public void testOrgDefautRegistrationToken() throws Exception { User user = UserTestUtils.findNewUser("testUser", "testOrg", true); Org orig = user.getOrg(); orig.setName("org created by OrgFactory test: " + TestUtils.randomString()); // build the channels set Channel channel1 = ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(orig); flushAndEvict(channel1); orig.addOwnedChannel(channel1); orig =; assertTrue(orig.getId().longValue() > 0); assertNull(orig.getToken()); ActivationKey key = ActivationKeyTest.createTestActivationKey(user); // Token is hidden behind activation key so we have to look it up // manually: Token token = TokenFactory.lookupById(key.getId()); orig.setToken(token); orig =; Long origId = orig.getId(); flushAndEvict(orig); Org lookup = OrgFactory.lookupById(origId); assertEquals(token.getId(), lookup.getToken().getId()); lookup.setToken(null); flushAndEvict(lookup); lookup = OrgFactory.lookupById(origId); assertNull(lookup.getToken()); }
public void testCommitOrg() throws Exception { Org org1 = UserTestUtils.findNewOrg("testOrg" + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); String changedName = "OrgFactoryTest testCommitOrg " + TestUtils.randomString(); org1.setName(changedName); org1 =; Long id = org1.getId(); flushAndEvict(org1); Org org2 = OrgFactory.lookupById(id); assertEquals(changedName, org2.getName()); }
private Org createTestOrg() throws Exception { Org org1 = OrgFactory.createOrg(); org1.setName("org created by OrgFactory test: " + TestUtils.randomString()); org1 =; // build the channels set Channel channel1 = ChannelFactoryTest.createTestChannel(org1); flushAndEvict(channel1); org1.addOwnedChannel(channel1); assertTrue(org1.getId().longValue() > 0); return org1; }
/** * @param sessionKey Caller's session key. * @param orgId the orgId of the organization to set name on * @param name the new name for the org. * @return the updated org. * @xmlrpc.doc Updates the name of an organization * @xmlrpc.param #param("string", "sessionKey") * @xmlrpc.param #param("int", "orgId") * @xmlrpc.param #param_desc("string", "name", "Organization name. Must meet same criteria as in * the web UI.") * @xmlrpc.returntype $OrgDtoSerializer */ public OrgDto updateName(String sessionKey, Integer orgId, String name) { getSatAdmin(sessionKey); Org org = verifyOrgExists(orgId); if (!org.getName().equals(name)) { try { OrgManager.checkOrgName(name); org.setName(name); } catch (ValidatorException ve) { throw new ValidationException(ve.getMessage()); } } return OrgManager.toDetailsDto(org); }