public void testRemoveMulti() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory td = new TestDirectory()) { final File f = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(td, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File out = new File(td, "out.vcf"); checkMainInitOk( "-i", f.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath(), "--remove-samples", "--keep-info", "AN", "--keep-info", "AC", "--keep-filter", "YEA", "-Z"); final String content = FileHelper.fileToString(out); final String editedContent = StringUtils.grepMinusV(StringUtils.grepMinusV(content, "^##RUN-ID"), "^##CL"); mNano.check("vcfsubset-multi.vcf", editedContent); } }
public void testExplosion() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory td = new TestDirectory()) { final File f = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(td, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File out = new File(td, "out.vcf"); assertEquals( "Records skipped due to invalid or incompatible sample fields: 1" + StringUtils.LS, checkMainInitWarn( "-i", f.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath(), "--remove-format", "GT", "--remove-format", "DS", "-Z")); final String content = FileHelper.fileToString(out); final String nonheader = StringUtils.grepMinusV(content, "^#"); assertTrue(nonheader.startsWith("X\t60052")); } }
public static void makeTestTaxonSdf(File dest) throws IOException { final String sequences = FileHelper.resourceToString("com/rtg/reader/resources/sequences.fasta"); ReaderTestUtils.getReaderDNA(sequences, dest, null).close(); // cp taxonomy files to sdf final File taxonomy = new File(dest, "taxonomy.tsv"); FileHelper.resourceToFile("com/rtg/reader/resources/taxonomy.tsv", taxonomy); final File taxonomyLookup = new File(dest, "taxonomy_lookup.tsv"); FileHelper.resourceToFile("com/rtg/reader/resources/taxonomy_lookup.tsv", taxonomyLookup); }
public void testMissingSample() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory td = new TestDirectory()) { final File f = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(td, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File out = new File(td, "out.vcf"); assertEquals( "Error: Sample fields not contained in VCF header: BL RJ" + StringUtils.LS, checkMainInitBadFlags( "-i", f.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath(), "--keep-sample", "HG00097", "--keep-sample", "HG00099", "--keep-sample", "BL", "--keep-sample", "RJ", "-Z")); } }
public void testTaxonomySDF() throws IOException { try (final TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdfstats")) { // One without tax final File smallSdf = ReaderTestUtils.getDNADir(dir); final String err = checkMainInitBadFlags("-i", smallSdf.getPath(), "-o", "-", "--taxons", "41431"); TestUtils.containsAll(err, "does not contain taxonomy"); // One with tax final File fullSdf = new File(dir, "sdf_full"); final File faOut = new File(dir, "ex.fasta.gz"); makeTestTaxonSdf(fullSdf); checkMainInitOk("-i", fullSdf.getPath(), "-o", faOut.getPath(), "--taxons", "41431"); final String faout = FileHelper.gzFileToString(faOut); TestUtils.containsAll( faout, "gi|218169684|gb|CP001289.1|", "gi|218165370|gb|CP001287.1|", "gi|218169729|gb|CP001290.1|", "gi|218169631|gb|CP001288.1|"); } }
public void testInputAsFile() throws IOException { final File que = File.createTempFile("p2f", "flag"); final String err = checkMainInitBadFlags("-o", "testFile", "-i", que.getPath()); assertTrue( err.contains("Error: The specified file, \"" + que.getPath() + "\", is not an SDF.")); assertTrue(FileHelper.deleteAll(que)); }
public void testFullName() throws IOException { try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdf2fasta")) { final File sdf = ReaderTestUtils.getDNADir(FULL_NAME_DATA, new File(dir, "sdf")); final File fasta = new File(dir, "fs.fasta.gz"); checkMainInitOk("-i", sdf.getPath(), "-o", fasta.getPath()); assertEquals(FULL_NAME_DATA, FileHelper.gzFileToString(fasta)); } }
public void testToString() throws InvalidParamsException, IOException { final AbstractKappa kappa; kappa = getKappa(); // System.out.println(kappa.toString()); final String exp = FileHelper.resourceToString("com/rtg/variant/bayes/complex/resources/kappamemotest0.txt"); assertTrue(TestUtils.sameLines(exp, kappa.toString(), false)); }
@Override public void testEquals() throws IOException { final File dir = FileHelper.createTempDirectory(mDir); final File otherDir = FileHelper.createTempDirectory(mDir); ReaderTestUtils.getReaderDNAFastq("", dir, false).close(); ReaderTestUtils.getReaderDNAFastq("", otherDir, false).close(); final CompressedMemorySequencesReader cmsr = new CompressedMemorySequencesReader( dir, new IndexFile(dir), 5, true, false, new LongRange(0, 0)); final CompressedMemorySequencesReader other = new CompressedMemorySequencesReader( otherDir, new IndexFile(dir), 5, true, false, new LongRange(0, 0)); assertTrue(cmsr.equals(cmsr)); assertFalse(cmsr.equals(null)); assertFalse(cmsr.equals(other)); assertFalse(cmsr.equals("FDSA")); }
public void testFencePost() throws IOException { final File dir = FileUtils.createTempDir("cmsrt", "fencepost"); try { randomSDF(dir, 256, 8200, 2L * 1024 * 1024); final CompressedMemorySequencesReader reader = (CompressedMemorySequencesReader) CompressedMemorySequencesReader.createSequencesReader( dir, true, false, LongRange.NONE); assertTrue(reader.checkChecksums()); } finally { assertTrue(FileHelper.deleteAll(dir)); } }
