Exemple #1
   * Replace Placeholders for repeating annotations with their containers
  private <T extends Attribute.Compound> void complete(Annotate.AnnotateRepeatedContext<T> ctx) {
    Log log = ctx.log;
    Env<AttrContext> env = ctx.env;
    JavaFileObject oldSource = log.useSource(env.toplevel.sourcefile);
    try {
      // TODO: can we reduce duplication in the following branches?
      if (ctx.isTypeCompound) {

        if (isTypesEmpty()) {

        List<Attribute.TypeCompound> result = List.nil();
        for (Attribute.TypeCompound a : getTypeAttributes()) {
          if (a instanceof Placeholder) {
            Placeholder<Attribute.TypeCompound> ph = (Placeholder<Attribute.TypeCompound>) a;
            Attribute.TypeCompound replacement = replaceOne(ph, ph.getRepeatedContext());

            if (null != replacement) {
              result = result.prepend(replacement);
          } else {
            result = result.prepend(a);

        type_attributes = result.reverse();

      } else {

        if (isEmpty()) {

        List<Attribute.Compound> result = List.nil();
        for (Attribute.Compound a : getDeclarationAttributes()) {
          if (a instanceof Placeholder) {
            Attribute.Compound replacement = replaceOne((Placeholder<T>) a, ctx);

            if (null != replacement) {
              result = result.prepend(replacement);
          } else {
            result = result.prepend(a);

        attributes = result.reverse();

    } finally {
 private Module loadModuleFromSource(String pkgName, LinkedList<JCCompilationUnit> moduleTrees) {
   if (pkgName.isEmpty()) return null;
   String moduleClassName = pkgName + ".module";
   JavaFileObject fileObject;
   try {
     if (options.get(OptionName.VERBOSE) != null) {
       Log.printLines(log.noticeWriter, "[Trying to load module " + moduleClassName + "]");
     fileObject =
             StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, moduleClassName, Kind.SOURCE);
     if (options.get(OptionName.VERBOSE) != null) {
       Log.printLines(log.noticeWriter, "[Got file object: " + fileObject + "]");
   } catch (IOException e) {
     return loadModuleFromSource(getParentPackage(pkgName), moduleTrees);
   if (fileObject != null) {
     CeylonCompilationUnit ceylonCompilationUnit = (CeylonCompilationUnit) parse(fileObject);
     // parse the module info from there
     Module module = ceylonCompilationUnit.phasedUnit.visitSrcModulePhase();
     // now try to obtain the parsed module
     if (module != null) {
       return module;
   return loadModuleFromSource(getParentPackage(pkgName), moduleTrees);
    public boolean hasNext() {
      if (nextProc != null) return true;
      else {
        if (!names.hasNext()) return false;
        else {
          String processorName = names.next();

