private void normalizeSorts( SchemaContext pc, Map<RewriteKey, ExpressionNode> projMap, Edge<?, ?> in) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MultiEdge<?, SortingSpecification> min = (MultiEdge<?, SortingSpecification>) in; for (SortingSpecification ss : min.getMulti()) { ExpressionNode target = ss.getTarget(); if (target instanceof AliasInstance) continue; else if (target instanceof LiteralExpression) { // i.e. order by 1,2,3 LiteralExpression le = (LiteralExpression) target; Object value = le.getValue(pc); if (value instanceof Long) { Long index = (Long) value; if ((index.intValue() - 1) < projection.size()) { target = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(projection.get(index.intValue() - 1)); } } } ExpressionNode inProjection = projMap.get(target.getRewriteKey()); if (inProjection != null) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) inProjection.getParent(); AliasInstance ai = ea.buildAliasInstance(); ss.getTargetEdge().set(ai); } } }
private LanguageNode fold(LanguageNode in, EngineToken variety) { FunctionCall fc = (FunctionCall) in; ArrayList<ExpressionNode> grouped = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); ArrayList<ExpressionNode> same = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); ArrayList<ExpressionNode> others = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for (ExpressionNode p : fc.getParameters()) { if (EngineConstant.FUNCTION.has(p, variety)) { if (p.isGrouped()) grouped.add(p); else same.add(p); } else { others.add(p); } } if (same.isEmpty() || !grouped.isEmpty()) return in; // if others is empty, this is op(op(a,b),op(c,d)), build op(a,b,c,d) // if others is not empty, this is op(a,op(b,c)) or op(op(a,b),c), build op(a,b,c) ArrayList<ExpressionNode> allsubs = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for (ExpressionNode p : same) { FunctionCall pfc = (FunctionCall) p; allsubs.addAll(pfc.getParameters()); } allsubs.addAll(others); // we're going to group this as well FunctionCall ofc = new FunctionCall(fc.getFunctionName(), allsubs); ofc.setGrouped(); return ofc; }
public static SelectStatement filterEntryProjection(SelectStatement in, PartitionEntry jre) throws PEException { PartitionEntry actual = jre.getActualEntry(); SelectStatement expecting = null; if (actual instanceof OriginalPartitionEntry) expecting = ((OriginalPartitionEntry) actual).getChildCopy(); else expecting = actual.getJoinQuery(null); ListSet<ColumnKey> ec = new ListSet<ColumnKey>(); for (ExpressionNode en : expecting.getProjection()) { ExpressionNode targ = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(en); if (targ instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnKey was = ((ColumnInstance) targ).getColumnKey(); ColumnKey isnow = in.getMapper().copyColumnKeyForward(was); if (isnow == null) { throw new SchemaException(Pass.PLANNER, "Lost column during lookup table join"); } ec.add(isnow); } else if (targ instanceof FunctionCall) { ExpressionNode exn = targ; RewriteKey rk = in.getMapper().mapExpressionToColumn(exn); while (rk == null && (exn.getParent() instanceof ExpressionNode)) { exn = (ExpressionNode) exn.getParent(); rk = in.getMapper().mapExpressionToColumn(exn); } if (rk != null) { ec.add((ColumnKey) rk); } } } for (Iterator<ExpressionNode> iter = in.getProjectionEdge().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ExpressionNode en = ExpressionUtils.getTarget(; if (en instanceof ColumnInstance) { ColumnKey ck = ((ColumnInstance) en).getColumnKey(); if (!ec.contains(ck)) iter.remove(); } } return in; }
private List<ExpressionNode> assignProjectionAliases( SchemaContext pc, List<ExpressionNode> in, AliasInformation ai) { ArrayList<ExpressionNode> np = new ArrayList<ExpressionNode>(); for (ExpressionNode e : in) { if (e instanceof ExpressionAlias) { // already has an alias ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) e; if (ea.isSynthetic()) { // check for dup aliases UnqualifiedName unq = ea.getAlias().getNameAlias(); if (ai.isDuplicateAlias(unq)) { NameAlias prefix = ea.getTarget().buildAlias(pc); ea.setAlias(ai.buildNewAlias(prefix.getNameAlias())); } } else if (ea.getAlias() instanceof StringLiteralAlias) { // mysql 5.5 docs state it is OK specify as a column alias as either a identifier or // string quoted literal in the projection // so here we convert the StringLiteralAlias 'foo' into NameAlias `foo` final StringLiteralAlias stringLit = (StringLiteralAlias) ea.getAlias(); if (!stringLit.get().isEmpty()) { final UnqualifiedName unq = new UnqualifiedName(stringLit.get(), true); ea.setAlias(unq); } else { ea.setAlias(ai.buildNewAlias(null)); } } np.add(e); } else { // see if we can build something reasonable NameAlias prefix = e.buildAlias(pc); np.add( new ExpressionAlias(e, new NameAlias(ai.buildNewAlias(prefix.getNameAlias())), true)); } } return np; }