public void testKeepSamples() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory td = new TestDirectory()) { final File f = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(td, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File out = new File(td, "out.vcf"); checkMainInitOk( "-i", f.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath(), "--keep-sample", "HG00096", "--keep-sample", "HG00100", "-Z"); final String content = FileHelper.fileToString(out); final String editedContent = StringUtils.grepMinusV(StringUtils.grepMinusV(content, "^##RUN-ID"), "^##CL"); mNano.check("vcfsubset-keepsamples.vcf", editedContent); } }
public void testValidUse() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory dir = new TestDirectory("sdf2fasta")) { createPreread(">x" + StringUtils.LS + "actgn" + StringUtils.LS, dir); final String pathpr = dir.getPath(); try { runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT, pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".FA", pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT + ".fasta", pathpr, "ACTGN"); runCommandLineLength2(pathpr); } finally { FileHelper.deleteAll(dir); } createPrereadProtein(dir); runCommandWithNamedOutput(JUNITOUT, pathpr, "X*ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV"); } }
/** * Read the contents of a zip file and turn it into a string * * @param file to be read * @return contents of file * @throws if an IO error occurs */ public static String zipFileToString(final File file) throws IOException { try (Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(GzipUtils.createGzipInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)))) { return FileHelper.readerToString(reader); } }
@Override public void tearDown() { assertTrue(FileHelper.deleteAll(mDir)); mDir = null; }
public void testValidation() throws Exception { try (TestDirectory main = new TestDirectory()) { final File in = FileHelper.resourceToGzFile( "com/rtg/vcf/resources/vcfsubset.vcf", new File(main, "vcf.vcf.gz")); final File foo = new File(main, "foo"); final File out = new File(main, "out.vcf.gz"); final File out2 = new File(main, "out.vcf"); String err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", foo.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll(TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Given file ", " does not exist."); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", main.getPath(), "-o", out.getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll(TestUtils.unwrap(err), main.getPath() + "\" is a directory"); assertTrue(out.createNewFile()); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "out.vcf").getPath()); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "The file \"" + out.getPath() + "\" already exists"); assertTrue(out2.createNewFile()); err = checkHandleFlagsErr("-i", in.getPath(), "-o", out2.getPath(), "--no-gzip"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "The file \"" + out2.getPath() + "\" already exists"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-infos", "--remove-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-infos", "--keep-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-info", "feh", "--keep-info", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-infos, --remove-info, or --keep-info can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filters", "--remove-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filters", "--keep-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-filter", "feh", "--keep-filter", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-filters, --remove-filter, or --keep-filter can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-samples", "--remove-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-samples", "--keep-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-sample", "feh", "--keep-sample", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-samples, --remove-sample, or --keep-sample can be set"); err = checkHandleFlagsErr( "-i", in.getPath(), "-o", new File(main, "newout.gz").getPath(), "--remove-format", "feh", "--keep-format", "blah"); TestUtils.containsAll( TestUtils.unwrap(err), "Only one of --remove-format or --keep-format can be set"); } }
@Override public void setUp() throws IOException { Diagnostic.setLogStream(); mDir = FileHelper.createTempDirectory(); }
/** * Convenience method for turning a resource into a file that can be used as input. * * @param resource name (classpath) of the resource. * @param file a <code>File</code> to write to * @return a <code>File</code> containing the string content (same as <code>file</code>). * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public static File resourceToFile(final String resource, final File file) throws IOException { try (InputStream stream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource)) { return FileHelper.streamToFile(stream, file); } }