          Processor processor;
          try {
            try {
              processor = (Processor) (processorCL.loadClass(processorName).newInstance());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
              log.error("proc.processor.not.found", processorName);
              return false;
            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
              log.error("proc.processor.wrong.type", processorName);
              return false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
              log.error("proc.processor.cant.instantiate", processorName);
              return false;
          } catch (ClientCodeException e) {
            throw e;
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new AnnotationProcessingError(t);
          nextProc = processor;
          return true;
 /** Handle a security exception thrown during initializing the Processor iterator. */
 private void handleException(String key, Exception e) {
   if (e != null) {
     log.error(key, e.getLocalizedMessage());
     throw new Abort(e);
   } else {
     throw new Abort();
 public Processor next() {
   try {
     return (Processor) (iterator.next());
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if ("ServiceConfigurationError".equals(t.getClass().getSimpleName())) {
       log.error("proc.bad.config.file", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     } else {
       log.error("proc.processor.constructor.error", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     throw new Abort(t);
 /** Create the compiler to be used for the final compilation. */
 JavaCompiler finalCompiler(boolean errorStatus) {
   try {
     JavaCompiler c = JavaCompiler.instance(nextContext());
     c.log.nwarnings += compiler.log.nwarnings;
     if (errorStatus) {
       c.log.nerrors += compiler.log.nerrors;
     return c;
   } finally {
Exemple #7
 /** Print a string that explains usage for X options. */
 void xhelp() {
   for (int i = 0; i < recognizedOptions.length; i++) {
   Log.printLines(out, getLocalizedString("msg.usage.nonstandard.footer"));
Exemple #8
 /** Print a string that explains usage. */
 void help() {
   Log.printLines(out, getLocalizedString("msg.usage.header", ownName));
   for (int i = 0; i < recognizedOptions.length; i++) {
 /** Print info about this round. */
 private void printRoundInfo(boolean lastRound) {
   if (printRounds || verbose) {
     List<ClassSymbol> tlc = lastRound ? List.<ClassSymbol>nil() : topLevelClasses;
     Set<TypeElement> ap = lastRound ? Collections.<TypeElement>emptySet() : annotationsPresent;
     log.printNoteLines("x.print.rounds", number, "{" + tlc.toString(", ") + "}", ap, lastRound);
Exemple #10
 void setContext(Context context) {
   log = Log.instance(context);
   options = Options.instance(context);
   lint = Lint.instance(context);
   fsInfo = FSInfo.instance(context);
   config = CompilerConfig.instance(context);
  /** Construct a new compiler from a shared context. */
  public AptJavaCompiler(Context context) {

    context.put(compilerKey, this);
    apt = Apt.instance(context);

    ClassReader classReader = ClassReader.instance(context);
    classReader.preferSource = true;

    // TEMPORARY NOTE: bark==log, but while refactoring, we maintain their
    // original identities, to remember the original intent.
    log = Log.instance(context);
    bark = Bark.instance(context);

    Options options = Options.instance(context);
    classOutput = options.get("-retrofit") == null;
    nocompile = options.get("-nocompile") != null;
    print = options.get("-print") != null;
    classesAsDecls = options.get("-XclassesAsDecls") != null;

    genSourceFileNames = new java.util.LinkedHashSet<String>();
    genClassFileNames = new java.util.LinkedHashSet<String>();

    // this forces a copy of the line map to be kept in the tree,
    // for use by com.sun.mirror.util.SourcePosition.
    lineDebugInfo = true;
  public JavacProcessingEnvironment(Context context, Iterable<? extends Processor> processors) {
    this.context = context;
    log = Log.instance(context);
    source = Source.instance(context);
    diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context);
    options = Options.instance(context);
    printProcessorInfo = options.isSet(XPRINTPROCESSORINFO);
    printRounds = options.isSet(XPRINTROUNDS);
    verbose = options.isSet(VERBOSE);
    lint = Lint.instance(context).isEnabled(PROCESSING);
    procOnly = options.isSet(PROC, "only") || options.isSet(XPRINT);
    fatalErrors = options.isSet("fatalEnterError");
    showResolveErrors = options.isSet("showResolveErrors");
    werror = options.isSet(WERROR);
    platformAnnotations = initPlatformAnnotations();
    foundTypeProcessors = false;

