Exemple #1
  * Returns the ServerGroups that the user can administer.
  * @param loggedInUser The current user in user.
  * @param login The login for the user whose ServerGroups are sought.
  * @return the ServerGroups that the user can administer.
  * @throws FaultException A FaultException is thrown if the user doesn't have access to lookup the
  *     user corresponding to login or if the user does not exist.
  * @xmlrpc.doc Returns the system groups that a user can administer.
  * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey")
  * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "login", "User's login name.")
  * @xmlrpc.returntype #array() #struct("system group") #prop("int", "id") #prop("string", "name")
  *     #prop("string", "description") #prop("int", "system_count") #prop_desc("int", "org_id",
  *     "Organization ID for this system group.") #struct_end() #array_end()
 public Object[] listAssignedSystemGroups(User loggedInUser, String login) throws FaultException {
   User target = XmlRpcUserHelper.getInstance().lookupTargetUser(loggedInUser, login);
   List groups = ServerGroupFactory.listAdministeredServerGroups(target);
   return groups.toArray();