public void testFilterUnmated() throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream log = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (PrintStream prLog = new PrintStream(log)) { Diagnostic.setLogStream(prLog); final int numReads = 100; final MapQScoringReadBlocker blocker = new MapQScoringReadBlocker(numReads, 2); blocker.increment(1, 3); blocker.increment(20, 4); blocker.increment(20, 4); blocker.increment(20, 4); // read 20 is blocked for score=4 blocker.increment(3, 1); blocker.increment(3, 1); blocker.increment(3, 1); // read 3 is blocked for score=1 blocker.increment(3, 0); blocker.increment(3, 0); // read 3 is just not blocked for score=0 final File dir = FileUtils.createTempDir("test", "unmatedSamFilter"); OutputStream out = null; try { final File in1 = File.createTempFile("sam", "_1.gz", dir); writeTempFile(in1); final File outFile = File.createTempFile("out", ".gz", dir); out = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile)); final StatusListener listener = new StatusListener(numReads); final ReadBlocker freqBlocker = new ReadBlocker(numReads, 2); freqBlocker.increment(66); freqBlocker.increment(66); final MockSequencesReader msr = new MockSequencesReader(SequenceType.DNA) { @Override public PrereadType getPrereadType() { return PrereadType.UNKNOWN; } @Override public boolean hasQualityData() { return true; } @Override public int read(long sequenceIndex, byte[] dataOut) { dataOut[0] = 1; if (sequenceIndex == 3) { dataOut[1] = 3; dataOut[2] = 3; } else { dataOut[1] = 3; dataOut[2] = 2; } dataOut[3] = 4; return 4; } @Override public int readQuality(final long sequenceIndex, final byte[] dest) { dest[0] = dest[1] = dest[2] = dest[3] = '<' - 33; return 4; } }; final SingleEndSamResultsFilter filter = new SingleEndSamResultsFilter(blocker, freqBlocker, listener, 0, msr, null, false); assertEquals("Alignment", filter.getName()); filter.filterConcat(makeHeader(), out, null, null, mTemplateReader, false, in1); out.close(); final String contents = FileHelper.gzFileToString(outFile); // System.out.println("contents=" + contents); assertTrue( TestUtils.sameLines(SAM_UNMATED_EXPECTED, TestUtils.stripSAMHeader(contents), false)); // now check that the listener has been updated correctly. for (int read = 0; read < numReads; read++) { final int expect; switch (read) { case 1: case 3: expect = ReadStatusTracker.UNMATED_FIRST; break; default: expect = 0; break; } assertEquals("readId=" + read, expect, listener.getStatus(read)); } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } assertTrue(FileHelper.deleteAll(dir)); } } finally { Diagnostic.setLogStream(); } final String logString = log.toString(); // System.err.println(logString); TestUtils.containsAll(logString, "Alignment SAM filter outputs 2/5 records"); }
public void testValidator() throws IOException { Diagnostic.setLogStream(); final MemoryPrintStream err = new MemoryPrintStream(); final CliDiagnosticListener listener = new CliDiagnosticListener(err.printStream()); Diagnostic.addListener(listener); final File tempDir = FileHelper.createTempDirectory(); try { final CFlags flags = new CFlags("PhyloTest", TestUtils.getNullPrintStream(), err.printStream()); SimilarityCli.initFlags(flags); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", "ba", "-i", "humbug"}, err, "Only set one of --input or --input-list-file"); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-i", "humbug"}, err, "The specified SDF, \"humbug\", does not exist."); final File fakePaired = new File(tempDir, "fakePaired"); assertTrue(fakePaired.mkdir()); final File left = new File(fakePaired, "left"); assertTrue(left.mkdir()); assertTrue(new File(fakePaired, "right").mkdir()); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-i", fakePaired.getPath()}, err, "The specified SDF, \"" + fakePaired.getPath() + "\", is a paired end SDF."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah"}, err, "Must set one of --input or --input-list-file"); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", "ba"}, err, "The specified list file, \"ba\", does not exist."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakePaired.getPath()}, err, "The specified list file,", "\"" + fakePaired.getPath() + "\",", "directory."); final File fakeList = new File(tempDir, "fakeList.txt"); assertTrue(fakeList.createNewFile()); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", fakePaired.getPath(), "-I", fakeList.getPath()}, err, "The directory", "\"" + fakePaired.getPath() + "\"", "already exists."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakeList.getPath(), "-w", "-1"}, err, "The specified flag \"--word\" has invalid value \"-1\". It should be greater than or equal to \"1\"."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakeList.getPath(), "-w", "0"}, err, "The specified flag \"--word\" has invalid value \"0\". It should be greater than or equal to \"1\"."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakeList.getPath(), "-w", "33"}, err, "The specified flag \"--word\" has invalid value \"33\". It should be less than or equal to \"32\"."); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakeList.getPath(), "--max-reads", "0"}, err, "The --max-reads must be greater than 0"); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-I", fakeList.getPath(), "-w", "20", "-s", "20"}, err); checkErrorMessage( flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-i", left.getPath(), "--max-reads", "1"}, err, "Only set --max-reads when using --input-list-file"); checkErrorMessage(flags, new String[] {"-o", "blah", "-i", left.getPath()}, err); } finally { Diagnostic.removeListener(listener); err.close(); assertTrue(FileHelper.deleteAll(tempDir)); } }