    // Initialize services before any processors are initialized
    // in case processors use them.
    filer = new JavacFiler(context);
    messager = new JavacMessager(context, this);
    elementUtils = JavacElements.instance(context);
    typeUtils = JavacTypes.instance(context);
    processorOptions = initProcessorOptions(context);
    unmatchedProcessorOptions = initUnmatchedProcessorOptions();
    messages = JavacMessages.instance(context);
    initProcessorIterator(context, processors);
  * Process a single compound annotation, returning its Attribute. Used from MemberEnter for
  * attaching the attributes to the annotated symbol.
 Attribute.Compound enterAnnotation(JCAnnotation a, Type expected, Env<AttrContext> env) {
   // The annotation might have had its type attributed (but not checked)
   // by attr.attribAnnotationTypes during MemberEnter, in which case we do not
   // need to do it again.
   Type at =
       (a.annotationType.type != null
           ? a.annotationType.type
           : attr.attribType(a.annotationType, env));
   a.type = chk.checkType(a.annotationType.pos(), at, expected);
   if (a.type.isErroneous())
     return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, List.<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>nil());
   if ((a.type.tsym.flags() & Flags.ANNOTATION) == 0) {
     log.error(a.annotationType.pos(), "not.annotation.type", a.type.toString());
     return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, List.<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>nil());
   List<JCExpression> args = a.args;
   if (args.length() == 1 && args.head.getTag() != JCTree.ASSIGN) {
     // special case: elided "value=" assumed
     args.head = make.at(args.head.pos).Assign(make.Ident(names.value), args.head);
   ListBuffer<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>> buf = new ListBuffer<Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>>();
   for (List<JCExpression> tl = args; tl.nonEmpty(); tl = tl.tail) {
     JCExpression t = tl.head;
     if (t.getTag() != JCTree.ASSIGN) {
       log.error(t.pos(), "annotation.value.must.be.name.value");
     JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) t;
     if (assign.lhs.getTag() != JCTree.IDENT) {
       log.error(t.pos(), "annotation.value.must.be.name.value");
     JCIdent left = (JCIdent) assign.lhs;
     Symbol method =
         rs.resolveQualifiedMethod(left.pos(), env, a.type, left.name, List.<Type>nil(), null);
     left.sym = method;
     left.type = method.type;
     if (method.owner != a.type.tsym)
       log.error(left.pos(), "no.annotation.member", left.name, a.type);
     Type result = method.type.getReturnType();
     Attribute value = enterAttributeValue(result, assign.rhs, env);
     if (!method.type.isErroneous())
       buf.append(new Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute>((MethodSymbol) method, value));
     t.type = result;
   return new Attribute.Compound(a.type, buf.toList());
    /** Create a round (common code). */
    private Round(Context context, int number, int priorErrors, int priorWarnings) {
      this.context = context;
      this.number = number;

      compiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context);
      log = Log.instance(context);
      log.nerrors = priorErrors;
      log.nwarnings += priorWarnings;
      log.deferDiagnostics = true;

      // the following is for the benefit of JavacProcessingEnvironment.getContext()
      JavacProcessingEnvironment.this.context = context;

      // the following will be populated as needed
      topLevelClasses = List.nil();
      packageInfoFiles = List.nil();
Exemple #15
 /** Report a usage error. */
 void error(String key, Object... args) {
   if (fatalErrors) {
     String msg = getLocalizedString(key, args);
     throw new PropagatedException(new IllegalStateException(msg));
   warning(key, args);
   Log.printLines(out, getLocalizedString("msg.usage", ownName));
  * Convert import-style string for supported annotations into a regex matching that string. If the
  * string is a valid import-style string, return a regex that won't match anything.
 private static Pattern importStringToPattern(String s, Processor p, Log log) {
   if (isValidImportString(s)) {
     return validImportStringToPattern(s);
   } else {
     log.warning("proc.malformed.supported.string", s, p.getClass().getName());
     return noMatches; // won't match any valid identifier
 void showDiagnostics(boolean showAll) {
   Set<JCDiagnostic.Kind> kinds = EnumSet.allOf(JCDiagnostic.Kind.class);
   if (!showAll) {
     // suppress errors, which are all presumed to be transient resolve errors
Exemple #18
  public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
    JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile);
    boolean addEnv = false;
    boolean isPkgInfo =
        tree.sourcefile.isNameCompatible("package-info", JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
    if (tree.pid != null) {
      tree.packge = reader.enterPackage(TreeInfo.fullName(tree.pid));
      if (tree.packageAnnotations.nonEmpty()) {
        if (isPkgInfo) {
          addEnv = true;
        } else {
          log.error(tree.packageAnnotations.head.pos(), "pkg.annotations.sb.in.package-info.java");
    } else {
      tree.packge = syms.unnamedPackage;
    tree.packge.complete(); // Find all classes in package.
    Env<AttrContext> env = topLevelEnv(tree);

