/** * this function will initialize the HuanXin SDK * * @return boolean true if caller can continue to call HuanXin related APIs after calling onInit, * otherwise false. * <p>环信初始化SDK帮助函数 返回true如果正确初始化,否则false,如果返回为false,请在后续的调用中不要调用任何和环信相关的代码 * <p>for example: 例子: * <p>public class YBWHXSDKHelper extends HXSDKHelper * <p>HXHelper = new YBWHXSDKHelper(); if(HXHelper.onInit(context)){ // do HuanXin related * work } */ public synchronized boolean onInit(Context context) { if (sdkInited) { return true; } appContext = context; // create HX SDK model hxModel = createModel(); // create a defalut HX SDK model in case subclass did not provide the // model if (hxModel == null) { hxModel = new DefaultHXSDKModel(appContext); } int pid = android.os.Process.myPid(); String processAppName = getAppName(pid); // 如果app启用了远程的service,此application:onCreate会被调用2次 // 为了防止环信SDK被初始化2次,加此判断会保证SDK被初始化1次 // 默认的app会在以包名为默认的process name下运行,如果查到的process name不是app的process // name就立即返回 if (processAppName == null || !processAppName.equalsIgnoreCase(hxModel.getAppProcessName())) { // 则此application::onCreate 是被service 调用的,直接返回 return false; } // 初始化环信SDK,一定要先调用init() EMChat.getInstance().init(context); // 设置sandbox测试环境 // 建议开发者开发时设置此模式 if (hxModel.isSandboxMode()) { EMChat.getInstance().setEnv(EMEnvMode.EMSandboxMode); } if (hxModel.isDebugMode()) { // set debug mode in development process EMChat.getInstance().setDebugMode(true); } initHXOptions(); initListener(); sdkInited = true; return true; }
public void setHXId(String hxId) { if (hxId != null) { if (hxModel.saveHXId(hxId)) { this.hxId = hxId; } } }
/** * please make sure you have to get EMChatOptions by following method and set related options * EMChatOptions options = EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions(); */ protected void initHXOptions() { // 获取到EMChatOptions对象 EMChatOptions options = EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions(); // 默认添加好友时,是不需要验证的,改成需要验证 options.setAcceptInvitationAlways(hxModel.getAcceptInvitationAlways()); // 默认环信是不维护好友关系列表的,如果app依赖环信的好友关系,把这个属性设置为true options.setUseRoster(hxModel.getUseHXRoster()); // 设置收到消息是否有新消息通知(声音和震动提示),默认为true options.setNotifyBySoundAndVibrate(hxModel.getSettingMsgNotification()); // 设置收到消息是否有声音提示,默认为true options.setNoticeBySound(hxModel.getSettingMsgSound()); // 设置收到消息是否震动 默认为true options.setNoticedByVibrate(hxModel.getSettingMsgVibrate()); // 设置语音消息播放是否设置为扬声器播放 默认为true options.setUseSpeaker(hxModel.getSettingMsgSpeaker()); // 设置是否需要已读回执 options.setRequireAck(hxModel.getRequireReadAck()); // 设置是否需要已送达回执 options.setRequireDeliveryAck(hxModel.getRequireDeliveryAck()); // 设置notification消息点击时,跳转的intent为自定义的intent options.setOnNotificationClickListener(getNotificationClickListener()); options.setNotifyText(getMessageNotifyListener()); }
public void setPassword(String password) { if (hxModel.savePassword(password)) { this.password = password; } }
public String getPassword() { if (password == null) { password = hxModel.getPwd(); } return password; }
public String getHXId() { if (hxId == null) { hxId = hxModel.getHXId(); } return hxId; }