public class Board implements GLEventListener { private String mp3File, artist, album; private long time, timeGap; private ArrayList<Line> lines; private Music song; private boolean songIsPlaying, firstTime; private int lowestNoteToProcess, lowestNoteToRender; private int score; private boolean[] key; private long dt_timer; private int fretDuration; // number of milliseconds on the fret private int noteErrorDuration; // number of milliseconds to still accept a note. bidirectional. private float targetPos; // location of buttons to press private float length; float[][] colors; Note noteToDraw; private GLU glu = new GLU(); private TextRenderer renderer; // test values/////////////////////// // private float y =0.8624921f , z=-2.3839877f; // 1.9000014 0.35450974 private long previous; private float y = 1.9000014f, z = 0.35450974f; public static Input1 input = new Input1(); private File menuBG = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/menuBG.png"); private Texture texture; private float zTest; private Note redNote = new Note(255f, 0f, 0f), yellowNote = new Note(255f, 255f, 0f), blueNote = new Note(0f, 0f, 255f), greenNote = new Note(0f, 255f, 0f), orangeNote = new Note(); private long oldSongTime = 0; private long oldTime = 0; private long updateTime = 0; //////////////////////////////////// public Board() { time = 0; lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); zTest = -10f; song = null; songIsPlaying = false; firstTime = true; lowestNoteToProcess = 0; lowestNoteToRender = 0; fretDuration = 4000; noteErrorDuration = 100; targetPos = -2.5f; length = 10f; dt_timer = 0; timeGap = 0; colors = new float[][] { {255f, 0f, 0f}, {255f, 255f, 0f}, {0f, 0f, 255f}, {0f, 255f, 0f}, {255f, 255f, 0f} // filler }; key = new boolean[21]; } public void loadData(String file) { try { Scanner txt = new Scanner(new File(file)); mp3File = txt.nextLine(); artist = txt.nextLine(); album = txt.nextLine(); while (txt.hasNext()) { long noteTime = txt.nextLong(); int lengthThrowaway = txt.nextInt(); String states =; lines.add(new Line(noteTime, states)); } song = new Music(mp3File); song.load(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } // end loadData public void playSong() {; } public void pauseSong() { song.pause(); } public void display(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable) { key = Input.keysPressed(); double dt = (System.currentTimeMillis() - dt_timer) / 1000.0; dt_timer = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start 3d Rendering GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL(); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.glLoadIdentity(); GLU glu = new GLU(); // Code to adjust camera if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_UP)) z -= .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) z += .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)) y -= .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)) y += .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)) System.out.println(y + " " + z); glu.gluLookAt(0, y, z, 0, 0, -3, 0, 1, 0); // orangeNote.drawBar(gLDrawable, zTest); // redNote.draw(gLDrawable, -3f, -4f, zTest); // yellowNote.draw(gLDrawable, -1.5f, -4f, zTest); // blueNote.draw(gLDrawable, 0f, -4f, zTest); // greenNote.draw(gLDrawable, 1.5f, -4f, zTest); zTest += 0.005f; if (zTest > -2f) zTest = -10f; gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); // gl.glRotatef(70,1,-2,1); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_QUADS); // Draw the Board // x goes basically from -1 to 1(camera changed tho) // y stays same // board length is -z gl.glColor4f(40 / 256f, 100 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 1f); // R,G,B,A gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f, 0f); // x,y,z gl.glColor4f(40 / 256f, 100 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f, 0f); gl.glColor4f(60 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 200 / 256f, 0f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f, -10f); gl.glColor4f(60 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 200 / 256f, 0f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f, -10f); // All y values on top of the Board must have at least // 0.0001f added for some reason // Bottom bar - Orange gl.glColor4f(255 / 256f, 165 / 256f, 0 / 256f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.15f); // close left gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.15f); // close right gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.85f); // far right gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.85f); // far left // RedNote gl.glColor4f(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // YellowNote gl.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // BlueNote gl.glColor4f(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // GreenNote gl.glColor4f(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // End Bottom Bar this.renderNotes(gLDrawable, dt); ///////////////////////////////////// gl.glEnd(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glPopMatrix(); try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception e) { } } public void renderNotes(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable, double dt) { // RENDER NOTES//////////////////////// /* OLD CODE TO CHECK/UPDATE TIME long songTime = song.getTime(); long milliTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(firstTime) { time = songTime; firstTime = false; } else { if(songTime == oldSongTime) { updateTime += milliTime-oldTime; System.out.println("update time: "+updateTime); } else { if (songTime == oldSongTime + updateTime) System.out.println("WINWINWINWIWNWINWIWNWIN"); else System.out.println("Difference: "+(songTime-oldSongTime - updateTime)); updateTime = 0; System.out.println("New Time: "+time); } time = songTime + updateTime; }//end else oldSongTime = songTime; oldTime = milliTime;*/ time = song.getTime(); for (int i = lowestNoteToProcess; i < lines.size(); i++) { Line line = lines.get(i); if (line.getTime() - noteErrorDuration > time) break; if (line.getState() == 0) // not pressed { if (time > line.getTime() + noteErrorDuration) // missed line { // System.out.println("missed line"); line.setState(3); score -= 1; lowestNoteToProcess++; } } // code below takes care of this } // end for // find closest line in bounds to be pressed // if a line exists // see if correct key combo was pressed // do the thing // else // play a bad line sound // if it doesnt exist // play a bad line sound Line