    // Save environment of package-info.java file.
    if (isPkgInfo) {
      Env<AttrContext> env0 = typeEnvs.get(tree.packge);
      if (env0 == null) {
        typeEnvs.put(tree.packge, env);
      } else {
        JCCompilationUnit tree0 = env0.toplevel;
        if (!fileManager.isSameFile(tree.sourcefile, tree0.sourcefile)) {
              tree.pid != null ? tree.pid.pos() : null, "pkg-info.already.seen", tree.packge);
          if (addEnv
              || (tree0.packageAnnotations.isEmpty()
                  && tree.docComments != null
                  && tree.docComments.get(tree) != null)) {
            typeEnvs.put(tree.packge, env);
    classEnter(tree.defs, env);
    if (addEnv) {
    result = null;
 private boolean callProcessor(
     Processor proc, Set<? extends TypeElement> tes, RoundEnvironment renv) {
   try {
     return proc.process(tes, renv);
   } catch (BadClassFile ex) {
     log.error("proc.cant.access.1", ex.sym, ex.getDetailValue());
     return false;
   } catch (CompletionFailure ex) {
     StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
     ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));
     log.error("proc.cant.access", ex.sym, ex.getDetailValue(), out.toString());
     return false;
   } catch (ClientCodeException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     throw new AnnotationProcessingError(t);
 protected Operators(Context context) {
   context.put(operatorsKey, this);
   syms = Symtab.instance(context);
   names = Names.instance(context);
   log = Log.instance(context);
   types = Types.instance(context);
Exemple #21
  /** Construct a new module finder. */
  protected ModuleFinder(Context context) {
    context.put(moduleFinderKey, this);
    names = Names.instance(context);
    syms = Symtab.instance(context);
    fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class);
    log = Log.instance(context);
    classFinder = ClassFinder.instance(context);

    diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context);
 public boolean hasNext() {
   try {
     return iterator.hasNext();
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if ("ServiceConfigurationError".equals(t.getClass().getSimpleName())) {
       log.error("proc.bad.config.file", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     throw new Abort(t);
     * Checks whether or not a processor's source version is compatible with the compilation source
     * version. The processor's source version needs to be greater than or equal to the source
     * version of the compile.
    private void checkSourceVersionCompatibility(Source source, Log log) {
      SourceVersion procSourceVersion = processor.getSupportedSourceVersion();

      if (procSourceVersion.compareTo(Source.toSourceVersion(source)) < 0) {
 /** Report an operator lookup error. */
 private Symbol reportErrorIfNeeded(DiagnosticPosition pos, Tag tag, Type... args) {
   if (Stream.of(args).noneMatch(Type::isErroneous)) {
     Name opName = operatorName(tag);
     JCDiagnostic.Error opError =
         (args.length) == 1
             ? Errors.OperatorCantBeApplied(opName, args[0])
             : Errors.OperatorCantBeApplied1(opName, args[0], args[1]);
     log.error(pos, opError);
   return syms.noSymbol;
 protected Annotate(Context context) {
   context.put(annotateKey, this);
   attr = Attr.instance(context);
   make = TreeMaker.instance(context);
   log = Log.instance(context);
   syms = Symtab.instance(context);
   names = Names.instance(context);
   rs = Resolve.instance(context);
   types = Types.instance(context);
   cfolder = ConstFold.instance(context);
   chk = Check.instance(context);
 protected RichDiagnosticFormatter(Context context) {
   super((AbstractDiagnosticFormatter) Log.instance(context).getDiagnosticFormatter());
   setRichPrinter(new RichPrinter());
   this.syms = Symtab.instance(context);
   this.diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context);
   this.types = Types.instance(context);
   this.messages = JavacMessages.instance(context);
   whereClauses = new LinkedHashMap<WhereClauseKind, Map<Type, JCDiagnostic>>();
   configuration = new RichConfiguration(Options.instance(context), formatter);
   for (WhereClauseKind kind : WhereClauseKind.values())
     whereClauses.put(kind, new LinkedHashMap<Type, JCDiagnostic>());
 public static MethodSymbol resolveMethod(
     VisitorState state,
     TypeSymbol base,
     Name name,
     Iterable<Type> argTypes,
     Iterable<Type> tyargTypes) {
   Resolve resolve = Resolve.instance(state.context);
   Enter enter = Enter.instance(state.context);
   Log log = Log.instance(state.context);
   DeferredDiagnosticHandler handler = new DeferredDiagnosticHandler(log);
   try {
     return resolve.resolveInternalMethod(
         /*pos*/ null,
   } finally {
Exemple #28
  private <T extends Attribute.Compound> T replaceOne(
      Placeholder<T> placeholder, Annotate.AnnotateRepeatedContext<T> ctx) {
    Log log = ctx.log;

