@Test public void testTypes() throws Exception { roundTrip( "create persistent site s5 url='jdbc:mysql://s5/db1' user='******' password='******'", null); roundTrip("create persistent group sg3 add s5", null); roundTrip("create database mydb3 default persistent group sg3", null); NativeTypeCatalog tc = Singletons.require(HostService.class).getDBNative().getTypeCatalog(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE typeRoundTrip ( ").append(PEConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); int counter = 0; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, NativeType>> iter = tc.getTypeCatalogEntries().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, NativeType> me = iter.next(); NativeType nt = me.getValue(); if (nt.isUsedInCreate()) { if (counter > 0) buf.append(", ").append(PEConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); buf.append("`f").append(++counter).append("` ").append(nt.getTypeName()); if (nt.isUnsignedAttribute()) buf.append(", `f") .append(++counter) .append("` ") .append(nt.getTypeName()) .append(" ") .append(MysqlNativeType.MODIFIER_UNSIGNED); } } buf.append(") "); roundTrip(buf.toString(), "mydb3"); }
public BootstrapHost(String name, Properties props) { super(name, props); Singletons.replace(BootstrapHostService.class, this); try { workerManager = new WorkerManager(); setWorkerManagerAddress(workerManager.getAddress()); notificationManager = new NotificationManager(); setNotificationManagerAddress(notificationManager.getAddress()); statisticsManager = new StatisticsManager(); setStatisticsManagerAddress(statisticsManager.getAddress()); broadcastMessageAgent = new BroadcastMessageAgent(); setBroadcastMessageAgentAddress(broadcastMessageAgent.getAddress()); WorkerGroupFactory.startup(workerManager); initializeCatalogServices(); if (GroupManager.getCoordinationServices().localMemberIsOldestMember()) doGlobalRecovery(); registerMBeans(); } catch (PEException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start DVE server - " + e.rootCause().getMessage(), e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start DVE server - " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
public String[] generateCatalog() throws PEException { CatalogDAO c = CatalogDAOFactory.newInstance(); String[] current = null; try { CatalogGenerator generator = Singletons.require(CatalogGenerator.class); current = generator.buildCreateCurrentSchema( c, Singletons.require(HostService.class) .getProperties()); // TODO: this looks like we are only looking up the host to get // something for the catalog. -sgossard } finally { c.close(); } return current; }
@Override public void executeRequest( final Worker w, final DBResultConsumer resultConsumer, CompletionHandle<Boolean> promise) { SQLCommand ddl = Singletons.require(HostService.class) .getDBNative() .getGrantPriviledgesCommand(userDeclaration, "*"); simpleExecute(w, resultConsumer, ddl, promise); }
@Override public String getSQL(SchemaContext sc, Emitter emitter, EmitOptions opts, boolean unused) { if (likeClause != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "); Singletons.require(DBNative.class) .getEmitter() .emitExpression(sc, sc.getValues(), likeClause, buf, -1); return buf.toString(); } else return "show table status ..."; }
@Override public int getPortalClientExecutorQueueSize() { MySqlPortalService portal = Singletons.lookup(MySqlPortalService.class); return portal == null ? 0 : portal.getClientExecutorQueueSize(); }
@Override public int getPortalWorkerGroupCount() { MySqlPortalService portal = Singletons.lookup(MySqlPortalService.class); return portal == null ? 0 : portal.getWorkerGroupCount(); }
private ProjectionInfo buildProjectionMetadata(SchemaContext pc, List<ExpressionNode> proj) { Emitter emitter = Singletons.require(HostService.class).getDBNative().getEmitter(); try { emitter.setOptions(EmitOptions.RESULTSETMETADATA); emitter.pushContext(pc.getTokens()); ProjectionInfo pi = new ProjectionInfo(proj.size()); for (int i = 0; i < proj.size(); i++) { ExpressionNode e = proj.get(i); String columnName = null; String aliasName = null; ColumnInstance ci = null; if (e.getSourceLocation() != null && e.getSourceLocation().isComputed()) { aliasName = e.getSourceLocation().getText(); } if (e instanceof ExpressionAlias) { ExpressionAlias ea = (ExpressionAlias) e; Alias aname = ea.getAlias(); if (aname != null) aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(aname.getSQL()); ExpressionNode cname = ea.getTarget(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, cname, buf); columnName = buf.toString(); if (cname instanceof ColumnInstance) { ci = (ColumnInstance) cname; } else { aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(aliasName); columnName = aliasName; } } else if (e instanceof ColumnInstance) { ci = (ColumnInstance) e; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, e, buf); columnName = buf.toString(); aliasName = PEStringUtils.dequote(columnName); } else { if (aliasName != null) { // via above columnName = aliasName; } else { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); emitter.emitExpression(pc, e, buf); columnName = (e instanceof LiteralExpression) ? PEStringUtils.dequote(buf.toString()) : buf.toString(); aliasName = columnName; } } ColumnInfo colInfo = pi.addColumn(i + 1, columnName, (aliasName == null ? columnName : aliasName)); if (ci != null) { String tblName = null; String dbName = null; Column<?