// Suppressing the warning as the new exception is using the jaxbe error code and message to pass
  // on to the ResourceContextExcepiton
  public Object perform(UnmarshallerValidator resource) {
    try {

      return resource.validateUnmarshal(cfgResource.newInputStream());
    } catch (JAXBException jaxbe) {
      throw new ResourceContextException(
          "Failed to unmarshall resource "
              + cfgResource.name()
              + " - "
              + jaxbe.getCause()
              + " - Error code: "
              + jaxbe.getErrorCode()
              + " - Reason: "
              + jaxbe.getMessage(),
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new ResourceContextException(
          "An I/O error has occured while trying to read resource "
              + cfgResource.name()
              + " - Reason: "
              + ioe.getMessage(),
    } catch (SAXException se) {

      throw new ResourceContextException(
          "Validation error on resource " + cfgResource.name() + " - " + se.getMessage(), se);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new ResourceContextException(
          "Failed to unmarshall resource " + cfgResource.name() + " - Reason: " + ex.getMessage(),
    public void configurationUpdated(ConfigurationResource config) {
      LOG.info("WADL file changed: " + config.name());

      synchronized (lock) {
        if (validators == null) {
        boolean found = false;

        for (ValidatorInfo info : validators) {
          if (info.getUri() != null && getNormalizedPath(info.getUri()).equals(config.name())) {
            found = true;

        if (!found) {
          // If we couldn't match the particular config... be safe and clear
          // all fo the validators
          for (ValidatorInfo info : validators) {
      isInitialized = true;
 public synchronized void run() {
   for (ConfigurationResource resource : watchMap.values()) {
     try {
       if (resource.updated()) {
         eventManager.newEvent(ConfigurationEvent.UPDATE, resource);
         LOG.info("Updated " + resource.name());
     } catch (Exception e) {
       // TODO:Log - Create a logger that is smart enough not to print out errors we don't care
       // about more than once
 public synchronized void watch(ConfigurationResource resource) {
   watchMap.put(resource.name(), resource);