closest = null; long closestDistance = 1000000; for (int i = lowestNoteToProcess; i < lines.size(); i++) { Line n = lines.get(i); if (n.getTime() - noteErrorDuration > time) break; if (n.getState() == 1) // user is holding down this line, so it is the only one that can be processed { closest = n; break; } if (Math.abs(time - n.getTime()) <= closestDistance && time >= n.getTime() - noteErrorDuration && time <= n.getTime() + noteErrorDuration) { closest = n; closestDistance = (long) Math.abs(time - n.getTime()); } } if (closest != null) { if (closest.getState() == 0) // not pressed { boolean seq = true; for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) if (key[x] != closest.getNotes()[x]) { seq = false; break; } if (seq) { // System.out.println("pressed button"); closest.setState(2); // pressed button lowestNoteToProcess++; } score += 1; } else { // play bad line sound } } /*else if(closest.getState() == 1) { //holding and strummed, cant do that closest.getState() = 2; System.out.println("you interrupted the holding"); lowestNoteToProcess++; //play bad line sound }*/ // } else // (if closest == null) { // play bad line sound } // Part 2 for (int i = lowestNoteToRender; i < lines.size(); i++) { Line line = lines.get(i); float posz = (line.getTime() + -targetPos / length * fretDuration - time) / fretDuration * length; // head if (posz > length) break; // not rendered yet float posz2 = (line.getTime() + -targetPos / length * fretDuration - time) / fretDuration * length; // tail if (posz2 <= 1) // will never be rendered again { lowestNoteToRender++; continue; } if (posz <= length) for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { if (!line.getNotes()[x]) continue; if (line.getState() == 2) continue; // pressed if (line.getState() == 3) // missed noteToDraw = new Note(127f, 127f, 127f); else noteToDraw = new Note(colors[x][0], colors[x][1], colors[x][2]); if (x < 4) noteToDraw.draw(gLDrawable, -3 + (1.5f * x), -4, -posz); else noteToDraw.drawBar(gLDrawable, -posz, false); } } // }//end if songIsPlaying } public void init(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable) { renderer = new TextRenderer(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 36)); // creates textrenderer GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL(); gl.glShadeModel(GL.GL_SMOOTH); // Enable Smooth Shading gl.glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Black Background gl.glClearDepth(1.0f); // Depth Buffer Setup gl.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing gl.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_LEQUAL); // The Type Of Depth Testing To Do // Really Nice Perspective Calculations gl.glHint(GL.GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL.GL_NICEST); } public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable, int x, int y, int width, int height) { GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL(); float h = (float) width / (float) height; gl.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION); gl.glLoadIdentity(); gl.glFrustum(-h, h, -1, 1, 1, 600); gl.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW); gl.glLoadIdentity(); gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -6f); } public void displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean modeChanged, boolean deviceChanged) {} } // end class
public void display(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable) { key = Input.keysPressed(); double dt = (System.currentTimeMillis() - dt_timer) / 1000.0; dt_timer = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start 3d Rendering GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL(); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.glLoadIdentity(); GLU glu = new GLU(); // Code to adjust camera if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_UP)) z -= .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) z += .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)) y -= .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)) y += .5 * dt; if (input.getKey(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)) System.out.println(y + " " + z); glu.gluLookAt(0, y, z, 0, 0, -3, 0, 1, 0); // orangeNote.drawBar(gLDrawable, zTest); // redNote.draw(gLDrawable, -3f, -4f, zTest); // yellowNote.draw(gLDrawable, -1.5f, -4f, zTest); // blueNote.draw(gLDrawable, 0f, -4f, zTest); // greenNote.draw(gLDrawable, 1.5f, -4f, zTest); zTest += 0.005f; if (zTest > -2f) zTest = -10f; gl.glPushMatrix(); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); // gl.glRotatef(70,1,-2,1); gl.glBegin(GL.GL_QUADS); // Draw the Board // x goes basically from -1 to 1(camera changed tho) // y stays same // board length is -z gl.glColor4f(40 / 256f, 100 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 1f); // R,G,B,A gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f, 0f); // x,y,z gl.glColor4f(40 / 256f, 100 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f, 0f); gl.glColor4f(60 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 200 / 256f, 0f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f, -10f); gl.glColor4f(60 / 256f, 150 / 256f, 200 / 256f, 0f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f, -10f); // All y values on top of the Board must have at least // 0.0001f added for some reason // Bottom bar - Orange gl.glColor4f(255 / 256f, 165 / 256f, 0 / 256f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.15f); // close left gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.15f); // close right gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.85f); // far right gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .0001f, -2.85f); // far left // RedNote gl.glColor4f(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(-3f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // YellowNote gl.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(-1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // BlueNote gl.glColor4f(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(0f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // GreenNote gl.glColor4f(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .001f, -2.25f); gl.glVertex3f(3f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); gl.glVertex3f(1.5f, -4f + .001f, -2.75f); // End Bottom Bar this.renderNotes(gLDrawable, dt); ///////////////////////////////////// gl.glEnd(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glPopMatrix(); try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception e) { } }