> backingColumn = ci.getColumn(); TableKey tk = ci.getTableInstance().getTableKey(); if (tk instanceof MTTableKey) { MTTableKey mtk = (MTTableKey) tk; tblName = mtk.getScope().getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); PETenant tenant = mtk.getScope().getTenant(pc); PEDatabase pdb = tenant.getDatabase(pc); if (pdb.getMTMode() == MultitenantMode.ADAPTIVE) dbName = tenant.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); else dbName = pdb.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } else { Table<?> tab = tk.getTable(); if (tab.isInfoSchema()) { dbName = PEConstants.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DBNAME; } else { Database<?> tabDb = tab.getDatabase(pc); if (tab.isTempTable() && (tabDb == null)) { tabDb = pc.getCurrentDatabase(false); if (tabDb == null) { tabDb = pc.getAnyNonSchemaDatabase(); } final TempTable tabAstempTable = ((TempTable) tab); tabAstempTable.setDatabase(pc, (PEDatabase) tabDb, true); tabAstempTable.refreshColumnLookupTable(); } if (tabDb != null) { dbName = tabDb.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } } tblName = tab.getName(pc).getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(); } if (tblName != null) colInfo.setDatabaseAndTable(dbName, tblName); if (backingColumn instanceof PEColumn) { // set flags PEColumn pec = (PEColumn) backingColumn; if (!pec.isNotNullable() || pec.isNullable()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.NULLABLE); if (pec.isAutoIncrement()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.AUTO_INCREMENT); if (pec.isKeyPart()) { colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.KEY_PART); if (pec.isPrimaryKeyPart()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.PRIMARY_KEY_PART); if (pec.isUniquePart()) colInfo.setAttribute(ColumnAttribute.UNIQUE_PART); } } } } return pi; } finally { emitter.popContext(); } }
@Override public void onStatement(String sql, SourcePosition sp, Statement s) throws Throwable { saveIntermediateCheckpoint(); globalCounters.increment(GlobalCounters.PROCESSED_STATEMENTS); if (s instanceof EmptyStatement) { globalCounters.increment(GlobalCounters.EMPTY_STATEMENTS); return; } if (!s.isDML()) { trackNonDML(s, sql); return; } final Emitter emitter = Singletons.require(HostService.class).getDBNative().getEmitter(); emitter.setOptions(emitOptions); final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); final DMLStatement dmls = (DMLStatement) s; final DMLCounters incCounter = lookupDMLCounter(dmls); if (dmls instanceof InsertIntoValuesStatement) { final InsertIntoValuesStatement iivs = (InsertIntoValuesStatement) dmls; emitter.emitInsertPrefix(tee.getPersistenceContext(), iivs, buf); final String prefix = buf.toString(); InsertEntry ie = inserts.get(prefix); if (ie == null) { final Database<?> db = dmls.getDatabase(tee.getPersistenceContext()); ie = new InsertEntry( corpus, prefix, iivs.getColumnSpecification().size(), iivs.getClass().getSimpleName(), (db == null ? null : db.getName().get())); inserts.put(prefix, ie); } ie.bump(iivs.getValues().size()); } else { emitter.emitStatement(tee.getPersistenceContext(), dmls, buf); final String p = buf.toString(); NonInsertEntry se = byParam.get(p); if (se == null) { String shrunk = null; int litCount = -1; if (!(dmls instanceof InsertIntoValuesStatement)) { final CandidateParser cp = new CandidateParser(sql); if (cp.shrink()) { shrunk = cp.getShrunk(); // also verify we get the same number of literals final ValueManager valueManager = tee.getPersistenceContext().getValueManager(); litCount = cp.getLiterals().size(); if (litCount != valueManager.getNumberOfLiterals()) { final ValueManager.CacheStatus cacheStatus = valueManager.getCacheStatus(); String reason; switch (cacheStatus) { case NOCACHE_DYNAMIC_FUNCTION: reason = "contains a non-cacheable dynamic function"; break; case NOCACHE_TOO_MANY_LITERALS: reason = "literal count exceeded configured max_cached_plan_literals"; break; case CACHEABLE: default: reason = "unknown"; } logError( sql, sp, "Mismatched literal size; parse=" + valueManager.getNumberOfLiterals() + "/shrink=" + litCount + " , reason=" + reason, false); } } else { logError(sql, sp, "Unable to shrink", false); } } final Database<?> db = dmls.getDatabase(tee.getPersistenceContext()); se = new NonInsertEntry( corpus, sql, dmls.getClass().getSimpleName(), (db == null ? null : db.getName().get()), litCount, incCounter); byParam.put(p, se); if (shrunk != null) { globalCounters.increment(GlobalCounters.SHRINK_CACHE_ADDS); byShrunk.put(shrunk, se); } } if (se.populationObject.getLiteralCount() >= 0) { literalCounts.sample(se.populationObject.getLiteralCount()); } se.bump(dmlBreakout, literalCounts); } }