covers</tt> relationship for the given geometry.
   * @param geom the test geometry
   * @return true if the test geometry is contained
  protected boolean eval(Geometry geom) {
     * Do point-in-poly tests first, since they are cheaper and may result in a quick negative
     * result.
     * <p>If a point of any test components does not lie in target, result is false
    boolean isAllInTargetArea = isAllTestComponentsInTarget(geom);
    if (!isAllInTargetArea) return false;

     * If the test geometry consists of only Points, then it is now sufficient to test if any of
     * those points lie in the interior of the target geometry. If so, the test is contained. If
     * not, all points are on the boundary of the area, which implies not contained.
    if (requireSomePointInInterior && geom.getDimension() == 0) {
      boolean isAnyInTargetInterior = isAnyTestComponentInTargetInterior(geom);
      return isAnyInTargetInterior;

     * Check if there is any intersection between the line segments in target and test. In some
     * important cases, finding a proper interesection implies that the test geometry is NOT
     * contained. These cases are:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If the test geometry is polygonal
     *   <li>If the target geometry is a single polygon with no holes
     *       <ul>
     *         In both of these cases, a proper intersection implies that there is some portion of
     *         the interior of the test geometry lying outside the target, which means that the test
     *         is not contained.
    boolean properIntersectionImpliesNotContained =
    // MD - testing only
    //		properIntersectionImpliesNotContained = true;

    // find all intersection types which exist

    if (properIntersectionImpliesNotContained && hasProperIntersection) return false;

     * If all intersections are proper (i.e. no non-proper intersections occur) we can conclude that
     * the test geometry is not contained in the target area, by the Epsilon-Neighbourhood Exterior
     * Intersection condition. In real-world data this is likely to be by far the most common
     * situation, since natural data is unlikely to have many exact vertex segment intersections.
     * Thus this check is very worthwhile, since it avoid having to perform a full topological
     * check.
     * <p>(If non-proper (vertex) intersections ARE found, this may indicate a situation where two
     * shells touch at a single vertex, which admits the case where a line could cross between the
     * shells and still be wholely contained in them.
    if (hasSegmentIntersection && !hasNonProperIntersection) return false;

     * If there is a segment intersection and the situation is not one of the ones above, the only
     * choice is to compute the full topological relationship. This is because contains/covers is
     * very sensitive to the situation along the boundary of the target.
    if (hasSegmentIntersection) {
      return fullTopologicalPredicate(geom);
      //			System.out.println(geom);

     * This tests for the case where a ring of the target lies inside a test polygon - which implies
     * the exterior of the Target intersects the interior of the Test, and hence the result is false
    if (geom instanceof Polygonal) {
      // TODO: generalize this to handle GeometryCollections
      boolean isTargetInTestArea =
          isAnyTargetComponentInAreaTest(geom, prepPoly.getRepresentativePoints());
      if (isTargetInTestArea) return false;
    return true;