public WF_Not_ClickableField_SumAndCountOfVariables( String header, String descriptionT, WF_Context myContext, String myTarget, String pattern, Type sumOrCount, boolean isVisible, String textColor, String bgColor) { super( header, descriptionT, myContext, LayoutInflater.from(myContext.getContext()) .inflate(R.layout.selection_field_normal_colored, null), isVisible); this.myContext = myContext; o = GlobalState.getInstance().getLogger(); targetList = myContext.getList(myTarget); myType = sumOrCount; myPattern = pattern; allMatchingVariables = new HashSet<Variable>(); TextView text = (TextView) getWidget().findViewById(; LinearLayout bg = (LinearLayout) getWidget().findViewById(; if (bgColor != null) bg.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor(bgColor)); if (textColor != null) text.setTextColor(Color.parseColor(textColor)); if (targetList == null) { o.addRow(""); o.addRedText( "Couldn't create " + header + " since target list: " + myTarget + " does not exist"); Log.e( "parser", "couldn't create SumAndCountOfVariables - could not find target list " + myTarget); } else { for (Listable l : targetList.getList()) { Set<Variable> vars = l.getAssociatedVariables(); for (Variable v : vars) { if (v.getId().matches(myPattern)) allMatchingVariables.add(v); } } myContext.addEventListener(this, EventType.onRedraw); } }
public void matchAndRecalculateMe() { String variablesWithNoValue = "["; Long sum = Long.valueOf(0); if (targetList == null) return; for (Variable v : allMatchingVariables) { String val = v.getValue(); if (val != null && !val.isEmpty()) { // Log.d("nils","VALUE: "+v.getValue()); if (myType == Type.count) { sum++; } else { try { sum += Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("vortex", "Numberformatexception for " + val); } } } else variablesWithNoValue += v.getId() + ","; } /* for (Listable l:targetList.getList()) { Set<Variable> vars = l.getAssociatedVariables(); //Log.d("nils","now in matchandrecalculate with list size "+vars.size()+" my label: "+this.getLabel()); if (vars!=null && !vars.isEmpty()) { for (Variable v:vars) { if (v.getId().matches(myPattern)) { Log.d("nils","Match for "+v.getId()); if (v.getValue()!=null) { //Log.d("nils","VALUE: "+v.getValue()); if (myType == Type.count) { sum++; } else { String val=v.getValue(); if (val!=null && !val.isEmpty()) { try { sum+=Long.parseLong(v.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sum+=0; } } } } else { variablesWithNoValue += v.getId()+","; } } } } else { Log.d("nils ","Vars for "+l.getLabel()+" empty"); } }*/ if (sum == 0) { variablesWithNoValue += "]"; o.addRow(""); o.addYellowText( "Sum zero in Count/Add Block. with pattern [" + myPattern + "] No value found for:"); o.addRow(variablesWithNoValue); } else { o.addRow(""); o.addGreenText("Found match(es) in Count/Add Block with pattern [" + myPattern + "]"); } if (myVar != null) myVar.setValue(sum.toString()); }