private ProjectionInfo buildProjectionMetadata(SchemaContext pc, List<ExpressionNode> proj) { Emitter emitter = Singletons.require(HostService.class).getDBNative().getEmitter(); try { emitter.setOptions(EmitOptions.RESULTSETMETADATA); emitter.pushContext(pc.getTokens()); ProjectionInfo pi = new ProjectionInfo(proj.size()); for (int i = 0; i < proj.size(); i++) { ExpressionNode e = proj.get(i); String columnName = null; String aliasName = null; ColumnInstance ci = null; if (e.getSourceLocation() != null && e.getSourceLocation().isComputed()) { aliasName = e.getSourceLocation().getText(); } if (e instanceof ExpressionAlias) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) e; Alias aname = ea.getAlias(); if (aname != null) aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(aname.getSQL()); ExpressionNode cname = ea.getTarget(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, cname, buf); columnName = buf.toString(); if (cname instanceof ColumnInstance) { ci = (ColumnInstance) cname; } else { aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(aliasName); columnName = aliasName; } } else if (e instanceof ColumnInstance) { ci = (ColumnInstance) e; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, e, buf); columnName = buf.toString(); aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(columnName); } else { if (aliasName != null) { // via above columnName = aliasName; } else { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, e, buf); columnName = (e instanceof LiteralExpression) ? PEStringUtils.dequote(buf.toString()) : buf.toString(); aliasName = columnName; } } ColumnInfo colInfo = pi.addColumn(i + 1, columnName, (aliasName == null ? columnName : aliasName)); if (ci != null) { String tblName = null; String dbName = null; Column<?> backingColumn = ci.getColumn(); TableKey tk = ci.getTableInstance().getTableKey(); if (tk instanceof MTTableKey) { MTTableKey mtk = (MTTableKey) tk; tblName = mtk.getScope().getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); PETenant tenant = mtk.getScope().getTenant(pc); PEDatabase pdb = tenant.getDatabase(pc); if (pdb.getMTMode() == MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE) dbName = tenant.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); else dbName = pdb.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } else { Table<?> tab = tk.getTable(); if (tab.isInfoSchema()) { dbName = PEConstants.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DBNAME; } else { Database<?> tabDb = tab.getDatabase(pc); if (tab.isTempTable() && (tabDb == null)) { tabDb = pc.getCurrentDatabase(false); if (tabDb == null) { tabDb = pc.getAnyNonSchemaDatabase(); } final TempTable tabAstempTable = ((TempTable) tab); tabAstempTable.setDatabase(pc, (PEDatabase) tabDb, true); tabAstempTable.refreshColumnLookupTable(); } if (tabDb != null) { dbName = tabDb.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } } tblName = tab.getName(pc).getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } if (tblName != null) colInfo.setDatabaseAndTable(dbName, tblName); if (backingColumn instanceof PEColumn) { // set flags PEColumn pec = (PEColumn) backingColumn; if (!pec.isNotNullable() || pec.isNullable()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.NULLABLE); if (pec.isAutoIncrement()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.AUTO_INCREMENT); if (pec.isKeyPart()) { colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.KEY_PART); if (pec.isPrimaryKeyPart()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY_PART); if (pec.isUniquePart()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.UNIQUE_PART); } } } } return pi; } finally { emitter.popContext(); } }
public AndedParts(LanguageNode owning, TableKey tk, List<Part> inparts) { this(owning, tk, inparts, false); ((ExpressionNode) owning).setGrouped(); }
public OredParts(LanguageNode parent, TableKey tk, Collection<Part> p) { super(parent, tk); parts = new ListSet<Part>(); parts.addAll(p); ((ExpressionNode) parent).setGrouped(); }