Exemple #1
  * Creates a <code>Hours</code> representing the number of whole hours between the two specified
  * partial datetimes.
  * <p>The two partials must contain the same fields, for example you can specify two <code>
  * LocalTime</code> objects.
  * @param start the start partial date, must not be null
  * @param end the end partial date, must not be null
  * @return the period in hours
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the partials are null or invalid
 public static Hours hoursBetween(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end) {
   if (start instanceof LocalTime && end instanceof LocalTime) {
     Chronology chrono = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(start.getChronology());
     int hours =
                 ((LocalTime) end).getLocalMillis(), ((LocalTime) start).getLocalMillis());
     return Hours.hours(hours);
   int amount = BaseSingleFieldPeriod.between(start, end, ZERO);
   return Hours.hours(amount);
Exemple #2
  * Creates a new <code>Hours</code> by parsing a string in the ISO8601 format 'PTnH'.
  * <p>The parse will accept the full ISO syntax of PnYnMnWnDTnHnMnS however only the hours
  * component may be non-zero. If any other component is non-zero, an exception will be thrown.
  * @param periodStr the period string, null returns zero
  * @return the period in hours
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string format is invalid
 public static Hours parseHours(String periodStr) {
   if (periodStr == null) {
     return Hours.ZERO;
   Period p = PARSER.parsePeriod(periodStr);
   return Hours.hours(p.getHours());
Exemple #3
  * Creates a <code>Hours</code> representing the number of whole hours in the specified interval.
  * @param interval the interval to extract hours from, null returns zero
  * @return the period in hours
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the partials are null or invalid
 public static Hours hoursIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
   if (interval == null) {
     return Hours.ZERO;
   int amount =
           interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd(), DurationFieldType.hours());
   return Hours.hours(amount);
Exemple #4
  * Returns a new instance with the hours value negated.
  * @return the new period with a negated value
  * @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows an int
 public Hours negated() {
   return Hours.hours(FieldUtils.safeNegate(getValue()));
Exemple #5
  * Returns a new instance with the hours divided by the specified divisor. The calculation uses
  * integer division, thus 3 divided by 2 is 1.
  * <p>This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param divisor the amount to divide by, may be negative
  * @return the new period divided by the specified divisor
  * @throws ArithmeticException if the divisor is zero
 public Hours dividedBy(int divisor) {
   if (divisor == 1) {
     return this;
   return Hours.hours(getValue() / divisor);
Exemple #6
  * Returns a new instance with the hours multiplied by the specified scalar.
  * <p>This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param scalar the amount to multiply by, may be negative
  * @return the new period multiplied by the specified scalar
  * @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows an int
 public Hours multipliedBy(int scalar) {
   return Hours.hours(FieldUtils.safeMultiply(getValue(), scalar));
Exemple #7
  * Returns a new instance with the specified number of hours added.
  * <p>This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param hours the amount of hours to add, may be negative
  * @return the new period plus the specified number of hours
  * @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows an int
 public Hours plus(int hours) {
   if (hours == 0) {
     return this;
   return Hours.hours(FieldUtils.safeAdd(getValue(), hours));
Exemple #8
  * Resolves singletons.
  * @return the singleton instance
 private Object readResolve() {
   return Hours.hours(getValue());
Exemple #9
  * Creates a new <code>Hours</code> representing the number of complete standard length hours in
  * the specified period.
  * <p>This factory method converts all fields from the period to hours using standardised
  * durations for each field. Only those fields which have a precise duration in the ISO UTC
  * chronology can be converted.
  * <ul>
  *   <li>One week consists of 7 days.
  *   <li>One day consists of 24 hours.
  *   <li>One hour consists of 60 minutes.
  *   <li>One minute consists of 60 seconds.
  *   <li>One second consists of 1000 milliseconds.
  * </ul>
  * Months and Years are imprecise and periods containing these values cannot be converted.
  * @param period the period to get the number of hours from, null returns zero
  * @return the period in hours
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the period contains imprecise duration values
 public static Hours standardHoursIn(ReadablePeriod period) {
   int amount = BaseSingleFieldPeriod.standardPeriodIn(period, DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_HOUR);
   return Hours.hours(amount);
Exemple #10
  * Creates a <code>Hours</code> representing the number of whole hours between the two specified
  * datetimes.
  * @param start the start instant, must not be null
  * @param end the end instant, must not be null
  * @return the period in hours
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instants are null or invalid
 public static Hours hoursBetween(ReadableInstant start, ReadableInstant end) {
   int amount = BaseSingleFieldPeriod.between(start, end, DurationFieldType.hours());
   return Hours.hours(amount);