    // Process repeated annotations
    T validRepeated = ctx.processRepeatedAnnotations(placeholder.getPlaceholderFor(), sym);

    if (validRepeated != null) {
      // Check that the container isn't manually
      // present along with repeated instances of
      // its contained annotation.
      ListBuffer<T> manualContainer = ctx.annotated.get(validRepeated.type.tsym);
      if (manualContainer != null) {

    // A null return will delete the Placeholder
    return validRepeated;
Exemple #29
   * Main method: enter one class from a list of toplevel trees and place the rest on uncompleted
   * for later processing.
   * @param trees The list of trees to be processed.
   * @param c The class symbol to be processed.
  public void complete(List<JCCompilationUnit> trees, ClassSymbol c) {
    ListBuffer<ClassSymbol> prevUncompleted = uncompleted;
    if (memberEnter.completionEnabled) uncompleted = new ListBuffer<ClassSymbol>();

    try {
      // enter all classes, and construct uncompleted list
      classEnter(trees, null);

      // complete all uncompleted classes in memberEnter
      if (memberEnter.completionEnabled) {
        while (uncompleted.nonEmpty()) {
          ClassSymbol clazz = uncompleted.next();
          if (c == null || c == clazz || prevUncompleted == null) clazz.complete();
            // defer

        // if there remain any unimported toplevels (these must have
        // no classes at all), process their import statements as well.
        for (JCCompilationUnit tree : trees) {
          if (tree.starImportScope.elems == null) {
            JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile);
            Env<AttrContext> env = typeEnvs.get(tree);
            if (env == null) env = topLevelEnv(tree);
            memberEnter.memberEnter(tree, env);
    } finally {
      uncompleted = prevUncompleted;
Exemple #30
  private List<ModuleSymbol> scanModulePath(ModuleSymbol toFind) {
    ListBuffer<ModuleSymbol> results = new ListBuffer<>();
    Map<Name, Location> namesInSet = new HashMap<>();
    while (moduleLocationIterator.hasNext()) {
      Set<Location> locns = (moduleLocationIterator.next());
      for (Location l : locns) {
        try {
          Name n = names.fromString(fileManager.inferModuleName(l));
          if (namesInSet.put(n, l) == null) {
            ModuleSymbol msym = syms.enterModule(n);
            if (msym.sourceLocation != null || msym.classLocation != null) {
              // module has already been found, so ignore this instance
            if (moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH) {
              msym.sourceLocation = l;
              if (fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT)) {
                msym.classLocation =
                        StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, msym.name.toString());
            } else {
              msym.classLocation = l;
            if (moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.SYSTEM_MODULES
                || moduleLocationIterator.outer == StandardLocation.UPGRADE_MODULE_PATH) {
              msym.flags_field |= Flags.SYSTEM_MODULE;
            if (toFind == msym || toFind == null) {
              // Note: cannot return msym directly, because we must finish
              // processing this set first
          } else {
                Errors.DuplicateModuleOnPath(getDescription(moduleLocationIterator.outer), n));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // skip location for now?  log error?
      if (toFind != null && results.nonEmpty()) return results.toList();

    return results.toList();