private static void feedDriverMavenKey( FileSystem fileSystem, DatabaseClient.Builder builder, String propertyValue) { String[] fields = StringUtils.split(propertyValue, ':'); Preconditions.checkArgument( fields.length == 3, "Format is groupId:artifactId:version. Please check the property sonar.jdbc.driverMavenKey: " + propertyValue); MavenLocation location = MavenLocation.create(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); File file = fileSystem.locate(location); Preconditions.checkState(file.exists(), "Driver file does not exist: " + location); builder.setDriverFile(file); }
private File prepareAddToCache(Version version, File file) { File to; if (version.isRelease()) { to = locateRelease(version); } else { // do not rename the file, as it can differ from version to = new File(fs.workspace(), file.getName()); SNAPSHOTS.put(version, to); } if (to.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(to); } return to; }
private void runConcurrentIssues() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Install sonar-runner in advance to avoid concurrent unzip issues FileSystem fileSystem = orchestrator.getConfiguration().fileSystem(); new SonarRunnerInstaller(fileSystem) .install(Version.create(SonarRunner.DEFAULT_RUNNER_VERSION), fileSystem.workspace()); final int nThreads = 3; ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads); List<Callable<BuildResult>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { tasks.add( new Callable<BuildResult>() { public BuildResult call() throws Exception { SonarRunner runner = configureRunnerIssues("shared/xoo-sample"); return orchestrator.executeBuild(runner); } }); } boolean expectedError = false; for (Future<BuildResult> result : executorService.invokeAll(tasks)) { try { result.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof BuildFailureException) { BuildFailureException bfe = (BuildFailureException) e.getCause(); assertThat(bfe.getResult().getLogs()) .contains("Another SonarQube analysis is already in progress for this project"); expectedError = true; } } } if (!expectedError) { fail("At least one of the threads should have failed"); } }
private File locateRelease(Version version) { String filename = format("", version.toString()); return new File(fs.sonarInstallsDir(), filename); }